Since God created everything that was, is, or will be, who created God?
@chrystaltears (3392)
United States
May 23, 2009 5:48pm CST
Since God created everything that was, is, or will be, who created God? If you believe the bible, you know God made man, beast, birds, fish, etc, but how did God come into being? He had to creat dinasaurs and mountains and seas and all, so where and how did He come about? I'd love to hear your ideas on this and where you found the information you're offering, because I don't believe anything unless I can read it myself, and I wouldn't believe in God if He hadn't made me personally know He exists.
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17 responses
@buildagreatsite (106)
• United States
24 May 09
Hi chrystaltears,
I also am a Christian and believe in the Bible. I believe that God and His angels were just there and one day He decided to create the earth and planets and man. This is really a hard thing to explain.
I don't understand how some people say that they don't believe in God. Just look at the human body? The way we reproduce? Everything around us? None of this happened by chance. There is a God and He loves us all!
I pray for all the unbelievers, I feel for them.
Have a blessed day everyone!
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
24 May 09
That's sweet. I love ansers like that. Best comment. Thanks
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Hey Mike. I think by camel. Not sure. Or the stairway to heaven. Hey, why don't you research that for us and get back with us with a discussion. Thanks, looking forward to the answer.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
24 May 09
How about man? Or perhaps God created God. Perhaps the universe did it.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
24 May 09
I honestly don't have a good answer, but I bet its awesome. Hey the bible says there are mysteries that we won't know the answers to until we get to heaven and then they will be revealed.!
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
4 Jun 09
One day, man created God in his mind. Then this God created man and lived in the persons mind. And then this mind created god and so on and on lol....
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@asherem2 (257)
• Thailand
24 May 09
The question is more philosophical rather than rhetorical....
Let me tell you this way....
1. you said you don't believe in God yet - you write something about Him - and seems to know more than the majority that He created all things and they have their beings.. (ignorance?)
2. you won't believe unless you read it yourself...why? even if its being slapped twice or thrice in your face, i know you won't unless you're a broad minded person..(pride and simply stubbornness?)
One, i believe in Him because i am an intellectual person and not a fool...i read a lot of books, history, economics...blaah, blaah, blaah...atheism to xenophobism.
only "fools" says that there's no God..(you have not read it do you?)
In Genesis 1:1 it says, In the beginning God.. again i will quote, In the beginning GOD...the Bible does not have to prove that THERE IS GOD, the Bible simply stated the fact that GOD is there in the beginning....
From a moronic point of view - we cannot escape the fact that "we" created our own prejudice and ideas about a god - the god we would like to have - thus we induced ourselves and fool ourselves that there is no God...nor heaven or hell.
the fact is - we just blinded ourselves - if we say that we are truly enlightened individuals - then we can see God in all things that He, what a narrow-minded perceptions if we admire a scenic sunset yet we say we don't believe in God... creation declares His majesty."all heavens declares His glory!"
And you are His most glorious creation - thou we shun Him -He loves us anyway..and still continue to let His loving kindness be renewed in us every morning..that's why we still breathe and have our beings...
again, let me tell you this - He loves you!
I've been there...lost in my own narrow mindedness, now by God's grace able to know that im wrong all those years -"wasted, not living.."
So, if you say you'll believe if you can read it yourself - i challenge you, read the entire Bible and you'll know.. ive done that...! and here's another thing: the Holy Quran, Buddha's teaching, Krishna's sayings..they all have some more facts and even pointing into the right "Way" - "The Way, the Truth and the Life.."
imagine that? to my surprised they all says..."Jesus", Nabi Isah, Phra the "Way.." and will be coming back to be our! amazing isnt?
i won't respond to you - if i had not seen what you've written - "unless i read it myself"...because that's who i am before..hey! hope you discover the richness of this wonderful Book of all books...your searching is at an it had been to me..happy reading!
@Kenzierou (108)
• Indonesia
27 May 09
Actually, Buddha never says anything about the existence or inexistence of the GOD (based on the book I'm reading now "What Buddhists Believe"). It is not clear if GOD really exist, so we should not attack people who don't believe there's a GOD that create everything in this world.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
No, we don't need to judge. That is up to the supreme God. He judges everyone individually, and if you have that heart He's looking for, you will eventually believe, cause He'll see to it that you are blessed that way.
@dotcomboy (9)
• United States
8 Jul 09
Sorry if I sound like a Bible-thumper for a sec, I know God is there but I can't stand the Jesus freaks. But here's how is is as I understand it:
God is the only thing that exists. Everything you know of including yourself is a figment of God's big holodeck imagination. Humans' linear view of time is naive. Like everything else, time is actually cyclical. If living things exist in other dimensions their "experience" of time is probably something else entirely. The question of who or what created God is irrelevant.
God has always existed from the point of view of the way we mortals experience time, and thereby God is the only thing that will always exist.
He sent you here to learn how to love unconditionally. Since there is really only one thing in the universe, you learn how to love God by learning how to love all other sentient beings, even and especially when that is a hard (giggety) thing to do.
Then again, it is said that he who knows does not speak, and he who speaks does not know, so what do I know?
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
24 May 09
I think it's about your belief friend.In my religion that No any one who created god.One of god characteristic is exist and the other one is,you can see the proof.Heaven and earth and all along with their contains.There is god in your self.For me,the first is belief.If you never mind,I suggest you to think about god's creation,don't think to much about god essence.I'm sorry,my english not good.
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Zhizho, I think your response is great! You're exactly right. Too many people miss the greatest possible pleasure in their life, because they have to try to find something to prove it's not so. Wow, wouldn't it be great if these people would step out to prove it's true.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 10
Hi..chrystaltears...Do you still looking for answer your question.LOL.It's not wrong guys.It's natural question in our self but as long as we live, maybe we can believe that God is The Suprame Subtance.The logically,if there is one who create HIM,so God does not different with us.I just follow a seminar about Human Brain and it's so amazing how God create it for us and how Brain work.No one Human can make it.So,sure The one who make Brain is So Amazing.
@dld999 (118)
• United States
24 May 09
Where does anything come from? For example, where does your thought come from? Why isn't your mind quiet? Is God putting thoughts in your head? Are random nerve and memory cells in the brain creating thoughts? Is it aliens? One moment you are silent, the next you are thinking about spaghetti. Where does it come from?
To my belief, God is the thought brought forth out of the silence and emptiness of the universe before all time. That thought created awareness and the awareness began our physical creation - "let there be light!"
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
31 May 09
I would like to explain creation by the fundamentals of Hinduism as my knowledge goes,by which I am sure would give many of you a better understanding of things which are not easily answered by "religions" or "science" and skecptics like to put the theory of alin. So,here we go :-
The creation of the world never happened at all. It is a complete denial of all causality in the physical world. I can support this by saying that it is the jnani’s (Man who is Self-realised) experience that nothing ever comes into existence or ceases to be because the Self alone exists as the sole unchanging reality. It is a corollary of this theory that time, space, cause and effect, essential components of all creation theories, exist only in the minds of ajnanis (ignorant) and that the experience of the Self reveals their non-existence.
This theory is not a denial of the reality of the world, only of the creative process which brought it into existence. By my own experience I can safely say that the jnani is aware that the world is real, not as an assemblage of interacting matter and energy, but as an uncaused appearance in the Self and not only that, that because the real nature or substratum of this appearance is identical with the beingness of the Self, it necessarily partakes of its reality. That is to say, the world is not real to the jnani simply because it appears, but only because the real nature of the appearance is inseparable from the Self.
The ajnani on the other hand, is totally unaware of the unitary nature and source of the world and, as a consequence, his mind constructs an illusory world of separate interacting objects by persistently misinterpreting the sense-impressions it receives. This view of the world has no more reality than a dream since it superimposes a creation of the mind on the reality of the Self.To summarize,the difference between the jnani’s and the ajnani’s standpoint is that the world is unreal if it is perceived by the mind as a collection of discrete objects and real when it is directly experienced as an appearance in the Self.
Tell me,isn't this a very new concept that you are hearing ? I am sure,if at all you are not too stubborn and strongly wants to restrict yourself to your own beliefs,then this will make you think,and who knows,this could spark a new beginning to how your spiritualism goes,if at all it exists in even a small way.
Thanks for bringing this up.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
31 May 09
I would like to propose what I call the Unified Theory. Maybe the animists had it intuitively correct when they believe everything has a soul. This would mean god is everywhere, not out there somewhere living in a god's home or heaven and directing things from afar. Maybe the big bang theorists have it correct when they say the universe spontaneously appeared billions of years ago out of nothing. I will give you the Marshall McCluhan abbreviated version, although this is not his theory, it is mine, that the Universe is god.
Let me explain. The universe which is god spontaneously appeared billions of years ago and is self directing. The power that is, is making the galaxies and stars and everything else out of itself, which when you think about it makes more sense than a bearded superman type figure that we do not know where he is somewhere. It somewhat explains evolution, the cosmos is doing this to itself because it wants to.
Unfortunately this flies in the face of existing theology somewhat. It removes the if I am good I will go to Heaven motivation of some religions, and also removes the I will butcher hundreds of people in the name of my God because they do not agree with me motivation. What would people do with their hate?
This theory which I will dub Mariposaman's Unified Theory is in its early stages and not ready for prime time scientific journals, but will revolutionize religion and science as much as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
@uoriej19 (34)
• Philippines
24 May 09
God needs not to be created, he is eternal... OK, lets base it with this verse: The hope of eternal life, which God... promised BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME (Titus 1:2)... Before the beginning of time, well this implies that God created time. He is there before time and space existed.
We human beings always ask, who created God? Where did he came from?... We always ask this because we are living in a world with full of beginning and end, beginning and end which God himself created.. God is eternal, the alpha and the omega. He exist before the beginning of time, this is the reason why his existence might bother us.
Here is another explanation if time is not created by God: God exist in more than one dimension of time. Things that exist in one dimension of time are restricted by the clocks arrow and confined by cause and effect. However, two dimensions of time form a plane of time, which has no beginning and no end and is not restricted to and direction of the clocks arrow. A being that exist in at least 2 dimensions can travel anywhere in time which has no beginning. Therefore a being who can do this has no beginning. Therefore, it proves that God has no beginning.
God is mystical, lets not question him, instead believe in him. Because if we do, we become mystics ourselves!
@chrystaltears (3392)
• United States
20 Feb 10
Okay Mike, I would love to hear your explanations of why you believe aliens exist. I'm not knocking it, because I wonder sometimes. I'd just like to hear your reasons. Also, I do know that if there are aliens, God created them, because everything that exists is from God.
@sn_2818184 (328)
• Hong Kong
4 Jun 09
No one create god. I don't want to talk about philosophy here. I'm a Chinese and using English, my second language, to express these kinds of complicated concept is too hard for me.
So, I put it in a simple way: if you can believe that there is no one create the world - that is, the world is there by itself - why do you find it so difficult to believe that god is there by itself? (Well, assume God exist, else the question of 'who create God?' is meaningless.)
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
7 Jul 09
God never had a beginning, and He will never have an end. (Psalm 9:7) God not only reveals things we didn't know; He also HIDES things so that we can't know them. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter (Proverbs 25:2).
@kdmlrys (398)
• United States
24 May 09
The first cause will always be the greatest mystery of life. Whether you'll base it scientifically or spiritually, the question of "what is the beginning of a beginning?" will always remain as the greatest mind-boggling question ever!
If the Creation is a fact, then who created God?
Who created the one who created God?
Who created the one who created the one who created God?
And so on...
If the Scientific theory of Big Bang is a fact, what causes it to explode?
According to science, it was a mixture of gas and dust.
But where does gas and dust came from?
In addition to that, what causes the molecules to exist in the first place?
And so on...
So you see, it's like a never-ending rollercoaster ride. I guess it's up to us what we would want to believe.
Personally, I kinda believe in the Creation. I don't know why, but it makes sense to me. I mean I'm looking at my computer's monitor right now and I know that someone had designed and created this monitor in order for it to function. What more life itself, which is much more complex than this monitor?
The question of who created God is something I'm speechless about. I'll simply say I don't know. In fact, we don't know!
@clemins (11)
• Macedonia
24 May 09
I don't believe in God...but I believe there is super intelligent being that is present in every part of space...waiting for us to survive & to make contact with us, so that we can become part of it...I hope that being is not giving up on us... although we deserve to vanish, self destructive as we are...take care, don't worry, be happy:-)
@sreenidhi (31)
• India
24 May 09
THIS IS A question that has been unsolved since many centuries.. But according to hindu mythology GOD IS NEITHER CREATED nor he doesnt have his END...