Have you ever not followed Doctors Orders?

United States
May 18, 2009 8:48pm CST
Hello, I am back for a short breather away from my husband and daughter(who is asleep) But I was wondering if all of you follow doctors orders or do you bend the rules? My husband was recently put on a strict diet and he just refuses to abide by the doctors rules for him. I swear he eats every commercial break.If he does eat a food on the diet plan he eats three or four times the amount that is recommended. I feel that is is a waste of the doctors time if he isn't going to go by the rules and also it waste alot of money since he goes once or twice a week to the doctors. I try to tell the doctor but she won't listen to me at all. Spending this time off to be with him and my daughter taught me one thing. Me and my husband still have nothing in common but being diabetics. But I have been enjoying the time I have spent with my daughter very much. So what would you do if it was you? Do you feel it is a waste of time seeing the doctor since he won't abide by the rules?
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16 responses
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
19 May 09
Wow, I just got of a room mate situation where the guy had diabetes, and he would eat 5 to 8 times a day.. I was the one that would cook the meals.. He's wife would get down on him for eating all of the time, tried to buy foods that were healther for him but he was not willing to eat them... So I took a different approach, instead of nagging him about what he was eating.. When he was hungry, instead of him eating a big bag of chips, I would make him something else that was a lot more healthly.. One of his major no's no's according to the doctor was soda.. when I first moved in he was going through 4 or 5 two liters of Diet Mountain Dew... (Diet Soda so much healthier, yeah right, no way) anyways thats a different topic.. Instead of trying radically change his diet at once or even how many times he eats.. Try changing the quailty of the food, meaning healthier; instead of a bag of chips, try almonds. Add a couple new healthier foods, so then maybe the change wont be so hard for your husband to adjust.. If that doesnt work.. Try baked stuff instead of fried.. change the way you prepare the food.. It worked with my ex room mate... unforunately 4 days after I moved out he ended up in the hospital for a week, because he went back to his old diet.. and I only change a couple of things.. No its not a waste of your time or the doctor's time.. You care for your husbands' welfare.. A different approach may be neccesary. Good luck and dont give up you can do it:-)
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 May 09
Hi, I know about her situation since she is my mom and he is my stepdad..and he will eat like fruits and all but he doesn't stop at just one he will eat like 3-4 apples at a time then 30 minutes later he is eating again. I know diabetics are supposed to eat between 4-6 small meals a day but he doesn't do small..He just eats as much as we wants. And when he wants and he over eats big time. Nothing we say or do will help we get our heads bit off if we try. We are told it is his life leave him alone. There is only so many times that I try something before throwing my hands up and just leaving him alone. If we fix the dinner like he is supposed to have..He looks at us like that was a appetizer and wants more. If you don't get it he goes gets it and then eats even more. He will at times eat almost half a loaf of bread also which is a big no no.. he was told no pop, no chips not even baked ones. He is on a very strict diet.. His motto is that you don't eat like a elephant all these years then start eating like a pissant..Well his doctor put him on the STRICTdiet. So he should listen to her or why go if he is just going to disregard what she says and go on his merry ol' way..I understand my mom's frustrations in this matter. And like he says, Can't teach a new dog new tricks.
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• United States
22 May 09
yea he is a tough old bird,lol but if he doesn't stop snappy at me like a snapping turtle,i am going to give him something to snap about.lol you know what they do with turtles don't you ?lol he goes tomorrow for more test,this time on his gallstones.he is grouchy as a old bear after a long winter nap.
• United States
21 May 09
I feel for you and your family, sounds like you have a tough cookie on your hands... well then all I can say is try to make the foods that he will eat, a one little thing at a time, and/or take away a little at a time... like if he normally gets 5 spoonfuls of something give him 4 1/2.. may not seem that much, but thats the point.. after a week or so... (when he is use to that) take it down another 1/2.. but at the same time with that kind of irratation, it may be best to just leave him alone... granted its hard to watch someone you care for sit there and eat their life away but ulimately its he's choice... Good Luck to the both of you
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 May 09
in a sense, I'd have to wonder why on earth he sees the doctor. I don't go to the doctor's unless i'm really in trouble so I can't judge this man at all. I kind of know what causes someone to avoid those people.
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• United States
20 May 09
he didn't want to i talked him in to going because his sugar was over 500.was i wrong?
• United States
20 May 09
i can tell if my high with out checking i bite people heads off or get really sleepy
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 May 09
no...you are not wrong. obviously he trusts you enough to know this stuff so you should act as you see necessary. I'm so so private...my girls have no clue to my blood sugar level or anything for that matter....actually ...i don't even know.
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@disturbedgd (1819)
• South Africa
19 May 09
I am a diabetic myself and I too have never had a diet for the past 8 years that I had it. But I always ate the right kind of food but without a diet I feel a change in my body two of my fingers have gone numb but I can still move it so I am going to see my dietrician soon but it will be hard to change my food style because I am not used to eating differently. I feel I wasted my own time and life not the doctor's.
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• South Africa
19 May 09
well my cholestrol is clean im not overweight and no gallstones im just worried about my diet.
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• United States
19 May 09
i am glad you are ok.good luck on your diet
@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
19 May 09
In 1993 the doctor told me to go on a special diet, cutting back on certain things in order to save my health. I was 22years old and said to myself, nothing can go wrong, I am young and healthy. In 1996, at age 25, I lost my kidneys. If only..., who knows. I am not diabetic but had high blood presure. Most people suffering from kidney failure are high blood pressure or diabetic patients. Tell your husband to rather take the diet seriously or risk further effects. I do not wish for any one to be on dialysis, as I am, it is not a pleasant experience. I wish you all the best.
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• United States
19 May 09
he says he is ready to go home to be with God.
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• United States
20 May 09
you are only speaking the truth so why should i get mad.i agree with you.
@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
20 May 09
There is nothing more that I want than to go home and be with God. That is what I want, but what does God want, and the people around me. I was not created for myself, I was made by God for God. We are not here to live for ourslefs. I is a bit selfish to always want to get what we want. \sorry for the hard words, I just want to encourage both you and your husband that there is more to life than just what we want. Seek what God's will is and then you will find true peace even through hard times. I hate this broken body but God can use it to change many lives. Blessings
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@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
20 May 09
oh that is sad to hear your husband does not follow doctors' order. anyways, i hope that he will be follow it. i do also not follow doctors orders or prescription specially. when i think that the medicine is not good i will ask other doctors if they think that it is not good medicine i will not continue with it. i ask around first before i follow doctor's order.
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• United States
20 May 09
i know one doc. give some medicine that almost killed him,i think he is just giving up.
@arkasen (748)
• India
19 May 09
I know that not following doctor's order is not a good thing but yes I have done this many a time. When I feel ill and go to doctor then the doctor told me not to keep awake till late night. But I have never followed it. Some how I feel that study can be done better in night and in my college days I used to study till late night. Again I have been told many times to quite smoking by the doctor but till now I have not managed it. So I think I am not following the doctors instruction much. But there is no problem with me as I do have illness much.
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• United States
19 May 09
well my husband has high blood,high cholesterol,two kinds of cancer,one on his liver,the other prostrate cancer/needs his gallstones taking out and heart troubles.and diabetic.he is a walking time bome and he wont do any thing about it.
• United States
20 May 09
Good point arkasen,thank you ,didn't think of that.God bless you
@arkasen (748)
• India
20 May 09
I am sorry about your husband. But what happens is that when someone has lots of diseases then there are lots of instructions by the doctor and this makes our life hell. Then we start thinking that we will see what ever happens but let live the life to the fullest today. I think your husband may also think this way.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
19 May 09
The only time I did not do as the doctor said is when I had surgery and was told I could not do anything for 8 weeks. I had to work so I went to work in less than 2 weeks. My body really paid for that and I know not to do it again. As for your husband not doing right on his diet. He is only doing wrong by himself, he is cheating himself by cheating on the diet. He should not say he will do if if he is not going to really try. He must stick to a certain calorie intake daily. He also needs to exercise. It is a waste of time and money for him to see the doctor and not do right by his diet and himself.
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• United States
19 May 09
have you try making a donkey do something it doesn't want too.that's my husband. I have try every thing but hitting him in the head lol.i was even thinking about taking my little girl and leave him,but i don't think that would do it.he would just keep on just like he is.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 May 09
Well, you're supposed to abide by doctor's rules if you want a good chance of getting better but most people don't. Lots of people do things on their own either because they think they know something or because they prefer to do whatever. I learnt by experience that since a doctor knows more than you its better to follow him. I annoyed my medic more than once by doing something on my own and then being told how wrong I was.
• United States
19 May 09
you can't get it through his head ,i have try everything i don't known what to do any more.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
19 May 09
Yes I think if you have to live longer you should do what doctor told you to do. My father is also like that he don't listen to us if we warn him not too eat to much because the doctor advise him. Sometimes we afraid on what his doing I think in a day he eats 6 times I had a feeling that he has diabetes. He don't want to check his sugar and he refuses to go to the doctor. I don't know what I gonna do to him and my mother also give up on telling him. His brother has a diabetes because of his lifestyle and we are afraid that if my father continues his lifestyle he going to develop diabetes.
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• United States
19 May 09
he needs to see a doc.it is nothing to play around with,it can kill him.my husband is past hope,he is a know it all,he says he know more than the doc.
• India
19 May 09
hmm i remember i was having viral and doctor gave me medicine for 5 days.. i took i dose dat night i find mysefl quite good next morning so i just take another dose in the morning.. after then..i thought m completrly fine so ignored next doses.. a week later again i caught by serious viral.. n i also told dis to doctor..he told me dat in order to remove ur illness from root... u must take medicine properly and on time..as its a course n u hv to do it for ur health.. but still i sed to make mistakes..i forgot to take medicines..
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• United States
19 May 09
he wont take his medicines either so way paid for them if you are not going to take they,we need the money for other things.
@ray_ripz (81)
• Singapore
19 May 09
well for me sometimes i don't follow the doctor's order.. for an instance, the doctor told me to take a medicine before i go to bed but there are times that i don't take it.. and there are foods that the doctor prohibits me to eat like chicken, and egg.. but when i smell the fried chicken, i can't resist it.. i just go and eat it up.. but only a few.. haha..
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• United States
19 May 09
he eat every thing that doesn't eat him first.lolo i wouldn't mind him eating thing in a great once in a while.but he keeps eating,eating,eating ,watch out he is going to blow up.BANG
• India
19 May 09
I think, If u want him to follow doctor's order then be a bit strict to him. N i too think it's a waste of time visiting to doctor if someone dosn't follows doctor's advice.
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• United States
19 May 09
have you ever seen a real mean drunk? my husband don't get his food or his way ,he act like a mean drunk.
@Akay11 (11)
• India
19 May 09
hey, i serously dont think that its a waist of tim visiting the doc evn if ur husband dont abide by his rules.because we cant say that whos gonna change how , where, or when isnt it. but sill i personally feel that u should encourage him to follow the guidelines provided by the doctor.. one suggestion i can give u to bring ur man on the right track. wat u will have to do is tat u just note down the time and all the stuff he consumes in the whole day, dont leave even a single thingy,.do this for a week. and the next week take that note of urs to the doctor along with him, im really sure after reading that , docs gonna listen to u pretty well. bye, best of luck!!!!!!!
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• United States
19 May 09
honey i did that even took pictures of how much he eat ,didn't do any good.i even got rid of all the food he wasn't suppose to have,he goes for a walk and get his self something to eat.
@coon123 (14)
• China
20 May 09
it is a complex problem maybe your husband didn't want to violate the doctor' advice but he can't hlep himself before food you should get a method to solve this instead giving up
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
19 May 09
I know when you take his food away he turns into a grizzly bear..lol but yeah I do think that it is a waste of every ones time, yours since you go with him to all his appointments, the babysitters you have to get,the doctors,and a waste of money. He is set in his ways and he won't change unless the doctor sets him straight about it but she won't listen to anyone. Yeah he eats but eating 3 and 4 times the amounts he is supposed to isn't healthy or helping him. I guess just give in and tell him his life is his own and that he can make his own way. If he isn't going to help himself get better.. you aren't going to help him kill himself by eating junk he isn't allowed to have. Just don't buy it so if the doctor ask he is all on his own..He will have himself to answer to, the doctor and god.
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• United States
19 May 09
yep she right he walk out of the hospital once because he didn't think they were feeding him enough,went to Ashland to day for they could test his blood and every thing to get ready for his heart surgery on the 26 of this month.after that he has to get his gallstones out.than they are going for the cancer.but if he doesn't do what they tell him,it wont do any good.
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• United States
19 May 09
I do think it is a waste of time to visit the doctor if you arent going to take their advice. It is a waste of your time and a waste of the doctor's time! My father-in-law does this all of the time and I will never understand why. I am thankful that my doctor is one of my best friends. I have known her since middle school. Because we have such a good friendship, it makes it easy to talk to her about any issues that come up. This way we are able to work something out that will actually work for me. She is an awesome doctor. She does that for all of her patients. I dont think all doctors do that. So maybe it is just finding the right doctor so that your husband is able to do better at least.
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• United States
19 May 09
I wish we had a doctor like that here. He needs one that won't handle him with kids gloves that tells him straight like it is. It is just not sinking in that the problems he has can kill him if not properly taken care of. I guess the saying is true you can't teach a old dog new tricks. Since he quit smoking a few years ago he has also put on over 70 pounds and that isn't good either and causes breathing problems but he won't listen to noone but the birdie on his shoulder saying do it don't listen to them do what you want..lol or so that is how I feel. Maybe it is a man thing..