How do you know your religion is the right one?

religion - all the major religions
@cj5guy (93)
United States
May 12, 2009 7:29am CST
All these religions in the world and everyone seems to think the one they are a part of is the right one. How do you know? I have asked people why and other than "that's what I believe" as an answer, very few have studied all religions, so how are they making an informed decision. They all have the same basic principles like "treat others the way you want to be treated" but that seem to be the one part that everyone misses. How can you praise your God and then turn around with disdain when someone is praying to a different God. Religion is a choice (in most countries), but if you are raised in one religion and never experience other faiths, how can you be sure you have made the right choice. Example: Two religions, both say you go to hell for worshiping another God, which one goes to hell? Why can't they both be right?
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31 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 May 09
I guess it all depends on how any given person defines their path being "right"...some consider "right" to mean its the ONLY TRUE WAY...which is a joke...then you have ppl like me that KNOW MY personal paht IS RIGHT FOR ME AND ME do I know..becuase it comes from my heart and soul..becuase I see it, feel it, experience it in every moment of my life and so on...Is it right for anyone else? NOPE..they arent me... I have asked people why and other than "that's what I believe" as an answer, very few have studied all religions, so how are they making an informed decision very very true! and the cold hard reality is, they ARENT making an informed coudl they be if they dont have the facts and havent researched WITH AN OPEN MIND...its just not possible.. Excellent thread btw!
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 May 09
Well said J. I couldn't agree more if I wrote it myself.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
12 May 09
the answer to your question is based on the faith of the one answering it. because whatever explanation one give, for sure you will have more questions asked, and it just goes on and on, never ending debate. for me, my religion is the right one i am a born again christian, non-sectarian, what the bible says i what i believe in. and if you don't believe that, then it's not my problem...
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• Philippines
12 May 09
i believe that religion will not save us, but the importance of religion is that what it teaches us is what will save us. it doesn't matter what religion you are in, what's important is that you honor the same God. in my own opinion, i think we can basically know if we have chosen the right religion if it honors God's divinity and honors Jesus as God the son and savior. it doesn't matter how they honor Him, but as long as they do it for His glory and that the religious doctrines improves the way of living of a believer, then i can say that it is a right religion. ---
@cj5guy (93)
• United States
12 May 09
SO what you are saying is that the only right religions are Christianity "It honors Jesus as God and the son and savior" How can you be sure this is right? What about the Buddhist monks? What about Muslims? How about Taoists? How can they all be wrong because you believe in Jesus?
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
12 May 09
You cannot know your religion is the right one. I beleive God did this for a reason. One reason we as humans cannot understand. But He has His reasons. If I would have been born in a different country with a different religion, I would have been in a religion that was from that country. I also think that the religions all pray to the same God only they call Him a different name. The only thing you can do, is follow your heart. Believe what you think is right and let others do the same. We are all different, and that is okay. If we were all the same, life would be boring. Take care, have a nice day!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 May 09
You cannot know your religion is the right one Again that depends on ones definition of "right one"...for me, my path IS the "RIGHT ONE" FOR it the only "right one" in existence..of ocurse not and anyone who feels that way is just arrogant and in for a huge shock IMO..
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 May 09
yea that is the most important thing..too bad more ppl dont grasp that ya know..
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
12 May 09
That is the important thing, that it is right for you. Like I said, follow your heart.
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• Philippines
12 May 09
I've always believe that it doesn't matter what religion a person has for as long as he has strong faith and does believe in God. Knowing if you found the right religion for you is when you are comfortable and feel so much of a person and you are enlightened.. You have the faith in yourself, you know how to balance life and your faith in God, like it makes you happy with everything you do.. And no matter how busy you get, you still find the time with God. I think for me that's the right one for you.. Now, it only happens if you are all ready to accept God to enter your life and in your heart..
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 May 09
That was really well written and it goes for those of us that don't conform to any religion in particular ...right?
• India
12 May 09
I love my religion because I am with it.I love myself, so Ilove my choices too. Such a stance is OK. It is just like saying I am in love with so and so, how can anyone say on the face of it whether it was a RIGHT or WRONG deision ? The problem arises when someone says my religion is the best religion. In another post(for which I don't I have received any response) where I had asked the question: what is the most surprising thing that you come across in the world? This was a question put to Yudhishthira -an important dramatis personae, in the Mahabharata, by a Yaksha (a celestial being).Now, Y's answer was:"Every other day people see people dying, but the rest of them living, behave as if they are here to permanently stay on". Actually, it is bsides the point whether this was the best answer to the question. It is also besides the point that, this answer satisfied the Yaksha. What is relevant is the attention of the reader drawn to a fact of life. If it makes him introspect his own life,the end has been achieved. If this very question were put to me by a Yaksha I would have said: Everyone knows religion is about individual faith and no proofs, but every religion's follower believes his/hers is the truest religion !!!Worse still others' religions are somehow inferior,flawed or put in your favorite set of words and there is an urgent need to save the deluded and show them the right path(read: the religion they are following). What could be more surprising than this? I am sure the Yaksha would have not only smiled but would patted my back!
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
12 May 09
To me, the photo I'm attaching sums it up. There is no "right" religion.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
12 May 09
Jesus washing feet - Jesus washing the feet of ALL
Sorry, I forgot to actually put the photo up, I'm sure there will be people who don't like it.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 May 09
I like your pic- Did you notice that Bush has his hand on Bin Laden's leg?
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
12 May 09
A religion is a collection of beliefs and rituals designed to be used to worship and entity that is greater than they. Most religions claim that these rituals were inspired or even mandated by the entity. If you are raised in one religion, and know no other, and never investigate any other, then that religion is probably the best religion for you. You do not have the immagination to wish to look further, or the desire to look further, and so you cannot be blamed even if it is not the right religion. I think that people should try to experience other religions with an open mind. They might learn more about how others think and come to accept their differences even if they do no think the same. The experience might lead to more understanding and less friction between religions. It does not mean that anyone has to convert, just that they could learn to accept their differences. People will never all be the same. Which I think is good. The world would be a boring place if we all thought, and believed, and liked the same things. We just need to accept these differences, and go on from there. Shalom~Adoniah
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 May 09
There is no RIGHT choice only what is RIGHT for the person doing the searching. I have looked into many faiths (and lack of) to find the right path for me. Morally, spiritually, and faithfully. Each person should follow the path that brings them what they need- love, moral teachings, faith in something (even if only in themselves) all the important things that keep us going through the garbage life throws at us.
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@kdmlrys (398)
• United States
12 May 09
There's no such thing as true religion. Basically, people will choose whatever they're comfortable with and that's the most important thing. If you're happy being a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, etc., then stick with it!
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@John4Christ (1597)
• India
12 May 09
Oh i can tel this proudly that i have indeed experienced few other religions.......but with due respect to it........i would like to say it didn't work out for me....... How would you come to know if a water is pure or impure......offourse you would have to taste and tell it......sometimes contaminated water would be as clean looking as pure one......but it is actually have to TASTE it to believe it.....i have tasted my religion and i can say that i know it works for me.........i went looking for peace and harmony in many religions but i was certainly not happy with it........then when i turned back to Jesus things were so beautiful......and i will never even think about going to some other religion....... People may have their own views and own experiences to share.......but you can never come to a conclusion as to which one is right and which is its on us the choice is ours....... And i feel it really does not matter which religion you belong to as long as it gives you the right teaching and to be of use to humanity......and as far as heaven and hell is concerned......lets leave that to then......just live a righteous life and things would definitely be fine...... Have a nice day !!!!!
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• United States
13 May 09
If a church tries to keep the Bible secret and dont encourage you to read it for yourself,it is incorrect. There is also the fact of teaching about the infilling of the Holy Ghost....Please pick up a Bible and read it...there is no ONE will be clear to you if you pray and ask God for understanding and Direction. God Bless you and have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!
@cj5guy (93)
• United States
18 May 09
The bible is only one book, there are many from many religions to choose from, why is the bible the only one that matters?
@ruworth (147)
12 May 09
Im too scared to change religion these days, with the world being as it is there isnt really any point. I know what i believe in and im keeping that to myself..
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• Lebanon
12 May 09
Islam: Well...In times of Jesus, He said that a prophet will come after him and that all Christians should follow him. Muhammad came and Christians didn't because they didn't think he's the legitimate successor. Also, Islam sums up all other holy religions and is a very advanced and transparent religion.
• Dayton, Ohio
13 May 09
I'm not a Christian, heck, I don't even believe in Jesus, but I have been through the bible a fair bit and I don't recall ever seeing any quote like that. I'd be curious to see it. Where, pray tell, could I find it? Book and Verse?
• Lebanon
14 May 09
• United States
18 May 09
My religion is right for me,period. I never say or would say that my religion is the right religion for everyone. I never demean any other's religion. I love to hear about other religions. The more I learn , the stronger my love for my religion grows and the more tolerant I get about other's religion.the religion I practice wasn't the one I was born into. the eligion I was born into I culd never follow truthfully. I found one that I can.there are many paths, pick one and be faithful. and if you choose no path, that's okay. it is your choice and No one should pressure you to take thier path.
• United States
15 May 09
There could be many religions that have good principles that if followed would make this a better world, and since I'm not God I don't know if God accepts them or not. But, as far as I'm concerned, the only way you can judge which religion is the right one is whether or not that religion in any way can prove their claims. For example, how does their written history measure up with secular history? If there are prophecies, is there evidence that these prophecies have been fulfilled or are being fulfilled? If there are claims that can be proved or disproved, what is its track record? Has the faith been tested and has it passed the test of time? Would the followers of that faith willingly die of it? Is there evidence that God loves you? I don't think you can judge a religion based on its people, so you need to study the religion to see if what it teaches is accurate.
• United States
27 May 09
I believe it is a matter of ignorance. People that are closed minded open swear that their religion is the only right one. But they are often unable to tell you anything about other religions and even worse they often have misunderstandings about those religions. I believe their is no right answer. Even if one is Christian, it is not just solely being a Christian look how many denominations there are. Nobody wants to agree and everybody thinks they are right. The world would be a much better place if we could get past this ignorance and work in harmony.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 May 09
There comes a time in some people's life when they look for God. Since God is really someone, He can be found. For those who have other things in mind, any religion will do just fine. There are alot of lessons around religion. Few of them about God.
• Canada
19 May 09
I dont know if my religion is the right one in general but its the right one for me. I am not a "practicing" Catholic though I was raised going to church every Sunday I dont anymore. But I do pray everynight, I do believe in God and I do my best to be a good person and follow His Commandments. As long as I am content with my beliefs nothing else matters, I dont worry about other peoples religions and I dont judge them, Heaven is a big place with room for everybody.
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
27 May 09
I am certain that Christianity is the true and only way to the Living God. It gives inner purity and true inner peace. When I follow the principles of the Bible, over and over again, I get the results that it says obedience will produce. And I know that because I have chosen to follow Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior that after this life is over, I will have eternal life with Him and all those who have made the same choice.