Would you ever hit a.... CHILD???
By bodhisatya
@bodhisatya (2384)
May 25, 2009 1:06pm CST
Here is this incident which urges me to start this discussion. There is this cute little three year old girl who is our neighbor. She goes to a pre-school in our locality. The teacher there is reputed to be a brash woman. She is very strict on her young students.
This little cutie often comes to our house and we kind of babysit her. She is such a love. And one day we noticed that she has a sore knee. Upon coaxing her to tell us what happened there, she in her child voice told us that the teacher hit her with a wooden scale. I was infuriated. The young angel is so very cute that I wonder how could ever a person use their hands on such a love.
I am not a parent yet, so maybe I am wrong but I am dead against hitting any person especially a child. I would never never never do that. A child can at times be a bit mischievous and maybe a bit too naughty but they are meant to be loved and only loved.
If you are a parent then would you be honest to share that do you beat your child at some stage? And to all those guys who aren't a parent yet or are not married, would you ever hit a child and could justify it?
Please do share your views on it.
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31 responses
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
25 May 09
No I do not BEAT my children, but have they had a spanking from time to time, yes, but never to the point of leaving a mark on them and never hard enough to do anything other than get their attention. Part of what is wrong with children today is they have no consequences for wrong doing, do I think a child should be beat, no but a parent should be able to make the decision to spank a child if the time arises to do so. I was spanked as a child and well I was not damaged for life as a result, but I did learn that I had to listen to my parents and obey them as a result. Which I did, I was not spanked often as I learned my lesson.
Spanking and beating are two different things
Now as far as a teacher/babysiter etc, they better not lay a hand on my child, that is my child and I would be livid if this was my daughter. To leave a mark on a child is wrong, even if you are the parent.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Yes you are correct, and I agree that spanking and beating is two different things. And yes, it is wrong to hurt a child to the extent that it leaves a mark. That is a criminal offense I would say. Thanks for sharing.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
28 May 09
I have to agree with this post. I have spanked my kids, including my 3 year old. Actually I wouldn't call it a spank, more like a bit of a tap on his fanny. I've had to slap a child's hand to tell them not to touch something, things like that.
Hitting a child with anything other than your open hand is considered abuse in my opinion.
Hitting a child that is not your own should be illegal. God help the person who lays a hand on any of my children aside from me and my husband.
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@divkris (1156)
• India
26 May 09
If a kid is being mischevious then he/she has learnt it from you, me and other adults. Children are like clays and we as parents, siblings, peers, member of the society model them to be what they are. They are not the sole things to be blamed.
To me children are like mirrors. When they see someone do something (good or bad) they think that is how things are done. So they simply redo what they have seen a grwon person doing. If they are arrogant to you - then it is simple - you can see yourself in that kid. If you are unruly you can see that in your kid.
So, Beating a kid means beating yourself!
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
It is true and amazingly correct, to beat a kid is beating yourself.
Although I have something to say of what you posted here. I agree that a kid does the things which he looks and observes around him, but then there are exceptions too. A kid can be remarkably good in a very unhealthy environment and could be notoriously bad in a very good family, but as iI said these are exceptional cases.
Thanks a lot for your view, I loved your perception on the subject.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Hmmm I had a similar incident, infact a story of a kid in my mind while I was responding to the post. There was this kid you know who from a very young age starts to kill the neighbor's pets, and eventually he kills every body in his family, It is startling how thin gs can turn out to be. Maybe his father was a bit harsh on the kid, as far as I could comprehend the plot.
Thanks again.
@divkris (1156)
• India
26 May 09
well to add to your comment -
there are exceptional cases; yes there may be. to me if there is a good kid amidst a bad environment then the kid is trying to reflct something good about that bad environment. Good and bad complement each other and where there is goo there is bad too and vice versa!
So if a kid is notorious (well i'm not talking about adults here at all) that means someone or some element in that environment is triggering the act in the kid. The challenge is to find the element and to erase it.
Well if you have read "The Kite Runner" you would have found this bullying kid called Assef have been torturing other kids all the way long and has grown up into a saddist adult. Well, i just have a question to ask were the parents not awareof thier kids behavior - or probably one of the parent (or other family member) had a similar habit that was prominently exhibitted by this kid!

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 May 09
This is horrible. children do need loving discipline and this is not the way to go about it. I use the naughty corner for my grnad twins and my children were sat down on a chair without a book or any toys if they were naughty. Or a toy might be taken away for a day etc. Children need love and lots of it. If a parent is about to lose it then the parent should walk away until they are in control of themselves. Blessings
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
hi dear friend how you have been? Hope you are in good health and spirits now. I pray that everything is alright now.
Yes children are meant to be loved, and they should be kept with tender love and nothing else.
Thanks and God bless you too.
@BishounenNerd (373)
• United States
25 May 09
It's sad to think that anyone would hit a child, but those are probably the same people that see spanking a child's bare bottom a suitable form of punishment. Why? I know if I ever had a kid and they got in trouble for whatever reason, I wouldn't hit them, I would tell them to take responsibility for their actions. That way at least the punishment fits, they don't get traumatized, and they learn responsibility at a young age.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Hi BishounenNerd,
I think that if ever a child acts very mischeaviously then it is probably to draw the attention of the elders. And since the adult has so many things on his/ her head he is annoyed by the behaviour of the kid and would react in violence. I think every kid understands the language of love and could be made understood with an extra ounce of love. I loved your view on this regard. Thank you.

@faisai (1138)
• Hong Kong
26 May 09
Generally, I don't think hitting your child is a good idea as talking them out and make them understand what they have done wrong is much better.
However, I sometimes ask myself, does it make sense to talk about the mistakes a 3 year old child have been doing and "why" it is a mistake at all? I mean are they really able to understand anything you are talking at all?
Hitting them (I only mean to make them feel pain but not to hurt them) give them a direct understanding that something is simply forbidden. I understand that we have to forgive them of making mistakes but then we have to make them aware that sometimes, something is simply not accepted and if they still make the same mistake over and over again. Letting them feel some pain, from my point of view, is the most effective way of teaching them not to do that again.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Hi, maybe you are right, but I can't really say right until I handle a child full time. Hope it doesn't pose to be a problem for me. Maybe at times stern voice would do the trick rather hitting them. What say?
@lululastrange (339)
• United States
26 May 09
Someone should never use violence as a threat if dis pleasured, however a spanking, even an old fashioned butt kicking in the grocery store is a much kinder fate then years of prison, fines or any other legal ramification of "mischievousness or naughtiness" as an adult.
If parents don't teach a child to respect authority, then a child is going to have a rude awakening when they reach the real world.
It is a parent's duty to prepare their child for survival and it would be a great disservice to any child if they didn't. Now I am not advocating child abuse, and I am not advocating using spanking in any but extreme cases, but the fear of a whoopin is an extremely effective tool when keeping someone who has yet to learn morals or ethics on the right path.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
I get your message there dear friend. And I think you have been spot-on. Apart from our unselfish love towards children we also need to make them aware of righteousness. For that maybe sometimes we need to use the hand. But still I strongly suggest that it must be the last alternative, and should be done in love not in hate.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
26 May 09
I would never do that to my own child, this is child abuse. If I know my child's teacher hit her like that then I will not sitting still... I will go and ask or sue her for this... My child is a human, a little baby one and she hit her like she is an animal. NO dont even touch my child in this way.
Im sorry, for all the madness but it is just piss me off so much. I do hit them but with my hand to her/his butt, just a little to make sure they get my attention... but a stick? NO. we have to do something about it.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Just to reassure you I did what i could. I condemn this ghastly act. I had confronted that teacher. I won't even let anybody hit an animal let alone a child who is nothing but an angel. I had talked with her parents too. hope they won't send her to that teacher again this year.
@jmtdgtsam55 (61)
27 May 09
This is a tough one. I don't disagree with smacking a child, if they are old enough to understand why and there is a good enough reason for it. When I was at primary school my 1st year teacher, who happened to be the Headteacher used a ruler on your hand when you misbehaved or didn't do what was expected of you. It happened to me once, my mother went to the school as she was not happy about it at all.
Looking back, it didn't do me any harm, there is no permanent damage, I don't have any mental scarring, it is just what happened back then.It taught me a lesson though!
My mother also used to smack me, again it did me no harm and there was always a good reason for it. None of these incidents were wrong as it taught me a lesson and it was only ever done when everything else had been tried.
I now have a daughter and on 2 occasions she has had a smacked bottom, it is always for good reason, she has a very fierey nature and on occasion it is the only way to get through.
I think unless you are a parent or have regular contact with children, by this I mean you are a teacher or a nanny or parent etc, you cannot comment on how wrong you think it is or say that you would never smack a child. Each situation is different, children need to be disciplined and to be taught right from wrong, if the occasional smack achieves this then I don't think it is wrong. It did me no harm nor my relatives who also endured similar lessons in life. It is not abuse of any kind as long as you are in control and your child does learn from their actions. With respect to you, children are very good at being angelical with certain people, do not be fooled, this cute little girl could have another side, almost every child does.
Please don't think of me as an awful person, I love my daughter more than anything in this world, I promise you she will grow up remembereing the good times and a happy childhood and will have forgotten about the odd smack here and there. There is too much rubbish these days about what you should and shouldn't do to discipline children, the reason half of them are trouble when they grow up is because they have had no discipline at home and the parents have not spent enough time with them teaching them right from wrong.

@jmtdgtsam55 (61)
28 May 09
You clearly have no idea about children and I take offense that you think I need help. I am a normal person and I am a good mother.My child is very happy and you have no place suggesting otherwise.
I never once said that a mark should be left on a child of course it shouldn't I was merely commenting on your opening - should you hit a child!!!
You are not living in the real world if you think children are all angels.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
27 May 09
Amazing. How could you even think of such a thing. Am I being fooled by a three year old girl? She has another side? GOD
Lol.... You need professional help I guess.
I am no one to comment on what you do in your personal life, or to your child but I must say that the child in question here is innocent. And I need not prove it. Leaving a scar on a three year old is a horrendous crime. This is not a spanking out of love and care that I am talking about. hope you see the sense that i am writing in here.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
29 May 09
Look when you mentioned that this child in question could have other side, it was a derogatory remark I must say. And I too take take offense for that. I don't have the right or the capacity to judge you as a person and hence you need not justify it to me that you are a good mother and things like that. You think all children are not angels, what harm could a three year old do to you? Would you be kind enough to let me know? How could a three year old baby fool you can you tell me? The idea of getting fooled by a person as young as a three, or four or five or even by a teen ager amuses me.
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
26 May 09
At school when I was growing up, only a principle or a deputy principle were allowed to use a stick we called the cane. It was only applied to the hand.
Children these days at school don't even know what a cane was.
I have never hit another person's child. I have not had the need to hit other children. They behave or they don't come back. Simple rule there. But I have hit my children on 1 of 2 places. On the bottom/thigh or the back of the hand. When I have hit them, it has been for punishment and done out of love. My children always have had the choice. I prefer to send them to their rooms, but if they don't go their other choice of punishment is a smack.
It was couple of weeks ago my youngest asked for something. I said no. She start to whinge. I told her to stop whinging and that what she wanted, we had all weekend to do it. She still kept on whinging. I asked her to stop whinging. But she just got louder and louder. I started to ground her to stop her from going over to her friends place. It just got worse. I got to 2 months grounding and then decided to send her to her room. She refused to go and whinged even more. In a firm voice, I said that is it, 12 months grounding and go to your room. She still refused. I got up, pointing to her room and told her that she can choose between a smack or her room. She ended up getting a smack on her bottom. She got up, crying all the way to her room. She then decided to bash a few things around. Then to my suprise, she started cleaning her room without being asked.
I just didn't know what to do. She was trying to walk all over me, saying that she didn't care in between her whinging. I needed to do something that she did care about. I was firm with her but never smacked her out of anger. I smacked her because I love her.
I will also admit, that there was one time when she was alot younger, she got my temper going. I was getting angry this day. I went to smack her for something she had done. I stopped, I started crying and I sent myself to my room. I even slammed the door closed and my girl started to howl. If I had smacked her this particular day, I would not have stopped. I would have classed this as child abuse. I was so angry, so I had to punish myself for getting angry. I didn't keep calm and under control.
I refuse to smack when I am angry and out of control.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Look friend I am not prying but it seems that you are under stress and that resulted in the kind of situations you just mentioned. May I ask how old your daughter is? Sometimes SOME kids have problems while growing up. Like maybe they have noticed that you are depressed or there maybe some other tough issues you are dealing with. A child understands that his/ her loved one is in a kind of trouble. But since they can't do a thing about it they sort of resent. They notice that they aren't getting your full attention, so they would come up with nouvel ways to catch your attention.
I think being a bit diplomatic would help your child.
by the way I want to tell this thing to you and it comes from the bottom of my heart that you seem to be sorry to, for being bit harsh on your kid. To \love your child is important, but you need to understand them too.
As adults we face may a situations in our every day life causing to lose our temper, but we cannot let it to be a hindrance to bring up our child.
Hope I was not getting too personal, forgive me if I was. Thanks
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
26 May 09
You did mention that you are not a parent. You will not fully understand until you have a child of your own.
As my father have said to me when I was growing up, you are not truely born until you have a child of your own. He also said to me that I will never understand what it means to be a parent. With me going through it twice now, I fully understand what he means.
Ok, I want to ask you, how do handle the situation when you want a child to take a shower, but she refuses to. She want her big brother to take a shower first. But the big brother wants little sister to have a shower first. It is a stale mate between the 2 of them. What would you do? How would you get your youngest one to take a shower when she is fighting and arguing with you?
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
You truly said it that i am not a parent yet, so I don't probably know what it takes to be one. The situation you mentioned is not that uncommon. My younger brother was very naughty in his young days and this particular incident you mentioned makes me remeber those days.
As I was elder I was the one to act responsibly and had to do it upon the insistence of my younger sibling. Then my mom would keep on saying that look at your brother he has already done it now its your turn and would compel him to do. He would whine but eventually he has to, otherwise mom would threaten that you won't have your lunch if you aren't bathed.
I think any issue with a child is not a stalemate. Things can be worked out. But still I guess it is easier said than done.

@Redhornet117 (1248)
• Philippines
26 May 09
I am not a parent yet, but I think I will spank my child as a form of discipline. Just so that they will no that what they did was wrong and later expalin to them why I spank them. But I will not beat them that they will be on so much pain and anguish. That would be abusive.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
Guess you would use more love and shall keep the spanking part to the last alternative on you would be kids. Thank you for sharing.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
26 May 09
I used to slap my niece's hands when she's having tantrums or bullying other children. But not a really hard slap, just hard enough to let her know that what she's doing is wrong. It doesn't really hurt her physically, more of emotionally because she knows that I'm mad at her. Slapping is common here in my country, but I really try to avoid it if I can. I don't want her to grow up a bully. I did what I did out of love. I'm like a second parent to her because her parents used to leave her with me often. Now that she's a little bit older I don't slap her anymore because she listens now when I tell her that what she's doing is wrong. We have a good relationship and I'm really proud of what she has become.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
I am so happy that the child is influenced by you and turned out to be a good kid. Yes even if you are a bit stern in your actions in order to develop a child to be a good human being love is the essence. As you said even if you have had slapped on her hands there was love in it. Thats the thing, thats what makes a child to be a great human being.
@syedsafwan (40)
• Malaysia
26 May 09
if needed yes, but not that hard until they suffer hard damage. only hit them on spot that has lot of fats like the palm.
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@Kanani79 (22)
• United States
26 May 09
I believe a child should be punished but to beat a child or even hit a child beyond a slap on the wrist is child abuse in my eyes. Not only that the teacher at this school, by law is not allowed to touch the child. She should be turned into authorities and the matter should be investigated. I work at a childcare facility with the infants. They can be trying at times. They can sometimes cry excessively but that does not give me the right to try and silence them by using force. Children are defenseless. They cannot defend themselves against someone that is 10x there size. If I knew this teacher I'd walk up to her and straight up tell her that if she wants to hit someone hit someone her own size and proceed to step towards her. If she's the coward I believe she is she'd back down because she's only "strong and tough" when beating a defenseless child.
Report her to the child's parents and/or authorities immediately before something more serious happens.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
This teacher is reputed to be very brash with her students. The child's parents do know about the incident. Hope she won't repeat the act and yes I have confronted her in this regard. The teacher is indeed a coward to hit a child 10x less than her. Sorry for imitating but I liked the metaphor. Things would be fine I guess.
Thanks for responding, and it is really good to know that you are handling kids and are not annoyed by them.
Have a great day.
@Canowyrms (48)
• Canada
26 May 09
Hitting your child goes farther than just hurting them. It can leave emotional scars that can take a lot of therapy to heal. Hitting a child, whether it be yours or someone elses is completely wrong. I am completely against it.
Teachers are supposed to be able to tolerate the young ones they work with. If that teacher can not handle how a child acts, they should not be teaching (at least that at that level.). No matter how bad things are going in your life, when you are a teacher, you are in a different place, and with different people. Work and personal life are completely different things and should never interact. Perhaps report that to the police, or the board of education in your district.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
I had gone to the teacher's place and told her not to do it again. She was a but abusive and told if she was my child. Things are a bit different out here. I guess the child won't be going to that school from this year onwards.
Yes hitting a child do leave permanent damages like emotional disturbances and so on. It amuses me how some people try to justify their acts of violence on child by saying they are just discipling them. Pathetic.
A child could always be taught to be humane by love.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
29 May 09
HI, Yes a child is like a fine clay, they will mould into human beings the way they are brought up. You have said it right if they are taught to take out their frustrations and anger in the form of voilence then that is what they are learning. And it is a wrong thing to learn.
Thanks for your concern.
@Canowyrms (48)
• Canada
28 May 09
That is no excuse to ever harm a child. Children learn to be violent that way. They learn how to take their anger out that way. It is good that you took that child out of that school. Hitting a child is hitting a child, no matter where it is. It is not the right thing to do. Children are more likely to learn through moral lessons I feel.

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 May 09
i don't have a child yet at the moment... but i will spank my child if i have to every now and then to discipline him/her... and i will only use it as a very last resort if the child is really uncontrollable... i disagree with your statement that say "a child is meant to be loved and only loved"... not in my opinion... that's why we can see a lot of spoilt child nowadays... love should be balanced with justice... so i think spanking the child every now and then is OK... but of course not beating until leaving a permanent mark on the child... i will never do that... take care and have a nice day...
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
26 May 09
I feel that to spank a child does show love. When you punish your children it shows that you care. To add to that if spanking is your last resort then you children know that you mean business and will try to avaoid the behavior that would earn them a spanking.
To refer to the spoiled children, you are right there are many children that are overly spoiled, I wonder if the parents of these children love them as much as they claim. THe reason is that no one wants to be around a brat, and yet many parents have created just that, a brat instead of a respectful loving child. That is true abuse.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
HI Lingli,
I do get your point there. I don't seem to agree that spanking would help, but yes I am still to be a parent and have to know before I become one. Thanks for your views.
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
26 May 09
Wow. I'm a mother of 2. I don't beat my kids (even when they probably deserve it...LOL). I have on occasion given swats on the behind when it's been needed but that is MY choice. I'd be very upset if their teacher hit them in any form. If there was a problem with the child the teacher should have dealt with parents, not taken it upon herself to hand our that type of punishment.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
There was actually no problem at all. the child didn't learn a poema and the teacher used her stick. It is sickening. Good to know that you being a mom of two don't use this option on your child. That is the point I have been trying to point out in this discussion. nobody needs to spank their kids no matter what the situation is, and you proved my point practically.
Thanks a bunch.
@AMARA91 (15)
• Nigeria
27 May 09
i am from a country that takes hitting as a means of correcting children's wrong but i will not hit a child to the extent of leaving scars on his or her body.for me i am having a scar that can never be erased on my body due to my cousins wickedness. but i doeesn't give me the encouragement to hit others. i muust confess that mylot is quite an interesting site where useful discussion are made. RID ON EVERYBODY!!!
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
27 May 09
I am sorry to know that you were being hurt when you were a child. BUt I don't get this expression, "Rod on everybody". What does it mean, would you be kind enough to explain?
@sottovoce22 (7)
26 May 09
I feel that words are much stronger than a slap. If a parent cant control their child with words, then i dont feel that they are fit to be parents. All slapping a child does is show that the parent has lost it and needs a way to release that anger. The child needs to learn that you need to control yourself when your mad at someone, which they will not be doing if you hit them. You dont want your child hitting people that theyre mad at, do you?
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
26 May 09
Spanking a child does not have to have anything to do with anger, as a matter of fact you should never punish a child at all if you are mad, instead send them to their rooms until you calm down.

@Dekorume (6)
• United States
26 May 09
I have had my kncukles rapped with a yardstick for being left-handed when I was in school. I survived a mother that bounced me off walls and left over 80 stitches in my scalp over the sixteen years I lived with her. When I became a father my greatest fear was that I "beat" my children the way my mother beat me. That being said. . .
We have a list of consequences based upon the severity of the offending act. From a simple discussion and lecture that guides them (the kids) into verbalizing how they're actions were wrong, to standing in the corner, to loss of privilages and yes, the last level is a spanking to be recieved the next day with both parents present. (I may take away their computer privalges in anger, but would never strike one of them in anger) Why would I spank my children, if I was beaten? Because, it is only used as a last resort and underscores that some things we do wrong are worse than others.
There is a fine line between "abuse" and "punishment", what works with some children, even in the same household, does not work with all children. Parenting is an education in human development, both the child's and the parent's.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
26 May 09
I am so sorry that you were being hurt as a child. I know that these bad memories remain permanently engraved in our mind. It is an abuse, as severe as a any other criminal act. What you have said is very logical, people need to understand the child's psychology rather than shutting him up by a few spanks worse hitting in a rude manner.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
8 Jul 09
Rather being hit by parents the parents can be more caring and supportive to their children. I bet those guys whom you are talking about in prison, were not never cared or had "real" parents. A child is very receptive towards love and you can win them by showing true love not your slaps.
That is what I personally think.