What the He]] do the environmentalist want????
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
May 6, 2009 1:35am CST
There is an environmental group that is opposing placing solar panels in the desert and another one opposing Wind Turbines. They don't want Oil, Wind, Solar, or Ethanol. Many years ago it was take the lead out of Gasoline. Next it was reduce the carbon emissions. They want to ban Mercury, but want us to use Mercury containing CF lights.
Tom Clancy had the right idea in "Rainbow Six". Take them all and drop them naked in the middle of the amazon Jungle and let them live with nature.
9 responses
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
6 May 09
Hi bob...This is rather interesting. What do the environmentalists want? Has anyone ever asked of them how they manage to live? How do they get around town? Do they fly? or just walk everywhere? And I certainly hope they are not walking on asphalt because asphalt contains asphaltic cement which is a petroleum based product. Do they wash their clothes outside in a basin or do they use a washing machine? Do they live in houses made from trees or do they actually live outside?
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 May 09
One of the celebrities who endorse the environmental movement and to prove his pint he had his electric car flown around the world so that he could drive it and reduce his carbon footprint. When someone asked him what was the carbon footprint of the jet that flew the car around the world he did not know and had not thought of that. The jet fling from LA to London had a larger footprint than driving a gasoline car for something like 3 years. And that was just one way. He could not see beyond I am saving the environment by driving an electric car.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
9 May 09
Many environmentalist are focused on one or two things and don't see how everything else fits,. In the case of the Celebrate, he was so focused on not driving a car that was not environmental friendly he he, by his own admission, did not think about the pollution the plane caused. He has since stop having his car transported with him. All he though about was not driving a gas car. When you talk to many environmentalist they will be focused on one thing. There are people who fight for wind power that have no idea on the total environmental impact of the towers and the supporting high tension wires to transport the electricity.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
6 May 09
Hi bob - Well that's an interesting story and I know I'm not the sharpest tack but I'm missing something about cause and effect here...I guess if I were a celebrity I'd understand better?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 May 09
They want to force changes on the way we do things.
Look at the history of environmentalist wacko demands...
Up until the late 70s, Fast Food places put their burgers and fries into paper bags and paperboard boxes. The wachos whined and forced them to change to foam containers.. until the wackoes decided that the foam was a threat to the environment, so now we get our burgers and fries in... paper bags and paperboard boxes...
Since almost the beginning of modern time, groceries were loaded into paper bags or cardboard boxes. This caused the environmentalist wackoes much Post Tree-Matic Stress, so they forced plastic bags and "would you like paper or plastic" into our lexicon... now those very bags they forced onto us are the culprit, so they want to force another change on us. What do you bet me they'll freak out about reuseable grocery bags in a few years.
The fact is, it has nothing to do with the environment... it's just about having the power to cause us to change the way we do things.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
6 May 09
ParaTed2k wins my vote for best response. :-)
Not that I have a vote... but if I did!
Nothing's ever good enough. But one thing's for sure: Nothing's ever good enough.
They're just looking for someone to yell at because the people they talk to can't hear what they're saying through the nonsense.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 May 09
It is all about power. I want to do something that you can not do. About 30 years ago there was a movement to limit access to the National Parks. Admission was to be by reservation and you could only make a reservation two weeks in advance so everyone had a chance. The problem was that working people had to put in for vacation 6 months to a year ahead of time, but the young professionals could take off at a weeks notice and they were pushing the idea. The National Parks would become their play ground. It did not pass because too many people objected.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 May 09
The environmentalists want to destroy all of the industrialized countries and put us all into third world status.
They claim to care more about the environment then they do about people.
The fact is that they hate people and think there are too many... and by going to third world status, the disease and poverty will kill millions.
That is what they want.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
8 May 09
The solar panels require thousands of gallons of water daily. It is not there. Ethanol requires a gallon and a half of oil to produce one gallon of ethanol. Where is the savings in that. Plus it is causing starvation in third world countries, price hikes in our food, and depletion of our best soil. Ethanol also destroys the fuel systems of cars more than 5 years old. I think these are very good reasons.
They need to find better places to put the solar panels and they need to stop using ethanol. The ethanol was the oil companies idea to make more money not to save the environment.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
7 May 09
They want us to live like the Amish. Can you see Obama without his Blackberry? Lol, these people make me giggle. Did you see the piece on Fox News about the biofuel? One of them said he didn't like it because it had (gasp!) animal parts in it! Oh noes!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
6 May 09
The zealot environmentalists don't want anything at all. And that's the whole point. They don't want anything that you want. They can find something wrong with every single method proposed. It's like that great line in The Wire: "You could take the crab out of crab soup."
A lot of these groups on the far-left are the same way. They didn't form to stand for anything with substance, per se. They formed in opposition to another's ideals. And instead of contributing ideals of their own, they simply remained, steadfast and unmoveable, in place and ready to rumble at the mere mention of progress.
The rhetoric is all the same: They claim to want something "better." But what they really seem to want is to stop production of everything. Without someone proposing new ideas, they have nothing. It's like Brett Favre! He has nothing to do without football. These zealots have nothing to do unless they can find a breed of ladybug that may be harmed during the air-drops of food to the poor to save lives. They are literally backwards, wholly self-centered, and certifiably insane.
Simply put, nothing's ever good enough for some of these groups on the far-left. And for the matter, throw the far-right in there. These people on the fringe will always oppose things simply to oppose them. Contrarians they be, and that they be well.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 May 09
Most groups are focused on one thing and can not see the big picture. We had a discussion at work one day and this man was saying that we should preserve the land in this park as it was intended by nature. Another person responded do you mean as a hard wood forest or a pine forest. The response was as a hard wood forest. It was explained to him that the cycle was for a pine forest to turn into a hardwood forest which in turned into shrubs and thick under growth of short trees, this in turned lead to the Birch and Aspen growing up which gave way to the pine. The man wanted the government to keep the forest as a hardwood forest and not let other trees grow there. This is what the environmentalist do is they focus on one small thing and don't want to change it and can't see the big picture.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
6 May 09
QUESTION: What do most liberal activists, (environmentalists, proponents of gay marriage, peace activitists, and etc.) have in common?
ANSWER: They want attention and publicity far more than any cause they say they stand for.
One only has to watch these folks on TV for awhile before it hits you that their reasoning, emotional maturity, and behavior resembles that of a 5 year old.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
6 May 09
I think that extremists are in all groups, what you are caught in is a group with people at each extreme trying to influence the direction as a distraction to their true agenda which is to have more control of the wealth and the power that goes along with there desires.
It all boils down to the elite getting more control.
@elizaBrooke (11)
• United States
6 May 09
We want the world to be back to normal!!! Have you noticed that it all started with the enviroment quality decreasing so much and everything else just went downhill? The stock market, the prices sky rocketed, gas and oil skyrocketed, war between our countries!! its a horrible thing but if everyone would just start taking enviromental action it would start to revive our economy BIGGGGG TIME! If all people would recycle it would save billions and billions and billions of dollars a year! Theres a start huh? Were saving all this money and not using it to support other countries from where we get the things to make the recyclables with! If everyone started using engery-saving-lights we could save billions of more dollars on electricity! first everyone would have to go buy those lightbulbs for a majority of their lights in the house which would cause the economy to bounce back up because all this buying of lightbulbs and other engery savers! Just look around your home and think of all things you leave plugged in and hardly use. At least during the day you could unplug your tv(s) unplug clocks in rooms you hardly go in unplug all lamps and chargers... If this happened the right way ... we would no longer be in the 21st century depression!