Which is more efficient to keep you fit, Yoga or Gym

May 27, 2009 5:02am CST
I have seen so many people going to gym to keep and very few practicing Yoga. But I think Yoga keeps you more healthy and Fit. Practicing some pranayama keeps you fit both physically and mentally, without any loss. Which one you prefer and why?
8 responses
• India
5 Sep 09
i do prefer gymming, why you know? i have a body like arnold body, but that is not flexible. i tried to do yoga, i didnt succeed.. to keep our health fit physiclly either gym or yoga is necessary but to keep mentally yoga is necessary not the gymming.
• United States
17 Aug 09
Both are great, great, excercises. Gym, you would work out on you muscles more but yoga helps on your physical health and balance. Yoga helps you mentally also because you have to remain calm and just relax. I personally like yoga now. I've been doing yoga twice and it just helps me. Some say it is just stretching and it's stupid. But yoga is much more than that. Gym is also a very intense workout, but both keep me fit and both keep me happy.
@divkris (1156)
• India
26 Jun 09
I would say Yoga because it actually helps you to regulate your body. Like if you are thin and want to add on some weight or if you are fat and want to shed some weight, yoga caters to everyone's needs. Gym needs the right gear at home or you will have to take the pains to go to the gym center. I would always prefer doing yoga in private than exercising with many people around me :)
• United States
30 May 09
Going to the gym is better for me. I've tried Yoga before, and it just wasn't for me. I never really could get into it. I'm more motivated at the gym because I have friends who push me further when I'm ready to stop. I usually have such a good time just being with my friends that I don't even realize that I got a good workout until the next morning when my body is sore.
• China
9 Jun 09
I've tried both.in my case the later is more efficient,but you can use the former as a way 2 comfort your soul n relax after gym or work
• India
26 Jun 09
hey i completely agree with you. Yoga has collectively more benefits than gyming can offer. Yoga not only keeps the body in good shape but also helps the mind be at peace.I have recently taken to yoga and have been enjoying the benefits. Although i do not get to attend yoga classes due to my schedule i try and fit it in my day. I refer to the internet and friends to learn more on yoga. I know this link which has not only a list of asanas you can do at home but also its various benefits. http://timeswellness.com/index?page=section&xslt=Spirit&display=10§id=20§name=Spirit.
• India
28 May 09
Yoga is something more than an exercise. It aids moth mental and physical health. I have an example to prove the power of yoga. But you won't believe me. Some masters of Yoga, I India, live without food and even without water. That's true and verified by discovery channel! This is enough to show how powerful it is. You can control your mind so effectively with yoga. So yoga is something very essential to keep your mind pure and to keep your body fit. Gym is just to build your body. It just builds up chest and biceps. Of course, it helps to cure some diseases. But Yoga is the most powerful tool!
@med889 (5940)
27 May 09
I have been going to gym for many years now and it is just to keep fit and to socialise with some friends after work. It is great to do so after a long time in work. I think gym is just made to keep fit.