Benny Hinn,is he a scam of Christianity?
By dicsyen
@dicsyen (54)
May 20, 2009 11:26am CST
If you are a Christian and you don't know Benny Hinn, then I think you're not one after all. Benny Hinn is such a famous healing evangelist, travelling the entire globe to heal the sick. We've seen many who are sick being healed completely after attending his conference. We've heard testimonies after testimonies about the greatness of Benny Hinn. Yet, his gift of healing is often questioned? Is he really a true man of God or is he just faking out? Give me your views. This is important.
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25 responses
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
20 May 09
I have seen Benny Hinn and he's not one of my favorites. I do believe in healing through faith but I think he puts too much showmanship into it. All glory for a faith healing belongs to God. The evangelist is only the instrument and has no spiritual power of his own to heal. As for whether he is a true man of God or not, I couldn't say. But God knows, and that's what matters.
Although I'm a Christian, I have a dim view of most televangelists. I think it is hard for them not to get caught up in the worldly downfalls that having big piles of money can bring! If they are so concerned about the poor and needy, why are they wearing expensive suits and driving cars? How many families could have eaten for a year on that amount?
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
20 May 09
You are absolutely correct. Any ability man has to heal or do any other Miracles is only possible because God is sharing His power with them through the Anointing of the holy Ghost. Man is nothing more than a willing pair of hands that God has permission to use. I do know this as absolute fact. Before there is any healing done at all there is going to be a lot of personal teaching going on between God and the person that will do the healing. God must have complete control and be able to tell you when to use it. You will know you are supposed to lay your hands on the person before you ever get to them. Also you don't have to say a single word. The contact between your body and theirs is all it takes for God to work His Miracle of healing through you.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i totally disagree with the comments here about Benny Hinn. Having nice house and car does not mean he was using his church to his own benefit. Let us just say that it is God's way to bless him and not by workings as employee or a businessman. GOd has the right to bless the person as He wants to and as He pleases to. Look at Solomon. He was richly bless. He has big palaces and lots of gold and treasures. but that does not mean that He misused the money or wealth of God.
As long as the blessing comes from God. but that does not mean blessing from GOd will definitely will mean falling out of nowhere. i think that ordained the minister to get something from his ministry after all he dedicated his whole life there. if you will know only the kind of life and sacrifices the true man of faith has to sacrifice. the wealth is some kind of compensation sometimes for the many things we have to give up for our faith. Only God knows what kind of blessings he will give. after all God is rich, so he can bless his children cause the Father himself is rich. and GOd is the giver of gifts. Don't let the life of a minister or status in life make you believe that a person is a fake or not.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
21 May 09
I have heard of him and seen him on television. Sorry but I think he's a bit of a nut and he rubs me the wrong way.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 May 09
I do not know if Benny Hinn is a true Christian. I do know that Christ said about some men who said "Lord, Lord have we not done wonderful things in Thy name," HE will say, "Depart from me, I never knew Thee." Benny Hinn may have the gift of healing, but no one knows if he obtained that from God or not. All I know is that the gifts given to the early Apostles are not needed now. So he may be able to heal people, but it may not be from God. He may be someone who was going into medicine, but decided to be a preacher instead.

@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
we should not comment against something we don't really understand. Remember God is in control in this world. Satan is not in control. So i believe GOd is in the work here. And GOd loves to heal people. Satan does not. and Satan does not love hearing the name of Jesus and singing praises. Why would satan organize a church full of Jesus teaching and songs.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
21 May 09
i am a christian and i don't Benny Hinn. i also don't think it makes me not a christian because he is not God, right?if i sayi don't know or believe in God, that woulkd be the time i am not a christian, correct? anyway.
as i have said, i don't know Benny Hinn, but if he is really working in the name of the Lord, then let him be.
only my opinion.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
Benny is real servant of God. he is another example on God can bless a person who believes and lives for Him. so those who think who wants to live for God don't be afraid cause it does not mean that you live in poverty when you work for GOd. but that does not mean also you will be rich instantly. riches follows only with your obedience. As SOlomon was blessed with riches cause God was delighted on him. but it does not make them sinful or robbers.
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@lizshab (44)
• United States
20 May 09
I'm with suspense on this. I've heard of Benny Hinn, had no desire to watch him on TV. I'm skeptical of anyone who put himself out there like that; who has a big name like that because it becomes less about God and more about Self. I do believe that God can heal, I do not believe He requires another person to do so. I've even heard stories that those healed are actually plants.

@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
sometimes no matter how hard the evangelist glorify God. people can't help avoid but to look on the preacher than the preaching cause they are awed by the wonder shown. but the preacher keeps saying the glory belongs to God. just like the apostles they were praised a lot too by their followers thuogh they are true man of GOd. it is just human nature or followers to think that the glory is being directed to the preacher.
GIving glory to God does not mean we so belittle the preacher. that is not the real glorification of GOd.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 May 09
Personally I feel he is only out there for $$. All of the stuff he does to heal people for the most part is staged, and not of God. Real Faith healing men do not have to go around from area to area charging money to watch people get healed. People are being healed daily in many churches around, so you do not wait for someone special like this to make his rounds as well. Because where are you left when he leaves if you start hurting again?
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
20 May 09
i had heard a lot about him and his healing services... i don't think that what he is doing is right though because it is against what the Bible says... all the glory and honor had to come back to God, our Lord and Saviour... not to him... and nowhere in the Bible stated the method of what he is doing in healing is right... also, preaching, teaching and evangelism should precede healing... they suppose to be number one like what the apostles in the Bible are doing... but what benny hinn is doing is he concentrates more on healing but not so much on preaching the word of God which i think is not right... take care and have a nice day...
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i believe there is nothing with what he is doing. there are so many things hard to understand on the bible. sometimes as we live for GOd only then we can actually grasp and understand the real meaning of the BIble. GOd is using him in different ways, but he is more in teaching healing and salvation. that is his job in the kingdom of God.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
20 May 09
I have never heard of Benny Hinn so i goggled him. From what I read he is a fake and not from God. He claimed that Jesus would appear on his stage in Nairobi. according to the bible Jesus will appear with loud trumpets and bright light. Jesus himself said that many will appear and claim to speak in his name and not to be fooled by them. We know when this happens by studying our bible and knowing His word.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
I know that you think that he is fake. Jesus will decide to appear and when not to. but that does not mean he will be seen by all. just i have read before from real experience where jesus appeared to one Muslim and now he is a christian because of the incident. Jesus appeared to Him only. Not inside the church. but somewhere maybe on the streets when is walking or when is alone at home. Even my relatives who are catholics had this experience before when they were kids. they were four kinds that saw same Jesus christ appeared to them shining brightly. Until now they all remember that incident. God still does that too. Cause He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i think that we should not label him as fake. no one who is speaking and teaching about God will in another day teach the opposite as the bible mentioned when the disciples were so jealous that there were another group of people teaching about Jesus Christ as the messiah though they were not part of the group of disciples. and Jesus rebuked them saying that they are for GOd and of GOd also though they are not part of their group per se. it is written somewhere in the new testament.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
20 May 09
It is not my place to judge Benny Hinn but I will say this. From what I have seen and been able to do myself that is not the way God works now. My ability to heal only works in my home with my family. I figure if it works that way with me then it works the same with everyone. There is another thing I look at. There is a lot of money connected with what he does and if that money stopped for any reason so would his ministry. That tells me God is no in charge of his ministry. If man and his money builds it that God has no part in it. Jesus instructed the Apostles when He sent them out to not even take any money with them. He did that because He did not want their ministries depending on money for their effectiveness or their continuation. Benny Hinn depends on money so he is going against Jesus' teaching. I'm not going to say what he is doing is not real but I won't say it is either.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
let us live it to God to decide. but as i see he is working for God. and that matters the most. it is not easy to be a preacher and we should not give them any bad comment easily just like that. money is not evil per se. if money is evil then all good people in the world will be in poverty. and every poor people will be saint.
@riaanj (6)
• South Africa
25 May 09
This is a difficult discussion to tackle as a Christian. I have attended conferences where he was a speaker. I beleive that he has a God-given healing ministry. As to questions as to him being a true man of God or just faking it - I suspect that is for God to judge. I am wary of making comments on another Christian, since the Bible says that we will be judged in the same manner that we judge.
God knows, I don't have to know.
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
20 May 09
Only God knows the motives of our heart and let us give that part for God to judge. About his actions, well it is pretty obvious that he preaches more on prosperity gospel rather than to preach the real or true teachings of Christ.
We have the Holy Spirit to tell us if there is a deceiving spirit. And you will know them by their fruit. Again, we are not judging but rebuking because rebuke is better than secret love.
Let us just pray that he will change his ways and ask God to forgive him also on being centered and luxurious. It is really rampant, mostly these televangelist we watch on television are doing the same thing. So better read your Bible and don't just rely on watching on televangelists. Pray that we do what the will of God in our lives and that we obey His Words.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i dont think he is teaching luxury. but he is teaching that GOd is wealthy God and King. and poverty is not a plan of GOd to man. THat is the only teaching he is giving. and that is biblical. though he may be wrong in explaining. i don't know which part is wrong if there is but i honestly believe that we should not judge but try to pray about it and seek the truth for ourselves.
@gegegelay (933)
• Philippines
21 May 09
Yes, I know Benny Hinn and I know him for being a famous healing evangelist. I've never questioned his intentions before because I do believe that we have all been given a certain gift by the Lord. If his gift is really to heal people then I believe it's from the Lord. Because healing comes from the Lord, right? But, he is able to heal only because Jesus has given us the authority and the power to heal. We can't really judge his actions whether he's just faking it or not because I believe his intentions are good. The only danger in that is if people begin to believe that it is he who heals and not Jesus.
Although, the only way we would know if he's a true man of God is through his lifestyle. I believe that he's also not healing people for the sake of his own name to be famous but for Jesus' name to be famous. However, him being able to heal people is not the only basis of his being a true man of God. If he is able to live a lifestyle that's really by the Spirit of God, then maybe he is not faking it after all. He can heal all he wants but if his relationship with Jesus is not evident at all, then we have a problem with that.
@ccdiane (151)
• Cheyenne, Wyoming
21 May 09
Hi, I would like to respond to your question regarding evangelist Benny Hinn.
Obviously, I don't know him personally, but I know of him. He seems to be doing what God has called him to do,like Orle Robberts, for example. I have not heard that his gift of healing is being questioned. It is great that he is using the gift of healing for many who need healing. However, we must remember that the gift of healing comes from God himself. Evangelist Benny Hinn is being obedient to the call, he is not the one who is healing the people, God is healing these people. So all the testimonies that are being heard and said, are they mostly of how great a healer God is, or are these testimonies about how great Benny Hinn is in the gift of healing? I don't believe he's a fake, but then again, I don't know him all that well. Yes, in the past I have seen healing take place in the lives of many people at his conference. Still the testimonies that are coming from the people that are being healed, the power of healing is coming directly from God alone, he choose to manifest his divine healing power through Benny Hinn to accomplish his will. So it shoul be God who should be given the glory for the power of healing.
I hope this helps you.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
22 May 09
If what he says and does agrees with scripture, then I would consider him a true man of God.
@lisakg (26)
• Trinidad And Tobago
21 May 09
Benny Hinn visited our country some years ago, but I did not attend his meetings. I cannot honestly say he is a fake, I don't really know. But he really does not impress me. I guess it is only people who have had direct contact with him who can really say if he is real or not. But Jesus did warn us about false prophets and people who would do miraculous things in his name. It is just a matter of treading very carefully.
@prolifecoach (27)
• United States
21 May 09
According to his books, Benny Hinn prays daily and lives in the presence of God. I believe that is why the presence is so prevalent in his meetings. It is not him doing the healing. It is the presence of God. This is available to all of us if we will seek a relationship with God. There are countless other smaller ministries and churches that we never hear about where they are ministering the same healing power that Benny Hinn publicizes. He has been the recipient of much unwarranted criticism but I think he knew that he was going to have to deal with that when he first got into the ministry. I think that is sometimes the price you have to pay for doing the work of God. It is not easy. I believe that Benny Hinn is following the call that God placed on his life.