Christians, Read Your Bible!!!

May 13, 2009 7:01pm CST
I have noticed that the majority of so called Christians in this group really do not understand the importance of reading your bible. I looked through some of the posts and questions that people ask and I just want to emphasis that the bible has every answer that you could possibly ask for. So I just want to encourage you guys to read your bible first before you make any posts as its most likely that there will be an answer for you there. The bible states that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and the bible is God's word. As a christian the bible is your sword in fighting off the enemy (devil) So if you dont know what the word of God says then surely you will always live in defeat and misery. So dont let that happen to you. Gird up your loins and read the bible day and night just as it says in Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouths, but thou shall meditate on it DAY AND NIGHT that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it, for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success." So please people I urge you to constantly read the bible. I promise you that God's word will never let you down.. May the Spirit of the Lord lead you into reading his word.. Cheers.
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12 responses
• United States
14 May 09
Great post. I do read my bible every evening before I go to sleep. I pray every day as well. The only problem is, not every Christian has the ability to interpret properly what they read. That is why the early Church set up Elders, so they could guide the Church. Every Christian becoming their own teacher has led to great schisms in Christianity. Each individual Christian that reads their bible will give you their OWN interpretation. This was never meant to be. Christ wanted his Church united, not divided. I DO agree that every Christian should pray and read their bible, but to do so under the guidance of and Elder appointed by God, just as scripture directed
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
14 May 09
Yes we should be reading our bible, but these post are read by so many, even non believers. I believe that God is using this board to help spread his word and to help Christians with their walk with him. He wants us to fellowship with one another, the ask questions and to seek the advise of other Christians. Not everyone can get to church, for one reason or another, but the church can come to them via these questions and answers. Allow God to work through others in our lives with these post, with these questions. It makes you think, it makes you take a minute to visit with God, every time you read or respond to a post in a manner that lifts him up.
• United States
14 May 09
I am sorry I dont read my bible like I should. I have been for a few years now just sticking to a yearly bible and only reading that. I sometimes read actual bible and miss it. I am looking into getting back into reading at least one bible thing that isnt from that but my actual bible. Dont get me wrong. I read devotionals and stuff but sometimes its just hard when times is not there and I feel rushed. I should be putting a bigger effort forward about keeping God #1 but I dont. So I agree read and read a lot or a little. The effort is okay long as you do it. One day maybe I can learn to study the word too not just read. Good luck
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
14 May 09
I know as a Christian just learning about things I wasn't aware of on god's word, I do need to read the bible. I could say some sort of excuse about not having time, but then I'd be lying. I don't have a job and online is my earnings, so I do have time. I read it when I can, or when I think about it, but I know I need to read it more and to learn all I can from it. I wanted to say thank you so much for reminding me to pick up my bible! My fiance and I both need to read our bible more!
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
14 May 09
You said, The bible states that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and the bible is God's word. Notice where this scripture is found. Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 New Testament. Jesus made this statement and he was not talking about the Bible. Jesus was talking about God's personal teaching through the Anointing of the holy Spirit. Those are the words from God's mouth we must have to truly receive God's wisdom. Keeping your nose in the Bible and trying to figure out what it is saying is one of the worst things you can do. Only God through the Anointing can show us what the Bible is really saying. Read you Bible so you will know what you read and where you read it and then let God send you to the Bible to verify what he is telling you or is showing you. Art
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 May 09
Oh, you are my new hero. LOL. God speaks through the book, but the book is not His word. His word is our feelings and our love and our life.
@lupin0302 (137)
• Philippines
15 May 09
yes i agree with you it is really important to read the bible becuase this word come from the God, but more important you got to live the bible, it is not enough that you read the bible you must live its word. i've read a trivia abuout one man who has so much knowledge about the bible as a matter of fact he wrote many trivia about the content of bible yet he did not believe in GOD.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
14 May 09
This is so True. Bible Reading Enriches Any Day. I know that you can learn a lot about life and things that can help encourage and comfort you no mstter what you are going thru as well. I know a lot of times people (no matter who they are), tend to get so busy that they never take time to read their Bible like they should even when they know how much it will help them. But the Bible is truly the answer for any situation, and you can never go wrong reading it for sure.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 May 09
i agree with you completely that we as a christian has to read our Bible daily to equip ourselves to fight against all the evils in this world... as we need food to help us to grow physically and keep us alive, we also need spiritual food which is the word of God to be able to survive in this world... thanks for reminding me again to read my Bible constantly... take care and have a nice day...
@caver1 (1762)
• United States
14 May 09
I read my Bible daily. Usually in the morning after dropping my kids off at school. I also would encourage everyone to read their Bible, but I do not want to discourage anyone from asking questions. A new christian or some one who is searching for the truth may need help just knowing where to look in the Bible to find the answer to their question. That's when we can help them in their search. I would also encourage everyone that does ask a question here to check the answers they get with what the Bible says also. Acts 17:11 Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
• United States
14 May 09
I think people are reading their Bibles. There is a lot to take in and a lot of teachings to sort through. It may be that what looks like an uninformed question, may just be someone who is confused in a certain area. What is important as a Christian is patience, love, and long suffering. While what you state is true it also feels belittling to me at least. Sorry if I took this the wrong way.
@machatago (385)
• Philippines
14 May 09 be honest I really dont read the bible that much, sometimes I do but whenever I can remember it. I know, I know you really do think I do need to read it. I have, just not all of it, even though I dont memorize the verses that much, the word has stuck with me through the years. Thank you too for the encouragement..Take care.
@Tikvah57 (22)
• United States
14 May 09
Yes, it is very important to read the word Of God for ourselves to rightly be able to divide the word. For precept upon precept is a thing established. Too many times have my Husband and I gone into a church only to leave wondering. There are too many winds of doctrine within just christianity, that if one is is not able to separate the meat from all the bones they chunk at us then we can be lead astray. If anyone does not own a bible, you can download e-sword it is free and you can download different versions and whole lot of other good stuff like commentaries etc. I beseech every one to read the bible, but more important than that is to have a real relationship with the author and finisher of our Faith Jesus Christ. The times we live in are in the last days .. Lets be ready when he calls us home