Do you think America is still a Christian nation
By dzwagy
@dzwagy (7)
United States
May 21, 2009 5:28pm CST
Dlo you think we're still a Christian naiton--one nation undedr God indivisible with liberty and justice for all? If yes or no, why?
I personlly don't think we're a Christian naiton anymore and this is quite unfortunate. Yes, most assuredly we were founded on Christian principles and this is what made us great, but we are far from those principles today. Violance fills our schools and streets. Praeyr is not allowed in schoos and people are trying to take God out of everything including "In God we trust" off of our money. We desperately need to get back to HIm or our nation can't last much longer.
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17 responses
@anotherxidentity (1434)
• United States
22 May 09
The fact of the matter is the United States was made to be a mixing bowl of all sorts of beliefs and to be a place where people could escape from religious prosecution but there are people like yourself that don't make it possible because they feel that in order for us to have a moral country it needs to be a Christian one and that is just not true.
I myself am an Atheist - and was raised in a Christian household - but choose to believe that religion is just a socialized belief system set up by human to influence other humans when it isn't needed at all and instead it just clouds people's judgements and doesn't allow them to think for themselves.
And yes this country is in such a downfall because people try to look at that damned book for every answer. It is the reason the homosexual community isn't equal, it is the reason blacks were tormented forever, it is the reason that a woman is being yelled at for doing whatever she pleases to do with her body - even if it is getting an abortion, and much more.
And I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there are Christians that are creating the violence and everything else.
And there is such a thing called separation of church and state so I will gladly defend taking in god we trust off money and taking under god out of the pledge and everything else, because why should I have to use/say something that says there is a god when I don't believe it? I never look at you and say that in order to say the pledge of allegiance you need to say something like god needs to burn in hell.
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
22 May 09
I do not know very much about America, but I do know that there are a lot of Christians in America. But, sadely, even though America was founded on Christian principles, Christianity has also got a very bad name in America. One of the biggest reasons for me saying this, is from some of the comments I have encountered here on Mylot. This is the closest I can get to America and I get a very negtive vibe from many Americans toward Christianity.
In many discusions, the Christian belief is attack in very bad way. I know that Christians has played a big role in recievin al this negativity, but I do not know whether or not the people that atack Christianity has ever had a personal meeting with Jesus.
Yhose who had that encounter, will never turn from their beliefs, because they understand what it realy means to be a Christian. I think not only America, but most countries are moving away from Christianity very fast.
I thank God for those who still hold on to the truth, for they will inherit the Kingdom of God.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
22 May 09
Many things have been said about this matter.
But I still believe that Christianity is very much alive
in the heart of millions of Americans. Generally American
people are generous,kind and peace loving people.

@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
22 May 09
i don't think so any more. before i thought US was a christian. it may be before cause of the christian influence before. but now it seems because of many nationalities living in this country that some how that there are so many religions now in US beside christian and so we can't call them a christian nation. and also as we know that the government has not been allowing public prayer in schools and so i think that they are becoming more like an atheist nation in a way. i still wish that they will be a more christian nation. and a model one too of what christianity is just like before.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
question whether we should allow a non christian to act as if he is a chrisitan or crusader of christian because of selfish interest. i don't know if a person will have a personal interest in the first in doing that. or might be the person agrees in some teachings of christianity. and i don't think that being or having a christian leader will be of that different. i mean it is easy to be called a christian. just join any christian religion or group and call yourself a christian and people will recognize you as christian but that does not mean that person is actually living a christian life. and so sometimes i don't feel any more difference whether should be our leader or not cause i get dismayed over those leaders who are christian over their lives too. so i think as long as the person will do well on his position and do what a real christian should be doing whether is a christian or not. that is what important for me now to see on a leader. whether he will believe in christian beliefs or not that will be his own choice. but of course i would definitely like to have a christian leader cause i will expect that he will be able to act like a christian moer than those of non christian religion. and what ever religion is welcome. as long as the leader will not force his beliefs to us individuals and will not take our right to exercise our beliefs in public and private places. and that there will be respect of life and rights of every people than i will approve of that leader what ever his religion is.
@pamelakristie (16)
• Philippines
22 May 09
i totally agree with you. but this situation is not just in US, it is happening all over the world.
so sad.........
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@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
22 May 09
The US was never a "Christian" nation. It was founded with a faith in a singular God, but not necessarily the Christian God and certainly with the principle that we cannot force a religious faith on another. In fact, the predomination of Christian ideology trying to convert others has deteriorated US society instead of bolstered it. If a religion is about LOVE and ACCEPTANCE it would find a way to be constructive instead of devisive. The key to the line you quote is not "Under God", but "With Liberty and Justice for all". (No mention of wrong religions or imposing a common set of beliefs.) And arguing about prayer in schools is duplicitous when Judeo-Christian religions supported it to avoid Muslim ceremonies and cult activity (you let one people pray, they all can pray).
What we desperately need to do is what I thought being a Christian was all about: finding LOVE and GOOD in everything and celebrating the wondrous diversity of life!
@Bambaboo (66)
• United States
22 May 09
Being a geneologist I have found from searching my ancestors in the 1600-1700's time period that "yes" this was once a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles. Every day life revolved around God, church, morals. Anyone that says or thinks differently should do their own research of this era instead of listening to what others tell them, because there is plenty of evidence to prove that we were once a God-fearing people. It is truly amazing reading the stories of how punishmentment was meted out to thieves, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, cursers etc..not to mention the punishment for not attending church on Sunday's. Maybe if punishment was doled out today as it was back in those days & times, crime wouldn't be as rampant as it is today. Knowing that breaking into a persons home & stealing would result in having your ear nailed to a post & made to stand in the public square for all to see could certainly make a person think twice about having sticky fingers. Even cursing had harsh penalities, landing you in jail with hefty fines attached. We were once a Christian nation..but far from it today. Instead of listening to the God of the Bible, we now listen to the Darwins of this world. Instead of hearing the words of the Prophets we now only hear the words of the secular professor..and on and on.
Where there is no light..there is darkness.
@Lambchoper (538)
• United States
22 May 09
I do think we are still one nation under God. I don't think we are a nation indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. The irony is that the biggest dividing line is religion. Religion separates us. Atheists don't count because they don't believe. Homosexuals don't have the same liberty and justices as the heterosexuals because the religious powers that be deny their right to have them. Believing in God is swell, forcing others to bow to your beliefs SUCKS.
@dmrone (746)
• United States
22 May 09
Hi dzwagy! No i don't think we are a Christian nation anymore. To many have forgotten Christ, or gotten away from the Christian values. We were founded as a Christian nation, but now Christians are having their rights trampled on and taken away from them, or they just don't care about them anymore. It is a shame to see what this nation has come to. Yes there are people with different religions in the U.S., but the values this country was based on are being forgotten, or discarded to suit what others expect.
@Angeleyez101 (20)
• United States
22 May 09
I so totally agree with you!
I partially blame the gov. for alot of this! As you state they have taken prayer out of the schools,people complain when other people have religious statues up.
And the law and gov. backs these people up! Yet in Dearborn they are allowed to play their religious music over speakers!!! What IS OUR country coming too?
@BBBuckeye1 (24)
• United States
22 May 09
Secularism has definitely defined this nation for a long time now - this is not a recent phenomenon. In 1973, two ambitious young lawyers took advantage of the situation of a naive pregnant girl and our Supreme Court took the bait and re-defined our constitution to include the killing of innocent babies as a protected right of privacy. If our founding fathers had thought that abortion should have been included in our inalienable rights, then Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson probably wouldn't have fathered so many illegitimate children.
Back to the subject at hand. Our nation has evolved over 200+ years to look out for the underpriveleged. Lately, though, there has been a movement to attack everything that a Christian holds dear. Prayer is our vehicle for divine intervention and inspiration. Marriage is a sacred establishment that creates a Christian home that is open to the creation of children. Abortion is an abomination. Christians should show love and compassion to homosexuals, but we should not have to be inundated with the message that homosexuality is ok.
A nation without God will crumble. Without Christians doing their duty and loving their fellow man and helping those who need it, charity will be something that only the government will be able to provide, and we all saw how well that worked in the Soviet Union.
@karpatzio (106)
• Israel
22 May 09
I don't think America is a Christian nation. It isn't. Christians who want to see America turn into a one-religion state should look at Iran as an example of what happens when one religion takes over a government. Christianity would be just as abusive in power as any other religion. Power corrupts. It's inevitable, no matter how good our intentions are. Having a checks-and-balances system is far more important than worrying about the moral compass of our nation. Our nation's morality has suffered because of too much freedom in certain areas of our culture (bad social examples being portrayed favorably in the media, get rich quick schemes, "be a thug so you can be cool", "it's o.k. to be a criminal as long as you go legit after you've made your millions", etc.). Our nation has been pandering to the lowest common denominator for too long. We should return to pre-1960's etiquette and dress codes.
@coldmoon (1088)
• France
22 May 09
I think the US have never been a Christian nation. There exist always many religions there and none of them dominates the spirit of American. People are founded on humanity's principles which shouldn't be mixed up with religious principles. It's just a coincidence, otherwise, I could hardly see a democratic and freedom spirit.
@lawana_f (326)
• United States
22 May 09
The older the earth gets the less we will see Christian nations, that is a simple fact. They world has only gotten worse since the day God put man on earth, and it will continue to do so until the end of the world as we know it. I think that a few people are simply making it harder to have a Christian nation. Did you know that the new $1.00 coins do not say "In God We Trust". Many of us refuse to accept them in anyway. I am afraid that it will not be long until the non-believers take over completely and Christians have to hide to worship. It would not be the first time in history.
@Rayray13 (24)
• United States
22 May 09
today no and when think about back then really wasnt ether many people worshiped false Idols and such. but remeber the day there will be nomore christian living on earth will be day of the rapture. You have to Relize even if the naton doesnt last if you follow God you wont have anything to worry about. I would like our nation to change in possitive way but the idea of that happening isnt going to happen. in the last days, coming of the lord is explained in the bible. there be all kinds of crazyness happening in the world.