In A Crummy Mood~~Seems My Deceased Mother's Lies Still Haunt Me

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
May 30, 2009 7:13pm CST
Anyone who knows me well, knows about the literal crap I went through with my mother who died on August 27, 2006. Well it seems her lies she had spread while alive, particularly about me are still haunting me. My mother did have severe personality disorders and mental problems. She was seeing a shrink for about five years but because she never signed a proxy (not until the last few months of her life) I didn't have one word say in her "clinical care" due to the Hipaa Privacy Laws. I at one time urgently tried to contact her shrink, her docs, her social worker, and even wrote a letter to the Executive Director of the hospital where she got all her medical/psychological needs met--particularly when she started doing a bulimic thing. All I got back was a short letter saying: "Due the Hipaa Privacy Laws we may not discuss your mother's clinical care. Thank you for showing your concerns with us." de da. God knows what lies she told them, but I do know what lies she was telling people in general. A woman that used to live around the block from me, confided in me all the crappy lies my mother was telling everyone. Then one time I also bumped into another woman, a neighbor and she said, "Your mother is losing a lot of weight." I said I know, it's because my mother is doing this bulimic thing. The neighbor said, "That isn't what your mother told me. She said she's losing weight and I quote the exact words-- "since my daughter never feeds me, never gives me anything to eat. She's letting me starve." WHAT??????? Like I said among the other crappy things I had to deal with, with my mother I was dealing with a pathological liar, telling scores of lies about me, to make herself look good. Well earlier today I went out to do some errands. I bumped into a woman whom I hadn't seen in ages, who is near my age and I went to school with her sister...both this woman and her mother still live in the same place in the neighborhood and have known for years and they were more friendly with my mother than me....and there was a reason why. I said, "Linda, is that you?" Remember I hadn't seen her in a long time--She said yes, and began walking away from me very hurriedly, but blurted out "I'm not talking to you." I asked "Why?" "Because your mother told us how you abused her." I'm like WTF??? Before I could talk to her more and set the record straight she practically ran away from me. Crap if anyone suffered abuse it was what the crap my mother dished out to me. Anyway, I'm so pissed I could spit nails--why the frick would my own mother tell such horrendous lies about me??--and these lies are still haunting me and God knows how many people she told them to. I could go into more of some of the crap my mother told people, the lies that I found out she was telling but I'd be writing a book here. Has a family member ever lied about you? Should I try to communicate with that woman and set the record straight what a pathological liar my mother was, or should I let it slide----I DON'T like those lies told about me that still haunt me.
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43 responses
• United States
2 Jun 09
Pye- Personally, unless you really want a relationship with this person, I'd let it go. People will think what they want, regardless of what you tell them. And sometimes the lies and rumors others spread about us are best just forgotten as we move on with our own lives. People who take the time to get to know us will soon find out the sort of people we are, and our own actions will speak for themselves. I know it can be difficult though, and quite darn right hurtful. You may want to think about doing a cleansing ritual to help you put these things in the past and bind them from your house and spirit. I'd suggest if you have any personal affects of your mother that perhaps you put them in a lock box and bind the box. At least then you have them at a later date, but their energies will be bound from doing any more damage. I'm going through some issues with my mother, who is still alive, and I've covered her picture with a cloth until things are straightened out. That way the energies assoicated with the picture are subdued and not running amuck through my house. I wish you all the best and if you need to vent I'm always here. Namaste-Anora
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Many of the people who my mother lied to when they got to know me better then realized what a liar my mother was--I think what DOES hurt about Linda and her mother still believing in the crap my mother told them was the fact that we had known this family for eons---some 40 years or more as I went to school with Linda's sister---they however saw MORE of my mother in her later years than me so only heard my mother's side of things of her delusional mind---as I mentioned Linda practically ran away from me that day so wasn't even given the chance to talk--which is why I would like to write a letter addressed to the mother who may be more neutral---AND provide phone numbers of people who could verify what I'm saying is true--THIS WOULD put a sense of closure for me--whether they accept or not is not important but at least gave it a try As far as any personal items of my mother--I got rid of almost everything tied to her--the only thing I still have are her ashes as she was cremated and have them stored in the back of the closet--LOL
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• United States
3 Jun 09
If that puts closure on it for you then go ahead and do it. Once it's mailed, then put it from your mind and don't think of it again. Take care. Namaste-Anora
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@toaste (139)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Yea, thats what I mean. Mine tells liess and makes accusations to the rest of my family and when I try to defend myself, Its always, but she is so nice. She wouldn't do anything like that!! I really am sorry for what you are going thru. Life is like a play and you just have to make her an extra and not a main character anymore. You deserve better.
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• United States
7 Jul 09
WOW--I just finished commenting on this discussion altogether, and then I read your post. Your mom sounds exactly like mine. Mine treats me like crap and shows her true colors to her immediate family...but the word I hear to describe her most often is "angel." "She's such an angel." "Do this for your mother--she needs it and she loves you SO much..." It makes my relationships with these people who are under false impressions even rockier because I know she's NOT an angel because I lived with her. She doesn't necessarily tell lies, but she'll make assumptions and tell others her assumptions of me or other people as if it's fact. Then I'll have to set the record straight. Some people just shouldn't be parents, and my mom was one of them. :(
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@mjhicks (317)
• United States
2 Jun 09
I'm sorry you had to endure such. Since they obviously believed the lies but failed to confront you or report elder abuse they are not worth worrying about what they think of you. If they had any true concern they should have done everything they could have to change the situation but they didn't. Those who know you best know the truth. Harboring resentment only poisons your own soul. Take it all to God in prayer and lay it at his feet. Ask him to help you find forgiveness for your mom and those who believed her lies. You may have to ask for strength again each time you encounter an old neighbor but keep doing so and ask Him to heal the memories of your mom. The best response to such encounters is a cheerful "Hello, take care, or God bless you" etc. Can't remember the exact reference - "Bless those who curse you and you will heap hot coals upon their heads." Plant seeds of hope and some will begin to wonder how such a kind person could have done the things your mom said. They may even come to you for more information. May you find peace with this.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Jun 09
No I don't harbor resentment but I just would like to set the record straight with these people about my mother since everyone else came to know what a liar she was
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 May 09
Oh Pye, how horrible. But you must remember, that being the type of woman this Linda is/was, and knowing now that she still feels so strongly about the things your mother told her, I don't really think it would change anything at all if you tried to set the record straight with her. People just LOVE to hold on to negative beliefs don't you know. Sad but true. It's what fuels gossip and makes the world go round. If you really have to, for YOURSELF, make the effort, go ahead, but don't be surprised if it changes nothing in her eyes, and don't let it make you feel worse about yourself. YOU know the truth and so does your mother and when the 'final reckoning' comes, YOU won't be the loser...........
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 May 09
I hear ya Pye. You do what you best about and then let the chips fall where they may. I hope though that you can find some resolution to this mess.........
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
Like I said I have to at least give it a shot--if she believes me great, if not well at least I tried---I plan to include phone numbers of people they (Linda and the mother) can call to verify what I'm saying is true
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
31 May 09
I'm so glad you can understand what I type even when I leave key words out! LOL Let me know how it pans out. Good luck!
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Jun 09
Let your actions speak louder than your words, and be the kind of person no one would believe would do the things your mother said you did.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Everyone else has accepted me and realized the lies my mother told them---just want to settle the issue with that one woman who seems determined to believe the lies
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
31 May 09
I can relate completly to you. My grandparents on my dad's side raised me but I always wanted a relationship with my mom. She had another daughter later on..around 10 years later and in this time my grandmother(her mom) moved to California. I missed her so much but we wrote and she visted me when she come in. When I turned 15 the letters stopped...both my rearing grandparents passed by the time I was 17 and I was on my own. I went to my mother's several times but something would always happen and it would be a couple of years before I would talk to her again. She told me my grandmother didn't want to talk to me until I got my life straightened out...what did that mean? Anyway years later and a complete fluke happened adn my grandmother had come to town..not just the town I was raised but the town I ended up in...a town in which her sister lived a few blocks from me and I had no idea. When we reunited(long story) she was my best friend...I visited her, I confided in her, we got to know each other but all the while I am learning the lies my mom told about me. Where I was,I didn't want contact,I was "wild",the money she was sucking out of my grandmother for years and telling her she was helping ME out with it when she saw was unreal the web of lies my mother weaved. It was her whole life...her friends even thought I was her neice when I would visit! She was lieing about her age! My mother up and took off..just left..she was so afraid of being called out for the lies but the funny thing is that I didn't have the heart to tell my grandmother how many she actually told. I just couldn't hurt her like that. We had 5 years together before she passed and all the while my mother was hidden..not even knowing about my grandmother's passing. Not even caring. It's hard because I wanted that woman to be in my life so much as a child but now I'm glad she wasn't because my half sister was just like her the last I saw them. She had been raised to lie. I would just tell those mother was ill and the things she said were not true and leave it at that. You can't make them believe you but you know who you are.
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• Canada
31 May 09
Yes, my oldest daughter learned from her father's side of the family, from a very young age, how to lie successfully. That and many other undesirable traits is what has kept a wall between us for many years. THE LIES. I can never believe everything she says because of it. I tried like hell when she was born, to prevent any visits from him, but I was forced by the courts. They saw it as cultural differences. I ended up with a child who hated me because I didn't bow down to her every wish, as they did. SHe had daily temper tantrums. And they only had visits with her on every other weekend to cause this unrest. But when she was no longer just a little baby for them to dress up like a doll and tour around the relatives to show off with, things changed drastically. Then, their visits slowed considerably. Until, by the age she was 12, they dumped her. Just great for our relationship, let me tell ya. She moved out (ran away, telling lies about ME) when she was 15, bascially so she could have her freedom to date boys without a chaperone. Claiming that she was abused and granted welfare because of it. I spoke to her principal at the high school and he told me it was the latest scam running. If you wanted to move out before your parents would let you, just claim "ABUSE" and bingo, welfare will set you up with a place, food and free money. Then I heard she was on a mission to get pregnant. And by the time she was 18, she had accomplished her goal. 7 yrs later, she is now bored of him and has just kicked him out. She roped him into her tangled web, now she is done playing with him and wants to play the field. JUST SICK!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
31 May 09
I'm so sorry to hear that annie. Sometimes those things are out of our control. No matter how much we want the people in our lives to be "good" ansd love us it doesn't always make it so. Especially when they have devils whispering their ears. I thought at one time there might be hope for my half sister and maybe one day there will be but as far as I know..she's like my mom. Take care.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Oh yes..she lived her lies right out..the big ones anyway. The others that were new..well..she'd try and pull you in. Just in the minutes of my life that I was around her..she tried that with me. Like the neice thing..her friends were coming over and she hadto tell me what she had told them..try to get me to go along with just left.
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• United States
31 May 09
That is pretty terrible. However, I know people can behave that way and I know people are very capable of telling lies about the people that they supposedly care about. I would have grabbed ahold of the woman and I would have set her straight about everything. I would have told her down to every last detail about how my mother acted, behaved and how she told a lot of people the same stuff. I wouldn't have let the woman leave believing the crap that she was telling everyone. It would be tarnishing my reputation and I wouldn't want someone going around believing it because I'd be suffering because of the lies.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
If I could have I would have run after her and done exactly that, but at the time I was loaded down with groceries...I plan to write a long letter to the mother as she might listen more to me--I don't think calling would do as if I get Linda she'll probably hang up on me
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
31 May 09
aawwwww pye I'm so sorry to hear this. You don't deserve that from anyone. I know it hurts you a lot to have your mother tell these lies on you. I have had the same problem before with my first husband. He did me so wrong. He told people that I was his sister and had delusions that I was his wife and to not pay any attention to me when they seen me that I was crazy. He would even push my buttons and say something in the store about me being his sister and I would say no I'm not I'm your wife. He bragged to me about it one time laughing his butt off at me and how stupid I made myself look in front of people that heard us. He did many more things to me, so much mental and physical abuse. Since this bothers you so much I'd make it a point to get in touch with these people or write them a letter since they live at the same place. I'd tell them about my mother and all that you had found out about what she was saying about you. Hopefully they will believe you but if not you will of at least had a chance to clear the air and set things straight. Take care dear and those of us that know you know that you did not do any of these things. Please take some solice in this dear.
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• United States
31 May 09
I'm so sorry pye. My daughter-in-law went through the exact same thing from her mother as you did with yours. The only thing is because of her mother she hung herself. I was so devastated. She told me that I as her mother and when she had to go into the hospital shorting after she and my son moved up here with me. She did not ant her mother called. She said you are my mother. I felt so honored that she thought of me that way. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you have people that care about you. I know it hurts when its a parent. I suffered abuse from my father. We want to please them and have them be proud of us. But sometimes pye they do not deserve our loyalty. Our parents certainly did not deserve it. You do have people that care about you and that treat you right and with respect. Just because they are our parents does not mean that we must love them or put up with this crap either.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
Thank you moondancer. Yes, I'm planning to write a really long letter and even include phone numbers of people, especially my one friend who was the one who alerted me to the lies my mother was telling that woman can call them and the others can verify what a liar my mother was My mother knew how to push my buttons too. It took me quite awhile too, to realize how manipulative she had been in effect ALL my life--I suffered a lot of mental/verbal abuse from her...One "charming" thing she started saying to me toward the end of her life was that she wished abortions had been legal as she would have gotten one as she wished she never had me--charming, no?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
OMG---I'm so sorry beyond belief to hear about your daughter-in-law
• United States
31 May 09
ok..why didn't you tell me you're my sister? seriously,been there,dealt with that. when ma got admitted for her last TIA/mini-stroke-that is almost word for word what she said.get this-she's disoriented,and not cohearant,and the doc goes did you eat today? "no,she didn't feed me" BULL.first of all,she doesn't even remember who SHE is right now,and now they're looking at me like they're gonna call the cops. this is a 195 pound woman.195 is far from starving thank you. if they'd taken two seconds to READ her patient records,they'd see she has a diminuished mental capacity,and isn't exactly the best to ask. she doesn't always lie purposely,but she doesn't remember her butt from her elbow sometimes either. let it slide for now. if they're willing to believe that without proof,they never really knew your mom or you,in which case,screw 'em.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
The problem though with my mother she really did lose a lot of weight--think she was down to about 88 pounds or something---her bulimic episode was actually triggered by a medical problem---the tumor in her esophagus which docs didn't find out about until 2005 after about two years of her bulimic thing--if the jerks had listened to me they might have investigated whether the bulimia was a psychological problem or medical one and the tumor may not have been cancerous yet
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
Oh btw--hi sister
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• United States
1 Jun 09
they never listen to us,pye. we live with them and of course don't know what we're talking about. they made ma go through a whole mess of unnecessary tests for an old problem,i told them what she had previous,and what did it turn out to be?exactly what i said it was. nothing like cranking up medicare wonder we're all paying through the nose.
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@derek_a (10873)
31 May 09
It must be a terrible experience for you to have to face lies. You say that your mother was ill, and as difficult as this may be, understanding and forgiveness is the only way you will get peace from this now. You cannot confront your mother any more and even if she were still alive, she would probably be too disturbed to understand your grievances. Regarding your friends and neighbours, all you can do now is to communicate to them the nature of your mother's illness and how it was making her behave. There is never any reason with mental illness. As a therapist myself, I know the power of the subconscious mind and it is never reasonable especially if there is some sort of chemical imbalance. Your mother's problem is not uncommon the world over. Illness can really make any of us be really hurtful with our words. I hope you are able now to clear up all the damage that has been caused and lead a more peaceful life. My thoughts are with you - - Derek
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@derek_a (10873)
1 Jun 09
Well, you certainly don't seem to have got a good assessment of your mother there. Clinically depressed people can smile from time to time. I have had clients and managed to get them laughing out loud, but the depression is there until we can really get down to the roots of the problem. - Derek
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Jun 09
LOL--well my mother wasn't much for smiling at home---never as a matter of fact---in fact often when I went out to do errands and such would purposely delay coming home--it was like the moment one walked into the apt a wall of gloom hit you right in the face---so often would drop in and hang out with a friend who was a delight to be with---my mother could have been considered an emotional vampire and being a therapist you are no doubt familiar with the term
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Believe me when I say I didn't take my mother's lying or behavior in general lying down--I did stand up to her, but she was so caught up in such a world of her lies she totally believed them---or when I'd ask her a direct question "Why did you say that?" She would just shrug--which leads me to believe my mother may have had "disorders" all her life but didn't show up or become obvious until she got older---She actually was a good liar most of her life, to "save face" you might say What really pissed me no end was the fact she was seeing a therapist for about five years---I suspected among other things depression as she had no motivation to do anything---but once again, since she never signed that proxy couldn't participate--she finally signed one the last few months of her life---You better believe I went with her---I'm explaining to the putz (LOL) about my mother's problems and he said the stupidest thing going--"Your mother doesn't look depressed to me." My mother was sitting right next to me with this cheerful smile on her face. You mean he was giving his psycho-analytical evaluation she wasn't depressed because she was smiling??? Give me a break!!
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
31 May 09
Oh my God what you must be going through. What a terrible situation. Your mother is gone and you still have to suffer. That is just so sad. It is to bad there is not a way for you to make people understand that what happened was not your fault. I wish I had some ideas, but at the moment I'm at loss as what to say.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I'm actually thinking of writing a long letter addressed to her mother who might be more neutral and provide phone numbers of people who can verify what I say
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@Annmac (949)
31 May 09
I'm a care-worker and over the years I've seen this situation so often. Sadly people often wont (or don't want to) accept that someone they know is 'mentally ill'. They don't see the behaviour for what it is and often believe the most outragious lies. Care givers, particularly family members are often accused of being abusive, though the poor care-giver is often the one who is both physically and mentally abused. It's very hard for people to understand if they've never been in this situation and I feel for you. If you really care about this Linda's opinion then you could try explaining but if she's got her mind set against you, nothing will make her change her mind. Is she worth it? Do you really care what she thinks of you? I'm sure people who know and care for you, know that your Mother was lying, and that it's you who had the 'rough ride'. They know you'd never behave towards anyone that way. Try not to get angry about it, it wont change the situation and will only hurt you in the long run. You can't undo her lies, you can only be grateful when someone sees the truth. Please don't let the past ruin your future! If you ever feel like ranting though, I'm a good listener and I doubt anything could 'shock' me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
One of the main problems with my mother though was that she was such a good "actress" and could come across as this sweet, innocent--but then many pathological liars are convincing--my mother had gotten so wrapped up in her lies she believed them to be fact Yes as her caregiver I was actually the one being abused as my mother was very mentally and verbally abusive to me---verbal abuse can hurt every bit as much as physical abuse No perhaps I really don't care what that woman thinks of me---still I would like to set the record straight with her for my own peace of mind
@Annmac (949)
1 Jun 09
I'm sure your Mother was a brilliant actress, they all are. I'm sure she started to believe she was telling the truth too, as that's also common to most, which is what makes it so difficult for people like you to convince people these things are or do happen. You could approach this Linda and try to explain. If she will listen it might help to tell her that it's a recognised symptom of mental illness and dementia. Good luck, hope she listens.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
31 May 09
I have not had this happen to me. I think you should write a letter to these people [that you know about anyway] and make it known all the problems that your mother had. I think this would give you some closure. I would spend some time at it and be sure you include all you want to. Remember she had mental problems. I hope you can find peace with this. It must hurt very badly. I can't imagine it happening.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 May 09
Yes I really do want to put closure in this and yes, thinking of writing a letter to them and even include phone numbers of people who can verify what I'm saying is true and have them call these people
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
31 May 09
Sounds like a good idea. I hope it works for you. What an awful thing. I want to think it just had to do with her mental disorders and that she didn't do it to be mean. I hope you can believe that as well.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
31 May 09
Wow! That is sad. I wonder what makes people like that. Do they need attention that badly or what?
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31 May 09
Hi pye, That is just so awful that you have to still suffer from your mother's lies, but to be honest, I'd let it go as those people are not going to listen to your side of it, but you should realize that sometimes old people can make up stories but I've no idea why, maybe just attention seeking, somethings are just out of your hands and we have to just loet go. My mother-in-law used to accuse me of stealing and kept saying it to her children but in the end they just ignored her, she hated me for taking her son from her but I never tried to, my husband is not like that but their home is so far away about 400 miles and my husband can only go up the Wales once a year but she kept saying I was keeping him away from her, my husband does what he like. She passed 2 years ago. Bright Bloessings. Tamara
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 May 09
as it seems these people werent your friends I do think I would let lieing dogs lie and get on with life that you now have free from your mom. I know lies hurt but you protest to much to these people and they will then think all your mom told was the truth! Let it alone ! hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Ya would think so . BUt guess not they just didnt look into what your mom was saying just taking her word and if they had known you better they wouldnt have listened to her.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Well no I was never real close to them, but have known the family (Linda and her mother) for 48 years! I went to school with the sister--so you would think all those years would count for something
@BarBaraPrz (49101)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
31 May 09
Maybe you should write a book.
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@BarBaraPrz (49101)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Jun 09
Mommie Dearest, the Remake? My Own Mommie Dearest? Life With Mother?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Maybe I should--any ideas for a title --Mommie Dearest has already been taken..LOL
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@gemini_rose (16264)
31 May 09
That is really awful but this is what happens when people tell lies that are not true, and sometimes even if it is proven that they are lies people still have a part of them that believe them. I can imagine how awful that is and when you know something is not true you just want to set the record straight, I know I would because I get a real bee in my bonnet if I know I am being accused of something I have not done. I think if I was you then I would have to try and sort it out, your mum has gone and she cannot do anymore damage so maybe you can set the record straight for yourself its very unfair that people judge you without hearing your side of the story.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
3 Jun 09
You and you Mother never had a good relationship, that is sad.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Yes I get a bee in my bonnet as well--LOL---I really do plan to set the record straight with this woman--everyone else my mother told lies to about me believed me when I began telling the truth to them--so don't know why I shouldn't at least try to set things straight with that woman
• Canada
31 May 09
LIES INFURIATE ME! Especially when they are lies about ME or those I care about! I, like you, have the urge and need to set the record straight. Let the TRUTH prevail. I wish there was some public forum where you could make a statement, backed up by phsychiatrists documentation about her mental instability. So, that you weren't forced to try and suss out every last person that she lied to you about and hope they believe you. Yes, I have been lied about. Strangely enough, now that I think about it, it was family on both occasions. Well, not my family, they would NEVER do that. My husband's family. In particular, his father and his son. And, his daughter, as well. His son came to live with me, him, and my 2 daughters, when he was 11 yrs old because he took a hammer to his mother's head and he was in CAS care because she called them and said, "You had better come and get him, before I do something to him that I will regret". His mother was assaulted because she was trying to get him to take a turn at doing the dishes, being a single, working Mom with 2 children. So, my husband's mother insisted that he, as the other biological parent, take him into custody as CAS was asking, otherwise they would send him to a foster home. So, he asked me if I would allow it, and I took him into our home with all the best intentions. Long story short, he was not much of a father to him, which was a further disappointment to his son, but naturally the frustration was taken out on me, the step-mother. I spent the better part of 3 years trying to give him the attention, support and love he so desperately needed, but it was never enough. His father was just not forthcoming in that way. So, our 'custody' of him ended one day when he was 15 years old, and he left in handcuffs, after having assaulted me. Zoom forward 10 yrs. I was having a conversation with his sister one day, as she was asking if he could come to visit. I said, "Not until he apologizes to me and means it." She said she didn't understand why I won't just leave the past in the past. She also informed me that "they" had all forgiven and forgotten. WTF? Forgiven me for what? For taking the little b@stard into my home and neglecting my own children, because he was in trouble all the time, and I spent the best part of those 3 years that he lived with us, meeting with his teachers, the police, CAS, his mother, his father, cousellors???? She told me "her mother, the mother of her half sister and her brother". She said, "He was only 8 yrs old when this happened, he was just a child, so you can't hold a grudge against him for it. He was not responsible for his actions at that age." WTF? Like what kind of reality does she live in? He didn't even move in with us until he was ll yrs old!!! He was 15! when he assaulted me, quite old enough to know right from wrong. Old enough that they took him away in handcuffs. They certainly wouldn't have taken an 8 yr old away in handcuffs, even if he had murdered someone. I just find it completely amazing at how some people can TWIST the truth to suit their phoney version of history that makes them feel better about a difficult situation.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
OMG--I had to read this a few times. You're right there was NO need for you to have been forgiven about what happened as it wasn't as if you assaulted him when he was fifteen but the other way around. And when he did assault his own mother at age 8 how can one say he didn't know what he was doing? I'm so fed up hearing stories about kids who either horribly assault a family member or even kill them and then they DON'T get tried as adults. Does he get any kind of psychiatric help now--since it sounds like he has a history of a violent temper--is he still that way do you know?
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• Canada
1 Jun 09
He assaulted his mother at the age of 11, that is why he ended up in our custody. I have no idea what he did or did not do at the age of 8, as I didn't even know him yet. When I told both my daughters about this, they were both shocked that his sister could even try to say he was 8 when he assaulted me. His only punishment was 1 yr probation and he was supposed to write a letter of apology to me, which he never did. So, he was not remorseful in any way, does not regret what he did, so he is not sorry, so I cannot forgive someone that is not asking for forgiveness. He knew full well what he was doing, knew it was WRONG, but also knew that because he was a minor, that he wouldn't really be punished. Plus, he even tried to lie further as he had threatened to me before the police showed up. HE told me that he would tell the police that I was an abusive mother to my own 2 children as well as him. So a CAS investigation ensued after the assault. I was seeing a counsellor the whole time he lived with us, to cope with his constant antics. I had made an appt. with the CAS worker who was investigating HIS allegations of me. I scheduled it right after a counselling session with my cousellor, because the offices were across the street. I went too long with my counsellor, because of the details of the assault, and I had been crying quite a bit. Finally, I got across the street to the CAS office, but unfortunately, she had to go out on a call, and I missed her. So, I just dropped off a statement, several pages long, about our life with him for the past 3 yrs, and an account of the assault for her records. But when she called me back later, she said that the receptionist was able to see the marks on me from his assault. She also told me that when she interviewed him in person, he showed her marks on his hand that he lied and said were from me biting him. She told me that it was obvious that he had JUST made them with his own fingernails. They were NOT teeth marks. So, there went his credibility with them. Not that I didn't TRY to bite him. THAT was in my statement to her and the police. When I was finally coming to, he put me into a head lock so he could continue to beat on me, to hold me immobile. I wiggled my lips and finally was able to open my mouth, and just as my teeth touched his skin to bite him as DEFENSE to get him to let me go, he loosened his grip, to prevent me from doing so. THAT is when I was able to push him off me, and there we were....face to it would finally be a FAIR FIGHT. AND I WAS FROTHING MAD! I had 2 choices and I knew it. 1. Beat him senseless like he had done to me, and like he deserved, for suckering me from behind and beating me while I was unconscious; OR 2. Call the cops, and have him physically removed from my house PERMANENTLY. Obviously, I chose the latter. Because I KNEW full well, that if I even touched him he would scream ABUSE and ASSAULT himself. This way, I was completely innocent and remained that way. What really pissed me off though, was that I contacted the police and scheduled an appt for them to take pictures of my injuries for the court case. I had to convince them to do it. WTF? Then, in court, the lost them, so that's why they only gave him probation. I'm sure that if the judge had seen the marks he left on me, he would have had a stiffer sentence, 15 yrs old or not.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 May 09
Wow, my mom had her faults, but nothing like this. I would hate the idea of people thinking things like that about me and I would want to try and clear them up. But what do you want? How important are these people to you? I'd at least give it one try myself, but that's just me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I want to give it the "college try". I don't like things left unresolved and want to settle this--if anything for my own piece of mind
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Jun 09
I would too.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
31 May 09
It's unfortunate that the past is still hanging around to haunt you. However it's impossible to prevent people from thinking what they want, however preposterous their thoughts are. The good thing is that there's 172,798 myLotters here who believe you, and a handful there that don't. Let them go. Picture in your mind a poster containing images of all the people you know, including this misinformed b*tch and her mother. Now take a pair of cerebral scissors and cut their pictures out and throw them away. You don't need them. Their inability to look at both sides to determine the real truth is sad, but there's nothing you can do about it, except to not think about them and their hurtful ways.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jun 09
That's a great visualization thing---the cerebral scissors...LOL. The woman always DID strike me as a smug person who thought she was superior to everyone--talk about attitude!
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Oh well...if she's smug too, then maybe you should add a beard and moustache before cutting her picture out. Just for good measure. You don't need her picture in your life mural. You can put Tukay's picture there instead
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