If a pet dog attack a kid you are agree to kill the dog? is a solution?

@icesmile (7160)
May 4, 2009 9:47am CST
I have a pet dog too, is part of my family, was so little when i bring this pet in my house, and she is the best for me,as a pet. But i care about rhis dog, is free, but just in my yard, when i go out with he, i try to make all to keep in safe all who are arround me, and she never atack somebody...because i was there and i care what she make. So, in my opinion, if a pet dog attack, is my guilt not this pet guilt. Yestarday i saw a news when they show us how they kill a dog because attack a kid. Of course i am not agree, but is not the pet master guilt? why they must kill the dog? tell me your opinion about this please.
18 responses
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
4 May 09
No ways not at all, Well first of all dogs just don't bite anyone for the sake of it......sometimes it just happens that they are bugged by someone or they feel there is a threat to them.....only under these circumstances do they bite......and if you really feel that your dog is little ferocious then tie them up and keep if some guests come to your place or if there are kids playing around...... My dog has bit few people so i always advice them not to touch the dog as she gets angry if anyone unknown people touch her....it is always advisable to give the dog a yearly injection which negates the poison that is there in dogs teeth and has no impact on a person even if the dog bite...... these are certain things which you can do to assure that your dog does not bite anyone...... Have a nice day !!!!!!!
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
4 May 09
Sometimes our pets are more smarter as we are. We must asume what a dog can be and must to know our dog, and if is nervious and have a problem with peoples, don t let him get out. "kill" the master not the dog. i try to make a joke, but is a very serious issue, to have a pet is a great responsability.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
4 May 09
If I saw a dog attacking a child..I would do everything I could to get that child free. Is this what you're asking?
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
5 May 09
If the police get involved, and animal control, it's out of your hands. Most of the time, they have the animal euthanized, especially if the attack was fatal, or extremely cruel.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
4 May 09
Of course i make same, and everybody will make what they can to save the kid...i ask if after the dog will atack somebody you are agree to kill the dog.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
4 May 09
I guess it really depends on the situation. Why did the dog bite the person in the first place? Was it provoked? Was the person in the dogs space? There are many things that you have to take into consideration when asking yourself if my dog bites should I put them down? Just like humans dogs have their space and when someone invades the whether it be a threat or not you are invading their space which they do not want to happen. Just like humans as we do the same thing. But dogs don't have a voice to say leave me alone, I don't want to be touched. They have a growl, snarl or bark. That should be warning enough if the dog is about to bite. If you do continue on well yes the dog is going to bite. That truly is your own fault. You hear all the time that someone has been bit or attacked by a dog. Same thing here applies. Why did the dog bite? In these cases it would be the fault of owner and how the dog was raised. A dog isn't just going to bite a person for the sake of biting. There is a reason behind it. And this case why should the dog be put down the owner themselve should be put down. It's really not fair to the dog. It's not their fault their owner taunted or mistreated them. I for one am a dog lover and there is no way that I am going to put my dog down. And yes my dog has bit our neighbour. And to really be honest here I would of bit her myself. She kicked the dog because she was jumping up on her. Well sorry she's a puppy and she is learning. Which training doesn' happen over night. So I am not for putting a dog down because of a bite or an attack.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
4 May 09
This was the problem, that the god was provoked, i saw that parent talk with somebody else and let his kid to play with dog alone...and this was all.the dog was provoked, for this i am not to kill the dog, parent, owner was guilty, not pet.
• Philippines
4 May 09
[b][/b] I loved dogs, from the time that I can remember we always have a pet dog, sometimes one ot two at a time, so I'm used to caring for dogs, but there was that time, when I got married and have two kids, a friend gave us a puppy, she was very beautiful and treated like a baby, but she was already very aggressive,even when playing she had bitten both my kids, when they gave her a food,she accidentally bit their finger on different occasion, luckily she had her anti rabies injection. But she grows up the more aggressive she became and when we had a visitor she never bark and let them get in, once inside she will attack and bite them, this happens in many occassion, so I have no choice when she bit another one for the last time, we decided to put her down, coz I got nevous everytime somebody called to us that she bit another one, I had to spend for the medication of those people and I thought that before something more serious happens, we have to do something and that's it.. In my experience this is the only one that I got this experience, all our other pet dogs up to the present are all well behave. I don't know if she is a territorial type of dog, coz we took very good care of her.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
4 May 09
I am not agree to put a dog down, every time can find other solution..is my opinion
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
4 May 09
I have mixed feelings about this. I think that parents need to educate their children on how to act around dogs, my children are not allowed to pet a dog, or talk to one unless they first talk to the owners. But I have to say that if a dog attacked, which is different from nipping, one of my children, you are damn right I would want that dog put down. I am sorry but if he will attack a child then he will do it again.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
4 May 09
THere is a huge difference in attacking and nipping in my opinion, if a child is playing with a dog and the dog playfully nips the child that is one thing, if the child is walking down the street and the dog chases the child, growls, bites claws etc that is attacking. and yes that dog is a danger to everyone.
@nv_jenn (207)
• Canada
4 May 09
You have to think about why the dog bit someone first. Did someone bug the dog or get on his nerves enough to make him really mad. If a dog just bit someone for the sake of it I would absolutely put the dog down. My son was bit by someone else's stupid dog last year and the lady didn't even apologize. He got a nice bruise from it. If there would have been torn skin I would have called the police and the humane society!
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
4 May 09
i am agree with you..this lady was guilt, a dog have a reason when attack, who have a pet know what i say. of course that who go out with a dog in the street and know that he can be dangerous must take all safe measures. you must to go to police to acuse this lady.
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
5 May 09
It depends on the situation. My dog is not a mean dog at all. But I caught my neighbor ( a little boy) hitting her one day with a stick. Keep in mind he came inside My fence on my property and was hitting my dog. She chased him all the way out of the fence trying to bite him all the way. In my opinion I would have offered no apologies if my dog had bit him because he was bringing it on by being mean to her. Now if a dog attacked a person for no reason what so ever then I agree I would have to put them down because peoples safety is more important. Especially if it is a big dog with the ability to kill people. Lots of times they put the dogs down to test for rabies because the dog has not had a rabies vaccination so it is important to keep your animals vaccinated where you do not face that situation.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
5 May 09
yes we can't blame the dog or the pet . and we should blame the owner for what the pet has done. which i think usually happens. even here in my place when one dog attacks it is not killed. they just usually make sure next time that the dog will not harm any one else any more.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
5 May 09
hmmm actually that is a serious case if you say "kill", there are cases here where the dog was able to "bite" a kid, in that case they did not have to kill the dog because the dog has to be observed for its rabies if its really potent or what, but then the master has the obligation to pay all the medical expenses of the child that was bitten. but if you say kill? hmm the dog i guess does not have to be killed but unless the dog is really our of his mind and is already dangerous for the community. The master will also face obligations because a life was taken.
5 May 09
i have no objection to pets,but the owner to look after their own pet,do not hurt other people.
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
5 May 09
• United States
5 May 09
it really depends on the serverity of the case I mean if it is just a minor dog bite then no. but if the dog has brutally biten someone that may be an options especially if the dog has bitten like this in the past. if the dog has done this in the past then yes it needs to be put down i believe, the dog is not safe around people or children. this would make the owner at fault for the dogs actions if the dog is not on a leash or in a fenced yard.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
5 May 09
I don't really think a dog should be put down because it bit a child. My daugter and her family lived with me for 9 mo, and her yougest is 2, and he constangly would pull the both dogs tails and there ears. I told him not to do that as he would get bit. Well, he kept it up and he got bit by my one dog, but se didn't draw blood. My daughter got upset and said that if it happeneded again, that either the dog would go or she whuld go. Well, the dog is still here and she left lol. Anyway, she finallly realized that it wasn't the dog's fault as she got tired of having her ears and tail pulled. She told him that if he got bit again, she wasn't going to feel sorry for him as he askes for it. So, it isn't always the dog's fault when it bites a child. I love my grandson, but I love my dogs too, and I just didn't want to see them abused anymore. Happy mylotting to you.
• India
5 May 09
i used to be far away from pets, but sometimes i neglect it.but i like pets so much.only if they are too close to me i will be close to them.but the fault is ,first of all we should be close them.any ways if any pet attacked a kid,we have to give him treatment first ,then to warn the pet owner to maintain his pet in a good way!!!!!!!!
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
4 May 09
Definantly Not...In most cases its the kids that actually hurt the dog by pulling or treading on tail or ears...Its the dogs only defense to bite, they cant turn around and say hey that hurts...Kids should always be supervised around dogs anyways.
@cindyhxf (1446)
• China
5 May 09
i am sorry to say that i don't like dog much,maybe that's why my kid doen't like dog too.she scared of dog when she saw a dog ran on the street.i was bited by dog when i was kid ,that is the only reason i don't like dog again.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
4 May 09
No i dont think they should kill the dog. That is just they way they are just like any living thing. If a cat ataccked you would you kill him too. Dont think so, why should dogs be diferent.
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
5 May 09
You should have Ceasar Milan (Dog Whisperer)come to your house to evaluate your dog and rehabilitate her. Haha. I love that show!