Should Smoking be Banned in Public?
By drsenergy
@drsenergy (159)
United States
May 27, 2009 10:03pm CST
I personally get so annoyed when I'm in a public place and a smoker is anywhere near. I think it is totally unfair that without penalty, they get to pollute my air and there's nothing I can do about it. It has been proven that second hand smoke causes cancer too. If they want to pollute their bodies fine, but they shouldn't be allowed to blow hazardous fumes in the air I'm breathing!!
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30 responses
@lululastrange (339)
• United States
28 May 09
You can do something. You can move.
Air is free, and it is an attack on personal rights to say that a smoker can't smoke. I understand that smoking is a health risk, and I believe that you shouldn't smoke around children.
Still, governments chip away at our rights every day and giving them one inch is leading us to a society where we as citizens are afraid to move for breaking a silly law.
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@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
28 May 09
It actually depends on where you are lulu. In most public places, you really can't just move if there is someone smoking. Besides, you say that you have a "right" to smoke, but what about other people's RIGHT TO LIVE? Isn't that more important than your right to smoke?
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Why is it ok to smoke around adults, but not around children. HEY,What is this, Kill the Adults but save the Children?? LOL ... "Don't we all have a right to live?"

@dmcollie (217)
• United States
28 May 09
get annoyed, who cares about you! People who smokes have rights to. TN and IL have both gone smoke free, but thank goodness I live in KY. No I dont smoke but it dose not bother me that someone does. your car pollutes the air more than 10 smokers do. Oh better off your farts pollutes the air more than 20 smokers do.

@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Why should the non-smoker move especially if they were there first? They aren't the ones blowing cancer into the air. And YES!! there are many other more important issues, but we are discussing smoking in public. Thanks for your comments.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 May 09
In a public place people can do what the law allows them to do. If the law allows someone to smoke in a public place then it is up to them whether to smoke or not. In the end you need to realize that it is not your air.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 May 09
The short answer is no. There is already too much government interference in our lives and it is time to stop trying to legislate what should be common sense and simple courtesy.
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Yes they do what the law allows. That's the bases of my question. Should smoking in public be banned, especially because it's harmful to the health of all who breath the smoke?

@italysmom (308)
• United States
28 May 09
I see both sides of this coin.... but the Government is already doing way to much. I am a smoker, but if i know that it bothers someone, i will try my best to not do it around them. However, I am highly addicted to them, yes I am trying to quit but thats not an easy thing to do. I believe that non smokers deserve to be in non smoke environment, however, why is it so that, inorder to have a smoke, why is it the smoker t hat has to go out in the freezing cold. I am not saying that non smokers should be outside, but, you are complaining that we shouldnt beable to do it anywhere thats public, and that simply isnt fair. there are concederate smokers and non smokers.. then there are obnoxious smokers and non smokers. If a smoker is at least trying to not be right there where people that dont smoke are, arent they at least trying? I always, if in an area with other people, leave the area to smoke. I have actually had non smokers come up to me and get on to me, well I am sorry that I made a mistake and become addicted but I did, and they are not illigal so I didnt break any law doing so. Why is it that non smokers think we should have no where to smoke... or never leave home... because I can tell you this... usually you get to really needing a smoke before you go home.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 May 09
I am a smoker, but if i know that it bothers someone, i will try my best to not do it around them.
yep I'm the same way, even in my own home! If I have someone over who is a nonsmoker and I know that the smoke will bother them I'll leave the room or go outside...
@italysmom (308)
• United States
28 May 09
np, and I wish all people were so conderate in all aspects of life.. would make for a better world if we all just tried to make t he others feel a bit better
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Great comment!!!! I wish all smokers were as considerate as you. :-) I know it's not easy to quit. Don't give up ok. Thanks for your response!

@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
28 May 09
Smoking where I am have been banned on public transport, shops and resturants. The recent development where smoking has been banned from clubs and Pubs.
The clubs and pubs have lost a lot of revenue from it. My local club has accommodated for smokers by have out places where smokers can go without leaving the site of the club. They have an outdoor section for poker machines so those who do smoke can still play the poker machines.
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@youngloc (36)
• United States
28 May 09
im not saying your opinion is right or wrong. the air is free and everybody has their personal space to do whatever. What about all the other air pollution you breath in that you cant smell thats eating up the o zone layer and causes acid rain? If people are gonna smoke let em toke up go some where else and find find your personal non smoking bubble
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
"non smoking bubble" (yeah funny). These smokers don't even take into account that someone around them may have asthma or some other difficultly or health issue. And there is no personal space when it comes to smoking. The smoke travels, you know, in the air. If they want to kill themselves with those cancer sticks in the privacy of their own homes fine, but I want to live!
@dlsasmartypant (48)
• United States
29 May 09
I agree that smoking should be banned in public spaces. If a smoker excuses him or herself and goes outside and smokes, I have a problem with that. Second hand smoke inhalation is a big concern especially if you are constantly exposed to it. Fro example parents should never smoke in the house around their children because all of that exposure to smoke can affect their lungs. Like drinking their is nothing wrong with smoking if it's done in moderation and does not negatively effect anyone. I do agree with the fact that being drunk in public or being drunk and driving is a much serious issue then smoking. So many people die every year from car accidents due to drinking and driving. I think we should be more strict with DWI's. If we have stricter laws more people will think twice before they make careless decisions.
@immortalshine (18)
• United States
29 May 09
Smoking should be banned in a public space. Its interesting that one would say that someone who isn't a smoker and has an issue with second hand smoke should move but the actual smoker shouldn't? This here makes no sense. If I was doing something deadly to my body and was endangering other people around me, why in the world would I ever want to do it in public? If someone wants to slowly kill himself then do so on your own time and in a space in which no one has an issue with it. Remember, everyone has FREE WILL but it is limited to someone taking away or endangering someone else's free will. Smoking endangers another's free will due to second hand smoking, therefore it should be banned in public spaces.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
29 May 09
Yes, smoking in public places should be banned. Smoking is bad for your health and secondary smoke can cause a lot of health problems on non-smokers. Children and pregnant women are especially at risk in this case. People who want to smoke should smoke in private in designated places.
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
29 May 09
Do you drive or use public transportation? If so you are also contributing to polluting the air.
You can wear a gas mask. You don't have to breath second hand smoke. That is your choice. You have an option to avoid smokers.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
28 May 09
I checked your profile, just to make sure you were from the US. Most public buildings and places have already become smoke free. You don't hear all the smokers complaining or not going into a building, resturant, etc, just because we can't smoke there. As for being outside somewhere that smoking is allowed, you don't have to stand next to a smoker, go stand somewhere else, that is if the person is rude enough to be smoking around those that don't. I am a smoker, but, I am also curtious to those that don't smoke. You have lumped all smokers into one category (the point that bdugas was trying to make). Not all smokers are rude and/or inconsiderate. I pay taxes, I work, and I have rights. So does it mean because you don't smoke you have more rights than I do?! I don't think so, that is why I live in the USA! So before you get on your little soapbox, take into consideration, not all smokers are rude!! I guess the next thing you'll discuss is how the sun causes cancer and try to tell me I can't be a sunbather??? same difference!
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
I know not all smokers are rude people. But whether they're "trying" to be rude of not their smoke travels. It is totally unfair to subject non-smokers to something harmful. If one person in the room is smoking, we are all smoking! You choose to harm your body by smoking and that's fine for you. But just as you pointed out, the air belongs to us all. AND I HAVE A LARGE SOAPBOX, THANKYOU VERY MUCH!!!! LOL Hey, thanks so much for you comment. :)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 May 09
Actually, smoking is banned in almost all public places. If you are talking about being outside and near a smoker, all you have to do is walk away or ask the smoker to put the cig. out. Most are more than willing to oblige. As for polluting the air...the cars, trucks, factorys and a whole number of things pollute the air, the water, the earth. The smoker's are really the least of your worries there.

@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Acutually in most States, smoking is not banned in ALL public places. In most cases (a restuarant, a club, a cruise ship) you can not just walk away. And as I've stated before if I'm there first why should I leave? I'm not the one harming everybody else in the room. When I leave a place where others are smoking, the smokes is in my hair, in my clothes, so you know, it's in my lungs. The point is when one in the room smokes, we are all smoking! Yes, Sid556, there are other more important issues but we're just dealing with smoking in public for this discussion.
@sophisticated_boy (1457)
• Indonesia
29 May 09
Yes, I think it shoud be banned in public. It is unfair for passive smokers, have to breathe polluted and smelly air caused by the smoke. It is also very annoying if you smoke in public transportation with jam packed full of people. Also, it contaminates air in air conditioned mall when I go there. My government already order all public building to facilitate smoking room, but I think all the smokers will not agree on this rule because it limits their smoking :(
@stupidkid007 (130)
• South Africa
28 May 09
I too hate it when someone smoke around me, especially when I'm in a car. But then again, it is not your air. You should also think about the consequences. Just think how much riots will there be of smoke addicts not able to smoke. So I say no, unfortunately, I wish smoking was banished from the earth. But oh well.
@drsenergy (159)
• United States
28 May 09
Me too.. I wish smoking could be banned from the earth!! LOL
@tavaresss (11)
• Portugal
28 May 09
no, smoking is one way to relax, to shut up our stress and if somebody banned it I think this world can change a little to a dark side of the human. :D
@kelpie (190)
• United States
28 May 09
That's the issue with some of the states already passing this law. In kansas, you can't even smoke in your car with your kids in it. There is no designated areas either. I don't smoke, but that's a harsh reality for smokers, and I don't want to be caught near a smoker who hasn't had a smoke for long enough to make them sensitively irritable. Anything but that!
@roberten (3128)
• United States
28 May 09
Yes, second-hand smoke is awful. I believe in the freedom to smoke if you chose but you should never force someone near you to ingest second-hand smoke.
@babyorchid (1737)
• China
29 May 09
i think it should .In my own opinion,smoking really do harm to smoker,but it do much harm to ones who doesnt smoke .she can get lung cancer easily by sitting with smoker..
this is called second-hand smoke..
smoker should know that their smoking is doing harmful things to ppl around them.
hv a good day
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
28 May 09
Yes, absolutely, I think smoking should be completely banned in the public... I konw I sound a little extreme but I just really hate smoking thing...
@pulangpluma (334)
• Philippines
28 May 09
Yes, smoking in public be banned would have my vote. In my country this is already implemented and I am glad that smoking is only allowed in designated areas. It is harmful.
@LyndaLou (2)
• United States
28 May 09
I have adult asthma. I do not like it when people smoke in restaurants while I am eating. I try to eat at restaurants that do not allow smoking, but these are rare. I think public smoking should be banned in most restaurants. The only ones that should be allowed to have them are bars---the type that you see in the movies where there is only a counter and a few boothes. I do not go into these because they are dives. Who would eat at these anyway? Families should not or would not be going to such places late at night. I think public smoking should be banned in hotels because they is nothing worse than the stinky smell of smokes as it clings to clothing.