What do people do when they are broke?
By thedataminer
@thedataminer (515)
United States
May 20, 2009 7:32pm CST
I don't know about you folks but I was just wondering what do people do when they are broke and have no one to turn to for help? What I mean is they have no one to ask for some money. Like even $5, $10 or $20. They don't have family that will, or is able to, help and they don't have any friends or church people they could ask. I have one close friend I can ask to help me occasionally but my friend presently is not in as good finanicial condition as before. This is an embarrassing thing to bring up; I feel as if I'm airing my dirty laundry, or something like that. Do any of you feel like this? Or actually what do you, or someone you know, or people in general do when they are broke and need money for food and other things?
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11 responses
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
21 May 09
There are always plenty of places someone can go if they are broke and need assistance ASAP. There are soup kitchens, there are emergency loans, there are food banks, there are programs like food stamps and other government programs to help people pay for their bills. There is always help out there. The thing is, you have to be active and look for the help. You have to make phone calls, you have to ask around, you have to visit places.
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@thedataminer (515)
• United States
21 May 09
well hon I hate to disagree with you but there are not plenty of places to go for help, suppose you can't make it to a food bank; you have no car, you don't have a friend who will or can take you, you have no one to ask and you have no money for the bus well the you are out of luck, excuse me for not punctuating but I need to make this fast, many of these social service agencies are out for themselves and have strick criteria, and rules, that have to be met to get the help (I know from experience; I just visited one and was told I didn't qualify for rent or electric help even though my income is less then $700 per month, my son needs to come in if I want to be put on some waiting list I think they said to get help with my water, they had to know my whole life story, they had to have proof of income for me to get help with my water and it as a maybe help not a for sure help, I already took 2 short-term loans out and thats all u can get legally, yeah I know about the food stamps, thank you very much! lol the gov wants a person to be very poor in order to apply and get help and you can only get so much help and then you still don't have enough money to get by, you are right about asking but you are definately not right that there are plenty of help places, their are few help places
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
21 May 09
Lmao You're funny. They are plenty of places to go for help. I can think of several places right now in my local community that offer help to individuals that will help you and will come to you if you can't make it to them. They exist. You just have to learn to be creative and work with your situation to get help. If you're not smart enough to utilize those resources and to find ways to make it work, then well, I'm sorry but I guess you'll have to suffer.
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@TheManager24 (1302)
• Philippines
21 May 09
I have a good job, earning 5 - 7 times as much as other folks. But I feed a family of 15. This is a challenge as I send almost all my money to them - for food, for school, for bills, etc. This makes me live as if I am not earning well.
I barely make ends meet every cut off. I have no extra money for socializing and some activities to help me relieve stress. And, I am working in a place wherein I do have no relatives. I have no one to turn to.
At times, I walk from work to my house which is a good 40 minute walk one way. I dont really mind food as I dont normally eat 3 times a day.
I know it is tough. But I will not stop working and supporting my family. In fact, I am making sure I give them means to support themselves so I can have a better life. Tough life makes me stronger. And I know I am better today than yesterday.
Good day! 

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@thedataminer (515)
• United States
21 May 09
I applaud you and others like you. There are many hard working people like you out there working hard to support their families. Life is tough for hard working people out there. There ought to be a place anybody, no matter what their situation is, to get some help; I mean real money help. I mean gas cards, Kroger card or other grocery and Walmart cards. More churches need to give out these cards. There ought to be an agency without the strick rules, and guidelines; agencies that will help anybody. Help for people who work and make good money, people who work and don't make good money and people who don't work and people who live on disability programs. help for all except people who don't really need the help but help for people like you for sure.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 May 09
well, first of all i would like to find out the reason first why they are broke... is it because of laziness??? disability or illness that cause them unable to work and earn money??? lavish lifestyles??? spending money more than what they can afford??? gambling??? i find that many people broke because of their own faults due to the reasons that i have listed above except for the second one... they just can't manage their money properly and not thinking when they spend... they put their wants first before their needs... and for these kind of people, i don't have any compassion at all... they deserve to be broke and i feel that they shouldn't be help at all... they bring it upon themselves to be broke... but for the disabled, sick and old people, if they are broke, it is not their fault and i feel that the government and social services have to help them... take care and have a nice day...
@rymebristol (1808)
• Philippines
21 May 09
i had been broke several times and the feeling of it is not good, i mean as if the world stops LOL! can't do anything, can't go out etc.
but the good thing is i have my family i can run into whenever i got broke, and if my family can't be of any help, i have my dependable friends who are there to give me a helping hands.
though sometimes i can't repay them in a month or so, there are patient to wait for my payment.
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@soulsearchin (81)
• Canada
21 May 09
There is alot of places out there that offer beds overnight, showers and a meal, churches and charities offering breakfast, lunch and dinner for singles and familes not just the homeless it for anyone that needs a good meal. Charities that give people groceries or food stamps and places that help people find temp or full time work. In urgent situations a hospital or clinic will feed someone whos hungry and let them sleep for the night. Never be embarassed to ask for help life is full of knocks and if we havent been in the situation we have no right to judge those who have been.
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@cj5guy (93)
• United States
21 May 09
I used to live like that, right now I'm not much better off but I have food on the table and most of the bills get paid each month. It's hard, some days I have no extra cash and I try to keep myself occupied. I have cut all un needed expenses, I don't have cable or satellite, I'm about to cancel my home phone because I don't use it and my cell is cheaper. I use well water and I heat with a wood stove. Expenses are down, but they were necessary cuts in order to make it in this economy. You just have to look at whats really important, needs vs wants.
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@thedataminer (515)
• United States
21 May 09
thank you for your response, it was good; I liked it, it was helpful
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@venshida (4836)
• United States
21 May 09
Gosh, I know the feeling. I had days when I could not even muster up enough money to buy gas for the car. I have pawn my jewelry at the pawn shop those times. I attend free stuff in my city such as the museum. I go to the library and check out some books.
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
21 May 09
When money is tight, I empty all the savings banks in the house and roll up the change. I cash in soda pop cans and bottles. I have a yard sale and sell off things that I can live without.
To relieve stress, I go for a walk. I will play cards or dice with friends.
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
21 May 09
I can definatly relate to this. This month for sure. It's been such a rough year. I'm lucky enough to have a really great couple of friends who are always there for me when I need them. But lately everyone seems to be having a rough time of it. Our city has some wonderful programs but sometimes things just don't work out with them. Last week was exceptionally hard - kids having noodles for brekkie because we've run out of everything else. I just kept the faith and held on. Things will work out. Just when i thought they'd be having just a sandwhich for lunch, I found a toonie on the road and was able to pick up a couple of bananas and juiceboxes to send as well. Ask and you shall recieve.
@kbmsaylor (94)
• United States
21 May 09
it's hard to live when you are trying to pay your bills and raise a family, and put gas in your car so that you can get to your job...when you are living paycheck to paycheck. i currently work, but my husband is layed off, and we have a 2 yr old. things do really get tight, and you have to scrimp to find every penny that you possibly can, just to make it through until the next paycheck comes. i've been in the situation where we are broke as hell, and are like 'ok what are we gonna do'. my main priority-- my son. i will go for days without eating, if it feeds him. fortunatly, i have a mother in law who lends us money when we need it, and we pay her back by doing chores for her when she needs a hand. i think, as long as you make the effort to pay your friend back, even if it is only 5 dollars, that friend will be more likely to keep lending (if they have it). start setting aside money just for milk n some food. thats how we do it... n when we go shopping anymore, we just get the neccessities, even if we are low on something, we think 'can we make it last til next pay'. it is really hard, and really stressful, but you gotta remember to think positive, and things will get better, it just might take awhile. maybe have a yard sale or something to pull in a little extra cash on the side...if you need the money now, i would suggest just borrowing money off of someone, explain to them your situation no matter how embarrassing...most of us have been in that situation at one point in time or another and understand what it's like.
good luck!!
@glittergirls88 (12)
21 May 09
I suppose i currently come under the heading very broke. luckily i live at home but it is getting to the stage i owe my parents quite a lot in rent. I guess i just have to keep trying and in the meantime i have a little coming in from different websites that just about cover my minimum credit card bills if i work at it. I know i cant keep living this way but there are no jobs in my local area at the minute-every job gets about 100+ people going for it.