@gypsywoman344 (214)
United States
May 19, 2009 4:58pm CST
Throughout life we are given choices, turns, and roads to travel. Some people have their direction and roads mapped out for them since childhood. Some of us, go through life continually changing directions, proceeding by listening to unseen powers giving us direction.
I feel both travels are needed. There are other highways also,but; for the sake of time and space, we'll look at these two highways.
There seems to be a power outside myself that I have always felt put me where I was supposed to be when I was supposed to be there. Choosing to travel this road had cost me dearly I must admitt. I don't regrett the choices I've made, but; I do regret the prices I've had to pay. Do I feel I did right? Yes. AS I come to the autumn of my years, I am still paying the price and not finding the same kind of help I gave others. Am I bitter or regretful? No, but; I am tired and disapointed.
When I am most tired , saddest, or most disappointed; I revisit all the wonderful things I did and roads I traveled, piople I met, and good I've done.
The bottom line is not apparant success; rather lessons learned, deeds done. Your thoughts?
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7 responses
@plddre79 (161)
• United States
20 May 09
gypsywoman! have you ever tried pursuing the road to eternal life? it sounds to me that you are leaving a very important person out of your life. your creator! get
yourself the most important book of all time, the bible! it will change your life
dramatically and explains what you need to do to carry on with a happy life. it will inspire you to stay close to god and to have a satisfying life by acquiring
an accurate knowledge of him and his beloved son jesus christ. g0d loves you, and
now its time you showed some love for him before it becomes to late.

@gypsywoman344 (214)
• United States
20 May 09
I don't know why you got the inpression I was leaving God out of my life. I am not. As a servant by nature, my roads led me to working with the homeless, medical relief work etc. Occupations that didn't pay much but allowed me to follow my purpose. Servitude.
The Bible is the greatest book ever written, however; it is also a book rewritten by man, influenced by man, and inportant books and information excluded. I also believe today's "organized " religion with many political natures does not fit my belief.
I have lived my life under three great teachings effecting all my roads: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," , God will show you the way, and God has given us many gift, the greatest of these is Love.
I find God and his wisdom in the woods, when two or more are gathered in his name,
in my grandchildrens eyes, and the way my puppies play. In church- not so much.
When I was twelve, we were standing outside the church after serman. I listened as adult members of the congregation picked on a child that had to wear a helmet,poor parishners whose cloths were outdated, and a farmer that changed his cloths but didn't have time to bathe after morning chores if he was to make it to church on time. I could relate story after story in this regard, but my point is my favorite hymn says it all===="In the Garden".
He is with me every day and every way, but I can still learn from a variety of spiritual beings. Take what you need and leave the rest. When I need a church, I can walk in to the church I am led to and hear the message I am suppose to hear.
Thank you for your payers.
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@posh_gen19 (13)
• Philippines
20 May 09
yes!you are right! God is always there for us.
No matter how are choices brings us, it may be joy, pain or discouragement still He is there!
Just Like the song we've sing in the choir that what thing may bring,
Just trust God.!
i would like to share some few lyrics of the song. and here it goes:
All things worked for our good,
though sometimes we can see how they could.
struggles that breaks our heart in two,
sometimes blind us from the truth.
Our father knows knows what best for us,
His ways our not our own
Cause and when your pathway grows dim and you just dont see him
Remember He's still on the throne.
God is to wise to be mistaken,
god is too good to be unkind
Cause when you dont understand, and if dont see His plan
If you can't trace His hand trace His heart.
He sees the master plan,
He holds the future in His hand
so dont live as those who have no hope all are hope is found in Him.
We walk in present Knowledge
But He sees the First and The Last
And like a tapestry He's weaving you and me
to someday be just like Him....,As for this song, i understand that there are no right or wrong choices.
Its just that, it was part Of our Creator's plan that we chose the choice we had choose..Hope you get what i mean..

@qianmozi (25)
• China
19 May 09
you just said what i intend to say."some people have their direction and roads mapped out for them since childhood. some of us,go through life continually changing directions,proceeding by listening to unseen powers giving us direction"obviously, i'm the latter.time and time again i ask myself:what brought me here to be who i am now.i used to think i would live in a big city,work as a judge or a lawyer and marry someone really excellent.but the reality is that i gave up the chances to work in big citis,came to a medium city and now work on things totally irrelevant to my major. i did all this for a boy who i thought definitely would be my husband,however,i find he may not be the right one for me now.i'm really confused. why do some people can easily find what they really want but i have to detour around?
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@gypsywoman344 (214)
• United States
19 May 09
I have asked myself the same question and some of the answere's I've come up with are as follows: I am a free spirit, I have lessons to learn, there are certain people I am meant to meet, I was suppose to impact a certain persons life, I need diversity and individuality in my life. These are some and not all the reasons.
I have met two major love's in my life and both had our paths go in diferent directions, I would not have missed the time I traveled with either.
"To thine own self be true". What ever that means.
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@BloodShyne (792)
• United States
19 May 09
I feel the choices we make define who we are and who we will be throughout life, I think it's very important to try and make the right choices. One wronge choice could leave you with regret your entire life, but think about it we can't always make the right choices and sometimes there is no right choice. We've all made bad decisions in our lifes and will probably continue to make some bad choices as we progress through life and mature, but like you said you shouldn't regret the choices you've made you should learn from them. In life you have to make bad choices in order to learn how to make better choices, to put it simply without bad there is no good, without pain there is no pleasure. Just my 2 cents on the subject $0.02
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
19 May 09
Great first discussion!
My thinking is that there is something positive to be taken from every part of life... even the bad times have a lesson to teach, a moment to remember with a smile, and good with in.
I had a Christmas that I look back on and shutter. Fruit tress are so not my thing. But I was with a family member who made sure I got a gift that she thought would over come some of the rough edges. I take that and smile back over it.
There is a man who I should hate but don't because he really doesn't deserve it. His soul mate does though *evil grin* I take the time I spent and the gifts I was given and am thankful for the lessons learned.
@gypsywoman344 (214)
• United States
20 May 09
Thanks girl ,I needed that.LOL It does my heart good the not all my teachings fell on deaf ears.LUL
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@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
19 May 09
I think that there are many times in our live in which we come to cross roads in which we have an opportunity to make the right decision or the not so great one. Regardless of the road we select or go down, we will have chances to right a wrong, or make a bad decision a better one.
When my husband and I married I wrote him a very nice letter, that he read the day of the wedding. In it I talked about my past, our present and our future. I told him that while I was not proud of all the decisions I had made in my life I was glad that I made them, because it is those roads that I took at that time that lead me to him, and that while I may not have seen it at the time and may have questioned why I was going through the things that I was, I was now glad that I did go down the roads I did, for it was those roads that lead me to that day, that moment in my life in which I could marry my best friend.
Okay corny maybe, but I believe those words. I have had some hard times in my life, some things in which I am not so proud of, but I know that those times brought me to this moment and for that I would not trade a thing.
@anangf (1146)
• Indonesia
20 May 09
First, i would say i love participating in your discusion, you have good sight about it.
Secondly, during this life each of us traveled on its way . We can not do anything other than tried and praying for the good of us. that is important to saw anything positively. As we know, This thing's going on and on, let us be a valuable experience, be it excitement or distrees.
@aikhong (661)
• Malaysia
20 May 09
Yeah, there're lots of choices which we have to make throughout our life, and there're also choices which haev been made for us in life. For those choices that have been made, such as our fate and how our life will be, we can't actually do much on that but to accept what God has determined for us. For those matters or choices that made by parents, there's still way to change it, just by negotiating with them. Whereas for other matters in life, how are we going to live our life, for example, the choie is all in our hand.
From the moment we open our eyes and wake up in the morning, we start to make choices. We have the choices whether to wake up or sleep a while more; then we have to decide whether what to have for breakfast. On the road, we have choices whether to take the longer route to work or another route. At work, we also often have to make decisions to get things done. Overall to say, we haev to make choices in daily life too, and we have to take charge of every decision we made. It's our choice to live our life in the way we want to be.