All 4 Grandkids at once

Me and the grandkids - Hunter (8), Emma (5), Tyler (9), and Savanna, 
sitting on Tylers lap.
@webeishere (36313)
United States
May 31, 2009 3:03pm CST
This past Saturday my daughter visited as usual. She brought all 4 grandkids. This is a photo of me with the 4 grandkids taken beside my one large bed of Yellow Irises. We all went to a local County Park; C00n Rapids Dam Regional Park; and walked for about 3 hours through the trails. Our step granddaughter Emma loved the place running all over and just having a blast. I was so worn out by the time they left at about 3. I fell asleep at the puter shortly after that while typing away. So how was your weekend? Did you do anything special at all? HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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19 responses
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
31 May 09
I've been play "catch the feral cats" all weekend - this means I have a trap set and baited and I keep checking on it during the day while I either sleep, shop or mess with the computer... I did post a discussion about this at:
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I did read the discussion when I got it in my email. I have not been doing much here lately due to trolls etc. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I was hoping that you weren't too discouraged at being made a target for the trolls. Annoying... but I'm glad to see ya back!
• United States
31 May 09
Grandkids bring you such joy. We had the 2 younger grandchildren this weekend. We went to our garden where we had a picnic lunch. Once we checked the veggie plants we went to the local school playground where we chased after the lil' buggers around the playground equipment. Needless to say, we slept well last night! Who needs a sleeping aid when you have grandchildren?
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
31 May 09
They also bring along a lot of tired and weary bones afterwards too. Hahahaha! Had a blast none the less. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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• United States
18 Jun 09
They do leave you a bit weary at the end of the day. But, it is a happy weariness. Thanks for the BR Bob!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
31 May 09
I had a nice weekend, I spent the night with my friend. We helped her daughter get a few things that had been stored to her new house. We also went to a birthday party that her other daughter gave for her hubby. There was lots of excitement at the party. The daughter who happens to be 36 weeks pregnant fell while carrying the cake, she stepped in a hole and fell on her belly. Her sister panacked called 911, they came and checked her out. She was fine but did go to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. They kept her overnight and let her out today. She saved the cake, it landed just right.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Sounds like you had a busy weekend as well. Glad she is all right after hjer fall. God Bless her and the baby also. HAHAHA! Saved the cake for sure huh? HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
1 Jun 09
It sounds like you had a great time. My sister came here a couple of hours ago. She left her husband at home because he has work tomorrow, but she will be staying a couple of days with me. I have a few things to get because I changed apartments, and she is going to help me pick them out. I think we'll have a great couple of days.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
31 May 09
I bet you were tired, I know it would tire me out but it would be a good tired. Nothing special going on around here this weekend. We may be purchasing a new used vehicle and was checking it out some. That is great that you had all 4 grandkids over and that ya'll had a great day.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
31 May 09
Yes we all had a blast till they and my wife all had to leave. Sunday was spent doing my gardening woprk etc. Tired today as well. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
• United States
31 May 09
HI Grandpa Bob: Great photo of you and your four grandkids there; very nice!! LOL! So you fell asleep at the computer huh? That's not good! I hope you recovered after that busy day; Its been a beautiful weekend here in Missouri, if you check out one of my recent postings I did a bit of Target practicing the other day now that was fun as I'd not done any of that since my early 20's...and I HIT THE BULLS EYE TOO!!! and today we cleaned another 10 Catfish and put them up in our freezer and well we fixed a bunch of them for dinner today too, THEY WERE SOOO GOOD!! and the same day we were target practicing, we cleaned up 11 of the Catfish that day; busy busy busy got to do all of this stuff before it turns off really really HOT! take care now! Great photo again!!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
31 May 09
I saw the bullseye story ya started the other day. GRATS! Catfish is great. We are not much of fish eaters here. I rested well yesterday as today was all about the garden and yard work. Now I am once again worn out and about to nap again. HAHAHA! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
1 Jun 09
sounds like yall had a fun day! they wore you out huh? I miss having my great neice close by now I have another great niece I have never seen. They live in AR I live in FL. I miss them. too many miles in between.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 May 09
no that is something I never experienced because I only have one grandchild and I can count on my fingers the times I have gotten to see him.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Jun 09
I haven't met Emma yet....I am so glad to hear that she got to visit! Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I spent it up at the lake with the kids....we had sooooo much fun. Came back yesterday early with the intent to get some things done but crashed instead! Glad you had a wonderful weekend.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Jun 09
What beautiful grandchildren you have! You are very blessed. It was a very good kind of worn out, wasn't it? My weekend was nothing special, I'm recovering from surgery with complications so it wasn't nearly as exciting as yours but the weather was beautiful and my sons both called. And my sister sold her house in Florida, at last, so I can say I had a great weekend!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Jun 09
Sounds like you had a great weekend, although I expect you have enjoyed a couple more since you posted this discusssion, I am a bit behind it would appear! Anyway this weekend is currently here, but no special plans. I have pottered around the house today just doing this and that and then tomorrow I am looking forward to baking cakes with my daughter while my hubby and our two boys go to motorbike racing!
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
1 Jun 09
Nice picture of you and the children. Happy to hear your had a great time with them. Nice fresh air always makes me sleepy My husband and I helped with the local campaign in our Bourough that is coming up tomorrow. He drove me around and I knocked on doors, getting in and out of the car can wear you out too. The candidates gave a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, which we went to also. Sunday was church as usual.
31 May 09
Hi GRANDPA BOB, I bet you were all tired out, kids can do that to you. I hope you all enjoyed your fun day out. I didn't do anything this weekend, but the useal, cook clean, wash and spend time on my computer. Tamara
• United States
2 Jun 09
Sounds like you had fun. My gd that will be 7 this Sunday had a birthday party last Saturday. That was all I did last weekend. When I get around to it I will upload some pics I took at her birthday party.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
1 Jun 09
your grandkids look so gorgeous and so do you grandpa bob... your youngest granddaughter grow up so fast and she looks so big now... seems like she just been born yesterday... glad that you have a great time with your daughter and grandkids... take care and have a nice day...
@Darkwing (21583)
1 Jun 09
Oh, I'll bet you're so proud of that little bunch, my friend. It sounds as though you had some great fun walking the trails of the Co on Rapids Dam Regional Park, too. Kids love to run free in places like that! Brightest Blessings.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
1 Jun 09
very nice. all are looking good. mainly the little one is like a doll. so nice.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Jun 09
It sounds like you had a really good weekend and alot of fun. I would be worn out too. We went fishing with my mom and step-dad in the Ohio River, in their boat. They and my husband caught catfish. I got one on my line but lost it. I may catch one next time LOL.
• India
1 Jun 09
well good for u cause most of the kids r busy with other stuff and forget about old people and their lonelyness