Can you forgive your gf/bf/husband/wife easily even it hurts you so much?
By n30wing
@n30wing (4767)
May 30, 2009 4:43am CST
Well no relationship is perfect, but sometimes it hurts you when there is an issue, or problems that can't be solve or you are blame with out clarifying matters. But can you forgive her/him easily even how it hurts you so much? Sometimes it take me time but we try still to work it out. There is always patience, and communication, and honesty with what we both feel. But there is a time when you have to think and be alone for a while just to heal the pain. How about you guys can you easily forgive and forget?Have a nice day to all of you!
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23 responses
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
31 May 09
It is not easy to forgive and forget what he did
but try to think it over and its not easy might be
needs a couple of days to think and forgive.
Its easy to say but hard if it really happened in
our life. Things are to be considered,talk privately
and settle things in a peaceful manner.
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi geniustiger, well I like what you've said it's easy to forgive yes but we also have to talk, and discuss peacefully the matter then making it worsen between us. Then being bitter, and pretending that were both are fine. I don't want to make it longer the pain, so I tell her so we wont commit the same mistakes but make the relationship last. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
31 May 09
there are many things in life which one could not explain why a person in a relationship who got really hurt still could forgive.
a relationship is based on trust and confidence and if it is lost, it is never easily forgotten - even if done just once.
there is always a saying - time heals the wound. probably it is true. and then forgiving will be easy.
i guess we are talking here of gf-bf or husband-wife who had had affair with a third person aside from his/her relation. lol. this i say should be thought of several times before plunging back into the relationship (thinking it was broken because of what was discovered). is your trust on a gf or bf still there after you knew of his/her philandering? if so, then it will be easy. you can forgive and forget. but if he/she blames you on why it happened, again think.
it is always your heart that would rule.. but when deciding on something like this, please use your mind too.
take care.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi tigeraut, well it's not like that, I just hate it when she blames me of something I never do and I know that I don't want to hurt her feelings. It hurts me so much! But it made her think so was I. It made both of us realize our mistakes but it took a while. I know were just not perfect, cause nothing is perfect! But we tried to talk ans see us through with the pain by seating down and discuss it. Were just human to forgive, but we should also tell our partner how it hurts clarifying things out especially when you want the relationship to work out and straightened. Because if we want to make our relationship to last everything should be open and not hurting each other with. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
i am sure that you will agree with me that blaming will not at all help on whether which camp it comes from. instead it will just add up to the hurt feeling.
an unsolicited advise, the next time that you (meaning both of you) want to straighten things out, it is best that everything has calmed down.. sober. that way you both will be able to approach the problem with open mind.
and i agree, you have to open up everything. say what you feel, and hope for the best. have faith.
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
30 May 09
I have never been in a relationship till now and hence can't tell you exactly what I would do in situations like this, but hypothetically putting everything in perspective I think having love between the two will really solve the problem in its initial stages itself and hence there will be no requirement of time or explanations.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi coolmailraj, I can forgive, but I will clarify and explain what I feel. I don't wanto to pretend everything is fine with us, unless I'll seat down with her and tell what's pain inside. I don't want to be a hypocrite that I will smile the hurts. I want to clear everything then when it get worsen the problems. I'll be opening what's inside me, maybe by that time she could listen about my side. When you want it to last the relationship it's not only me who work things out it's both of us. Anyway have a nice day to you!
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@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
4 Jun 09
I guess your way of going about it is better then mine. It is better to open up and tell what you feel then hiding it and cover it up with a smile all the while.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
21 Jul 09
it depends on what he did. if it is too much, it takes time but then at times, if you want it to work out, you have to forgive and forget or else the relationship would not work..sometimes one has to make sacrifices.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
22 Jul 09
Hi jazel_juan, I like how you said it if you both want to work it out, you should forget and forgive or it wont work out. I just believe their is no such thing as a perfect relationship, so with relationship. It's how you love the person and love both of you to strenghthen your will to go on. No matter how it hurts! Anyway have a nice day to you!
@Llonorra22 (1150)
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
you're right it's really easy to forgive. but for me, we should learn how to forgive those who sinned against us to ease the burden that's within ourselves too. Happy posting!
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
31 May 09
I've always been hurt or maybe thats just ma own ego speaking, depending on the situations it all happens, sometimes you have to cope yourself up, sometimes compromises? sometimes love is way too much, that you just forget yourself and forgive your soulmate without any problems. Like i always do, she hurts me so much but i love her and always forgive her, i can never think bad about her even if i want to. Its just love
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi rocker21, I can easily forgiven her, but I tell her and open things with her. I just can't tolerate the same mistakes, or same hurts. Well I love her,but if she want things to work out, she should listen to me also. It's not a way one street, a relationship is. There should be me being me, and being her, no pretending how we feel. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@Daydreamer2 (470)
• Philippines
31 May 09
i'm kind of finding it hard to forgive and forget because it really takes time and my wounds are not easy to get healed but in a relationship i can forgive and forget especially when i'm very much in love but i will be hurt badly, when it comes to friendship i'm very much different it depends on the type of sin on how i will forgive and just forget about it. yeah there is no perfect relationship instead the more you get in the fight the more you will learn to be strong for the relationship to grow fonder. have a nice day to you also!
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi Daydreamer2,well I think the more you get hurt with someone you really love, the more it makes you stronger. But sometimes it can me tolerable, but sometimes too when it's so much painful. But for me it takes time to forgive unless I don't tell her how it hurts me so. I rather not to pretend that it's alright for me all the time. So once I tell her it lesser the pain and can easily forgiven her. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
31 May 09
I have to say yes, I can forgive my girlfriend easily no matter what the situation is. First we discuss about the issue at hand and if worst comes to worst we let out both our steam for the whole day and argue about it but later we both learn from it and would ask our apologies regarding that issue. Understanding is part of a relationship even how hard it is to accept it but it is very important thing in a relationship that both of you can accept the shortcomings of your partner. It is easy to say this but once you are into the situations things just happened that both of you would regret doing if you dont give time to understand each other. If both of you really love and know how much you love each other and how important the relationship is to you then it would be easy to forgive than to loose the precious relationship you both have.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi HelScream, well I could easily forgiven her but it takes me for a while. I rather think first, and be alone to think what went wrong. But I just wanna seat down and talk and tell her how I feel, for her to realize how painful was it. I just don't want to pretend that everything is fine with us. If she wants to work out our relationship she should also listen. For me to easily forgive her and work thing out straight with her if she wants the relationship to last. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@4u2enjoy (300)
• Malaysia
31 May 09
Everyone is forgiveable to me. It is okey for me to forgive my gf if she does something that hurts me. By forgiving her i just hope that in return she won't do it again. I'll always use patience but sometimes it wont work. So i'll just use my high tone :)
For me to heal the pain will be very quick but i rather be alone when i'm healing just like you.
There are things that i can't forget but things like that drives me forward.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi 4u2enjoy, same here but I wont tolerate mistakes and mistakes should not be committed again. It takes me for a while first to think what went wrong. But I want us to be open with what is deep down inside then keeping it were both hurting. It's not only me who wants to work things out right for both of us to make the relationship to last. Once the pain is release it's easy to forgive and to forget. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@Elie6208 (58)
• United States
31 May 09
It is very painfull, yes, when the one you love hurts you. Even if they did it without meaning to. Some actions can result in many issues between a couple. But you have to think also, "did he/she mean to hurt you?" "lets talk about it" "do I trust what he/she said to me." Theres many questions you can always ask yourself or the one that hurt you. I've been hurt oh so dearly, but I have learned a lot from it also. And I can forgive, but that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt whenever I think about it, cause it does. I mean, the feeling of someone, lets say for instance, cheating on you is very very painful, and it feels like, "can I trust him/her ever again?" "what if it happens again?" But in the end, it's communication, trust, and love that helps. In my case, i've been trough a lot. Like you would never think. And I can tell you guys right now that I love my guy with all my heart.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi Elie6208, well it's easy for me to release the pain inside me when I tell her what's deep down inside me. I rather not pretend that everything is fine between us. I rather be me. But for a while I rather be alone and think what went wrong before I seat down and discuss to matters of the heart. If she wants us to make the relationship to work out and straightened things out and make our relationship last she should listen and understand that hurts me. That I will easily forgiven her. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@comoregion (6)
• United States
30 May 09
I'm not good at forgiving. But if they are truly sorry and their action is not long lasting, then I may forgive them.
@tnsteeler14 (42)
• United States
31 May 09
i could forgive but i cant forgive easily it would take a long time before i could forgive the people that did itd
@streakykj (24)
31 May 09
Talking from personel experiance - I found it easier to forgive than to forget. And that is where my problem lied. Although I was able to forgive, it ate me up inside and it took a lot for the trust to be put back. If you are both willing to do that and mean it, then you have a real good chance of making it work. But if only one of you is trying to make it work - then thats where you will get more problems. I used to find that in arguments I would throw it in his face as I was still angry about things - BIG mistake, if you are both making the effort then dont do something like that. But having said that once the trust was back and things were going well - he would do the same again, ruining all the hard work of the trust we had built. My advice would be give it a go, but if he or she betrays your trust - just think about whether or not you can do it again. I learnt the hard way.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi streakyky, I can easily say I am sorry, I can easily also forgive, but to for get it takes me time. But I also want to think, and what had gone wrong. I cannot also tolerate mistakes. I know that were just human, and no one is perfect. But I rather not to pretend that everything is working out fine. So after I think I let us both seat down and talk about what I feel, and what she feels about it. I rather be fair then being selfish. But if we want to work out things right, and not worsening the pain, we should also to make up for the mistake and change if we want it too make our relationship to last. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
30 May 09
I'm going through a separation right now. My husband decided he did not want to be married to me anymore. Later he told his daughter he had issues (communication). He never asked me or told me anything. I was clueless and still feel that he threw our marriage (and me) away without trying. That was 2 1/2 months ago. I'm over the shock,pain and anger but I will still have to work on forgiveness because this did not have to happen. I guess that when I am finally able to move on with my life and be on my own I will be more able to forgive.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi jillmalitz, for me when I get hurt, and I am in pain, I rather think it first what went wrong. But I don't want to make it complicated between us. I still seat down and talk things out with her, then pretending that I am fine. It's not only me who makes the relationship works it's both of us. I do believe that it just complicate thing with out letting both of us knowing what is the problem. Especially when both of us wants to make the relationship last. Anyway have a nice day to you1
@iceblade007 (232)
• Philippines
30 May 09
For me, I think forgiving is okay and should always be done. But you have to make sure that the wrong things doesn't occur next time. One is enough but two is too much. You have to let him/her know what are the consequences and it hurts you so much, if he/she loves you, he/she will find a way to do the right thing.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi iceblade007, I well forgive easily, but the pain it takes me for a while. Unless I release it and tell her what's deep inside me and deep inside my mind. I won't hide anything from her. I rather open up my emotions. But I rather mellow down first ,seat with her, and talk things out. I wont be a hypocrite that I'll just tolerate her what she does and pretending that I'm fine. She has to listen also how I feel especially when I am hurt. Relationship is not a one way street if we want to go on and work things out. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@welwitchia (27)
• India
30 May 09
Well it would be rather difficult to forgive a person at such a time. But then if we dont forgive who will forgive us when we are is such a similar situation. At such times it is better to take some time off and move to an isolated place and think about it all. Even if it after a day or two it is advisable to forgive the person.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi welwitchia, well I do that when I want to think first, I isolate myself for a while. To lessen also my hurts and pains, After that I want to seat down and talk to her and tell her that I am hurt, then pretending it's fine what had happened. I don't want to complicate matters, I just want to release the pain and correct or make it right everything. I just don't want to be bitter, I just want to work out thing between us. Anyway have nice day to you!
@sunflower121 (238)
• China
30 May 09
For me, I would not forgive him easily if I was deeply hurt. I think the first thing I will do is to clarify the fact relative to the problem. Maybe I will have a talk with him and ask him to tell me the reason for the wrong behavior he did to me. I think we all make mistakes occasionally. I will forgive him if he gets to know it and try his best to make up for it. Love means tolerance, forgiveness and sacrifice. Thank you! Good luck!
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi sunflower121, yes I agreed to you Love means tolerance, forgiveness, and sacrifices. In love there is pain and hurts too. I just hate it when thing went wrong. For a while I'll just keep my mouth first and be alone with pain. But when I think it's the right time to clarify things, I really seat down with her and talk. I also want to tell her how I feel about it, then just pretending that I am not hurt. I have to release it, and let her understand my part. I just don't want also to worsen things out what deep down inside me. I just wanna let her to understand and also sink inside her. In a relationship it's not only one who should say sorry, but both of us have also mistakes and forgive, and forget. Have a nice day to you!
@abdulrahman683 (7)
• Sri Lanka
30 May 09
This is one complicated question and the answer depends on each individual person... Me for instance however hurt i get i am able to forgive and forget within few minutes and i always expect the other person to do the same as well...
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi abdulrahman683, well I could forgive, but it takes me for a while to think. Because it's not easily to forget too. I just don't want also to commit the same mistakes. Cause I don't want to complicate matters between us so I rather also explain my side, and the pain in me. Both of us should work out things right if we want our relationship to last. Anyway have a nice day to you!
@surza7 (4)
• United States
30 May 09
well for me it depends on what happened , I mean if she was cheating on me behind my back and lying i would never forget or forgive.To me being dishonest and unfaithful is no excuse.I mean if you want to be with someone be with them instead of putting them through a loop.People who cheat or be dishonest to the ones they love are wrong because if it happen to them they would know how you felt.You can forgive little mistakes,flaws even...but when it comes to the matters of the heart. I dont think it should be forgiven.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
Hi surza7, I think if it's below the belt like cheating, and betrayal, well it will not solve anything but just go on with different lives I guess. Maybe I can forgive but it will take me time. I don't think in a relationship it wont last. But if it's not below the belt, well I'll still want us to make it work out. By seating down and telling her what I really felt. Then pretending everything is fine between us. I just don't want it to be worsen. So we wont make the same mistakes. It's just being considerate and work things out, and not to complicate life for both of us. Anyway have a nice day to you!