Are you afraid of bees/wasps?

A Wasp Feeding - This is the closest I dare get to a wasp. It was feeding on one of our hummingbird feeders (we love hummingbirds, but hate the wasps that also happen to love the feeders). I was standing on a chair about 5 - 10 feet away and taking
@phyrre (2317)
United States
May 23, 2009 6:47pm CST
It's getting to be that time again. Yup, that's right. Wasp and bee season. I hate the winter for the cold, but I really hate having all those bees and wasps around, too. And really, I'm not even sure why. I've been stung several times and it's never really hurt to be stung. It never bothered me. Yet, when I see one of them coming near me I quickly walk in the other direction to avoid them. My grandfather's always telling me that I should just ignore them because they're as afraid of me as I am of them (which I highly doubt because they have no problem flying near me!). I think my fear of them has something to do with the fact that my mother acts so irrational around them. At least I'm not quite as bad as she is. She'll scream and freak out, but I just calmly move away from them. So I was wondering how many other people suffer from this phobia? It seems pretty common among my friends, but then again my friends and I are special in more way than So are you afraid of bees or wasps? If so, do you know why?
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25 responses
@harryt123 (327)
• United States
24 May 09
I am actually cautious of any type of insects that are flying near me especially bees. I know that it is nothing fun being stung by a bee and that is why I try to keep myself covered when I know that I will be around a park or elsewhere that has a lot of bees. I don't have a fear of bees but I am just careful as to not get stung by one.
• Australia
24 May 09
unless you are allergic, bee stings do not really hurt at all, maybe you get a little bit of poison, but after they sting you, they die, which i always thought didnt make any sense, so they try not to use their stingers. but i have been stung by a wasp i think once, and a bee twice. the wasp hurts let me tell you, and they dont die after they sting you, it grows back, so thats why it hurts more, but the bee stings dont hurt one bit, they just make you feel a bit dizzy or something like that, but it even could be all in your head.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
24 May 09
I've been stung by bees twice? Or three times. Something like that. And it didn't hurt in the least. I didn't even know I was stung until I saw the bee on me, really, and even then I went about with my day. The worst thing that happened was that when I was stung on my toe it swelled a bit, but no pain and it eventually went down. My wasp sting didn't even really hurt. It stung my mother and then me and then flew off somewhere. It got red in the area and stung a bit at first, but then it quickly went away (even though it was still swollen and red for quite a while). Even still, I always avoid them, too.
• United States
30 Dec 09
Actually, some of these bees are poisonous, especially wasps. They can be harmful, and make you unconscious. A friend of mine actually stung by bees, and pass out. I am afraid of it.
@ColinYang (193)
• Australia
24 May 09
I have a definite phobia of bees and wasps even though I am lucky enough to not have been stung by one! I am scared of them because occasionally I see someone cry because of the pain. Especially when you're talking about those nasty wasps. Am I racist?
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@phyrre (2317)
• United States
24 May 09
LOL! I don't know if that qualifies you, just don't let the wasps hear you say that. ;) Might wind up in court or something.
• United States
25 May 09
I am terrified of them. Everytime a wasp or bee comes into my space bubble I completely freak; this is at times quite embarassing, but I can't stop it. I think its because when I was little I was riding my bike and I saw the wasp coming at me and tried to dodge it lolz..but instead it attached itself to my neck. By the time we got the stinger out my neck was so swolen it hurt to breathneedless to say I don't think this will be an easy phobia to shake...
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Oh wow. I can't blame you for being afraid. That must've been a horrible experience.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
24 May 09
I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of bees and wasps. But I am definitely very cautious around them. I certainly do not want to do a movement and then find out that a bee or wasp has just stung me.
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@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Caution is good, too. I guess you could say I'm more cautious than afraid. I mean, I've had bees land on me and haven't freaked out, so I'm not crazy with fear or anything.
• Australia
24 May 09
i am not afraid of bees because they do not hurt. they cannot hurt me, and i am not allergic to bees, so i am fine around bees. wasps on the other hand, whether you are allergic or not, they hurt you alot, just with one sting, and you would probably swell up or something within a matter of minutes. i was once at school and i was on the field, and there were bees on the ground apparently, because i fell down and landed with my hands to the ground, and when i picked it up, there was a stinger from a bee in my hand. i was scared because i had only been stung before twice, and didnt know what to do, so i asked to go to the nurses office, and while i was running there, my head was kind of throbbing, and i thought it was the sting, but it might have been in my head. when the nurse applied something to my hand, i was instantly cured, so i dont know exactly what was going on there.
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@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Yeah, wasp stings hurt a heck of a lot more than bees. I didn't even notice the bee sting, but the wasp sting I definitely felt.
• Greece
24 May 09
Here in Greece we have a lot of bees and wasps especially in summer! There are a lot of people who are afraid of them! Some people are allergic to them so i understand their fear! but they are not so scary! the trick is to ignore them if you ignore them they wont harm you!
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
That's a good trick, and that's what I try to do.
• United States
14 Jul 09
this seems like it may work but i am very afraid of bees and wasps because they come around all the time and i havent seen them the past few days but now all of a sudden they come out of no where and i cant find wasp spray!!!how else am i supposed to avoid them?!?!
• Indonesia
24 May 09
I live in tropical country where there're more bees and insects than any other places in the world. I have met many kinds of bees and that's how i learned to love them but always stay away from them because of the sting. However, there was goodnews one day that some type of bee's sting is a good cure for reumatic. I even watched a tv program that is an alternative cure which use bee's sting as the cure. So, nothing to be afraid with bees. I have never heard that bee kills person.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
24 May 09
Well, killer bees kill people. :) But that's because the hive attacks in unison and getting that many stings that quickly can be fatal.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
24 May 09
Neither my mom nor I have ever been stung by a bee. I've never been afriad of them, I just always gave them their own space when I encountered them, and they left me alone.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
That's probably a good idea!
• United States
24 May 09
Im not so afraid of them , however i actually do like a sting now and then because of the positive effects of the stings, but only a few or one will do.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Really? I never knew there were positive aspects to bee stings. I'll have to look it up.
@mikeley (318)
24 May 09
Hey:) I fear wasps because when i was younger i got stung in the ear. I was only 9 years old and since that day i try and avoid any wasps. The other day was scary i had a wasp fly down my shirt! I dunno how long it had been there for so i took my shirt off and luckily it few away without stinging me...PHEW!! lol Mikey:)
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Oh wow. i can't imagine how bad it would hurt to be stung in the ear! You're lucky the wasp down your shirt didn't sting you!
• Singapore
24 May 09
i dont care about them.i know if i panic and run for my life they will chase me so i just contiue doing what i was advice:dont panic ignore them
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
I don't panic, I just try to avoid them the best I can. ^_^
• China
24 May 09
I don't afraid one or two wasps, but I am afraid very much when a large number of wasps, especially when they are not very far from me. I think the main reason that I am afraid of them is that their stings, even though I have never been stung by them. I think it is a better way to keep away from them. Have a nice day.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
I agree. One or two is usually ok with me, but i hate it when I pass by one of the bushes they love and there are lots of them in there.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
24 May 09
i am afraid of bees and wasps and yellow jackes and horse flys. we get those giant bumble bees around our house and the buzzing is loud and they seem to fly all around you. i know if they stung it would hurt and swell up. my daughter will freak out and start running away where as my son will try to swat them. Then i worry that will piss them off and they will go after him. Me? I usually quickly go inside.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
Ugh, horseflies are the worst. I hate those things. Yeah, my brother always used to swat at them and I was always afraid he would manage to get ME stung because I have bad luck that way. I do what you do, though, and just leave the area.
@berlong (227)
• United States
24 May 09
I am EXTREMELY afraid of bees, but mainly due to the fact that im DEATHLY allergic to them!...I can understand a person having a phobia of bees, its no differend than a phobia of spiders or snakes!
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
25 May 09
I can understand being afraid of them if you're that allergic to them. I would be, too!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
26 Mar 11
Hi. phyrre. Yes, I am afraid of them coming any where near me. I have seen a couple of bees fly outside. An wasp was inside of our trailer last week. My husband killed the wasp. I tell my kids to always keep the door closed so that no bugs are wasps will fly through. I hope that they can remember to follow this rule.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
I'm afraid of wasps not for the pain of their sting but the aftermath of it. Haha. The body part that was stung will swell. It's okay if it's on the arms or feet. But usually it's on your face. You will look like an awful looking Chinese. shadow41
@felice369 (239)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I am afraid of bee and wasp, because they sting, and I am a big fan of being stung. I been stung by bee a couple of times, and it was hurt a little. A friend of mine actually got stung by bee while he was working at his backyard, and later he got all these dizziness, and pass out for a moment. I just afraid some of these wasps are poisonous.
• Philippines
31 May 10
Hi phyrre! :) I too am afraid of bees and wasps. The best way to avoid them is to ignore them. Your grandfather is right! :D Because if you try to shoo them away, they will feel threatened and in return sting you. It's very common among my friends too. I think they are afraid that they wasps or bees would sting them. Happy MyLotting!
• China
21 Mar 11
yes i do afraid of bees. As i know it's so painful when they bite us.I know some people who bitten by bees. And i saw adult person to cry after bitten my bees. So i do afraid of it. Good day!
6 Apr 10
I am terrified of bees and wasps to the point where I feel like a prisoner in my own home during the summer months. I am that crazy person that will freak out when I am in the presence of one. I have even jumped out of my car in an intersection because there was one in my car. I also break into a cold sweat and my heart races. My fear comes from the fact that I have never been stung and my mother. I love her dearly, but I will never forget sitting on the patio when I was a little girl eating and a wasp flew near my mom and she went ballistic and rushed me and my sisters into the house. Now, I am a new mother and absolutely do not want to pass this on to my son. So I am currently trying to heal myself. When I am outside and see a bee, I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a few seconds and chant "Bees are beautiful and do wonderful things for us" My neighbors probably think I am nuts, but I am trying. Please wish me luck:)