ripe avacado?

United States
June 1, 2009 1:22pm CST
How does one tell if an avacado is ripe? I'd like to try to make guakamole(?sp)as it seems easy enough, but the selecting & knowing if an avacado is ripe. How long do they take to ripen if they are not ripe when purchased?
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5 responses
• Philippines
3 Jun 09
an avocado is ripe when you feel that it is getting a bit soft on the outside. when you touch an avocado, the skin feels like it's ready to separate from the meat of the fruit. however some supermarkets may not allow pinching and pressing on to the fruit. so another way is when an avocado is still firm when you hold it, try to give it a little shake. if you hear or feel that the big seed moves inside, it's already ripe. when you purchase an avocado that is not ripe yet, basically you can wrap it with pieces of newspaper. make sure it's wrapped all around and placed in a dry place. depending on how raw it is, it can be 1-2 days before it ripens. when i was a kid, my mom used to put raw avocados atop the rice on the rice bin. rice is really warm and dry and speeds up ripening process for the avocados.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
2 Jun 09
An avacodo should give just a tiny bit when pushed. If it pushes in to easily it is overly ripened. If it does not give at all it is not ripe yet. I actually wrote an article all about choosing the right avacodos and how to care for them and stuff on Associated content. If you would like to read it you can find it here.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
1 Jun 09
When they get just a bit soft, but not really then they are ready. You don't want them hard but if you buy then hard check them in a day or so. Firm but a tiny bit soft is good.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
1 Jun 09
If you buy them very unripe, put them in newspaper to ripen. The avocado is ripe when you feel it a little bit soft. Imagine how you would like the texture of something you want to mash with a fork. That´s it! If you want them to make sushi, you want it a little harder. For guacamole it is soft ripe as you want a paste. Happy cooking!
@flyhun (28)
• Germany
1 Jun 09
Also pick one whose peel is very even.