Yuck! Mouse guts in my bathroom for the 2nd time in a week!
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
May 23, 2009 8:26am CST
I have a cat, Bean. He's such a sweet, loving and LAZY cat! But, he sure knows how to catch and kill mice!
We live out in the country, in the mountains. There are a lot of field mice around here. My lazy kitty has proven himself, on numerous occasions, just how adept he is at catching small critters and disposing of them... at leat 90 percent of them!
For the second time in a week, I've gone into my bathroom to find mouse parts. The first time I found just the head and tail of a mouse. Of course, this HAD to be right on the small rug I have in there and, of course, mouse blood was all over the rug. So, I picked it up and washed it, then put it back in my bathroom. (This was AFTER disposing of the mouse parts.)
Two nights later, here we go again! This time, no mouse head or tail, but most definitely mouse entrails and even more blood on my rug!
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Have you ever found just parts of a wild critter in your house? I think it's worse than finding an intact dead animal. Last year, we had an episode with a headless squirrel in the basement... okay headless after the cat had a go at it.
My sweet, lazy kitty is quite a vicious killer! Do you have any horror stories of partially devoured rodents? I'd love to know that I'm not the only one! PLEASE share!
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27 responses
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
23 May 09
no but i had a lovely non killing cat an one night while I was sleeping my big guy brought me a gift a live mouse he put it on my chest an it ran across my face I thought I would have a heart attack an when he recaught the mouse an brought it back to me sweet huh I carried it way outside to let it go
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
24 May 09
Tell me about i thought i was going to take the skin off my face scrubbing it after that happen
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
27 May 09
honestly I think I stayed up the rest of the nite waching the cat nikkie sleep he was tired after bringing me a gift an the shock from the gift kept me up
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 May 09
Ewwwwww!!! That's worse than my "live mouse story"! My cat was chasing a mouse around the house once when I was taking a bath. Just as I was stepping out of the bathtub, the cat chased the mouse into the bathroom and, of course, it ran right under my foot that was about to come down on the floor. I stepped right on the mouse! I must've jumped 3 feet in the air!
Too late, though. The mouse wobbled about a foot, then collapsed. I had apparently squished it's innards. It took me a long time to get over that! I doubt I'd still be over it if it had run across my face!!! Ewww!!!
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 May 09
I know just what you mean, I also get throw up which includes part of critters. this is the price of living with cats in the country. I guess all in all it's better than
live critters running all over the house and ruining your food. I have gotten use to it over the years but I still don't like it.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
24 May 09
I don't remember any of my cats actually eating the mice they caught. They played with them. Sometimes it was funny to watch and sometimes not so funny!!
Savvy, I had a mama cat that would bring home live critters like, snakes, bats, mice, alligater lizards, and birds. The one thing they loved to eat were birds. All the other critters were for mama to teach her babies to hunt.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
14 Jun 09
Oh Yes, Poppy, one of my four cats, is an expert hunter and I have found bits of mouse lying about the house more than once. Usually the head. She was living in a friends greenhouse and surviving by scavenging and hunting for herself when I adopted her which probably explains her hunting skills. The other three are more or less inept when it comes to hunting I'm glad to say, otherwise the mouse carcass problem might be even worse.

@jwfarrimond (4473)
15 Jun 09
I remember coming back from work one night and as I stepped in at the door, I stood on something soft. No prizes for guessing what it was! Another rodent body left for me to find!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
15 Jun 09
See my response above yours and you'll understand why my cat is so good at catching small critters. I'm sure that hunger does more to hone their hunting skills than anything else.
My husband's cat was given to him after she and her siblings were found outside and alone. Apparently, something had happened to their momma and my husband had to feed her with a bottle; she was that young! But, since she never had to hunt for her food, she's not any good at catching rodents. But, like you, I'm glad because I'm already finding too many mouse parts for my liking! LOL

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 May 09
Now that's an idea I hadn't thought of before! THANKS!!!
From now on, I'll take the body parts outside. Bean follows me everywhere, so I'll take them outside, THEN praise him for being such a good kitty! Maybe he'll get the idea that I'm happiest when they're left OUTside!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 May 09
Bean is telling you that he holds you in high regard! He left the delicacies for you, his mistress. This is just what a cat does. Although I sympathize, it's not pleasant to find such things.
My dog Cookie will kill anything that moves and is not human. When we lived in Arizona, the house was littered with the trophies she brought me--lizards, rabbits, snakes, birds, etc. I found a gutted lizard on my bed one day and my first thought was "awww, how sweet!!" before my stomach turned.
Their bringing us these things is akin to candy and flowers. 

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 May 09
That's probably why I'm a dog person!
Yeah, I know that cats bring us their "kills" with only good intentions. I read that, because cats in the wild live in packs, they share their kills. That's why our kitties bring us those, umm... "gifts".
I always praise Bean when he does that. However, he's only brought me voles, never a mouse. He eats the mice. I guess voles don't taste good or something. (I'm NOT about to find out!)
I can't imagine finding any partially-devoured critter in my bed! I might find out what it's like one day, but I'm hoping I don't.
HICCUP, I'm glad to see you're alive and well! Where've you been hiding?

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@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
23 May 09
Mine leave them in the living room by the front door. Our day starts at 4 am.... there are some things that is too early to deal with. We've told the cats but they don't seem to care.
The last was just the head and tail.... left right in the entry way for the animal sensitive 9 year old to nearly step on. Poor thing asked me if I could save it.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 May 09
yes a kitten head in my closet, I don't know which one of my cats killed the kitten it might have been the mother or it may have been one of the males.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 May 09
Aww! I know I would've cried if I found a kitten's head! It was most likely one of the males. I've heard that they'll kill kittens to force the mother cat to go into heat again faster.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
31 May 09
Yes, you ARE lucky! I could handle grasshoppers; they aren't all bloody if they're torn apart. 

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 May 09
Marty, you are soooooo not the only one!! lol My cats catch anything that moves that's their size or smaller. Rabbits, squirrels, mice, rats, birds and what ever else they can find and catch. We've had partial of every wild animal that I've listed and then some. One time a boyfriend of mine has surprised me silly one morning after I just got up with a rats head on a dust pan while I was on the toilet. I turned to his calling and jumped off the commode and couldn't stop peeing and peed all over the floor! LMBO! I sure did and you know what else? I made him clean it up!! He scared the sh!t out of me knowing I was busy and so therefore, he could clean up the mess he caused. Oh he thought it was so funny. Damn him and men anyways!! lol
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 May 09
That has to be right cute!! You really ought to take a picture of the two of them and put it up here. I forgot to mention that we now have a blue jay bird that comes on our porch every morning, he makes several trips too, and steals some cat food and flies off. It's funny to watch him. lol

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
23 May 09
I wouldn't say it's lazy it's just how animals are.
My cats haven't devoured any of the mice that I know of. My big tom cat will play with them and carry them around after he's given them a heart attack. The hard part is getting the corpse away from him.
• United States
24 May 09
i think bean deserves a treat. i know it's no fun to find the leftovers but i'd rather find them than have mice running in my house. always heard u had to take the good w/the bad.
. have a happy sunday.

• United States
26 May 09
i'm sure u do but parts of them are better than them in your house. i don't want any varmits in my house but my dog & i. 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 May 09
I always praise Bean whenever he kills any kind of rodent. So far, it's been voles, mice, a chipmunk and two squirrels. At least those rodents won't be nibbling on my vegetable garden, berry bushes or fruit and nut trees!
He gets a treat, also. I think he's figured out that he gets treated like a king whenever he brings me one of his kills so, even though he's eaten most of two mice, he did come to me, chirping away. He was telling me that he was a good boy.
Apparently, last night, another mouse had come in. I was in bed when I heard quite a commotion in the livingroom. When I went to investigate, there was my smallest Maltese with a mouse in her mouth! Right before this, Bean had come into the bedroom, chirping his usual song so I think he killed the mouse but my little girl, Lilly, wanted to have some fun, too.
Luckily, I was able to get it away from her and dispose of it. I have the feeling we're getting so many mice in here because it's been raining so much for 2 months now. I'm very thankful that I have a cat who's good at killing them. I just wish he'd leave them ALL intact. LOL
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
25 May 09
i havent had to deal with that since i grew up and have had indoor only cats but when i was little my outdoor/indoor cat would do that all the time and it would freak me out.. they say its them giving you a present but it doesnt feel that way once you step in it!

@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
25 May 09
Well I guess you could say that those mice are "has beans"!
Gee, you sure have your share of fun with animals out there in the mountains.
Just be glad that you chose a small critter kitty. I'd hate to think what your bathroom would look like, had you adopted a Winchester puma!

@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
24 May 09
I assure you that you're NOT the only one!!! I used to date a guy who lived on the upper floor of an apartment building. There was a beautiful tree just outside his bedroom window. He had a lovely tomcat!!! The cat loved to roam so he left his bedroom window open so the cat could come & go as he pleased. He woke up one night to the cat tapping his cheek with its little paws. When he looked down to pet the cat, there laid half of a squirrel...the bottom half. He screamed. This was just after the horse head scene in the movie The Godfather
Atleast your kitty left yours on your rug not in your bed!!!

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 May 09
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! That story is even grosser than mine!!! Eww eww eww!!!
Even when I found a headless squirrel, that's STILL not as bad as finding the bottom half of a squirrel in the bed! Ewwwwwww!!!
Okay, now I'm VERY grateful that I found the body parts on my bathroom rug! I'll never complain again... EVER!!! Well, unless I find them in my bed.
What a horrible thing to wake up to! I do hope the guy you dated wasn't in the mafia! 

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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
24 May 09
He was a spoiled brat....but NO ties to the mafia that I ever knew of. Of course I teased him about finding the wrong side of the squirrel in his bed. Told him the cat was telling him to kiss its asss!!! 

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 May 09
My stomach is definately rolling over now...especially since I'm an animal lover...yup, even of those pesky little rodents. Thankfully our cat, Morgana, isn't a hunter...well not your typical one. She will hunt spiders, bugs, crickets and worms that sneak in under our front door. She doesn't kill them right off but likes to play with them. She bats them around for hours...I can only imagine how much fun that is for the poor victim.
@littleowl (7157)
26 May 09
Hi MM, am I glad that I am not in your shoes..I would of freaked by now seeing that! Fortunatley I don't have a cat but so have 2 big dogs but they are harmless and have never had any problems with any other creature where I live as it is in the country too, but cats are part of the big cat family but being small it is only us who have domesticated them, yet they still have the natural instincts of the 'kill'...LoLo
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
27 May 09
LOL. My cat who usually likes to catch and mouse and play with it (I live in the country as well) and eveyr once in awhile I will come across a headless mouse. At first I became concerned because I thought she was kinda cannibalistic this way, and wasn't sure if it was normal. And I still question it because why on earth would she only eat the head.....I hope she ate the heads...unless she has a stash on mouse heads somewhere in the house I do not know about....don't even want to think about that.
Otherwise she is a normal housecat who thinks the world revolves around her. I usually know to be on the lookout when she will come up to me with that certain cry they do when they catch something....
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
I'm picturing a pile of mummified mouse heads now. Thanks!
I'd love to know what they do with those heads! I don't even want to TRY to picture my cat removing that squirrel's head! I also never did find it's head. What in the world do they do with them?
I know all about that special cry they make. Bean has a cute little "chirping" sound that he makes that tells me I'd better get off my caboose and look around for something, although I really don't want to find it!
And, of course, the world DOES revolve around them. Dogs have masters, cats have slaves. 

@dropofrain (1167)
• India
26 May 09
It is really sick that the cat behaves like this. I have not come across any such issues as of yet and not even intend to see anything on these lines also. All the best to you and your Bean.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 May 09
Thank you, rain! I'm just glad that I have a strong stomach. 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 May 09
We had another incident last night! At least, this time the mouse was intact, at least it's outsides were. I don't want to know what it's insides looked like!
But, it wasn't my cat who had it, it was my littlest Maltese. She's afraid of absolutely nothing! Well, a mouse isn't much, but geez... I now know that I have at least two animals who want to kill those pesky pests!
We've had so much rain lately. I know you have, too, because we get what you get after you get it. (We're in Virginia.) Anyway, I'm thinking the mice are either trying to get in here because of the rain, or they ARE getting in here because of the rain. Either way, at least I haven't seen a live mouse yet!
I'm just glad I heard the ruckus my dogs were making in the livingroom last night before anyone had a chance to rip that poor little mouse to shreds... or eat it!
@galileo2008 (1168)
• Philippines
27 May 09
I hate mice!!! They're all over my apartment, those small little creatures that I call "baby mickies".. I hate them because they are so annoying, they tear my term papers apart and they make stupid noises! One time, I bought a sticky paper (the one which is used to catch flies) and I placed a piece of cheese at the middle, so it's served as a trap for them, that way when they get near to the cheese, they will stick to the paper and there's nowhere for them to get out. The day after, when I checked on my improvised trap, I saw 5 of 'em swarming like bees, and they just could not get out.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
Yes, those sticky traps do work! I used to live in a house that was almost completely surrounded by woods. Every Fall, when the weather was getting colder, the mice would start coming inside for warmth. I always dreaded the Fall season!
I bought those sticky traps, too, and had great success in getting rid of them. The thing is, once you see one of those nasty little rodents in your home, you need to set out those traps right away or they'll breed like crazy!
One thing I'd like to add is that I read that mice like peanut butter much better than cheese. I've always used a little peanut butter to attract the mice and it works but it sounds like your cheese worked fine, too.