Obama and abortion
By bapbrb
@bapbrb (19)
United States
May 19, 2009 10:46pm CST
So, my husband and I were talking about President Obama, and his stance on abortion(he's for it)and his wanting to close Gitmo, and stopping all enhanced interrogation techniques(he is against torture). I know that I am probably going to get lots of hate messages, but I feel the need to bring this up as a Pro-life woman, who is the mother of 4 3 of them living(our second child died shortly after birth) So here is what we came up with: He is opposed to protecing the sanctity of life (un-born babies) he even sign the bill that opposed giving care to babies born, and the mother choosing to "abort" the baby before it is born. While the baby can be mostly delivered, the mother can "choose" that she no-longer wants the child and it will be layed on a table to die of neglect. BUT yet, he doesn't like how the captured terrorist are being treated. SO what is the difference in the two? A poor helpless baby who didn't ask to be brought into this world, being born and left on a cold hard table, to die of starvation and neglect, and a person who had decided that they don't like us and would just as soon see us dead as to look at us?
He wants to protect them(terrorist),and keep them safe so that they don't have to suffer in the hands of the "evil" americans vs protecting a child that has no choice at all?!?!?
A terrorist chooses what he/she is going to do.
An innocent baby not yet born,or partially born doesn't have any choice as to if they are going to live or die, that truely is in our hands.
I know, I know this is very controvertial but it really bothers me where our great nation is headed.
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9 responses
@briandouglas (78)
• United States
20 May 09
Anti Abortion people are usually idiots. They fight for a cause they do not understand. The truth is that you are born at conception. Not at delivery.
This universe itself, the big bang, was the sperm and egg, this universe, this Heavenly Body, we are made in its image, all things are relative. Obama is RIGHT to be pro-abortion because we have FREE WILL. NO ONE has the right to protect people from themselves - NO ONE. And he knows that. And that is what makes him a good president.
Yes, it is murder. But he will not commit the act of stifling free will - he is a good man for that.
That doesn't mean I support it, and I really pity anyone who argues with me about this because I will not argue the truth. You need to allow people to make their own decisions, no matter what misled Christians think (Story of jesus is a SLAP IN HIS FACE and ROME knows it - I'm calling YOU OUT BENEDICT - LOVE IS ALIVE - I AM)
All people must be allowed to choose between love and fear, all people must be allowed to suffer or rejoice their own fates. No matter what it means for us and the people they effect - control is a product of fear, and it is unhealthy, no matter how sad it makes you and I.
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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
20 May 09
Never fear saying your peace if it is done with respect. That is the way to get by on this site and others like it. People will disagree with you and that's fine. As long as you face that and deal with it respectfully, you'll do fine.
By the way... I agree with a lot of what you had to say. Not all... but a lot.
@briandouglas (78)
• United States
20 May 09
Oh now, I've said too much. I haven't said enough. Please don't talk to me in public about this, I am open to all who wish to hear me. I think we can contact each other on this site, I hope that I can be a help to those who Felt it when they read it. I'm sorry.

@lululastrange (339)
• United States
21 May 09
First of all, I am an absolute and resolute Pro-Lifer... Secondly, no one is FOR abortion, what they are for is a woman's right to choose whether or not she will carry I child.
The right to accept care of a live child is a huge ethical ordeal and thus it has massive legal ramifications.
I don't think that anyone should allow a child to die... Not a child that was aborted or that 13 year old boy who won't take chemo...
Obama is a man is a bad position, because he took this job he is taking hits for what men did long before he ever entered politics and all we can do is hope that he is making the right choices to help make those wrongs, right.
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@briandouglas (78)
• United States
21 May 09
"no one is FOR abortion"
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 May 09
I know that President Obama believes in abortion. If a baby is born alive during an abortion he thinks that baby should be left to die. I read a book called Gianna and is written by a lady that survived a saline abortion. She was born in an abortion clinic in California. The nurse on duty sent her to hospital where she got excellent care. They let her live and now she is grown up.
I found out at 36 weeks pregnancy in 2007 that my son has spina bifida. I was offered an abortion and I said no way. A lady told me she had her baby in a hospital somewhere in Europe thirty or more years ago. She was getting something for her baby son and she heard another baby crying. A nurse told her that baby wasn't normal and to leave it alone. That innocent little baby was just left to die.
A man has a choice if he joins the army or not. He might get killed in a war zone. He has lived and seen some of life. An aborted baby or a baby that is left to die hasn't had any chance to live. I think aborted babies are the missing people of the world. I think it is sick to leave a new born baby to die. All babies deserve love and care. I am pro-life and wouldn't ever have an abortion.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 May 09
i don't see any comparison on this issue. I am 100% pro choice. I personally can't imagine having an abortion but I do know there are circumstances where it is best for the woman involved. It isn't my place to judge her. as for the terrorists...we don't know for sure that they are terrorists. They've been locked up and they deserve a trial. We've locked up some men that are just innocent people. These people could be terrorists but they do deserve a trial/ it's only fair. if it were your husband or brother being held...you'd agree.

@bapbrb (19)
• United States
20 May 09
I am not saying that they should be tortured. I am against that as well. I am just saying I don't understand how a man can see torture to be wrong, but for abortion especially "late term" abortion to be ok. The people in Gitmo may very well be innocent, I am still saying if we can feel compassion for people who are suspected of the worst crimes on America, or plotting crimes on America, why can't we have compassion for something that is so small and helpless? According to the Bible, life begins at conception, not at the moment of birth. I was put into a postition with my second baby to choose between my life and the babies. My health was at risk. Because of my faith, I left the choice to God. A few hours later my water broke, and my baby was born. Her lungs weren't developed enough to keep her alive. I am at peace with my choice, because it was not mine to choose.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 May 09
thanx mike...i wanted so to respond to this but really couldn't find the right words. I have strong feelings that don't match this persons and yet...I don't think she is entirely wrong. She is entitled to her feelings. I didn't want to offend so walked away from this. your comment is perfect.
@bapbrb (19)
• United States
21 May 09
I don't think that abortion is right at all. But, (please hear me out before you start yelling at me) there again it is between God(or who ever you believe in) and you. It is not for me to judge. I like everyone else here have a belief system. Mine is that life is precious and should never just be thrown away. As I stated in a previous comment. I understand the reasons people choose abortion, although, I do not agree with it. I had a baby that the doctors tried getting me to abort, because in staying pregnany with her, I was risking my life. I chose to take the chance,and a few hours later she was born. She didn't servive. Her lungs were not developed enough to live. She was a beautiful little girl, and for the time that she was with us, the time that we had her, I cherish that, and do not regret any decision that we made. In going through that with her, it made my husband and I closer, and our faith stonger. Life changes you. It is up to you HOW it changes you.
@fatmansmommy (751)
• United States
20 May 09
i completely agree with you, bapbrb! it's just ridiculous. and about pro-lifer's being dumb and not understanding- we could say the same about pro-choicer's. the truth is that anyone that believes a certain way will always think the other person is wrong. i believe that life begins at conception. that is what the Bible says and i believe God. many people do not. that does not make them stupid, as they would call us. it is just sad.
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@briandouglas (78)
• United States
21 May 09
That is so true, for now. Soon, arrogance will not have an excuse and people will not be stopped from making those decisions, but they will understand the consequences of them.
@donnaweis (29)
• United States
20 May 09
I think you are right on to be outraged by the apparent contradiction in morality. Life is sacred. The responsibility lies on us to protect those that can not protect themselves. Protecting those who can protect themselves and neglecting those who can not (whether they are babies or the elderly) seems ludicrous. I will pray that you will be able to show your husband the contradiction so that he can come to a better decision on the matter.

@bapbrb (19)
• United States
21 May 09
Thank you for seeing just what it is, me stating my feeling. You know I am NOT a person who usualy gets involved in the "politics" stuff. But for some reason this last year I have really gotten into what is going on. The pure lack of respect for life at any and all stages is horrible. I see on the news, stories of kids shooting each other of "stuff", truely just stupid stuff: Nintendo Wii, Cd's, music, vidoes, money. We really do have a growing problem in our country over the lack of respect for life.
I worry for the future, I worry for what the young children now will be exposed to. Children these days don't seem to stay as young as long as we did when we were kids. Their innocense is being stolen in so many different ways, it is sad.
At the same time the value of the life of the older population, our parents and grandparents is being dismissed. How sad it is that there are so many lessons that are being lost because "we" don't have time to listen to what they have to teach us, and tell us.
My dad passed away a few years ago, I can't tell you how much I miss him. Towards the end of his life, his body and health were failing him. His mind towards the very end too. But during everything this brave man had been through, he still tried to teach us kids, in his way the best he could. Even when we didn't listen, he just sat back and waited, and when we failed as we usually did, he came along helped us up, and showed us how things could have been done differently.
@donnaweis (29)
• United States
21 May 09
I am in agreement with you and am sorry for the misunderstanding. I am outraged as well that the most unprotected of our country have less rights than those who would choose to harm us. Keep strong, all of us that are pro-life need to stick together to make a stand for those who can not speak for themselves.

@joy1234 (33)
• India
21 May 09
After going through your article,I came to the conclusion that it is a very controversial issue. Anyway,from my point of view both "abortion and protecting terrorist" are the same thing. In the first case you don't want the child to be born and if mistakenly see the light you left, "let him die" and in the second case,you don't want him to kill although he/she is a nuissance to the society.
@jaiandrew (7)
• United Arab Emirates
20 May 09
I'm for abortion.. women should have the right to choose.. after all they're the ones who carry the child and will have to undergo pregnancy.