I have just applied for a job online

United States
May 17, 2009 8:43am CST
I have applied for a jack-of-all trades position. Office Administrator, bookkeeper, receptionist, errand-runner, etc. It's only 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and will double the pay of my full-time job. ...of course, I'll be back to paying out for my own health insurance and AFLAC supplementals, but I might sleep again--on a regular basis, that is. And it might not be so hard to keep my grades up if I'm not working 40-50 hours a week...been back down to 40 for two weeks now with people struggling to find work to do. I really will hate leaving my friends at the office, but I can now do so with a clear conscience because all the work is caught up now. Personally, I would have enough to stay busy, but the other ladies run out of work and our boss isn't there to delegate any of her work to them. They ask me if they can help me audit & post batches to the books. What am I supposed to say? "No, you can't help me. Stare at the walls in your cube for the next 5 hours." No, I didn't. I let them help me, but I'll probably be in trouble for it tomorrow when the boss is back. They now have time to do my work along with theirs. Have you ever applied for a job online? Did you get at least get an interview if not the job? I have several other jobs marked that pay more than my current job, but all of them are full time. I'm not applying for those until/if I hear from this job that I just applied for moments ago. Those of you that pray, please pray I get the fat-paying part time job. Thanks, Shannon
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14 responses
@Archie0 (5653)
17 May 09
Well i must congratulate you for this new and awesome job at this period when most of us are running out of it, well i have been struggling for one job and i am unable to get it since so many days and i am on the urge to get mad now. i have been strugglinf a lot around but failing i am still trying it out though lets hope to get it somewhere very soon.
3 people like this
• United States
17 May 09
Thank you, tho I'm sorry to hear about your struggles in trying to find work. What kind of work are you looking for? I will pray for you to find acceptable work, Archie. And thank you again for being kind in congratulating me. I hope I do get it, because I'm probably about to be downsized.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
18 May 09
I pray that you do get this job. I know how it is to find a job these days for alot of people.
1 person likes this
• United States
23 May 09
Thanks, Steph. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately the job was bogus & I ended up going back to Craig's and flagging it for removal before a bunch more ppl could get swindled. I'm still looking for other jobs regardless tho. If vinefire ends up paying out, there won't be any problems lol.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
18 May 09
Good luck to you! I really hope you get the call. It doesn't sound too good where you are.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 May 09
I send you my prayers and best wishes, and more and more I'm seeing jobs that the only means to apply is via online. Best of everything to you. DR...
• United States
23 May 09
Thanks so much for your prayers & good wishes, David. Best of everything to you too...btw, thanks for putting that blog up, the message is important. If we all put aside personal opinion and stick together as the human race, we can accomplish anything & put an end to the evil crap going on...yes, i'm praying about that too.
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
17 May 09
Good Luck to you! I have never applied on-line for a job myself, but I do have a few friends who have gotte jobs that way.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 May 09
That's very encouraging! Thank you for sharing I appreciate the good wishes too.
@anamarp (93)
• Philippines
18 May 09
hi ...woow nice one..by the way I'm Ana and really searching for homebased job that where I will only use computer and internet...have you known one? can you help me? because my dream job is really just to stay at home and do my job through internet..can you let me know if you know one job? thank you..
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
18 May 09
I will surely hope you get the position. I am moving soon and will be looking for another job myself, and hopefully it will pay at least a few more dollars per hour, because where I work now I am very underpaid. I want more info about where you applied online, did you use a job search such as Monster.com or was this applying directly to certain companies?
@gcabando (313)
• Philippines
17 May 09
For me, I would choose friendster because I am used to using the website. Compare to other social network which I don't have account with. My friends call me an old school person because I don't catch up the the society. The reason is that I don't like to create an new account because it is a time consuming process.
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
17 May 09
Hi Visitorinvasion. According to me, the future, the work will be online more. Working online gives us the freedom to manage the time himself, and this will make us more independent and responsible. Nice to meet you and ... good luck!
• United States
17 May 09
Thank you for the good luck wishes. I do work online part-time, it was full time until my brain got hungry and I went back to school. My businesses all but went under due to lack of full time customer support. That's something I hope to get back to later on. Right now I need a steady paycheck to make sure my family doesn't do without.
• India
18 May 09
I congratulate u for this great job..Well with time running u r doing very well..In this compitative world u r going very well..Heartly congratulates for this.....God bless u
@fixnwin (22)
• Malaysia
17 May 09
ya..pray that you get the part time job that pay you much much more.i have applied online job recently,i got the interview but i don't get the job.so i still a jobless momma..LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
17 May 09
I'm sorry you didn't get it, but the interview should make you keep trying. It is hard to even get an interview these days. Good job! I will pray for you to find acceptable work soon. Good luck in the job hunt & thank you for the good wishes!
@Greenhill (178)
• United States
17 May 09
The last job that I applied for was so long before online applications!!! I think the negative aspect to applying online would be the dishonest people who are just wasting time. That is a negative to the people who need honest employees. I guess applying online beats sitting in an interview waiting room filling out forms. Applying online saves everyone time, and time is money. With so many people out of work do not be disappointed if you don't get a call. For every job out there the possibility exists that thousands will apply. Good luck to you! If it doesn't work out, try again elsewhere. Don't quit your current job until you get a new one!
• United States
17 May 09
That's true. I don't think I'd enjoy being the recipient of all those emails lol. Particularly the ones that applied without the expressed qualifiers. I'm hoping against hope, I suppose. And I am not quitting without having another job. #2 rule according to one of my favorite profs. I was hired a year and a half ago to help the ladies there catch up some data entry in a part time position. It wasn't long before I was full time and promoted 3 times. Now all the work is finally caught up, and downsizing is a big possibility. Politics is always an issue. Who are they going to can is what I'm wondering. Atm, I'm the most likely to bounce back the quickest. Thank you for your voice of reason. If I don't hear from this job by the time I've been home from work for 2 hours tomorrow, I will begin sending out my resume to the other jobs while they're still open.
@technoobs (406)
• Philippines
18 May 09
That's great paying attention to part-time job that pays well. If I have into this type of job then I would also be back on track going to school while having a part time job.
• United States
17 May 09
jack of all trades and master of none, thats why they will give you a ton of work and little pay.
• United States
17 May 09
If you'd read the whole thing, you'd know the pay they're offering is excellent. Doubling the decent pay I get now for full-time work.