World has been changing everyday. Do you prefer to live today or in the past?
By faisai
@faisai (1138)
Hong Kong
May 21, 2009 9:33am CST
The world is always changing, new discoveries and inventions come out nearly everyday. So, our lives should be greatly improved? Or is it not?
My parents always tell me that when they were kids, their lives are very simple and can be happy very easily. How simple? They used to run across the hills and play hide-and-seek. In other cases, they will hand-make some toys for fun. No PSP. No NDS. No computers. No internet.
So, what do you think? If you are given a choice, do you want to live in the current days or in the good old past?
21 responses
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
22 May 09
I would like to live in the good old past. It can be the simple village life with an easy flow of life...idyllic, peaceful and happy with the simple things. Even in the city, the life of our grandparents were so much easier than what we have today. A fixed job timing, the evenings for the family, the weekend completely rested, friends dropping by to chat and a simple dinner going out to fancy restaurants, no over-time to retain that job, no wives working outside and then coming home to neglected kids...Oh I wish I could go back to those days.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
22 May 09
Exactly, people are slogging it out so much just to keep that job, where is the time for the family...and isnt the family all that we are working for so hard? And the negligence comes with such a high tag...stress in couples, neglected children, fast food leading to eating disorders, people becoming couch potatoes coz they are simply too tired to go out a walk after a hard day at office!
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Yes, it seems that time is always short when earning money becomes such a big issue now. It is not that money is not important in the past but nowadays, making money seems to be the biggest issue within a family... Both parents go out to work and the kids just stay at home playing PSP...
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
You have highlighted one area that has been changing so much:job.
In the past, OT is a decision made by the employees. That is they make the decision whether they want to OT or not depending on they pay given. There is not much the employer can do. What's more? The compensation for OT for the staff is really very good.
Now, however, most employers assume that their staff can and should OT regardless of the will of the staff. If you don't want to OT. Fine... you are fired.

@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
23 May 09
I would rather live in the past. I liked the way they lived back then. The world today is just a big mess and kids are turning worse then what they were back then. I liked the way they dressed back then to. The old dresses and puffed sleeves i though were beautiful. Look at what a lot of people wear today. yikes.

@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
24 May 09
your right with both of the parents working it is harder on the kids. Because the kids need there parents for guidance and help educate them. That is why I work at home and my husband works. So i can be here for the kids.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
24 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
As you have pointed out, kids nowadays seems turn out not as good as those in the past. Part of the reason maybe the change in environment where there are lots of different gadgets consuming the time of the kids. But then, is it possible that it is because the adults have also changed that they are spending less time, less care, less love to their kids?
I heard many families where both parents go out to work and leave it to the family work helper to take care of the child... How on Earth it is possible that the child can be raised with good education from the family?

@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
As you know the history, could you share with us what it would be like, say for a normal day, in the early 20th century and how you envision that would make you feel better than living a normal day today? All my understanding of the past come from my parents (OK, I admit, I don't pay much attention during history classes.), so could you share with us what you think it would be a day like back there?
@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
22 May 09
Hello faisai, well there are many views on this with some philosophers saying that those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it. I think it was the German philosopher Hegel who said that the only thing we learn from the past is that we learn nothing from the past.
Recent world events have proved exactly that. I love history and I read a lot on the history of stock markets, so in my view the Madoff Ponsi scheme and the banking crisis are nothing new.
So to keep the answer short I prefer to live in the present, but to look back at the past to see in whioh direction I am going.
Have a nice weekend. Umart
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
The past had shown us lots of things but we just hadn't taken the lessons. It was so sad to see how the history had repeated itself and yet while the world seems advancing, we are not. We are not doing that much better than the people before us.
@cbhomework (545)
• Malta
22 May 09
Yes, I agree with your parents, that the life they lived before was simpler. My parents talk also about tough times too and not just about how carefree they were. I don't like to linger on the past. We are living today and there's not much we can do, except try to make this world a better place (wow, yes that is a bit too idealistic).
However, I am curious to know how other people in other times live and not just my parents, even centuries ago. So I would go for time traveling
that way I can go back and come to my time again!!

@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
Trying to make this world a better place is what all the discoveries and inventions originally meant to be and yet is the world truly a better place now?
We burnt so much fossil fuels now that the world is heating up as whole.
We had PSP and all kinds of TV games so that the kids just stay at home.
I agree that we should try making this world a better place but then it doesn't seem we are heading to that direction.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
13 Jun 09
I would rather live in the past. Life was alot simpler than. Kids play together the simple games and got exercise by playing outside. Now with all the technology kids do spend to much time on the computer and playing games on TV.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
14 Jun 09
Thanks for your reply.
Technology has changed our lives (and lives of the children) so much that I some times wonder what these kids will grow into? I mean are they developing all the skills necessary to let them work out in the society when they are out of the college?
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
21 May 09
i like the simplicity of 50 years ago but like the tech strides we have now. i was so amazed when atm's came out what a wonderful idea, put in a card take out cash, simple but amazing. and phones i dont even think about whats happening with them. we didnt even have color tv back then, but no one really watched the tube everyone was "outside " playing. not sitting staring at the tube or bent over a pc playing games all day . i have a few friend who have kids 16 or so and never go out they sit playing games with a phone glued to their ear and when it's time to go out in the real world i feel sorry for them, either that or they live with mom way past when they should be on their own.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
You have raised a thing that I am also quite concerned. Kids these days heavily rely on TV games that outdoor activities are dropping in attractiveness. In the past, it is common that kids are outdoor as they nearly have nothing to do indoor. Thus, they will go outside and find fun for themselves with their friends. This leads to happier social life, better health (you can't just sit outside, but need to run all around, taking the sun, etc.). But these days, they all hide in their own bedroom playing TV games... Just don't know what it would be like when these kids grow up and step into the society...
@Kenorv (343)
• United States
21 May 09
I have terrible allergies so I wouldn't want to live in a time that didn't have good allergy medicine. I swear I have no idea how people with bad allergies survived before allergy medicing. It also gets pretty hot in the summer where I live so I wouldn't want to live in a time without air conditioning. There is also so much good food these days that I wouldn't want to live in a time or place with blah food. And of course I'm addicted to tv and computers so I wouldn't want to live in a time without good entertainment options. So I'm definitely someone that wants to live in modern times for sure.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
I am not sure about it but it occurs to me that allergy is more a problem these days than in the past. In the past, things are not as clean as today (the environment we live in, the food we take in). It seems that people do not have so much problems of allergy by that time.
Also, the temperature is lower in the past as global warming is getting more serious these days. So, I bet that air conditioning may not be that a must in the past.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
21 May 09
There are some convienences today that make life so much easeri than just when I was a kid. The microwave for instance. When I am warming up leftovers, I often think to myself that if I had to reheat everything on the stove, I'd probably be eating alot of cold leftovers, or alot less leftovers.
Or, let's think about laundry. Hand washing/scrubbing, followed by line drying everything.
Nope, I like my washer and dryer.
Or let's go for something simple like the tv remote. I made my young nieces laugh when I told them just how recent of an invention this was. They said, You mean your family had to get up and change the channels?
" I told them, "No, my parents did have a remote control to change the channels....ME!"
But there are things that I wish could revert back to those times. Less crime, lower cost of living, knowing my neighbors...these are the things that I miss.

@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
No wonder technology gives us lots of convenience and it would be difficult nowadays to live without them. But think about it for a moment. In the past, we didn't quite dreamed about having a TV remote. (OK, we sometimes hope there exist such a thing but then we still live without it and that doesn't seem lots of problems.) Life is still getting on nicely by then.
Having the convenience is of course better but it seems that we have to pay such a lot for all those stuff. Not only the money we have to spend but also new things to learn everyday. Just look around you, how many remotes do you have now? Do you know how to use every single button on them? They are getting so complicated that I sometimes wonder is it our technology is going too fast? Or is it the time we go back to the simple.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 May 09
I lived when your parents lived and just sometimes wish it was still like that. Life as gotten so complicated and hard at times even with all the new inventions. You hardly ever see kids playing outside like I did, playing cowboys and indians, hide and seek, jump rope, hop scotch. Kids today are either in front of the tv playing games or on the computer. Bring me back to the 1950's & 60's anytime.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
It is also my observation that kids go out to street less often than those in the past due to the TV games. Even worse, handheld gaming devices like PSP is consuming the kids even more. I mean in the past, you see kids playing around when they are in restaurants, or on the street. But now, they are almost always playing with their PSP... non-stop.
@netpays (164)
• Pakistan
22 May 09
hi faisai!
if i have given a choice i will never take a second to think about it that what i have to choose,exactly my first and only choice is to live in beautifull life was it.every one has time for others.they share thier happies and sorrows with others.but now as you see we have spend more time on internet,and the rest of time spent in watching television or movies.we have a very busr life now.i think the day is not far when we indulge in our work as more as even forget our home persons,brothers sisters ans parents also.
my first and only choice,to live in past.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, it seems people in the past have much more free time than we do now. Yes, they don't have so many entertainments as we do now but who can say that they are not happier than we are?
In fact, we are so busy nowadays that sometimes I have a question that when I am this busy, am I really enjoying it at all...
@karpatzio (106)
• Israel
22 May 09
Not an easy one to answer
appeals because then we could change our mistakes or go back to a time when we remember being happier, easier to look back now and see where we went wrong
difficult at times when experiencing pain, sorrow, ill health, or feeling we haven't got to where we expected to be
appeals as it would be better than now
we will have learned more and should be better equipped to deal with things
On the whole I think that I will stick with the present, looking back in hindsight is easy, I wouldn't be where I am and who I am if I hadn't travelled my own personal journey so far. It's made me the person I am today, warts and all. Who knows what the future holds or destiny has in store for us.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
You have brought up the future into the discussion. :)
Indeed, we hold hope on the future as we feel that the present is just not satisfactory enough. However, what if when the future actually had come and when we looked back, the past of the future (thus, the current) is actually so much better?
In the past, the people long waited for advancement in technology to bring changes to their lives... Now, the changes are already there. Are they really that more satisfied?
@pelastikbintang (325)
• Malaysia
22 May 09
hmmm, i don't know. sometimes i feel that i wanna live in the past where the air is so fresh and not poluted, where i can go to the beach and spend my day there playing.
Its hard to find a place with nice air and beautiful beach nowadays. U have to spend a fortune to enjoy it.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
You remind me of a story I have heard before.
A long time ago, a fisherman is sitting next to the pier with his ship tied up at noon. Then a businessman came by and asked the fisherman why he didn't go out and get more fish. The fisherman answered that he has got enough for the day. The businessman then told him that he could go continue fishing and sell out the extra fish for money. With the extra money, he could buy a better ship or even recruit some people to do the fishing for him... All sounds so good. But the fisherman asked the businessman, so what's next? The businessman then told him that by then he could rest and enjoy a restful life.
You know what the fisherman said? "But I was already enjoying a restful life now... why makes me more busy?"
@pokemainiac2 (86)
• Australia
22 May 09
Interesting question. I think i rather live in the present because i have all my computer and video games and the technology is more advanced.
Some good things in the past is that it is more fun. People is lazy now days.
@aikhong (661)
• Malaysia
21 May 09
Hm...this is a good question, yet not so easy to answer,haha. It's true that today's technology has greatly advanced compared to the past. Human living has been improved, convenient and more comfortable now with the invention and improvement of transportation, facilities, equipment and others. However, the cost of living has increased greatly too. Besides, the environment nowadays are much more damaged compared to the past. More and more diseases arises and the natural disasters also start coming. If i were given a choice, i think i'll prefer to live in the past. I'll prefer a more simple life, although i'll be living without all the technologies and the comforts, but at least we'll be surely easily contented and live happily too.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
You have raised another concern that we are facing when we are moving "forward": Damages to the environment. Yes, we are more advanced maybe but we are also hurting the place we live so much that if we don't do something soon, the Earth will no longer be a place suitable for us.
The good old days seems so much simpler. Pay your hard work, enjoy your life. No gadgets. No pollution. No nothing. :)
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
21 May 09
i will prefer to live today, even though the world has turned to a survival of the fittest , despite the crime rate and evil things happening today, i will still prefer to live in the present times because the old times look like the stone age to me with no computer and almost nothiung that can add spice to living
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
Advance in technology do bring us lots of things that are dream of the people in the past. I mean in the past, for instance, communicating with someone oversea means to write letters. How many of us do write letters these days anymore?
Still, if you take a look at the older people, you can see that they are more or less reluctant in accepting new things, even though the new things are helping them to improve their living. It seems to me that they like the old days more than we do.
@chayen (90)
• Philippines
21 May 09
Hello faisai, I like the idea of living in the past, where we don't need to spend money for buying those fancy gadgets (like cellphone, computer , etc ) because they don't exist yet.
And people in the past, they are still fine without those things. On the other hand, Those technology that evolve today already saving thousands of life. In conclusion, i don't care when i have to live, i just want to live happy and sufficient enough in my daily life, which is what am i living right now.
so Now is always be my choice. thanks for posting this.
@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
22 May 09
Thanks for your reply.
It is no doubt that the advance in technology "improves" out live a lot. A simple one would be the invention of cellphones which greatly reduced the distance between people. Also, advance in the medical area has saved lots of lives every year.
In the end, of course, living happily everyday is the most important thing.
@swtchbladekittie (29)
• United States
22 May 09
I would have loved to be a teenager in the 70's ... Free love seems a good way to go!
@raminassemi (1)
• Thailand
22 May 09
Today is the best time. You can still run across the hills and play hide-and-seek if you want to, PSP isn't mandatory.