
@malkaff (171)
May 6, 2009 2:51pm CST
In the future, do you think people will continue to buy newspaper..??
9 responses
@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
6 May 09
Yes I think since more and more people are paying for online suscriptions to newspaper, that once the older generation is gone and all that is left is a complete generation of computer skilled people then there will be no need, no demand, and no money to publish paper form of newspaper.
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@malkaff (171)
• Romania
6 May 09
I think the same . We`ll see :D
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
6 May 09
I don't know, I know somw have gone out of business. I'm out of work. One of the things I check is The Oakland Press. Dot com. I can get the whole newspaper online for free. I believe the same is with all the other local newspapers. And the price of buying a newspaper is going up. Another thing, when you read the newspaper online, your house doesn't get cluddered up with newspapers. So unless the newspapers offer something thaqt you can't get online, probably not.
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@malkaff (171)
• Romania
6 May 09
I have some newspapers here in my country that offers DVD`s with movies...I think this you can't get from an online newspapers , but anyway I think the newspapers will disappear in the future.
• United States
6 May 09
I get the newspaper, actualy I get 4 of them. We get them for the coupons and so we need the printed kind to get the coupons at all. It is the cheapest and most efficent way we have found to save money on groceries. Maybe the couponers will keep some of the newspapers around for a while.
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@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
6 May 09
no. currently there are a few old "technology is evil" foggies left. but they're passing on. soon there will be no one buying paper media. books will be the last to go i think, but they too will go. you can fit all the worlds libraries on one tiny disk. digital media saves space, and money. also better for the environment.
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• United States
6 May 09
I only buy the paper when I am going garage saling. The local news around here reads you the paper every morning and so there is no real reason to buy it. I also subscribe to free papers online.
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@malkaff (171)
• Romania
6 May 09
:) .. I never buy it , actually I don't really read it , but when I do read it I do it online . :) Anyway I don't think that people will buy newspapers in the future. :)
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 May 09
We used to buy a news paper every day,until we added up how much it was costing us each month.We now watch the news on tv or if we want to know about anything that has gone on in the world we look on the internet.I think in the future a lot of people will not buy papers as to be honest alot of the time people dont read them all the time when they get them and what with the cost of living now adays not many people have the money any more.
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• United States
6 May 09
I'm sure it's possible that some day it will happen where physical newspapers are no longer around. Whether it'll actually happen, I'm not sure. But I only read news online unless I see a paper lying around like in McDonald's (that's there for everyone to read). Then again, I've never bought a newspaper for myself before either.
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@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
6 May 09
Hi malkaff...I just heard on the radio today that the New York Time is raising its rates by 50 cents a paper. If the cost continues to rise I don't think that many people will want to buy the paper. They'd much rather get it online or from the tv.
• United States
7 May 09
Hello, I usd to be a representive for several newspapr companies, and most of our cutomers will say "we are now getting the news on the internet", now with that being said, I think most people are getting the news on the internet, now that is where I'm getting the news these days on the internet.