how many of you eat and eat, without putting on those extra pounds?

@DanBen (346)
May 3, 2009 11:12am CST
I was in my early twenties when I ate, ate AND ate, but wouldn't gain any weight, at all. My parents were like, we need to stuff this boy with whatever we got..Hah Ha!! My body was so stubborn in accepting the nutrients to build up my body mass. You could say I was a typical "Jughead" from the Archie's comics. But when I went through a phase of depression and with the intake of certain steroids, those pounds kept on coming until I was like a human blimp. But as a result I acquired the habit of regularly working out at the gym, and after those regular work out routines, I'm in pretty decent shape.
19 responses
4 May 09
I used to eat and eat without putting on pounds, Diabetes stopped that, but hay ho
4 May 09
Type one, btw
@Elixiress (3878)
5 May 09
I am slim but that is because I control my diet and do not eat a lot of unhealthy foods or if I do I do it in a small quantity. If I just pigged out then I would gain weight. It is easier for me to maintain a weight rather than yoyo up and down. My ex could eat constantly and not gain weight it, I think boys can do this more than girls can.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
4 May 09
I am in my late 20s now but i can still eat as many as i want without really worrying about gaining too much weight. I think i still have a pretty fast metabolism and it's working for my advantage because it's not healthy to gain weight at this late age. I'm not taking it easy though because my metabolism might slow down so i'm trying to watch my eating habit. I don't eat much when i'm depressed though because i'm losing my appetite.
• India
4 May 09
Hi, Add me in the list :) I also tried putting on some extra pounds by eating, eating and eating! But everything failed. I am pretty decent in shape, though i wish i want to be more musclar and chubby! I'm planning to workout in a gym. Hope this definitely works :) Cheers! forcashksd
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
4 May 09
I am actually trying to gain wait but that is kind of hard for me because it seems that the more i eat the thinner i get. :S weird
@hireshd (490)
• India
4 May 09
I am still in my twenties and still dont put onweight even though I keep on eating, I have had lots of chicken, cheese, butter but there seems to be no effect on my weight. It still remains the same. I have joined a gym too but that also does not make any effect I still remain the same.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
4 May 09
i have never been able to eat and eat without gaining weight. i am just the opposite in fact. i eat way less than others around me and gain in spite of it and always have. i do know people who eat whatever they want and never gain though and it is infuriating to watch them.
• United States
3 May 09
I have always been the kind of person who has to watch my weight. as I get older it is harder and harder to lose the weight I put on. I need to work out a lot to maintain a healthy weight. It doesn't help that I am short so anything extra looks like a lot!
@rebelmel (1386)
• United States
3 May 09
That's how I am. I am 24 years old and I weigh 90 pounds. I have been trying for months to put on some weight, but it just doesn't work for me. People think that I am sickly or something. They don't understand that being underweight and not being able to control it is just like being overweight and not being able to control it. They should have a show like the biggest loser, only opposite. Haha. Just pigging out all day. That'd be fun.
@yoyozhou (356)
• China
4 May 09
You are lucky man I think. I really meet some people like you in my life but not me. I am the oppsite kind of people who is easy to rise weight even drink water. What's worse,I like eating very much.So in my high school, I were very fat and always a littile depressed about my weight. You know it is easy to rise weight while difficult to loose weight. But I must loose weight not only for my healty but also I don't want no guy like me.Hoho... Now I am very health and good body. Like you now I often go to sports and like sports very much.
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
4 May 09
As we grow older, our body has slower metabolism. That is especially true for me. Like you, when I was in high school and college, I never get fat and never pack on the pounds easily even when I ate too much everyday. Not to mention the fact that I absolutely love buffets and I go to buffets twice a month. People always remarked and kept telling me why I never get fat after seeing me eat. Now, I am much more careful in how much I eat because I am packing on the pounds already even if I am not that big an eater like before. Like you, I am now going to the gym to be able to maintain my weight more by not reducing my typical food intake.
@Tcboss (69)
• Netherlands
3 May 09
I can still eat and eat what I want, but I don't try to do that, because I know the some time my body won't be able to handle it all, and I will gain fat. I'm trying not to get addicted to food, and so far I'm not!
• United States
3 May 09
I'm like this right now actually, haha. I'm 18 years old and stand 5'8" tall all while weighing 130lbs. I have never been overweight(except when i was born and weighed 10lbs 6oz's.), and in fact have always been slim. However, i eat junk food and snacks all the time and soda is definitely something i like to have around. :-P It is extremely frustrating trying to put on weight, I have tried to ever since eighth grade when it was noted that I had skinny wrists by some classmates, but have never succeeded. The only time I gained weight was when i took creatine in desperation(yes i was lifting weights during this time), but as soon as I quit(definitely too expensive) I lost all of the water weight.
@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
4 May 09
I ate and ate but my weight is not gaining, but my weight is just fit to my body i'm okay by my weight. I have maintaining my body to the shape. just by eating and eating.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
3 May 09
I am the opposite I have only got to look at a chocolate and I put on weight, all through my teenage and 20s I struggled desperately with my weight, I just couldn't diet, I would binge and my weight would go up and down like a rollercoaster, every diet failed for me. Then I went to the gym and the weight fell off, I still have to watch what I eat but at least I don't diet any more because I go training 4 times a week. I would love to be able to eat anything I fancied without worrying about putting on weight. One trick I learnt was not to weigh myself but to let my clothes give me the true measurement of how I was doing.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
3 May 09
I used to be able to eat anything I wanted to, and I wouldn't gain an ounce! But I used to not have a car, so I had to ride my bicycle around for usually 100 miles per week to run all my errands and get where I needed to go. Now I usually have to drive about 300 miles a week, so imagine if I did that on a bicycle instead! But I'm not in good enough shape anymore. Although I still can't really say I watch what I eat. Although I am a vegan so I don't usually eat anything that unhealthy (I'm not a junk food lover either).
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
3 May 09
I am like that too, I have two kids and my pound is barely gain. I am now 105 lbs and I am 25 years old with two children. during my pregnancy, I gain only 20 or so and after that then everything will back to normal. I enjoy it and I never want to gain more than this too cuz my good clothes are waiting for me. lolz
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
3 May 09
My sisters dad can eat n eat and never put on any pounds, the same wit my sister. I wish it was that way for me. If I eat and eat I puton pounds. Right now i'm trying 2 lose weight but today I'm gonna start working out more and get into shape nd lose weight before summer. Hopefully it'll work!
@rzrback (107)
• United States
3 May 09
I eat and eat and eat and eat some more! Man I can eat $10 worth of food at McDonald's and I still am kinda hungry. Yet I never gain anymore weight!