He chickened out! Have you ever chickened out of having surgery?

United States
May 27, 2009 2:21am CST
My husband who is thick headed has chickened out of his surgeries he was supposed to have. They moved one of his surgeries from Monday to Tuesday and I was stunned when on Monday Night he said he wasn't going through with it. All those test for nothing all that money and time wasted. I don't know he bothered if he wasn't going to go through with it. Said he was leaving it all up to God, but my understanding is that God helps those who help themselves, so by not helping himself is he in fact commenting his own suicide? Or am I wrong to think that? Since without these surgery being done he could be facing death sooner then he thinks. Heart problems,liver,colon,prostate is nothing to take for granted and he needed those surgeries.Have you ever skipped out on a surgery? Was it a minor one? Did you regret it? I don't know what to do..I have tried but it is like talking to a wall..useless. Any advice?
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8 responses
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
27 May 09
I have survived open-heart surgery last May 2004, for a mitral valve replacement. I didn't have second thoughts going through it, I just prayed fervently and leaving all my concerns in the hands of the Lord. If thy will I will live, I said to myself. I'm supposed to wake up 2 days after the surgery but I managed to recover for only 3 hours, so the time I woke up I'm all numb, I can hardly feel anything even my fingers. I can't even help myself see the ceiling or nod or hold a ballpen to communicate what I need. I didn't feel scared coz I have my whole family, relatives and friends praying for my welfare. I'm really overwhelmed at that time coz they are all there. Do you trust the surgeon? or the medical team? if yes, then there's no reason to be scared they are well rounded and gained much experience. Ask them how many cases of such illness have they dealt with and the success rates. Inform your husband about the urgency of the surgery if its the only way.
2 people like this
• United States
28 May 09
he just wont go and than he goes and fix his self to big pan of cornbread which he isn't suppose to have and eat it.then he made his self a big pan of rice with a cup of sugar and a half stick of butter.and eat it he is going to do what he wants ,he doesn't care about anybody but his self.and we have to set and watch him kill his self.
• United States
30 May 09
all he says,is he is ready to go home if it comes to that.thank you .
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
30 May 09
Thanks for the "BR". I guess its time you tell him the facts. Whenever my husband feels cocky about a very important life decision. I always tell him to choose to live and leave the rest the God. Remind him the he has a good family to look after and whatever he decides will influence the future of his family. He's no longer "one-man-by-himself" scenario, he has a wife that loves him and cares for him and who worries whenever he takes things like these for granted. Its time for the medical intervention, they need to explain the process so he won't be afraid. I don't see the point why he delays, he's afraid about the operation, but he's not afraid of the possible outcome whenever he is procrastinating. At that time, when I was in the OR, i never really thought about myself and for the first time in my life, I sense an need, a deep longing to survive for my family and friends. I hope he realizes how much he matters to all of you so he won't just wait it out... A decision has to be made and it has nothing to do with him but for his loved ones.
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@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
29 May 09
So sorry to hear about the difficult situation for your husband. May I ask what type of survery it was? Was it minor or major surgery? Would he have been under anesthesia, which I'm sure would have made it even more frightening as anything can always go wrong. Was it going to be a long recovery road? Has he stamped his foot on it firmly, as in canceled ALL of the surgeries he is in need of, or just one or two of them needed? I have never chickened out as in stopping when able to do it, but before surgery before, I had come down with a cold or didn't feel well, then my doctors canceled it immediately for extra safety. Any downside or weakness before surgery can be very risky. I would highly recommend that he joins a support group. If that's hard, then find a group or even message board for him yourslef (so you can find and scan for positive remarks before he sees negatives) where many people have already experienced and gone through similar operations. Best of luck to you and your husband!
• United States
29 May 09
It was surgery on his heart,gallstones and the found cancer on his liver and prostate cancer.he canceled all of them,plus he has high blood pressure,high chol.and he is a dietetic,and over weight.that's why he doesn't want the surgery,his best friend wife after her gallstone surgery.
• United States
30 May 09
Sorry Loen210 ,sometime my mind works faster then my hand lol.yes his best friends wife die.he say the will be no operation for him.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
31 May 09
Oh that is sad, and I can see it influencing him a great deal. But did she die BECAUSE of the operation? Such as a flaw or just that it didn't help? Did it help at all, or did it rush her decline? I think it's important to find and hear stories from both sides (or their families) or successful operations and other stories about what you have to look out for or do when choosing surgeon/s, tips on speedier recovery, etc. And wow! I saw in another posting that you have had many children and have I'm sure, a number of loving grandchildren too. So, he's got a whole team (all sizes/age) cheering him on to live a long, happy life.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
27 May 09
I have never chickened out of any surgery bu sure yeah they are scary and can be something scary to deal with. But knowing what he was told about what was wrong and what needed to be done to fox it, he should tried to go and have it done. He isn't helping himself or you and his daughter by not listening to the doctors. He has taken his life into his own hands and the results just might not turn out like he thinks or wants. You are right God helps those who help themselves or try to help themselves. States that in the bible I know. SO yea it could be taken as giving up. I just hope he comes to his senses and if the doctor does forgive him for not showing up, maybe he can get it rescheduled. Maybe have his preacher talk to him...might be what he needs.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 May 09
You are right he has others he should also be thinking about not just himself. Well, your hands are tied, This would be a great time to get a will written out and get things organized and ready. no use leaving loose ends when he goes..
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• United States
30 May 09
been there, try that no go
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
30 May 09
I'm not sure what type of advice to offer here wildcat as it seems your Husband is not only afraid, but very pig headed too! Forgive me for saying so, but he needs to stop being so selfish and think about those around him, not just himself. Putting our faith in God is certainly not a bad thing, but common sense also prevails! Maybe trying to tell your Husband that God provided the Doctor and these procedures will help? I really don't know, but I do hope that for the sake of ypou and your family, your Husband snaps out of this mindset because it's not a wise one at all. You're all in my thoughts and may many blessing come your way to help you all through this time. I've only had the one internal surgery before and that was having my appendix out. I was only a child at the time so didn't really have any choice in the matter! There's no way I'd back out of a surgery that could mean the difference between living and dying, not if I was in the earlier stages of a problem anyway. If I was told that a surgery would only buy me a few weeks or something, then I might reconsider and not go ahead. It all depends on the circumstances and the potential outcomes. Risk factors and the chances of success would play a part in my decision too.
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• United States
30 May 09
Thank you!There's nothing to forgive you for,he is being pig headed about this.he doesn't have any common sense when it come to something he doesn't ,but need to do.he was told about the cancer three years ago ,told the Doc.he didn't need the to get operation because God heal him.they ask him to let them check to see and he wouldn't let them.So here we go again .Don't get me wrong ,i know God does heal.but why wast 10 or more years of his life?
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@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
28 May 09
Wow I am sorry to hear that your husband chickened out of his surgery. I am lucky the only surgery I've had was my wisdom teeth. I couldn't skip that because I was in so much pain but I was so scared to go in there. If I had to have a major surgery I would probably be VERY scared but I would go through with it because the whole point of surgery is to help you get better. I wish you and your family luck and I hope that your husband changes his mind. And you are right, men can be so stubborn I can never convince my boyfriend to go to the doctor when he is sick.
• United States
28 May 09
Thank you,yes i know men are very stubborn,i just hope he doesn't wait to long.before it to late.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
28 May 09
I am such a chicken when it comes to any surgery, I even change my doctor appointments at least once before I finally go. But your husband is having some serious issues and should really reconsider. I hope it works out.
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• United States
28 May 09
i hope he does before it is to late.mens are such big baby's
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
27 May 09
i have never skipped out on surgery or any tests. fortunately, we are here in canada and most medical procedures are free. i have had some day surgery over the years and of course c sections for my daughters as well as a partial hysterectomy, but nothing serious. the thing is, you can cajole, demmand, suggest etc but he is still an adult and has to ultimately make his own decision.
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• United States
28 May 09
he has been through surgery before,and they went ok.i just don't know why he chanced his mind for,but why do we have to watch him slowly killing his self.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
27 May 09
Do you have time to back off and let him think about this? Maybe do some more research. Part of the problem of facing life threatening situations that is so hard for men is the lack of control over their own bodies. They have not been conditioned like women have, very early we learn that our bodies do what they want without our permission. My husband went through about 3 years of one surgery after another and it was only his wonderful attitude towards life that kept him at it. Because he did this he has had many more years of life that is near normal. Do you have any male friends or even a support group that could help your Hubby. Call your hospital or Doctor's office and ask for a group if you don't already know of one. Blessings to you both and remember we each can only live our own life.
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• United States
28 May 09
they said no,his gallbladder is about ready to bust,and if he takes to long the cancer will spread.