Do you sometimes talk to yourself?

@Margajoe (4747)
May 17, 2009 1:14pm CST
I have found myself talking to myself. hahaha! I am in a good mood and while I am on the computer, I start singing little tones . Or saying things to myself, and laughing about it. Because I find I talking to myself. Maybe I need help? Take care.
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22 responses
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
17 May 09
hi that's something really know what sometimes i do something like that when i know that the other person is hearing what i am really makes got your stress out and he even can't say anything either coz its bad to spy on others...hahahaha
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 May 09
You are very intelligent. Using this in a good way. Take care.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Aha, they trust you. That is good.
@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
17 May 09
i do it cause people around me knows that i don't have anything bad for them in my heart...
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• United States
17 May 09
I do talk to myself but it's not all the time. I talk to myself whenever I'm bored or if I am really frustrated about something. I have a hard time holding it in if I'm frustrated and no one seems to be helping me out any. So instead of keeping my opinions to myself I end up saying them outloud. I try hard not to but sometimes it's hard. Habits are hard to break.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 May 09
Yes habits are hard to break. But, I think it is good not to keep everything bottled up. Take care.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
20 May 09
In reality I think everyone can honestly say they have found themselves talking to oneself. I know for me it happens. A lot of times it could be outloud regarding something we have read here in myLot, etc. but it does happen. I think overall it is natural. Just as long as we do not make it a habit where when out in public others would see or hear us and think something is wrong as well.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Yes I agree. But yesterday I had such a difficult day. I found myself talking to myself while walking down a busy street. I had to convince myself everything was going to be all right. I had to calm down, not to loss it. And I did accomplish what I needed to do. And today everything looks a lot better for the future. Things are looking up!! Thanks for commenting.Take care.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
21 May 09
yes me too! i have often found myself talking when i have a problem and i would reassure myself that things will be alright
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
18 May 09
My sister has a running commentary. Seriously, it is very annoying. If she is going to tie her shoes, she says "I'm going to tie my shoes." This is a typical conversation she has with herself: "I'm going to tie my shoes, and then I'll get up and take the garbage out. I should have done that last night. Now I'm going to feed the dogs..." She is talking to herself, but anyone in the room hears it, and it drives us all nuts! We love the girl, but I don't need step by step instructions to follow what she does during the day.
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
18 May 09
She's very independent. I talk to myself, but it's always to call myself stupid after I've done something foolish!
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Yes I have done that many times too. " Oh I am so stupid!" But, I never counted that as talking to myself. hahaha! But, it is. hahaha! She is independent, that is a good sign. That must mean no one can tell her what to do. Because she only listens to her own voice. That must be a good sign. hahaha! Take care.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
My ex BF did that too. I kept thinking he was talking to me. That is why I thought it was weird to talk to yourself. Now I am doing it too, but I am not telling myself what to do. Is she independent or does she depend on others a lot? Just curious. Take care.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
17 May 09
I try to walk every morning and then again in the evenings, and when i do this i find myself talking to my self, just going over everything that i am thinking about.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 May 09
What happens when someone sees you? Do you get embarrassed? At least I realize it is not only me, hahaha! Love you avatar by the way. I hope you don't mind me asking, but is that your wedding picture? Looks very lovely. Take care.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
WOW!!!! Congratulations!!! You don't hear that very often. But, I am wondering: Why after all those years would you decide to get married? The icing on the cake? I do think you are a beautiful couple. Wishing you both, all the best always. Take care.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
18 May 09
Yes i do get embarrassed sometimes, people driving by probably get a good laugh seeing me. Yes my picture is a wedding picture. after being together over 30 years we got married 4 years ago.
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
17 May 09
Great! You've found your conscience.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
17 May 09
Thank-you. That must be a good thing. So that means I am not going crazy. Well good to know. Take care.
@beli44 (51)
• Puerto Rico
26 May 09
I think everybody talk tohim/herself more women than men,I do that when I very angry or frustated
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
26 May 09
I had a BF once that did that all the time. I would think he was talking to me, but he was talking to himself. That was so nerve raking after a while. The BF I have now, talks to himself too. Especially when he gets angry, and also when he is playing a game on the computer. Boys will be boys, hahaha!
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
21 May 09
yes hahahaha that a sign of neurotic or psychotic problems? hahahaahah i don't think so, its a way for me to bond with myself lol and i usually do talk to myself when i am watching CSI its like i argue with myself and talk to myself on how things are going with the crime scene hahahaha its weird but i enjoy it lol
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
21 May 09
Well when you enjoy it, it must be good. Just to day I caught myself talking to myself by a movie on TV too. "I would not do it that way!" or "No, don't do that!" I actually scared myself. hahaha! I guess I must have been doing this longer, but never really noticed it. But, seems the people here, all find it very normal. So, no problem. Take care. Have a nice day.
• China
19 May 09
I think there is no any wrong to this habit. It's just a habit. We all have some personal habits, even very strange. So, take easy. I think most of people once talked to themselves sometimes.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Yes it does seem that way. By the reactions I have gotten, you must be right. Thanks for commenting. Take care.
• Philippines
19 May 09
i also do that!to calm my self or sometimes when i just want to!lol! don't worry, i once read in readers digest that it is normal..
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Thanks for the encouragement. It is nice to know others do it too. And that it is normal. hahaha! Take care.
• Philippines
24 May 09
sometimes talking to yourself can also be a it's just normal..C:
• Philippines
19 May 09
sometimes i also do that!lol! but don't worry, i think its normal unless its too!
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Yes, but what is too much? Just recently I saw an older women sitting on a bench. I thought she was on a mobile phone, then when I looked closer, it seemed she was talking to her bag/purse. That really looked weird. I had walked by and later walking back to my home, I saw her still sitting there and talking away. She seemed happy. hahaha! Oh well, guess everything is alright when you are happy. Thanks for commenting. Take care.
• Philippines
24 May 09
i think too much is when you can't control,it's also weird.. but sometimes,when i'm alone and waiting for someone..i talk to myself so i can't be bored..C:
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
26 May 09
no ofcourse you don't need help. i guess its just normal, you know. because i too sometimes speak to myself saying so many things, talking and laughing sometimes too. i guess, i am still in my sane mind right? but if i got problems its like it could ease some of the burden if i talk some sense to my self. thanks friend!
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
26 May 09
I know what you mean. I never thought I would be talking to myself. Maybe I have done it before, but it never really dawned on me that I was doing it. Seems I am catching myself more and more lately. hahaha! But, thanks to this discussion, I realize I am not alone with this. So it must be all right. hahaha!
• Canada
19 May 09
HAHA I do it all the time! More when I am angry with someone it helps with the stress and better say it to thin air than to the one I'm angry at for thier sake lol.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Well yes, I think you have a point there. This way you stay calm. Avoiding arguments. Better then getting into trouble. hahaha! Thanks for commenting. Take care.
@mhethess (379)
• Philippines
19 May 09
Hi Margajoe, I am also fond of talking to myself especially when I am infront of a mirror, or before facing my class or a group of people. I am doing it to convince myself that I can do it? Have you ever experience this when facing a mirror you will immediately say wow you look great today! ha ha ha. Or sometimes when you are alone walking in a dark alley you have to convince yourself that we are not afraid. Thanks can we be friend and add me in your list
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
20 May 09
Well sure. Walking and convincing myself not to be afraid. Yes I have that. But looking in the mirror and talking to myself is scary for me. Why? I think I got a trauma as a child reading the Snow White story. I don't really like mirrors for too long. Somehow I have the feeling my reflection might really answer. I know it is not going to happen, but I still have it. hahaha! I have been told, that talking in a mirror is a good way to learn how to stick up for yourself and get more self confidence. So what you say there is true. You are right. But I can't do it. hahaha! Take care.
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
18 May 09
Well; yes;I talk to myself sometimes when I am in quite an introspective mood and when I am very much thoughful . Regards
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Regards to you too. Yes, seems to be normal. I did not realize so many of us do it. Hahaha! I knew of others who did it, but never expected to find myself doing it. hahaha! Well thankfully, it seems to be very common, so normal. Take care.
@mzj033y (185)
• United States
18 May 09
I'm glad we share similar things. I do talk to myself sometimes. I would watch television and I would argue against the plot of the story. If i don't like something, I would start complaining even if no one is around. I think my mom talks to herself to. When she's making food, she would start mumbling something and i would ask her are you talking to yourself and she would say yes. I find it really funny and she would tell me that she has gone "crazy."
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
I think that is cute, I would like to see that. You complaining to the TV when there is no one there, hahaha! I have not (that I remember) heard my mother talk to herself. But I have heard my Dad have conversations with himself. When I thought he was talking to me , he would say it was nothing he was just thinking out loud. hahahaha! My ex BF was funny , every time he talked to himself I thought he was talking to me. Asking me questions. I thought it was very irritating after a while. Now I find I too am talking to myself, even singing when I am happy. Take care.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
18 May 09
You are perfectly fine. As long as you don't find yourself delusional. Or you think that you have an imaginary friend around you. It is fine to talk to yourself, I talk to myself sometimes too.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Thanks. I am glad to realize I am not going crazy. hahaha! And it seems to be very normal. No I don't have an imaginary friend. No yet anyway. hahaha! Take care.
@khayshenz (1384)
• United States
17 May 09
ALL THE TIME! That's the only way I can figure out what's going on inside there! =P My boss (his office is right next to mine) told everyone in the office (on my first week) - "she talks to herself more than I do, and she sings. That's her in a nutshell." Hahahahaha.... So no, nothing wrong with you! If anything else, you might be one of the smart ones. ;)
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
That sound good to me. Thanks for the encouragement. I like singing when I am alone too. hahaha! Take care.
• China
18 May 09
It sounds strange but cute at the same time. When i'm alone,i will sing a song along with the music that my computer plays,and sometimes i talk to myself but not often.What i always did was keeping diary.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Yes it does doesn't it? hahaha! But seems to be very normal seeing the responses. So that is a good sign. I have many diary's, this has made me see how much I really have changed though the years. Scary in a way. There has been one My lotter that said it was a good idea to keep a dream journal. All kinds of positive future dreams to give more energies to life. Giving you a positive look towards the future. I may try that. Take care.
• Italy
18 May 09
Oh yes!!!He is my favourite confident! I speak a lot with myself, I think it's a normal thing although some people say that is only for mad people! I need to do this to find more security in myself in certain situations...
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
18 May 09
Yes I used to think it was mad too, until I caught myself in the act. Maybe I have been doing it longer and did not notice until now. hahaha! But, seems from this conversation, we have nothing to worry about. It is common and normal. Take care.