They're steal EATING Dogs in the Philippines?! WHY??

Dog Meat food - China Photo cause i can't find one from the Phils.
June 4, 2009 6:57am CST
I should have wrote this topic two days ago but I was so tired of work and responding to a lot of discussions.I am not making accusations here, I just can't believe that it's true that they're still some parts of this damn country who still eats dog for breakfast,lunch and dinner. It's not a hear say, i have watch a commercial and a Night show is supposed to be aired either tonight or this Saturday about a person who had been Dog his entire life not fearing rabies. these aren't common house pets but Stray Dogs found in the Street, they collect and send them to this particular pound and probably put them to sleep.....and eat them.. It's terrible that it's sick to my stomach. For Filipinos out there, just wait for it after "Bandila" (Flag Evening News), I forgot when are they going to air that show. and all this time i though idiots from youtube are just making false accusations. i even had a fight a user who claims we eat dogs even our pets.. I am so depressed right now..(:-
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18 responses
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
You know who eats dogs because the chemical smell of the meat stays in their bloodstream, the dogs bark like crazy whenever such a person goes near them. A construction worker who does some jobs for us gets near our dogs and the dogs never stop barking even if we shush them, and only at him not the other workers.
1 person likes this
4 Jun 09
wow that is amazing. you learn something new every day. so are dogs known to attack dog-eaters in the far east?
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
I don't know if the dogs bark because they want to attack him or because they want to keep him away. Probably the latter, our dogs never attack the guy even if he gets near they just bark like crazy. I think it depends on the breed. A german shephard might murder him though.
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Yep. I don't know how dog meat tastes like but I don't want to find out! I've had other exotic food though like cooked snails dipped in some sweet syrup. Every time I go out the snails come at me with murderous intent lol :D
@Gangabag (28)
• Netherlands
5 Jun 09
Oh come on - chill out will you. Animals were domesticated for the benefit of mankind, either to be eaten, to provide nutrition (milk, eggs etc) or as beasts of burden (to do work). The ony people who are entitled to criticize the eating of dogs are vegans - others, just leave it alone, will you. You are passing judgement on others whose circumstances you don't understand and whose cultures you obviously don't respect. The keeping of pets is a luxury that most in this world cannot afford - their relationship with animals is purely dictated by self interest, where survival and health are self interests which are genuinely defendable. Those who love their juicy steak and then cringe in disgust at someone eating dog meat are hypocrites.
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• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Cows,Chickens,goats and ducks can be benefited to man kind. but dogs and cats, for me it's a different perspective regarding to benefits. maybe at teh edge of hunger and survival but never as a custom of eating Dogs. when some one told me that it was a tradition in the North part, i felt sad and sick about it.
• Netherlands
9 Jun 09
Let's try to look at this objectively. Dogs are a domesticated species, originating from the wolf, fox, dingo, or other wild dog species. This domestication was not done to produce a pet but to gain a useful beast of burden. In the case of the dog, it was domesticated in several parts of the world for similar and differing reasons. In some parts of the world this was for the purposes of eating, in other parts the animal proved to be a useful in hunting. In Australia the dog was used as a blanket to keep people warm during the cold nights - therefore the aboriginal saying after a particularly cold night: "That was a two-dog night!" I can understand that from the perspective of someone who knows dogs as affectionate pets, the thought of eating the little buggers is uncomfortable. But don't denigrate someone else who through necessity or culture prefers to eat the beast.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
5 Jun 09
OMG!!! i don't know that it is happening in phillipines as well... i feel that it is so gross to eat dog meat and i never want to try to taste it... i only want to eat pork, chicken, beef, fish and seafood... that's all... anything other than that, i won't even want to touch it... take care and have a nice day...
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
First I though it was just a rumor, because back then it was a top notch rumor about meat being put inside the bun (siopao). then there was this youtube commenter that he said Piligpines like dog meat for breakfast. i fought that user until he closes his account. but right after seeing that commercial, i've lighten up and saw reality.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
It is a part of our culture like in Baguio although dog meat is prohibited they still prefer to eat it than any other meat. I myself I accidentally eat dog meat I never know that the meat I eating is dog meat I found it out after when one of my cousin told me that it is dog. It is very warm in the body I think that is why the people in Baguio like this meat because of the cold weather there. It is very had to caught the dealers of dog meat because they are people willing to sale their dogs to earn.
@FlaKNMB (831)
• United States
6 Jun 09
How sad for all the stray dogs in the Philippines. Do you think people eat dogs because they're starving and will eat anything or is dog a delicacy? The thought of eating a dog makes me want to cry.
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
THat's what i thought but a responder here said that there is some tradition in the North about Dog eating. But it doesn't happen all over the country only various parts. all i can say is that they're illegal and banned. some are just doing it in secret..
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
7 Jun 09
I still can't comprehend why do some people can still eat a friend.Gross!!
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• Philippines
8 Jun 09
well, those are one of the things that exist, you can get used to it someday. it is gross knowing that the man's best friend is being turned into a meal. i hope that kind of habit soon be gone.
@Beenice (237)
• Canada
5 Jun 09
Chinese too does the same thing since years you know,they eat cats too, not to make you more angry about the subject. But I know dog's meat is doesn't appeal to me at all, neither cats. I mean not because it is a deference in culture but for them its cheap meat. For me cheap or not I don't want any either.
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• Philippines
8 Jun 09
well, it's a fact too and other asians areeating dogs as well. but in my country it ahs also become a culture, probably if all dogs were pets and no strays, things would have been different.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Hmmm... well, I've never eaten dog (or cat or horse, for that matter), but think about it. Do you eat beef? How awful for a Hindu to think that someone would eat a cow! It's just what you're used to, and eating one animal over another is nothing more than culture - "just the way it is."
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Well, at least they don't eat cats here since cats are also being taken care of despite that some are already old. but Dogs, Wow! it's unfair that they don't get the same treatment as the cats do. but it's definitely not my culture and these people need to have a reality check. hope he one day get's RABIES, Badly.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
5 Jun 09
It is sad that you are from a culture and instead of trying to help it you are adding insult to it. If persons are eating dogs why don't you look at the circumstances which surround it that make this person to eat it. Is it that they cannot afford to purchase other meat. You know that we quick to be judgmental about certain things and not look at both side of the fence. There are persons who assumed that everyone living in Jamaica are ganja smokers and when I come across them on the Internet this is the first thing that left their mouth but instead of being upset I calmly explained to them that it is not everyone who practice this. No matter what there will always be someone who will be eating dogs because this is what he/she knows.
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Then that's the worst part. maybe i need to read more. you know this will discriminate us. since when btw?
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Unfortunately, eating Dog is not part of the Philippine Culture. but i guess some body just wanna try it and other follows so on and so fort. I think it's not just for me to do something about it. I have called friends from the Food Regulatory Board but they said they'll investigate the area. Like here, not every one practice this eating dog thing too. it's not what he knows, there are other foods where he come from, but why has to be DOGS?!.
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Sorry to disagree with you Mikaela. Dog meat-eating is a Northern Luzon or specifically Cordillera culture long before we are born. How can you say it is not a Filipino thing?
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
I don't eat dog meat but I belong to a culture that does and I really can't understand why others fuss so much about it. Dog are man's best friend but we can also say the same to other pets. The water buffaloes and even the cows are also used in the farms but we loved eating them. A chicken can also be a very dear pet to someone and yet we all love "chickenjoy". As others have already shared, it does not make it more right to eat a cow just because we are not used eating dog. Health reasons? Many Cordillerans have been eating dog ever since, my father one of them, and I have not seen one complaint of rabies-related disease. But if you should check, pig and chicken are also very good carrier of diseases. We talk about cruelty but is butchering a dog more inhumane than butchering a cow or a goat or pig or a chicken? It's killing an animal all the same.
• Philippines
8 Jun 09
Chickens are ok but Carabaos, i don't think so. Dogs have rabies and if they are not vaccinated, that sickness will transfer to the one eating the Dog. well, pig and chicken can also be a carrier, but they are benefited for food and not the dogs. it will be hard for some provinces who got used to this culture for almost long time to discard it..
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Oh geez... that is disgusting! I have heard of people eating dogs and cats in some Asia places long long time ago and I thought it is completely prohibited and restricted these days... Well, first, it is definitely illegal and how can you eat those little animals????????
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
And I only thought it existed only in China because I searched the Internet and simply saw a cuisine with the Dog Meat. Unbelievable that they even put in their restaurants. It is restricted and Prohibited here in my country but it seems that this person manage to get a way from it..I feel bad for those dogs.
@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Jun 09
That is horrid to hear that,they also in some countrys they use dogs to drag behind boats to catch shark so i read.I think that is awful to use any domestic pet as food.It is worse thinking about an animal that is wagging its tail thinking a new human friend then only to be killed.It makes me feel so sick to think of it.
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
No, they're not but the stray dogs are the ones being served here. I guess when they had capture the stray dog and puts it in the cage and they don't have enough soil to bury it once the dog is put down, then that's when they decided to eat.. So far, the man assumed that he hasn't had any sickness or rabies..
• United States
4 Jun 09
I personally could never eat a dog, or any other form of pet. I know other countries approve of it, but I couldn't do it. I'm american though and we eat cows. I know some countries don't agree with that either. I guess it's just your culture. I persoanlly couldn't do anything like that.
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
It's actually prohibited and eating cows meat is extremely Normal, unless your vegetarian.I need to post this because it's really disturbing that the media was able to air this kind of episode. even I couldn't eat something like that, stray dogs are prone to disease and that person sure has guts eating one.poor doggy.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jun 09
isn't there a special breed of dog for food in china too? i'm vegetarian so won't be eating any animals but don't think it's necessarily worse to eat a dog than a pig. in the uk people eat rabbits and keep them as pets which seems a bit sick
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Oh, yeah I remember that one as well. Well, rabbits were never on my list of special meat delicacies. wow! when did you start being a vegetarian? was it hard? I wanted to be one because i wanted to avoid to much gaining weight already.
• Thailand
5 Jun 09
It's not just the Phillipines that eat dog, here in Thailand too is can be found. It is illegal but some areas are so poor they only have the strays for their meat supplies. We live in the North or the country and regularly have the dog catcher drive along our street catching the, shall we say, unwanted animals. One time the catcher threw a cat in the back of his van with the dogs, all hell was let lose, he said it was to keep the dogs active and alive before he got them to the place thay would be slaughtered. Dog catchers are illegal too, they kill the animals and send the meat to Vietnam, where dog is also a delicacy
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• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Oh, Good Ness?! the poor kitty? can you elaborate exactly what happened to the cat? using cat as bait for the dogs to be active is the most horrible thing I have ever heard. Dog Catchers are ok. but the idea of them turning these so called unwanted animals into a meal is dangerous for human consumption because it can lead to diseases..
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Hello from the Philippines Sorry to hear that you watch that news about the animal cruelty and dog-eaters in my country. Most of the people eating dogs here are from the countryside of the north, its a mountainous area and has a cooler climate compared to the city. They are saying that dog meat feels different to them as it can make their bodies warmer but I think its not true and just a myth. Filipinos whom are from the city like me don't eat dogs and we also have a city pound for lost and stray dogs. There is no such law on animal cruelty in my country thats why they are doing those kind of things.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Jun 09
Hi Mikaela! Dog is one of the most faithful of animals. In India, dog is kept as pet and considered to be a very good companion. I have not heard that dog's meat is eaten here in India. It is really disgusting to know that some people kill dog for his meat.
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Ohh, probably right... The word STEAL and STILL, actually there are neighbors STEALING Dogs so that they can eat for PULUTAN! and yet there are STILL Filipinos who eat Dog's meat. I and my family don't eat such meat, we don't eat our pets. Eating dogs should be prohibited but i don't know if there is such a bill to protect animals from such butchers of pets. It is really sad and sickening even to think that cats too have been eaten by some Chinese influenced Filipinos (sorry folks, i am referring this to my own Country), I am not against the Chinese community here. But the practice of eating, for sure they may understand what i am saying.
@anbrei (44)
• Philippines
4 Jun 09
you are right mikaela....i am a filipino too,i couldn't deny it.... but some of the people specaily in the mountain province in luzon.It is there tradition to eat some dog meat... but in the first place i didn't eat that kind of meat too, some people says that their are some-i dont know how to say it. all i just want to tell, that i hate it too....