If you were told you had one day to live, would you have any regrets?
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
May 26, 2009 5:07am CST
I often ponder things like this. What if...? This question popped into my head recently and I can honestly say I'd have only one regret: never finding true love, if there is such a thing.
I've done the best I could with my life. I almost died (my heart did stop) when I was 19 years old from hemorrhaging after surgery. That close brush with death made me realize, even at that young age, that life is not something we should waste.
I've done a lot of things that are now great memories for me and others. I've raised two terrific sons. I've never stopped learning. I've always tried to be a good person, helping others in need whenever I could.
Oh, I've had some bad marriages but I don't regret them. I was honestly convinced that these liars were honest... at least, until the ring went on my finger! (I always seem to attract the "takers" because I'm a "giver" and I, unwisely, try to find the good in everyone. Some people simply have NO good in them!)
Anyway, is there anything in your life that you regret never having or regret doing?
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25 responses
@chillpill90 (1936)
26 May 09
if i was told i had one day to live then i dont think i would have any regrets except maybe not dong more with my life. But i generally belief that you shouldn't have any regrets you do what you do in life and make the choice at the time you cant go back and change what you have done.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
26 May 09
That's certainly true, we can't go back and change anything. The most we can do is to make any mistakes we've made better, here in the present.
Life is very precocious and we never know how long we have, exactly, so we should always try to do our best, no matter what.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
27 May 09
Hmmm i would not, atleast i get to see my kids before i die and was able to tell all of them that i love them and i have done my best to give them a wonderful life. Though i made mistakes in the past which at times i thought i should not have done that, but i know i should not regret all of it because it made me who i am now, a strong person that knows how to value life and the people around me. i never took them for granted.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
You make a very good point, juan. We all make mistakes but, as long as those mistakes were made with good intentions and we've been able to learn and grow from them, there is no need for regret.
When we can do that, we grow stronger and wiser. It sounds like you are a perfect example of that! I congratulate you!

@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
26 May 09
I regret losing contact with any of my family members who may still be alive.
I have not seen any one of them in over 23 years, and wouldn't even know how to go about finding any of them.
I regret having a failed marriage. I truly was in love, and believed my wife to be also. I regret having lost all my possessions because of it.
Lastly, I MOSTLY regret not having any children of my own. I am the last son of my clan, and at my age now, do not expect the chance to come my way again. Sometimes I ponder on this, and it saddens me greatly. It wouldn't matter to me whether the child be a girl or a boy. Just to enjoy playing with them, sharing my knowledge, and seeing them grow up to one day too become parents, would make me the happiest man in the world.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
I have cousins scattered all over the United States but I'm not particularly saddened that we haven't kept in touch because, apparently, they're not upset by it so I shouldn't be, either. Actually, most of my remaining family are religious fanatics, most of whom do not practice what they preach, so I'm not upset about not staying in touch.
You are a prime example of why I question religion. You wish you had had children when there are so MANY men out there who run from the responsibility once they become fathers. Who does that hurt? The children and the mothers of those children. Oh, I know that there are women out there who've had children and run from the responsibility but it's usually the men who do the running. It's all so unfair! The ones being hurt are the innocent ones!
Why not "adopt" someone? I've always wanted a daughter but there's no way that'll happen now unless I marry again to someone who has a daughter... a step-daughter would be as good as the real thing to me. I have a young friend who sort of adopted me when she was a kid. She even called me "Mom". We've lost touch since she moved to Arizona but it was really great once she had children of her own. She'd bring them by to see me, just as any daughter would. I loved playing with my "adopted" grandchildren! I do miss that but, who knows? I may still have that "daughter" one day, even if it's my sons' girlfriends/wives! Plus, I still have the memory of my "adopted" daughter and that always makes me smile. Even though she's not in my life now, I'm thankful that she wanted to share a little of her life with me.
Also, you shouldn't dismiss having your own... you never know what the future holds! Men can have children MUCH later in life than women can.
Oh, hey! I have a son you could have! I'll even ship him to you!
Nah, just kidding. He can be a real pain sometimes, but I still love him.

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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
27 May 09
I'm not very religious...more to the point, not at all. I'm...how would you say..."spiritual" by nature. Being raised and playing with several of our Northern Native kids, I learned a lot from their way of life, and more or less added that to ideas of my own; plus combined that with Tao, when I took up Martial Arts at a very young age. It was my parents that were the religious ones. So, "religion" as it were...is FAR from my thoughts on this subject.
Also, believe me when I say, "I would LOVE to adopt"! However, at present I am not in the best of situations to financially raise a child. I can barely afford myself. If I could though, I would most definitely.
Regarding, "it's never too late"...well maybe, I 'spose. Oh geez, how should I put it? "The old guy still has it in him"! Hehehehehe.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
27 May 09
Hey mentalward! I have many "what ifs" in my life! I have so
many things that I have done that I have wished that I could
have done over or done differently or wished that never had
happened! At least you probably had a better time then me
and got more out of your "what ifs"! Mine were sadly more
serious and painful and had to do with my childhood and then
carried on to my adulthood and things that I am still trying
to sort out now! Hence, my depression and mental state as it
is now all these years after the fact and I am still trying
to sort out 56 years afterwards! And am still dealing with my
79 year old mother who isn't helping even now! So, would you
like to trade pasts? I doubt it! I have had many "takers" in
my life too because I unfortunately also am a giver! Since we
really can't go back and change our past, we only can try to
fix what is in the now! I have a wonderful man in my life and
am trying to fix what is between "Mommie Dearest" and me before
it is too late! If I were to write a book, it would definitely
be a best seller or the very least, Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
26 May 09
I think so , I will regret that I will die
not yet achieving y goals in life.
Ask God to extend my life to fulfill my
unfinish goals in my life. I regrets to die
if I not yet done with my things wanted to end
first before dying.I will regrets If why I'm
not repent before ending my life.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
Hi, genius. As long as you can be happy with all that you've accomplished so far, that should be good enough. I don't think any one of us has accomplished everything we've wanted to but, as long as we do our best with the time we have left, we can be content with that. At least I am.
Lanesha, I was once where you are now. I never felt comfortable speaking my mind. At least, not until after I had my children. Once I became a mother, I seemed to have also given birth to a newfound confidence in myself. I was able to speak my mind whenever it was necessary. I've always tried to do it with diplomacy and tact, but sometimes that just isn't going to happen! LOL
Also, I want to welcome you to myLot! I hope you enjoy it here. It's a great place with plenty of really terrific people. Who knows? You may get the confidence you need to speak your mind just by hanging around here. There are many people in myLot who are very supportive and intelligent so there's always something to learn and an opportunity to speak your mind.
@lanesha (1)
• United States
26 May 09
I would regret alot. but i guess the number one thing i will regret is not speaking my mind to all that has pissed me off. I never tell people where to stick it and kiss it when the occasion calls for such demands. so I will spend that last day telling those I love how much i do and those that can kiss it, to do exactly that...

@phlaym39 (2)
• South Africa
26 May 09
Honestly, if I was told I had one day to live, I wouldn't be focusing on what I might regret, I'd cash out my retirement, savings, get all the cash I can (don't worry, I don't have any dependants) and then go party, travel, explore, take my friends out, have fun with half of it and invest the other half in the futures of people I trust and believe in (sholarships, businesses, etc). But to answer your question, would I have any regrets? Of course. I regret having not been more supportive of my parents when I was younger. I regret not taking nearly enough risks in life. I regret not asking that girl out. I regret not applying for that job. Most of all, I regret wasting so much time on things that seem so insignificant, looking back on it.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
Ah, good old hindsight! It's always 20/20, huh? Yeah, I think we can all look back and want to change things. There's plenty I'd do differently, even though I don't regret them. I've been able to reason out why things went the way they did for me. I've had plenty of unhappy times in my life but I wasn't the cause of most of them and I think I handled them as best as I could so I don't regret them.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 May 09
oh I have lots of regrets, I have been a lot of wrong choices in my life and I am sure other people have as well. I should have gone back to school (university) much younger, I should have tried and tried again to get a job in my field instead of taking the first job I could find. Now all of that is too late for me. I am disabled and cannot work anywhere.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 May 09
The only regret I have is fighting with my brother however, it couldn't be avoided because it's about time I stood up for myself. For years I kept on letting things slide on by but not this time nor will it happen again. I'm a peace maker and wish to continue to be but sometimes I have to be a fighter and this time I am.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
27 May 09
i really dont know.. there are things i would liek to have done if i had good health but as far as what i can do with what i got im pretty satisfied as much as possible.. i mean how can you not want more with fibro ya know?? but no real regrets.. well maybe i wouldnt have moved back to tn and stayed in florida where i was happy.. but thats about it
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
27 May 09
You know Marti, that is a good question for me right now. I'm on my 3rd marriage and I don't regret any of them. My first husband was unfaithful to me after my Son was adopted. After we brought Matthew home from the hospital he basically said I got what I wanted, now it was his turn to do what he wanted. We lived in the Mountains and he would take off for at least 10 days at a time to cross country ski across the Mountains. Or he would go rock climbing for days. The point is, that is how I became who I am. We have been divorced for 20 years and now he is the one I call on when I need financial or other help.
My second husband was wonderful to me but towards the end he was emotionally unfaithful to me. He got sick with a Parkinson-like disease and passed away 5 years after he was first diagnosed. He was a good man but if he could have, I believe he would have had an affair. What does this say about me? Nothing. I was a good wife and still am. Sometimes life takes us in different directions. Like you, I've been a good person as best as I know how. I would do anything to help others. If it was my time, it would be nice to have one day to ready myself. I would be grateful for that.
My husband and I are having a really difficult time because he has been out of work for almost 2 yrs. Talk about stress on a marriage. On top of that, I now am pretty certain that he is Bipolar and he disagrees. Of course his behavior says differently. I'm doing my best to cope and help himthe best way I know how. My Son is Bipolar so I do know a lot about it.
I still have high hopes for the future!! Hugssss
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 May 09
Regrets...I have some. I made unwise choices especially in regards to relationships. Because I was brought up by dysfunctional, emotionally unavailable, critical parents I became desperate for affection and searched for it without discrimination and, because I did not deem myself worthy I would give my heart to who ever was available without ever evaluating how I felt about them! This resulted in abusive and you guessed it, dysfunctional and emotionally unavailable interactions.
I regret taking so long to become conscious of my true worth and not valuing myself enough to obtain a University Degree and following my passion for writing; my selections all stemmed from a non existent self esteem.
It is useless to dwell too much on the past. I have a beautiful daughter and the family I was always wanted and on my last day I would relish in my little family until the end.
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
26 May 09
If that book never gets written..... that would be a shame. It's a good one even if I'm a rough writer. Someone could help me smooth the edges a bit, I'm sure of it.
I've been a full time mom for over 17 years and that's great.
I've not found "true Love" but I did find safe and steady... what I thought I wanted but you know how that goes.
But that story has been there forever and it needs to be told...
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
I also have a book "in the works" that may never get finished. I ran into "writer's block" and haven't been able to get back to it for years now. One day, maybe, but if not, that's okay. It's the journey that's the important thing in life, not the destination.
Maybe now would be a good time to get that book written?
I'm glad that you at least found safe and steady. I've yet to find that!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 May 09
Wow! Well, at least you're still around to maybe make some of those regrets a little better? That's what I would want to do.
Good luck to you and, hopefully, no more regrets! 

@freebird007 (53)
• India
27 May 09
i can honestly say i'd only one regrets that is when i quit playin cricket....i m naturla gifted cricket player....
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 May 09
Personally overall, I know even on my worst days I am Happy with the way my life has been, and how it is turning out. I have a husband who Loves me and I can share my life with, and a loving relationship with Jesus as my personal savior. I would just go about doing some of the many things I enjoy and Praising God for the time he allowed me to be on this earth, and sharing with others as well.
@charlenmendoza (922)
• Philippines
27 May 09
I think i dont have regrets with my life. for one, this is my life and this is what Gods want me to have. I have lots of failures and lots of obstacles but then its my choice why it happens. i dont regret it because i learned from it and it make me strong person.
@TenishaToday (20)
• United States
26 May 09
One day is too short of a time period to spend focusing on regrets. I would spend that day living the rest of my life to the fullest. Eating my favorite ice cream, having the conversations, I keep putting off for other days, watching my favorite television shows, and laughing fully and loudly without a care. And I would cry, not tears of sadness, but tears of gladness for being allowed to occupy this earth for the brief time that I was allowed. For being able to touch as many lives as I have been able to touch. And for being granted the opportunity, to have so many wonderful people in my life. As for all the goals and objectives, I did no reach or achieve, I think I would leave behind a booklet of those goals and ask that my parents, loved ones, or friends pass them along so that hopefully the goals, I set for myself could inspire someone else to achieve those ambitions.
@ladysilverhorn (4)
• United States
26 May 09
REGRETS....not really....looking back at my life I offten wonder about the road untaken...or about some of the choices I have made. but what can you truely regret
it is all about chooices in our lifes. we have to look at the choices we make and be thankfull for each and everyone of our blessings we have
such as
our children
a place to live
food to eat
air to breath
dr to see when sick
and the list can go on and on. if we were to only think about the reqrets we would be very misirable....
I would rather live each day to the fullest....we never know when the lord and lady will call us home
could be today, tomorrow or i could walk in front of a buss this affternoon
@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
27 May 09
So many of us think that if we had more talent or more money we could do great things. I believe that this is a very flawed way of thinking for we are exactly the way we are supposed to be and all things in our lives happen for a reason. Usually it is to learn something . . and no one can do what we can and need to do. We need to share in a positive way and in that bring more light around us and everyone we come into contact with. A great 18th century Polish man Rav Zusha once said " When I go to heaven I won't be asked, "Why werent you Moses? Why weren't you Abraham? I will be asked why weren't you Zusha?" We all have great qualities and we need to do the great things we were meant to do. We are exaclty who we were meant to be and we each have a unique soul and mission. I think the important question to ask ourselves is "what is my unique gift to the world". Then once you know what you are looking for you will find it . .. and there can then be no regrets.
@Smiley909 (44)
• United States
27 May 09
I can say this is a great mind bending subject to really make you mind think about your life and how it has turned out. I can say there are three choices in my life that I to this day regret. Two of which I am to ashamed to admit on line to millions of people. One is pretty minor but when I graduated high school I chosse to go to Phoenix, Az to attend school at PIT for an automotive course. Yes I am female and I was a girl now a woman whois not afraid to get her hands dirty. I attend this school from June to December when I dropped out cause I found it to hard and that it was not the choice for me. I wish now looking back that I wuld have made th choice to go to a college or are Vocational school to have a better career. I did make that change in my 30's and became a medical biller and insurance coding specialist. I love my job and I am now looking to start my own business. Great topic choice. Happy My Lotting!