Swine Flu... Why you shouldnt worry
By agrim94
@agrim94 (3805)
May 3, 2009 8:26am CST
1) Swine Flu now renamed influenza A ( H1N1) by WHO has cause very mild disease outside Mexico.
2)Most death occurred in the initial phase before outbreak and treatment was identified.
3)Suspected swine flu deaths have been reduced from 176 to 101 in Mexico while the dozens of suspected samples turned negative.
4)H1N1 virus is easily treatable using anti flu drug Oseltamivir.
5) India has over 3 million capsules of this drug in stock with another 7 million being procured.
6) 4 big companies in India make this drug... Cipla,Ranbaxy, hetero drugs and Roche India . These all can step up production on a very short notice.
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25 responses
@asweetie (1187)
• India
4 May 09
Thanks Agrim for the information. It is so assuring to know that this is not a very deadly disease any more and we Indians are quite prepared for it but the question remains, how many in India has been suspected of this H1N1. How many have been tested and how many out of them are negative and would they be doing this test on all the persons that have fever.
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@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
4 May 09
Thanks for the information, it is very important for people to be informed about these kind of things. Anything unfamiliar would definitely cause a scare among people. I guess that is why it sounded really bad the first time is was discovered because it was something unfamiliar and the doctors were still trying to figure out the cause and the treatment for the flu. But now that they have identified the cure, there would probably less or no deaths anymore caused by the swine flu

@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
thanks silverglint for the response,
yes thats true, when the out break occur then it was quite new and noone knew what this disease is all bout and now all the doctors know it and labs know where to look and what to look for in the samples and once it is confirmed it is swine flu then there is no prob in treating it.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 May 09
thank you, this was good,
there are only 13 cases reported in canada and it is very mild.
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@dropofrain (1167)
• India
4 May 09
This is a real informative peice of knowledge. This will help a lot of mylotters to protect themselces and their families in protecting their families. I thank you for sharing this peice of information. Good Job!!!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 May 09
I think worry is a useless emotion and there is not much point to it. I live in Australia and to date we have not had any people become sick with Swine flu but there a few waiting for test results. I am going to be cautious and take necessary precautions especially if the disease heads our way but at the end of the day we have to still live our lives and carry on so I'm not going to stress too much about it at this point. 

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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
Thanks paula for the response and i read all this in Hindustan Times. it is indias biggest newspaper and it wont allow copy and paste so i had to type it. About the flu yes we should take precautions but its mortality rates is going down a lot and i hope it wont make a come back or effect lives of more ppl.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
3 May 09
This information is enlightning. I am glad that they can get what's needed on such short notice and it's easy to come by. Thank you for telling us this. I knew it was nothing to worry about but some people are really worried over it.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
Thanks moon dancer for the response and yes it is a disease but dont look that fatal now. Our health persons and doctors got it under such a short time which is so wonderful and now it is still a disease but right now it looks under control. We had 7 suspect cases here , 6 were discharged day before , testing negative, 7th results awaited, most probably it would be negative too.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
3 May 09
Indeed two Italian tourists who returne to Italy from Mexico have now fully recovered. I feel that if we take the normal, necessary precautions then all will be well.
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
4 May 09
I'm not really worried abuot it. But they just closed an elementary skool here for the week bc someone has a suspected case of swine flu. I think its going out of porportion when they say theres no need to worry then they go that far. I know their trying to look out for ppl and what not but still.
@playapal (894)
• United States
3 May 09
Thanks for your info. I live in Mexico and have been bombarded with phone calls and emails from friends back in the states. There have been no reported case within a 1000 miles of me, but people everywhere where surely in a panic. There are so many cases of flus that go around every year, I'm not sure how this one got thrown into the "could be a pandemic" mix. Anyway we are all happy thqt it seems to be on the decrease. Poor Mexico, such a beautiful country has certainly been getting a bit of bad publicity recently.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
thanks playpal for the response and i know how third world countries are always done this by developed countries, think what would have happened if the mad cow disease happened in mexico or India.. And first thing happens is no one willing to go there inspite of all the beauty but if this thing had happened across the border then i dont think they would have made such a big mountains out of mole hills.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
4 May 09
I think as long as we continue to practice common sense things like "washing your hands after things", people should be fine. I'm glad that they are taking it seriously, but I doubt it will kill mass people as it did in the 1918 Pandemic, we've come a long way since then.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
3 May 09
Even if we are worried, that does not help at all.
Life still has to go on, we still have to go supermarket to buy grocery. Since there is no vaccine yet, we just have to hope that our immune system is strong enough to fight any virus.
I think worry is a waste of time, taking precaution (if there is any) is better than useless worrying.
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@friskimage (170)
• United States
3 May 09
All of these facts are correct. At this time the virus does not represent much of a danger. However, the future mutation of the virus is a cause for concern. It could make a comeback as a mutated version later this year.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
Thanks friskimage, yes virus can mutate and come back very strongly and many bacterias and viruses have done that already, notable of them is Tuberculous bacilli has done this and now very difficult to control but i think we would find treatment if this virus mutates.
@fallenseraph (11)
• United States
3 May 09
Very interesting. More reason for me to think that all of this has just been blown out of proportion.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
4 May 09
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I just dont like seeing people sick no matter what causes it. The CDC must be slightly worrried thow since they are closing so many schools when only one case is even suspected. It must be something to do with immunity of different people and un-insured people. Nothing serious right?
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
4 May 09
We have been reading in our daily papers about how swine flu is under better control as the days progress, and that's a relief. I still remember the SARS days, when this virus was so new to many countries and they do not have the necessary means like thermal scanners to detect cases happening. It was an uphill battle then to contain the spread of SARS. Now it looks like governments around the world are better prepared, and there's more ready sharing of information and cross-border checks instituted. Nevertheless, there are still thousands of suspected cases reported, which cannot be taken lightly. Also the H1N1 virus continues to mutate, and when the colder season approaches in the coming months, the situation may worsen again. So there's still real cause to worry, and countries cannot be complacent and think that everything is totally under control.
• United States
3 May 09
i'm sorry but i do think it's something to worry about.have a good week.
• United States
4 May 09
i know what u said. u said we didn't need to worry about it & i disagreed w/that. i didn't say anything about u saying it was gone now, did i?

@csrobins (1120)
• United States
5 May 09
Thank you for sharing this! People are all up in arms about this and I think people are just a bunch of hypochondriacs. What people are basing their fears about this on is the massive amount of news coverage. Whatever is showing as news becomes huge and magnified oftentimes out of proportion. I wish people would just chill out about worldwide epidemics lol. No but seriously thanks for clearing the air a bit about this drama
@Buzzman007 (357)
• Finland
3 May 09
So from now Swine Flu should be referd to as "Influenza A (H1N1) also know Swine Flu this done by the WHO" waisting seconds trying to inform people of its effects.
Confusing people even more. And starting to think that there are 4 flus. Swine Flu, Influenza A, H1N1 and even WHO.
People don´t seem to grap "Swine Flu" this only adds to the confusion missinformation.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
Thanks for the response and if you think WHO is name of the flu then you have every right to be confused. I didnt think people would be confused by WHO otherwise i wouldnt have added that whole line. In India and probably rest of world too i thought even second grader knows what WHO is so i didnt elaborate on it and this was written H1N1 in case ppl read in paper and then get confuse.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
4 May 09
I know what you are talking about. Though AIDS and HIV are so old yet people are so much misinformed about them. Some people have to start rumours and many would take it. I know many people who would still believe that AIDS spread through sharing food or shaking hands. this is really unfortunate.
@Buzzman007 (357)
• Finland
4 May 09
Yeah I said WHO just to make a point. But I´d suppose someone somewhere out there thinks that the WHO is a Flu. Plus that there are 3 other flus.
And for these people it should not need getting even more detailed and confusing. You and Me may "get it" but Things that actually could affect your health should be explained as easy as possible not even adding more to the confusion.
It more important that EVERYBODY "gets it". Than you and I get it. This is even a bigger problem with the Swineflu when your commanman don´t even understand/missinformed about how desese is spread...
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@Greenhill (178)
• United States
5 May 09
We only have had one reported case in our state and it's 400 miles from me. I do think that this turned out, thanfully, to be lots less serious than originally thought. It is a good lesson though. We tend to be a nation of non-hand washing. Washing your hands with hot water and soap is paramount in helping prevent such things as the common cold and flu. Germs are everywhere. When we get germs on our hand and touch our hands to our nose or mouth we are taking in germs and putting ourselves at risk of catching something. I wash my hands constantly. Since we are retired we don't have the high percent of cathing something as people who work do. We don't come in contact with people on a daily basis. There are days we don't see other people. It takes common sense, not just for a flu outbreak but all the time. Wash your hands, teach our kids to wash their hand.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
5 May 09
Hi greenhill,
Thanks for the response and yes everyone should wash their hands after everything he does, be it before eating and after eating, after coming to home from outside, if you coughed or sneezed or anyother thing. and kids in India do wash hands a lot so good habit installed in childhood.