Another Mile Stone

United States
May 9, 2009 3:29am CST
I suppose it comes with age, that you begin to see the mile stones scattered across the path of the journey that ends in your death.. that's right! the journey you have been on all of your life ends... and you don't survive it.. or either ya do.. I suppose it's all in how you look at it. I was thinking today, that with another year of this journey behind me, that I've learned some pretty important things along the way.. and I decided to jot a few down.. Welcome to a glimpse of my journey thus far.. I've learned that life truly isn't fair.. it's a messed up place where rules are broken, promises aren't kept and forever is whatever you want it to be. it can be break your heart, bend you, mangle you, and break you in half.. but it also contains some of the sweetest things you've ever known. I've learned that optimism and pessimism are twins! it's all in the wording... seriously! I've learned that no matter how much you complain.. the toilet seat will still always be up when you don't turn the light on, the toothpaste lid will always be left off and the world doesn't stop when you feel too bad to go out and play. I've learned that some people just get off on making you cry.. and that you can be loved for all the wrong reasons.. I've learned that people are more than their social standing, income, and appearance, actually, I've always known to look past all of that.. but some people still need reminding. I've learned that I don't fear my own death. I've learned that a hug from my kids can make a god-awful day... livable. I've learned that forgiveness doesn't always happen.. even when it's all you ever wanted... and I've learned that forgiving someone doesn't mean forgetting what happened.. but rather that you can see past what happened.. and giving someone the gift of your forgiveness doesn't mean that you are weak.. but that you are strong enough to say "F*ck it! I still love you and that's all that matters!" I've learned that you can always go home (figuratively speaking) .. but they don't have to accept you back. And you can scream you are sorry, but no one has to accept your apology... even when it's the most heart felt apology you've ever felt. I've learned that one size doesn't fit all and who ever came up with that is a liar or either a moron. I've learned that the past that we hide from, isn't so scary after all. I've learned that "better late than never".. is just a quote! sometimes it's "better to never than to be late". I've learned that you can be completely honest.. but don't expect anyone else to play by the rules. I've learned that worrying is killing me.. slowly I've learned that "never mind" pissses me off and that when I feel I have to beg for an answer to my question that it makes me want to use Dana's gun to shoot em! :) I've learned that I'm looking for comfort when I search for what's familiar.. old friends, favorite foods, worn out jeans.. feels like heaven. I've learned that fear can take away the chance to really live. I've learned that I love noise! it reminds me that I'm still alive! I've learned that I really enjoy spending the evening out on my front deck looking at stars.. more than going anywhere. I've learned to not fear time, but to respect it. I've learned that Tomorrow doesn't mean things are going to be better.. sometimes ........ MOST times... it's the same day that you had yesterday.. I've learned that no matter who tells you how much they care.. you are really on your own.. company doesn't mean that you aren't alone.. and being alone ain't so bad. I've learned that "some assembly require" translates into "forget it! I can get one already put together at a garage sale!" I've learned that life (all life) is precious and fragile and in an instant it can be gone... without warning. I've learned how to love.. maybe I've always known how, I just didn't know to show it until I found a reason to. I've learned that life can change in a heartbeat.. and never be the same again. I've learned that some people are just mean and heartless. I've learned how to smile when I want nothing more than to cry my heart out. I've learned that the sweetest things in life are easy to find.. while everyone else is looking for the big and extraordinary stuff.. they over look what is there in front of them... there are no signs with arrows saying "I'm worth your time!" pointing them out I've learned that my dog will always love me more than anyone else. I've learned to see beauty with my heart.. sometimes true beauty hides from the eyes but always illuminates the heart. I've learned that people judge when they are scared they are being judged. I've learned that a sense of humor will take you further than the most well thought out, over analyzed, well processed, educated, estimated, knowledgeable words can. I've learned that my mom can still make me feel better than anyone else in the world.. just by saying she loves me more than anyone else can .. and I believe her! *points to dog* and of course.... him! I've learned that some dreams are better left alone, because if they were reality, it would be a nightmare. I've learned to take life less serious and to take time to laugh.. and if you can share your humor with anyone.. do it! I've learned the most beautiful music I've ever heard is the sound of laughter. I've learned that silence scares me. I've learned that I won't die if I don't get my way. I've learned to stand up for myself and how to say NO.. and it only took me 44 years to learn that the world doesn't blow up when I do it! I've learned that the most valuable and precious thing that you can give another living human is your trust.. and it's also the hardest thing you've ever given away. I've learned that no matter when you get in the shower.. the phone is going to ring.. especially, when you are home alone. I've learned that when you have hurt someone so bad that they can't talk to you.. that they wouldn't be so hurt if they didn't love you. I've learned that only a idiot won't ask for what they want. I've learned that regret and "what ifs" follow you wherever you go, it's better to deal with them.. because they can out run ya every single time! I've learned that me and alcohol don't mix well. I'm learning (against my will) to let go to what I want to hold.. and to hold onto what I want to let go of. I'm learning that giving up isn't always a bad thing. I'm learning that no one can control your thoughts or dreams... those are yours! I'm learned that I can apply all my makeup at one certain red light in town. I'm mastering the art of listening... with my heart I've learned that if I look at someone else's' mistakes through my own .. that I can see better at that angle. I've learned that you can grow up and you don't have to be boring and dull. I'm learning that I am OK with not being perfect...and some imperfections just make life a little more interesting. I'm learning that at 4am I am more poetic and more apt to open up my heart and let it flow out into words. I've learned that crying just feels good.. when nothing else does. I'm learning that you can love someone without being able to tell them why. I've learned that it bothers me when someone doesn't like me. I've learned to find myself in songs.. using someone else's words feels amazing when you can't put how you feel into words of your own. I've learned that if you want to scream.. wait till you are where no one else can hear you. I've learned that there are worse things than being thought to be crazy. I've learned that opinions are free but not always useful.. as you wish they were. The list grows daily... So where are you in your journey? what are some things that you have/are learning/mastered ?
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16 responses
• United States
9 May 09
I am learning that its ok to not know everything. I am learning that its ok to ask for help sometimes. I am learning to slow down and relax.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Hey ladies................wonttakelong it's good to know that you're learning to slow down and relax. Lightens the stress eh? AngryKitty.........loved what you said. I've always felt perfection is actually in the striving for it, not the achieving of it, you know? Nice to see you both again.
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• United States
9 May 09
Those are good things to learn! I'm learning that nothing will ever be perfect because perfection only exists in the imagination and sometimes it is the IMPERFECTIONS that make things interesting!
3 people like this
• United States
9 May 09
yeah perfection is over rated and boring LOL
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• United States
9 May 09
I have learned to put God first in all things or nothing will go right...and wrong decisions will be made....But for the Grace of God...
• United States
9 May 09
Landerson.. you are one very smart person.. it's sad when it takes us going through hell to find heaven was within our reach the whole time.
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• United States
9 May 09
Some people go their entire lives without learning that. Great post!
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• United States
10 May 09
Been through my share of hell, but the hell of it is my children are doing the opposite of my suggestions..why is it human nature to have to learn the HARD way? Wish I would have listened to MY parents more...the older I get the smarter THEY
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
Darling Stormy, if I wrote down everything I've learned, I just be repeating everything you just wrote! Kudos kiddo. Well done, well said, well learned! The key to living is learning early that humor given, received and used with love, can make the world more fun, less stressful, more meaningful and healing. I'm so glad that you learned that more than a decade before I did. Your fifties are gonna rock! LOL
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
9 May 09
LOL, no worries. You'll probably outlive us all with everything you've learned! ROFL
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• United States
9 May 09
Gosh! I hope I make it another decade! hahaha! you do ROCK, my friend!
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
9 May 09
I've learned that without actually talking to them, or without even seeing them, or without knowing anything about their personal life, heck.......without even knowing their real name....... you can form some of the greatest friendships with some truly wonderful people. .....I love you guys. BTW......I think I might have figured out James real name.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 May 09
WTF are you two crapping on about?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 May 09
But I DON'T know sconi! Runs off to the woods to do what? Bear stuff? lol.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
9 May 09
YEAH........what she said. *runs off to the woods know*
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@missybear (11391)
• United States
9 May 09
I learned a lot by just reading this. I'm not the only one that's up in the middle of the night thinking about her life. I learned to listen when I really wanna talk "I love to talk", I learned that some people just don't get what the heck you're sayingeven though they act like they do. I learned that real friends are hard to come by so hold on to the ones you got. Thanks for the nice talk.
3 people like this
• United States
9 May 09
anytime ya wanna talk girl.. I'm a good listener.. and if I don't understand... I promise to make ya back up and start over! lol! you will be all talked out when I'm done with ya :) *holds on tight to Missybear* you are right. real friends are hard to come by.. but the real ones are the most amazing gift I've ever had.
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@missybear (11391)
• United States
10 May 09
yippy kayay M*bleep, bleep"
• United States
10 May 09
*pretends to understand* yeah! hahaha!
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
9 May 09
Thank you Stormy. Nicely WRITTEN. Doesn't sound plagiarized, sounds personal. I would like to make comments on some of the stuff you wrote, a couple of these points REALLY make sense to me. For now, though, I wanted to make a comment on the unkind aspersions on your work. It reminded me of something that happened to my sister when she was in high school. After doing some historical research, she wrote a story. It was extremely well done. I know she was capable of it, even at the tender age of 17. I was too, as is my daughter. Her teacher however, perhaps hackneyed by the constant stream of the usual teenaged drivel, refused to believe it was hers and gave her zero on the assignment as well as a dressing down. She wouldn't even accept my mother's evidence, that it was her original work. She had seen the hours of research, the rough copies, yada yada. THis teacher couldn't come up with the alleged plagiarism. Her judgment was based purely on the fact that the writing was SOOOO GOOOOD! Now, if you think about it, THAT is quite a compliment. Perhaps you can take this sour little bit of lemon and turn it into lemonade. Oh, dear, I "plagiarized" that! I'm sure if anyone were to look it up on the net, they would find that as an expression. Wonder of wonders, "there is nothing new under the sun" Ecclesiastes 1:9
3 people like this
• United States
9 May 09
thank you :) I had something like that happen to me too. They say that it's a compliment to write so well that it's thought to be plagiarized.. but for some young writers it's so devastating that they never pick up the pen again.. for the record... I used most of the words that you spoke here... several times yesterday.. sorry bout that! *mental note* make my own language so this doesn't happen again! lol!
2 people like this
• United States
10 May 09
Some quotes are ment to be passed on....what would happen if Nothing was ever used,or rewritten.......what a boring life and unlearned person that was.....GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
11 May 09
I learned when you have a problem and it won't or can't be fixed through the normal or appropriate means, you can always become a blogger... I learned how to blog...
• United States
11 May 09
I also did a little detective work and put my two cents in maybe some good will come of it? Birds of ruffled feathers know how to make stronger flocks... Our sages are great! Have a great week... I have to get some sleep...
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• United States
11 May 09
the eagle has landed right here on this spot don't think for a moment that you're leaving mylot! hahahah!
2 people like this
• United States
11 May 09
*applause!* that's great!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
9 May 09
Yet another nicely written piece here Stormy! If I've learned anything throughout my life so far it's to expect the unexpected and to go with the flow even in tough times because there's ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark it may seem at times. There's always that silver lining in everything too if we allow ourselves to be open enough to see it.
2 people like this
• United States
9 May 09
Thank you James :) *sucks hickey on James forehead* I'm glad yer my friend!
2 people like this
• United States
9 May 09
I've been practicing! :x
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 May 09
That is an awesome list!! So true! Right now...just got home from a long day and I could not add to the list you have here if I tried. Not sure I could anyway. You covered so much. I'll re-read it at another time when I'm more rested and see if I can add to it. Very cool discussion!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 May 09
Long but it held my attention. I read every single word. It is an awesome discussion and very well written!
• United States
10 May 09
thanks Sid :) I'm a bit long winded.. I really didn't expect anyone to read it all.. this is perfect for skimming! lol!
2 people like this
• United States
10 May 09
thank you again, sid :)
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• Canada
10 May 09
Well, the powers that be must just want me to make sure I get response number 13! My first post seems to have disappeared. I just got your response to my post and mine is GONE! WTH??
1 person likes this
• United States
10 May 09
LOL! Annie! are you serious?! hahahaa! yeah, someone came through and cleaned up.. unfortunately some posts were removed to :( I hate that.. cause I thought it was awesome to see so many wonderful people who cared enough to defend me. I appreciate all that you said in my defense :)
2 people like this
• United States
10 May 09
I thank you from the bottom of my heart! *curtsy*
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• Canada
10 May 09
Anytime. I just can't stand it when someone is wrongfully accused. And your post is AWESOME!
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• India
10 May 09
I'm Speechless. In fact even I want to write something like this and I have been thinking of culminating my life experiences so that I can write such piece of work. Oh yes, kjinky sucks. bourne
• United States
10 May 09
I have been writing about my life's observations since I was a kid.. I have stacks of notes books that I've written.. sometimes it's cool to go back and read them to see how far I have traveled since the first recorded step. I encourage you to write your mile stones down.. it won't be a waste of time.. trust me!
• United States
10 May 09
cool! thanks! I will look forward to it! What I did when I was strapped for time.. I carried a little pocket recorder and when I thought of one.. I recorded it.. then wrote it out later when I had time to sit down and write.
• India
10 May 09
I know it wont be a waste of time. It's just that It's hard to find time to write em down. . But I think I will work something out and try to write off my life experiences in a readable way. bourne PS: You'll be the first person to know when I do.
@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
10 May 09
My gosh lady you have learned alot! Are you 105 or just feel like it?? You are sure sinicle. You can turn any of these things around. I have learned that with the all the negativity in the world that a good laugh goes a long way. Watch a good movie or a skit by a favorite comedian. Alot of these things are very sweet and I am glad you shared them with us. The others are apart of life. If I didn't have a very good sense of humor and a belief in Karma I think I would have committed Hari Kari by now. Oh, and stiff shot of whiskey now and then goes a long way.
• United States
10 May 09
hahah! I feel 113, actually! I think I have crammed 5 lives into this one! lol! I'm really not cynical.. I am a realist and see the angle of every situation.. there are pivotal moments when it can go either way.. best be prepared so you land sure footed, other wise you fall on your azz... Trust me, humor is my saving grace in this madness that I lovingly call my life.
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@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
10 May 09
I really wish I was more like you. Especially now with what I have going on in my life.
• United States
10 May 09
Awww! sweetie ya don't wanna be like me! but if you ever need anyone to listen.. I'm always around somewhere.. life doesn't seem so hard when ya have someone to talk to.. ya know :) hugs!
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
9 May 09
Ahhh nice cup of tea, a few minutes to myself. This is going to be nice. Optimism and pessimism= twins So true. I think of it as well, that my best quality is also my worst fault. DRAT! "Hug from your kids=consolation on a bad day." I learned so much about myself from my kids. They taught me love just by being. They taught me to rise above and outside myself. THey taught me not to sweat the small stuff. They taught me that there are worse things in life than excrement and vomit. (sorry, yucky but true. ever try to get a teenager to clean a dirty toilet?) Forgiveness, for me, is a gift of peace I give myself. "One size fits all= moron" THat is soooo funny. Any one who has believes it never tried to fit into one size fits all pantyhose! "Better to be never than late" - yeah, no one will notice if you didn't turn up, but if you're late, they'll never let you hear the end of it!! "Completely honest" - We have to learn the difference between honesty and callousness. (wink) "I've learned that never mind p**** me off" Ha ha, now I know what to say to get you going! lol Never reveal your weakness to the foe!!! slash parry "learned to love noise= alive" Well, I love a little noise, but I'd like to enjoy life WITH my hearing! lol "Dog will always love me" So true, whether I've been gone a week or just stepped back after putting out the garbage. But especially when I have a wiener in my hand! "People most judgemental when being judged" That is why it is imperative to reach out and help them through it. We all need correction. It is better to give it with a caress than deliver it with a blow. "Some dreams a nightmare." Boy, are you talking about my first love here? "Silence scares me." I find it can hurt more than the cruellest words. "Only an idiot doesn't ask for what they want." You have to advocate for yourself and those you love. "Regrets and what ifs" I've learned that a decision made in the past wasn't necessarily the "wrong" one or a "bad" one. We can't live our lives in parallel universes and choose the best outcome. Whether a decision is bad or not, depends on how you work with how it plays out. I've learned not to beat myself up, but try to remember the rationale that went behind the decision AT THE TIME IT WAS MADE with the information available AT THAT TIME. "It bothers me when others don't like me." Yes a little, but then I think of the ones that do. They usually outnumber the ones that don't and majority wins! Besides, I like myself, and if you can overcome your worst critic, you have moved a mountain. "Opinions are free, but not always useful." And I've learned that if the shoe fits, I'll wear it, but if not, I'll leave it for someone else to put on.(borrowed from a friend) Ive learned that suffering can make you better and stronger. Friends you never knew you had appear when you need them most. wink Love can be like the burning embers of a fire. Warm, caressing, but throw oil on them by attacking one you love, it flares up to defend. And one, VERY IMPORTANT lesson - make sure you copy your lengthy myLot response to Word before you press post in case the system crashes!!!! Thanks so much Stormy!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 09
Triplets, triplets! I can so see myself in you and Stormy both. Oh, and my dog's name is Spunky! LOL
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• United States
9 May 09
No, THANK YOU! I think I have found my twin in your responses! OH! and YOU (not me) wrote (making sure to make that clear) [b]"Dog will always love me" So true, whether I've been gone a week or just stepped back after putting out the garbage. But especially when I have a wiener in my hand![/b] My dog is a mini wiener dog! he is my bestest friend! we sleep, eat, talk together 24/7.. wanna pet my wiener? hahaha!
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
9 May 09
I'm pretty much a sucker for any little canine. I don't see a lot of dachsies in my practice, but I do see one little smooth hair boy, Ringo and an adorable little wire haired girl, Sophie. Sweet and tiny full of spunk!
3 people like this
• United States
12 May 09
I've learned that true friendship is more valuable than any monetary riches one could have. I've learned that so long as there are people who love you, no matter how dark things get you can always find some light. I've learned that you cannot master some things, and that's OK! Sometimes the journey is what counts, regardless of where it leads.
• United States
13 May 09
Mare!!! no truer words were ever spoken! *googling to see if they were stolen* I luv you mare!!!!!!!
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• United States
14 May 09
Wuvs you too! I will not be satisfied until that person who LIED about you atones for her unwarranted cruelty and false accusations.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
10 May 09
I’ve learned that there are people in this world that cannot ever be pleased I’ve learned that I can’t always eradicate my demons; I just have to learn to live with them I’ve learned that if I want to see The Divine all I need to do is look in my child’s blue eyes I’ve learned that I am not in charge and I may as well ‘go with the flow’ I’ve learned that I don’t need to shop for more shoes because I don’t need any more. I’ve learned that I could help another instead of going shopping I’ve learned that people here on MyLot will go to extremes to help and stick up for each other I’ve learned that life is full of angels; I just can’t always see them I've learned that it's okay to make mistakes, who am I to know what is a mistake anyway? I have more and I may be back!
• United States
10 May 09
Those are awesome! you are welcome back to share all you have:) I’ve learned that I don’t need to shop for more shoes because I don’t need any more. more than anything.... my husband wishes I would learn that one! lol!
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• Indonesia
10 May 09
i agree with u and we must be a strong people
• United States
11 May 09
strong is important.. but I think we learn more through our weakness than at any other time in our life.