Does your daughter like dolls?

United States
May 17, 2009 6:38am CST
My daughter has quite a few dolls, but I never see her playing with them. For birthdays and other holidays I've given her Barbies thinking she'd love them and they'd just sit in the toybox, never to be touched. Yesterday we went garage sale shopping, and there was a cabbage patch doll for sale. It was very clean and in wonderful shape, and was only $3. Having grown up in the 80's during the cabbage patch craze, and having had 3 of them myself (which hadn't been kept in very good condition I might add!) I wanted to buy this doll for her. I asked her if she wanted it, and she said no! Does your daughter like dolls?
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23 responses
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
17 May 09
My daughter grew up with dolls and loved them just as I did. Then her daughter came along. She got dolls. But she has 3 brothers and she wondered why she couldn't have a truck like them! She never really played with her dolls. She like boyish things and electronic games and sports. Oh, she's become quite the young lady, which means they don't always have to play with dolls in order to become one.
• United States
17 May 09
For Christmas I bought my daughter a bunch of Polly Pocket cars, they came with a Polly Pocket and some other things, so it was a girly version of her brothers' favorite toy. The cars were all pink and glittery. I thought perhaps she'd like those, because she is very girly. She loves pink and purple and glitter. Nope, her youngest brother plays with those Polly Pocket cars now. My daughter isn't a tomboy, she just doesn't like dolls!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 May 09
I don't have a daughter. I only have boys and they have LOTS of toys they don't play with. We actually never buy them toys for holidays/birthdays. They usually get movies, video games, or something like that. I had Cabbage Patch dolls too
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
17 May 09
My daughter did not like dolls. She had a few, collectible, play with, hand made, cabbage patch. She mostly kept them on a shelf. She liked and collected My Little Ponies. She is grown up now, and the mom of two little girls, newest one born today. I do not live close so I am not sure how the oldest one feels about dolls, but she just got a new baby sister.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
17 May 09
My daughter loves baby dolls. She has about 15 of them. They are about her favorite thing to play with. I would have probably gotten it for my daughter, but she really does not need more.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
17 May 09
My daughter does like dolls actually, which is quite surprising seeing as she has 3 big brothers. I thought she would be a tomboy but she is quite girly and has a lot of dolls. She is not into barbie or any of the older dolls yet but prefers the baby like dolls and she has a pushchair and a pram and loves to push her dolls to school when we pick the boys up! I always wanted a cabbage patch doll but never got one!!
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
18 May 09
No not really, my daughter rarely ever played with dolls. If there was another little girl over and they wanted to play dolls she would play with them, but she would never just play with them on her own. She used to play with a neighbor girl and she liked to play with dolls, they would play with the Barbies at least for a little while every time she came over, but if that little girl had never come over (that little girl is 14 now, and my daughter is 13), those dolls would never have been played with. I think my youngest son plays with my daughter's Barbies more than she ever did. Of course he only plays with them because they have big cool Barbie cars.
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
17 May 09
I don't have a daughter, but when I was little I loved dolls.
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@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
18 May 09
How daughter is just like yours. she doesn't like dolls at all! I did the same thing I bought her barbie dolls thinking she would love them, but she plays more with balls, and even the packages her toys came in than the toys themselves. I will see if this changes when she gets a little older. You know, this is a good thing. I don't have to buy her expensive toys anymore lol
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• United States
18 May 09
My daughter would have gone goo-goo over the Cabbage Patch Doll. She already has one Cabbage Patch Doll, named Tika which means, Brat. Not sure why she chose that name. But she has dragged this doll with her everywhere since she was about one year old. She would stand up in her crib and scream, 'Tika! Tika!' Then she adopted, 'Meow Meow' an over stuffed white cat doll. She loves that thing. She is constantly playing with her beanie collection. She has dozens of beanies. Not the real pricey beanies, just the one dollar beanies from the Walgreens. However, my daughter does go through phases where she doesn't play a lot with her dolls. She is preschool age. She has phases. Sometimes, she likes to watch her PBS cartoons and play online educational games at Star fall. Other times, she is all about pretend. Every little girl is different. You might try an educational CD-rom for her next birthday. I got a stack of CD-roms for my daughter's third birthday and she devoured them! A very good investment. Answer to your question. Yes, my daughter loves her dollies! She has hundreds and hundreds, most of which are now in storage since the move.
• United States
18 May 09
Stuffed animals (which I don't consider dolls) are a different story. My daughter does like those. She doesn't really play with them, but she does like having them around. I don't consider CD-roms as toys, and that's not something I'd buy for my child. I'm not too crazy about getting them getting "hooked on technology". I think it takes too much away from their innocence and imagination to get too involved in all that technological junk!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
19 Jun 09
My daughter has all of her girl genes firing! lol she likes her baby dolls. Closest thing to Barbies are her Disney princess dolls. Not to fond of cabbage patch dolls though. She thisks their faces look smooshed.
• United States
18 Jun 09
My 6yo kinda likes Barbie but that's about it. My 3yo on the otherhand loves her "babies" so much we've dubbed her "lil momma" she's always got a blanket or baby in hand when she goes out and about. My Aunt buys her alot of dollies but my 3yo doesn't treat them very well and eventually they need to be replaced. Though it's a guaranteed win on finding something she'll like for her b-day or holiday.
• United States
8 Nov 09
My oldest does not like dolls much either. I cannot figure it out either. And the only time she ever plays barbies is with them in the bath tub. So I don't buy them new but like you @ rummage sales for .25-.50 as eventually the water in the tub will get their hair yucky ect. Though my middle she loves baby dolls. Not Barbies too much but Baby Dollies. She has many and when someoen asks what to get her I always say a "baby". Lately she's like bundling them up and finally understanding to put them to "bed" when she's not playing with her baby. And yes I remember the 80's craze! My aunt had to special order mine from TRU because they didn't even have them on the shelves. I have bought 2 of the anniversary edition dolls as well, but they are still in their boxes. I have gotten a few 2nd hand as well but they don't play with those too much until I start telling them I'm going to get rid of them. I dunno I loved the doll, but not my girls.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 May 09
I would have bought it as an investment for the future. My only daughter and all my two grands love dolls and my grandson also has a Ken doll that they both play with. How old is your daughter? she may play with them later with girl friends when she goes on play dates. Remember she is surrounded by her brothers and this probably influences how she plays.
• United States
18 May 09
She's 6 and half. She's certainly very girly, and she will say that she likes dolls, but she's never excited over getting them, and she never plays with them.
@Jae2619 (1482)
• United States
18 May 09
My daughter is going on 2 and she could care less about a doll baby. She's still young so maybe she'll come around to liking them later but for the time being what dolls she get's from holidays and birthdays will just be sitting still unopened or in her toy box until she comes around to liking them. She's into cars, bats and balls, and dogs. I think she should have been my little boy alot of the time, lol.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 May 09
My daughter liked playing with baby dolls when she was much younger (3 or 4) but NEVER liked Barbies..and she actually much prefered to play with Tonka trucks and things like that...
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
19 May 09
My oldest daughter plays with dolls sometimes but not too much she is 3. My youngest is 1 and she carries this one doll all over the house with her. She even puts her in the truck of her little bike and rides the baby around with her. I have never seen a small girl into a baby doll that much but of all the ones she has this is the only one she plays with all the time. It has no hair and has its limbs sewn on a cloth body. It never has clothes on and if she tries to put clothes on it they dont' stay on very long.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 May 09
I got my daughter Barbie dolls but she didn't like them either. The reason is basically because Barbies are no longer that popular, the Bratz dolls and the MyScene dolls have taken over. Even when they are young, they want all the same things their friends have. From the time they hit school age, all kids start to be influenced more by their peers, and you go from being the all-knowing mother to the hopeless out of date and old-fashioned person who just doesn't understand them. My daughter did play with baby dolls, but the most popular ones are the Baby Born and others of that ilk. In fact, the baby dolls are so lifelike and their accessories and prams so realistic, that I have more than once mistaken a baby doll strapped into a car seat for a living baby. I wouldn't worry, either way. All kids are different and although it's an insult to our motherly tastes, they won't always like what we like. By the time they are teens, they will hate what we like on principle, because they are supposed to. It all comes out okay by the time they are twenty-five and they will look up to you again.
• United States
18 May 09
My oldest daughter is the only one of my three that wanted dolls. My two younger ones never showed an interest in them. I saved all of her dolls for the smaller ones but ended up tossing them out. Barbie was a favorite of my older daughters but the other two never found an interest in it.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
18 May 09
my daughter dont like dolls too. in fact when she was still very young 2-3 years old, she was afraid of dolls, i thought it will changed when she get older, so i bought her a barbie doll... but she never played with it. she has lots of stuffed toys too, and never really played with it too... what she likes to do is draw and paint... growing up i saw her making her own cardboard games, she would draw it and paint it and put all those numbers and what to do, it's really amazing how she does it. sometimes i saw her and her little brother, they took a cardboard and made billiard table out of it and played billiards instead. during her growing up whenever she's going to have a birthday, i tell her aunts and my friends if they will give her a gift not to buy her dolls because she will not use it.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
18 May 09
my daughter likes cyndi alot but she wants to buy barbie everytime on her bday!