Can Pitbulls Be Well Behaved?

United States
May 3, 2009 7:16pm CST
Yes! I believe that they can. My pitbull is one of the most well behaved dogs that I have ever seen. I get angry when people say that they are all bad and need to be put down. People should really educate themselves about pitbulls before they speak about them. There are a lot of myths about these animals and the ignorance never dies because nobody takes the time to educate themselves on the facts. I believe that any dog can be nice as long as the owner raises it that way. Check this article out.
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25 responses
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
4 May 09
My pit bull was a very very good dog. I hate to even call him a dog, he was a member of our family. But I really don't even think you have to train them to be good, I think they are a very good natured animal. At least our Tanner was. If you train them to be bad they are going to be that way to please you and that is what is giving them such a bad reputation.
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• United States
4 May 09
Yes, they are good natured, but they are like kids. They will test your limits, definately. I think that dogs become mean when owners leave them tied up in the backyard all day long. They never get the chance to socialize with people. Thanks for responding. Have a nice evening!
@Traceyr76 (107)
• United States
4 May 09
My pitbull is also well behaved. We have a blue tic hound and a terrier mix and they all get along just fine. We also have 3 goats she loves to give them kisses. she is the best dog out of the 3 dogs behavior wise. She doesnt chew anything she doesnt bark constantly and she is perfect. She doesnt even bite! She does however love to give lots of kisses and she likes to snuggle she is a lap She wants up all the time she is like a kid! Yes I recommend A Pit Bull to those who can give them lots of love and affection:) For those who train them for other reasons (notice i said train them there not born that way) don't deserve any kind of DOG!!
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• United States
5 May 09
I have noticed that everyone on here that is a Pitbull owner has stated how friendly and kind their dog is. That is what people who judge this breed need to pay attention to. People gety so wrapped up in the media that they refuse to listen to how good Pitbulls can be. They are too busy judging an entire breed due to the one child on the news that got bit. We see men molesting children everynight on the news...but we aren't banning the breeding of men are we? LOL Thanks for posting.
• United States
4 May 09
I am a firm believer that any dog can be a good dog if they are well taken care of and taught how to behave. If they are taught to be mean ruthless dogs, then they will be mean and ruthless. It's all about training. I've known several people with pitbulls and they were lovable and perfectly well behaved because they were trained to behave.
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• United States
4 May 09
Pitbulls love to please their owners. If they think being mean is what pleases their owner, then that is what they will do. When people train them to be mean, they think it is what they are supposed to do. Thanks for responding. Have a nice evening.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
4 May 09
We have a couple of pits in the family and they are all well behaved, friendly dogs. My son-in-law brought home a pitbull puppy last month and, if I had any concerns about this breed being around my three grandchildren, they wouldn't have that dog. Pits get a bad rap just like Dobermans and Rotties do. I've had both of those breeds, too, and they were great dogs.
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• United States
4 May 09
I never had a rott, always wanted one. I did grow up with dobermans though. I was attacked by one ofour dobermans when I was small :( I still love them though. I never thought I would ever get a pitbull until I got the one I have now. I will probably have one for the rest of my life now. She is my baby. Thanks for responding. Have a nice evening.
• United States
4 May 09
Most Definitely! My Pitbull is the most well behaved, sweetest dog ever! It all comes down to how your dog is raised, even a Labrador if trained wrong can be misbehaved.
@LevysLuv (238)
• United States
4 May 09
I completley agree with you. I have never owned a pitbull or have any friends that have owned pitbulls but I don't beleive in bad dogs just are bad owners. Yes, some bad owners have bread their dogs to be agressive but all dogs in there purest form are not bad. Nothing angers me more then to see irresponsible dpg owners. I think some people just don't know how to manage or control their dog. i don't know whether or not pibulls are family dogs or not. I think every dog is different.
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• United States
4 May 09
They can be family dogs. The problem is when people get a pitbull because they think it is the "cool" thing to do. They are not monsters, but they ARE very strong. You just have to show them who is boss. Thanks for responding. Have a nice evening!
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
4 May 09
Absolutely Pitbulls can be well behaved and is a myth otherwise. A lot of the problem with aggression issues found common in the Pitbull breed has to do with breeding and handling. Any dog can become aggressive with improper handling. Some people breed Pitbulls for aggression, to fight, to kill. This is wrong and gives the Pitbull a really bad name. The other day, I met the most passive Pitbull ever. He was big and strong and could surely do damage if he wanted or if he was trained to but since his lines were well bred and straight from Germany they said, he was bred for the quiet passive temperment that Pitbulls apparently were originally bred to have. We can train our dogs to be aggressive and some can just become aggressive with improper handling. Pitbulls get the bad end of the stick due to human error, without any doubt. You are right that the Pitbull breed can be nice as long as it is raised that way but there is a lot to be said about their lineage as well.
• United States
5 May 09
Exactly. It is all in how they are handled. If you leave a pitbull tied in the backyard for days on end, it would be only natural for it to be aggressive towards people. If you abuse a dog, eventually he will fight back. Thanks for responding.
@mykaylala (214)
• United States
8 Jun 09
My pitbull is very sweet, He is a big baby! Pitbull's are very Good companions!!! I Have a 2 year old daughter and my pitbull is better around her than my chihuahua! Pitbull's Love to please their owners which makes them better listeners and want to do what you tell them.. All's they need is simple training as puppies and a lot of love and there amazing dogs!
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
5 May 09
I know there are breeds of dogs that get a bad rap, but I believe that a dog is only as good as it's owner. If you take care of them, groom them in manners and treat them good, then there is no reason for them to be a 'bad' dog. My pets are members of the family. I can tell when they've done something wrong and they have remorse and try to say they're sorry too. Pitbulls are a breed of dog that can be over protective and a bit of a brute. So can a Germanshepard (I have one) and a Mastiff (I have one too). But, they are both fantastic and know what no and yes are. If a person comes to the door they don't know, they bark, but all I tell them is - it's okay, he/she's our friend. Key words are used with training. A good owner will have a good dog. As for me, it's like raising another two children. They really are members of the family.
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• Finland
4 May 09
Should not pets be "well behaved". Pitbulls are aggressive, more so than any dog that people acctully have as pets, by nature. If you have to say "MY pitbull is wellbehaved" there is some problem with having pitbulls as pets.
• United States
5 May 09
I mentioned that my Pitbull is well-bhaved, because I am tired of people who refuse to educate themselves on the breed, judging me for owning one. If you would take the time to educate yourself, instead of listening to the news and the media, you would learn that they are only aggresive when people teach them to be that way. Hellen Keller's Seeing eye dog was a Pitbull. Spot on the "Little rascals" Was a pitbull as well. They are excellent dogs that catch a bad rep and it is sad that people don't even try to give tem a chance because they are too busy believing myths suck as "jaw locking." That is not true. Pitbulls are not SUPERdogs. They are a dog, just like any other canine. I have seen kids get attacked by German Sheppards several times...yet people lable German Sheppards as a reliable family dog.
• Finland
5 May 09
I´m not attacking "Pitbullowners" any dog can be "messed up" by it´s owner. But the breed Pitbull is infact more "agressive" than basicly any other breed. And other breeds of dogs is by nature more "submissive" than the pittbull
• Finland
5 May 09
and i´m not basing this on "news media" kind of a thing. More on how "breeding" acctually works...(this is not just a dogthing bye theway...)
• Finland
5 May 09
and people that need to ask the question "what breed is best for me" at petstore should not be getting a pet in the firstplace. And if so the petstore should always answer a "mutt".
• United States
5 May 09
You aren't offending me, and hopefully not anyone else either. Not everyone is going to agree on thissubject and thats fine. Like you, I am a lover of animals and not just "breeds." I don't think any particular breed should be banned, unless it is a wolf or something like that. The only reason why I have educated myself so much about Pitbulls is because I own one. I didn't want her when I got her. I got her because the people that had her was abusing her. Kept he in a small box and she barely knew how to walk at 4 months old. I was afraid to have her because I thought she would get big and turn on my kids. So I did a bunch of research on the breed and learned different tips on socializing and in the process I learned tht a pitbull is really no different than any other dog. However, I don't just love Pitbulls. I love ALL animals. I am an active volunteer at my local ASPCA as well s a few private shelters as well. Don't think your comments upset me, I always welcome a good debate! :) Have a good day!
• Finland
5 May 09
Thanx :) my way of viewing this issue the Bulldog And Pittbull gets caught in the crossfire and there are prolly better examples but you would classify me as a cat person if any so i don´t know some obscure breeds (well obsure to me) and this would be based on the breed that your "common" dogowner would actually have...
• Finland
5 May 09
As me and my girlfriend have have a cat. but she want´s a dog (not a pittbull and not for the reason this discussion was started in the first place) and i don´t think our particul would be the the best to add a dog to it. 2 persons + 1 cat and living in an appartment...and at "last resort" i would say a mutt or a shelterd dog (but a shelterd dog it would be a horrible setup to be in i belive...I´d suppose it´s better than getting "the shot" but still...) As I still stand stong on this issue...never the less i´m beeing "worked" all the time...and it´s a loosing battle...And will prolly get a dog in the future. DAMN you Women you will be the end off Manking, well the Man part atleast ;)
• Finland
5 May 09
There is a point be made with "pitbulls should not be alowed as pets" But that has to more with how "breeding" works. I can comment more about this in a biology/genetics kind of a way but...But i have a basic understanding of how a dogs "mind" work... The problem here is that ask yourself why is there even a breed "pitbulls"?
• United States
5 May 09
Well first of all, You need to think back to the actual breeding of the dog in itself. They are Mixture of an English Bulldog and a Terrier and yes, they were bred as Bull Baiters, that is where the name "Pitbull" originated. Their job was to antagonize bulls in bullfights, actually. When England outlawed this practice, breeders began creating them to fight. HOWEVER.... In America, there were different plans for this breed. American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers were bred in America as worker dogs. They were used to herd farm animals, and pull heavy loads because they are very strong and obedient dogs. The breeding that began in America had nothing to do with the breeding practices in England. A long time ago, the Pitbull was the chosen dog of America. As I stated earlier, Helen Keller had a seeing eye dog that was a Pitbull, spot from the little rascals, and also the Pitbull is the mascot for large companies such as Target and Buster Brown Shoes. The breed gets a bad rap because of breeders who just want to make money off of them by making them fight. However, a responsible pitbull owner will investigate a pitbull's bloodline, as well as the temperment of it's parents before making an ownership decision.
• Finland
5 May 09 I know the actual story about the breed Pittbull. But it don´t change my my mind that some breeds (not just dogbreed) should not be keept as pets...
• Finland
5 May 09
but I guess this come down to People caaring to much a the breed of the dog than a "dog" in general...
@masonj (47)
• United States
5 May 09
I agree that pitbulls can be "nice" if they are properly trained. Unfortunately, I notice more and more that there are alot of pitbull owners that have their animals trained not be be nice. There are so many bad owners out there that train their animals to be ferocious and very overly protective animals. I can't imagine that owning a pitbull and worrying about whether or not it going to attack somebody can be that great human-kanine relationship that so many people enjoy.
• United States
5 May 09
That is why I believe that instead of banning the breed, they should ban the bad owners! I think to own ANY KIND of big dog. Pitbull, Rott, German Sheppard, Akita, ect. You should be required to hold insurance, and you should be required to have a yard that is fenced in with a fence of at least 6 feet high. I also feel that you should be required to put the dog through obedience classes as well! Yes, this could render to be expensive, but serious pet owners who love their pet don't mind shelling out the cash. If people cannot afford to do these things to protect themselves, the dog, and others, then they shouldn't own one. What people don't understand, is that dogs are not HUMANS. They don't have a sense of ethics or morals. They don't think, "Hmm...there is a kid in my yard. If I bite him, My owner will go to jail and I will get put to sleep.." Instead, they think.."Who is this in my territory? I better protect my yard!" So when someone allows thier child to roam near a dog, and the dog attacks, everyone calls the dog a "monster" for doing what a dog is SUPPOSED TO DO! Which leads me to another point... If my dog roams into YOUR yard and attacks your child...then shame on ME for not being a responsible pet owner and watching my dog. BUT if your child roams into MY yard, and my dog attacks, then shame on YOU for not being a responsible parent and not watching your child. Thanks for posting! ~Love
• United States
5 May 09
I was raised around pit bulls my entire life. Cripe, growing up we had a pit bull before anyone ever heard of pit bulls. I do not think the dog is automatically bad just because it is a pit bull. The dangerous aspect of pit bulls is once they clamp their jaws down on something then it is almost impossible to get them to let go. My brother also raised pit bulls, bred them and sold them. As a result of that I ended up having 2 of them as pets myself, and I had young children. I never had any problem with them. Many people would come from other states to buy one just to fight. I think that is wrong. But I also think the pit bull got too much hype back in the 90's.In the end it is really back on the owner. A dog is not just naturally a bad dog, or a bad breed. It is the way they are trained. If they are trained to be aggressive then they will be. I think dobermans are aggressive dogs. They just do not have the jaw power a pit bull has. If you keep your dog in your yard and not roaming the streets then there wouldn't be so many horror stories about kids getting mauled by pit bulls. Again, it is the owner's responsibility again to keep their dog under control. As far as pit bulls attacking other dogs, it is the owner who does not control their pet. The pit bull has unusal strength in their jaws and for that reason the owner should be careful about how they are trained and how they are controlled. Let the owners who are irresponsible take the blame and not the dog.
• United States
5 May 09
I agree Julie...there is no such thing as a bad dog or a bad breed. Dogs are dogs, they do dog things. They bite, they are territorial, they are protective. You cannot take an animal and call it a monster for doing what it is supposed to do. That is like telling a person that they cannot walk, talk, work, and live. The thing is that owners need to set boundaries for their pets and teach them what is acceptable and what will not be tolerated. If you don't show a dog right from wrong, you are only setting it up to fail. Thanks for posting. ~Love
• United States
4 May 09
There are some dogs that are born with a nasty personality but that has nothing to do with breed and even those dogs can be controlled with proper training they just require a firmer hand. Each breed has unique qualities but all breeds have the potential to be amazing pets if the owner trains them correctly.
• United States
5 May 09
I agree. Thanks for responding..
• United States
4 May 09
god,yes.a friend of mine has 150 pounds of drooly lovebug. the only thing i have to worry about with this dog is dripping from happy greetings. it's how they're raised. i'm surprised his butt doesn't levitate from the happy tail helicopter he has going on.
• Lubbock, Texas
4 May 09
I think pit bulls get a bad rep because the majority of people who own them want them for watch dogs, or for dog fights. The ones that are used for watch dogs are dangerous to the public as it's hard to keep them penned in their own yard. When they do get out they set out to claim their territory and will attack any thing or anyone they see as a threat. I've known pit bulls that are just fine with the family that owns them, right down to the babies, but they don't tolerate strangers. Any big aggressive dog has to be well taken care of, meticulously trained, and understood to keep them from getting mean.
• United States
5 May 09
I agree that Pits are terrible watch dogs. My dog will sell my house out for a pack of bologna anyday! LOL All dogs, no matter the breed, are territorial. And any big dog roaming the neighborhood is bound to bite someone sooner or later. My dog isn't aggressive towards strangers, but I do have to watch her around other animals. That is where she gets territorial. Thanks for posting.
• United Kingdom
4 May 09
I think that all the supposedly dangerous dogs are not that dangerous! This probably sounds controversial but I'm sure that it's true. A dog is only as bad as you train it to be. If you train it from very young then it can become a lovely family pet. It's all down to the way the owner brings their dog up. Bad owners, bad dogs I guess! Andrew
• United States
5 May 09
Yes I agree. You have to invest time in your pet if you want him/her to be well-behaved. That's why I posted that article in the main post. People need to be educated on this breed so that they wont be so judgemental. Thanks for posting.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
4 May 09
Hi queenlove! Of course they can - any animal / pet is a product of its environment. I've known "gentle breeds" to be quite fierce due to the way they were handled. And I've known pitbulls to be so loving that I'm covered in "kisses". I've seen a dachsund go after men because it was abused by men - it's all in the way the animal was taken care of - or not.
• United States
5 May 09
Yes I agree. That is why I posted that article on here. People need to understand that ALL dogs are aggressive and territorial. Not just Pitbulls. Imagine if a Chihauhua were a big dog. WOW that would be a monster! LOL Thanks for responding.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
5 May 09
It all depends on the person training the dog. Some train them to be vicious, and they would attack other dogs or even people. I have see pit bulls that weren't vicous, and they were the sweetest dogs you ever wanted to meet. I don't know why people have to train their pit bull to attack and maybe even kill other dogs, or attack a human. I think most of them though, are bred to be fighting dogs, and I think that is sad. It just isn't right to treat a dog like that. People like that, have no business having a dog in the first place. Happy mylotting to you.