Time for bed

United States
June 1, 2009 1:02pm CST
How long after you've put your kids to bed do you stay up? I personally like to put my kids to bed early, and then stay up for hours and hours afterwards. I enjoy that alone time after they've gone to bed, and that's also "us" time for me and hubby. We make the most out of that time we get with each other. We need to! We don't hire babysitters ever, so it's not like we can go out to be with each other. Plus with the hours he works we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. The "us" time after the kids are in bed is what keeps us sane and happy. Do you let the kids stay up until you're ready for bed? Do you go to bed when they do? What sorts of things do you do after they're asleep?
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12 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
1 Jun 09
Trust me - I was like the supernanny that you see on tv. My children went to bed by 6pm every evening and 7 pm on Saturday nights. when they were about 8 they stayed up to 7 pm and later on the weekend. However, my children saw plenty of their father as we lived on a farm and he would often have a child or two with him whilst he was supervising work etc.Even with a new born by 6.45 I would be freshly bathed and have made coffee for us to drink whilst we watched the 7 pm news. I really lookerd forward to this adult time together. I don't think that I want to specify exactly what we did when the children were in bed. Suffice to say that we lived on top of a hill and no neighbours within shouting distance.
• United States
1 Jun 09
Oh you know I do not want details about what you do after they're in bed. I meant things like do you watch TV or movies together, or did you just do your own things.. that's all I needed to know. I'm a lot like you. My kids are in bed between 7 and 8 every night. I know that sounds so early, especially since most kids are allowed to stay up until 9 or 10, but my kids are up at 6 everyday, and when their dad is home we let them stay up even later and we'll watch movies as a family. It's on nights that dad is working and mom needs to keep her sanity in tact that they go to bed earlier.
• United States
2 Jun 09
You already know my answer *LOL* I usually got to bed with them as I don't have the patience to do that SuperNanny deal of walking them constantly back to their room. IT doesn't work as easily in my house as it does on tv, it would be a meltdown every time & nonstop crying waking others up ect. But I do wake up sometimes in the middle of the night for whatever reason like now and maybe toss in a load of wash or surf for a lil bit as I don't need as much sleep as they do. Or I'll get up after they konk out and hang out w/ hubby til he goes to bed or it's too late for me tolerate knowing I won't be able to function in the morning.
• United States
2 Jun 09
My 4 boys all share a bedroom right now, so they will stay up long past bedtime just talking to each other. They never actually leave the room, because they'd go back to bed crying if they did (mommy is a bit strict and doesn't stand for certain things!). I can handle the talking so long as it doesn't get too loud. I'll just listen to music or watch TV to drown it out. I don't think SuperNanny has all the answers. Her types of punishments don't work on my kids. I swear to you there was a day I had my twins in time out ALL day and each time I let them up, they did the same thing over and over again. This was when they were 4 or 5, so you can't tell me they just didn't get it. I don't use time outs anymore!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 09
My two year old son I put to bed at between 6 and 7 in the evening. I must give him catheter care so I need to have some rest in the evening. My fourteen year old son goes to bed at 9 in the evening so he is not tired for school in the evening. I like to use the Internet, read book and spend time with my dogs.
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I wish I had the energy to stay up for hours like you do! My daughter used to sleep about ten hours a night and I would stay up a couple hours after she had gone to bed. She now stays up a little later and only sleeps about eight hours, nine if I am lucky. I am pregnant with my second so I am usually exhausted and in bed right after she is. I have been taking an afternoon nap with her too. I figure I better get sleeping in now while I can. I know it'll be really eough with a new baby in the house!
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 09
every my child sleeping, I completed all the work. because if my child does not sleep I can not finish my job. I do not have any adjuvant or babysitters, so all I have to do the work alone. I almost did not have time for myself. after I finished work, my child wake up from sleep. sometimes my child wake up I have not finished the work. tired but no choice. risk of a mother have any children. to be heavy, but when I see children laughing tired of feeling lost
• United States
3 Jun 09
During the week I usually put the kids down at 9pm and then that usually ends up giving me about three hours to myself before I head off to bed..there are a bunch of times when I feel like that isn't enough time but I get so tired by about midnight or a bit after that. My husband and I will usually sit down then to watch television or catch up on our days activities. I also like to get online during that time only because I like to spend the evenings with the kids and not online so I try to catch up on the internet time during the day when they are in school and then again sometimes when they are in bed. On the weekends it really doesn't matter to me what time they go to bed unless we have something going on the next morning..the kids are pretty good about not staying up too late, they are usually in bed around 11 or 11:30.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
1 Jun 09
We stay up for a few hours after they go to bed. During school bed time is 8:00 for the girls. Logan isn't to that point yet where we can just put him and bed and he stays there though so he usually is up till 8:30 or 9 till we get him to sleep. So from around 9 till 11 is our time. We usually just lay and watch tv together. Or he does his own thing and I do mine so that we each get so "me" time. My parents keep the kids overnight for us about once a month so then we have our date night and go to dinner and a movie or whatever we feel like doing.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
2 Jun 09
My kids are normally in bed for a few hours before I go to bed. Some nights, like on weekends I do let them stay up until I go to bed, but they usually leave me alone and do their thing anyway. I spend most of my time after they are asleep on the computer. Nothing too exciting.
• United States
2 Jun 09
I am the kind of mom who doesn't sleep until my kids are asleep. as my daughter is getting older on weekends it is harder to stay up later but I do cos i am just weird that way. usually i watch tv or try and unwind before i need to sleep. "us" time is rough during the week he is tired and has to get up for work.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
1 Jun 09
My kids are grown now but when they were small I would put them to bed between 7 and 8. Many times when they were very small I would actually lay down in bed with them till they fell asleep. Then once they were asleep I would slip downstairs to enjoy my alone time with watching a favorite show or reading a good book. Of course that happened after everything was prepared for the next morning. Such as what I was going to wear to work, kids clothes, and lunches all to begin the vivious cycle all over again. LOL LOL LOL
• United States
1 Jun 09
YOU AND ME BOTH SISTER!!! I love putting my kids to be around 8pm everynight and staying up to get that ALONE TIME. I am currently pregnant with my fourth and i have 3 kids under the age of 5. So as you can imagine I cherish that alone time when my husband is sleep and the kids are out for the count and its quiet and I have time to think. I love it. Its something special for me. i can watch tv, think, eat and just chill. Its wondeful. I feel like "myself" when that happens. During the day i feel like i'm being spilt in so many different ways with being pregnant, a homemaker and wife. It can be exhausting. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE NIGHT TIME!!!
@JeninND (65)
• United States
2 Jun 09
My favorite time of day is after the kids go to bed! I like to put them to bed 2 hours before I'm ready for bed. I am a stay-home mom, so that might be why :) Lately with summer schedule though, my husband wants them to stay up later so he can spend more time with them. I don't like it when they stay up until 10. I'm usually the "bad guy", trying to get everyone into bed!