It is World Enviornment Day today i.e. 5th June, 2009.

@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
June 5, 2009 12:34am CST
Hi friends, it is World Enviornment Day today i.e. on 5th June, 2009. We keep exploiting natural resources available on our Earth. What are the few evils in your opinion, which effect the earth as a whole and what do you purpose to do to save the earth from those evils. To me deforstestation and unmindful wastage of 'water' are two evils, which effects our earth very badly and if we continue to do, one day we will be left with no viable natural resources. What are your take on this. Would like to share your opinions. Many thanks in advance.
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23 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Jun 09
Hi Deepak! God has given Mother Earth for our need and not for our greed[courtesy-Mahathma]; But we do not realise the value of this priceless treasure and are using it for our selfish ends by cutting trees, allowing depletion of natural resources. If it were possible for me I would have planted a tree but it is not so .I always am quite conscious about using water properly and carefully and that is the only contribution I can make. Ancient emperors dug wells, planted trees, built roads and they were all part of their great social reforms and our social studies in syllabus.We have only been reading all that as though we are reading entertaiment stuff for which we need not do anything.I can also not do anything significant except wail and lament at the sorry state of affairs.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Jun 09
In fact I was discussing this at home the other day and was asking 'how can I do something for this?'
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Jun 09
Deepak! I frankly have no idea at all; that is why I had written that apart from saying that I should do something I can really not do anything concrete about this. The maximum I could do is trying and save fuel and save water as much as possible. There is some other plan too and I shall share it after it is fructified.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Kala! You have rightly pointed out that we keeping exploiting mother earth for own benefits by cutting trees and through illegal minings activities and constructing cities of concrete and bricks, which are eating our earth. I agree with you that judicious use of water and its preservation through rain harvesting etc. can enhance our water level/availability. Yes, you are right, ancient Emperors were more aware and sincere in preserving resources of earth, then what we are doing now a days. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
10 Jun 09
Hi deepak, I too agree with you that Deforestation ,wastage of water and unnecessary felling of trees is the greatest evil committed by man. I think it is in our own interest that we need to preserve nature and start taking steps to do whatever little we can. If each person starts being concious and begins by voicing his/her concern against atrocities committed by the authorities against nature, we may be able to stop many future disasters..
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
16 Jun 09
Hi Kiran! Yes, you are right, deforestation, mindless cutting of trees causes great havoc to our nature and it causes floods etc. Wastage of water is the another area which could be worked upon. We should contribute whatever little we can do for example, we can save water and we can start using solar energy and rain harvesting. Thanks for sharing.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
17 Jun 09
Yes, I buy your arguments that we need to work now and we need to work honestly.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Jun 09
Absolutely ! If we want our future generations to have a clean and healthy environment , then we need to act now. It is the act of few greedy men and government that is causing all the havoc to the environment..
• India
5 Jun 09
H Deepak, Poverty and corruption are the greatest curse on this earth. Poverty affects, directly or indirectly, each and every aspect of our lives. When people don’t have one square meal a day, they cant afford the luxury of thinking about the environment. They have no idea of what is right and wrong, simply because they have never been given a chance to a better life…they have been exploited and uprooted and degraded time and again…so much so, that they have lost the very sense of beauty and preservation in their daily struggle for survival. When each present day is a war…there is no thought for the future.
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• India
5 Jun 09
There are some things Deepak which I can never do...wasting water is no. 1 on that list. I simply cant see water being wasted...forget about home, many a times I have been walking on streets and seen a tap open with water flowing out and I just turn off that tap. Secondly, I cant waste gas...I always cover my food while cooking as much as possible...well, it saves me money. Thirdly, I dislike spitting and throwing things on the street. Fourthly, at office, I make it a point to recycle and reuse stationery as much as possible. I have never thought of these as saving the environment (even if indirectly)...these were mostly passed on to me by my mom as money saving tips and cleanliness.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Sudipta! You have rightly pointed out that poverty and corruption are greatest curses and people keep fighting with poverty and hunger. Many of us do not have resources and time to work towards saving our enviornment and they also do not contribute to save our mother earth. We on our part keep exploiting mother earth for own benefits and it causing global warming and other such strange affects on the climatic conditions. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Jun 09
Sudipta! You are very smart and wise. Not wasting water and even closing the unnecessarily running taps is very good idea. I do the same and if I see a tap running unnecessarily, I immediately close it, whether it is a public place. Recycling paper in office is a good way to save the environment, albeit indirectly. It is always expensive to make paper from wood pulp and we all start saving and recycling the paper, it will be very helpful in conserving our environment. Using your cooking gas judiciously is also a healthy sign of saving. Less consumption means less wastage and saving of money and gas. We should feel proud of your good deeds to preserve our environment. Keep the good work going! Deepak
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I think that people should recycle more and use glass more instead of plastics. I think that people should also plant two or three trees for every tree cut down and not just one. I also think that chalk boards should be used more, and not paper. I think that schools should teach children to memorize instead of write things out, like what our grandparents and great grandparents were taught. I also think that people should freecycle more, should have garage sales more, and should help out ore in every way.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Jun 09
Yes, your ideas do appear very practical and sound and we all should plant trees and use material which could be re-cycled. Computer and e-learning are contributing towards reducing the burden on paper. Many thanks for your very useful ideas and I hope some of these are being followed by you.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Heyya deepak! I think those are two evils for sure! I think that the lack of recycling is also an evil. My daughter just had a class in her Girl Scout troop about this subject and they went over a few things with them that was kind of surprising. They said that a used tire...NEVER decomposes. The only option of ridding our world from it is to reuse it someway. Plastic is another very world toxic material. I also think that we should rebuild some of the earth's natural habitats for animals that are on the brink of extinction. This would be a great treasure for the world. They all have their "purposes" and when they are gone..then who will do their job. Great discussion! Take care.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
Hi Dear! I am pretty impressed with your response and your views on deterioration of natural resources. You have rightly pointed out that plastic and its products could be pretty hazardous for our life and environment in general. However, people continue to use plastic material and goods made up of plastic and do not think about replace it with biodegradable material. Animals are also important and they getting extinct creates problem of nature's imbalance, so we should try to do something for their protection also. Many thanks for sharing your dynamic views.
@hanah87 (1835)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 09
Wow,what a great Day!Yes, we must take care our own earth.It is bad to see earth become damage day by day by human.Human should ashame because this earth make for human that we should take care of it and not do bad thing to destroy this earth.I will take some part in this Day.Happy World Environment Day.Thank you.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Hanah! Yes, you are right we keep exploiting the earth for our own benefits. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Jun 09
I beleive every day should be environment day,people now take the easy way of doing what they do. As you may have noticed,almost everyone picks on plastic,but if you do the research ,there are far worse hazzards.most plastic will deteriate quite well if not buried,as will most things put into landfills,there is no air to help in the decomposition. Basically,one of the very worse product on the market today is the disposable diaper. Millions of trees are cut down and water used to mulch the wood to paper to make the inner layers,then there are the chemicals used to make the gel for quick absortion. As there are a very large number of people that dispose of them by just tossing them under the car or tose them out the window,you can see that the plastic cover disintagrates quite fast and releases the contents into the storm drains,which pours into our rivers and steams,polluting both. How do we fight this,I reward people that have gone back to using cloth diapers with plastic pants,the diapers are mostly cotton,which is grown and replacable,and the pants are of a higher grade,and used for a long period of time.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
Hi Mac! I am pretty impressed with your thorough response and your views on deterioration of natural resources. You have rightly pointed out that plastic and its products could be pretty hazardous for our life and environment in general. However, people continue to use plastic material and goods made up of plastic and do not think about replace it with biodegradable material. Water pollution is other big issue, which is the cause of concern. Many thanks for sharing your dynamic views. Full marks to you.
• Philippines
5 Jun 09
Wow I don't know that today is World environment day, what I know is one friend of mine has a birthday today. Plastic, illegal minings and over buildings of buildings. There are little forest available in my country because of real estate business. I am scared that when a large typhoon will come to our country we will have a humugous flood because there is no trees to absorb the flood. This is really creepy.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Grecy! You have rightly pointed out that using plastic, illegal minings and constructing cities of concrete are eating our earth. Deforestation is another problem, which is causing floods and typhoon like situations in some of the places. We brazenly keep exploiting the earth for our own benefits and keep making it more polluted. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@jaisundar (215)
5 Jun 09
The best solution for this is, just dont discuss such things to anyone as no one is going to listen anyone of us in this mechanical world. Better why dont you yourself contribute to save our earth. First advise your own close and thick friends and your relatives to plant trees nearby their home atleast one each and take care of them. This can atleast save our earth in the mere future.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
Yes, dear you are absolutely right, we should see ourselves, how much we can contribute ourselves to make our environment better and safer. I have a terrace garden in my house and I have planted many plants there to look the area green and full of oxygen. We should always encourage to plant more trees so that it could reduce air pollution. Thanks for enriching the post.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
6 Jun 09
Hey dpk! I am so trying my hardest to be more mindful of the wastage of water and trying to remember to recycle as often as I can! It is the very least that we can do to try to save the earth's natural resources as long as we are on this wonderful planet! If we don't do something now to try to save the earth then when we are gone there won't be much left for others in the years to come! So I have started my own efforts to try everyday to make sure that I use as little amounts of water as is necessary and make sure to recycle and re-use as much as I can whatever plastics as possible and waste as little as possible so that those that come after me will have the things that are necessary for them in the future!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
Hi Opal! You have rightly pointed out that we should preserve 'water' and re-cycle it as much as possible to save our environment in general. It is great to know that you are making great efforts to conserve water and hopefully tell others about it importance. I am delighted to read your response and to know about your sincere efforts. Water pollution is other big issue, which is the cause of concern. Many thanks for sharing your dynamic views.
• India
6 Jun 09
It is World Enviornment Day today i.e. 5th June, 2 - World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June in more than 100 countries. 
The theme for 2009 is climate change and the broader consequences of environmental 
change, and what societies can do in response.

Combating climate change and preserving ecosystems services that underpin our 
economies is an issue for everyone. Every individual's efforts, no matter how small, 
can contribute to the sustainable development of our economies and communities around
the world.
Hello my friend dpk262006 Ji, At least let's do something at our own homes:-DAILY ROUTINE:AT HOME…•It would seem to go without saying, but many of us forget that we can save water in simple ways like not letting the tap run while shaving, washingyour face, or brushing your teeth. •Insulating your water heater will help save valuable energy, and you can go the extra mile by installing showerheads with a low flow in your bathrooms for bathing purposes to help save water. You can also put a timer on your heaters to save power. •Using an electric razor or hand razor with replaceable blades instead of disposable razors goes a long way to cutting back on waste. And plant a tree. •Use towels for drying your face and hands instead of tissues that are used and thrown away. Also, hang your towels to dry so that they can be reused several times. You are after all clean when you use them! •Juice or yoghurt lovers can do their bit by buying juice in concentrates and yoghurt in reusable containers instead of single serving packages. •Many of us like to leaf through the paper as we munch on breakfast, but consider reading the dailies in communal spaces like the office or coffee shops. However, if you prefer to have your own copy, make sure you recycle! •When packing your lunch, opt for reusable containers for food storage instead of wrapping the food with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. •As you leave the house, don’t forget to switch off all the lights and appliances at the wall unit (if you have this feature) and unplug chargers as they continue to consume even if they are not charging; saving energy helps reduce air pollution. May God bless You and have a great time.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
maygodblessu44ji! Some very useful suggestions from your end. Thanks for sharing such a great tips with us and I hope everybody should follow your suggestions. I am delighted to read your response. Many thanks for writing such a thorough and wonderful response to the post.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Jun 09
Yes, I agree with your view point.
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• India
6 Jun 09
Hello my friend dpk262006 Ji, It involves only personal attention in daily life. I am sure, we can all do and help Nature without paying anything involving money and labour. May God bless You and have a great time.
@cindyhxf (1446)
• China
5 Jun 09
Hi,dpk,long time no see.yeah,i know this day as you said.what i wish our world will be better by human not hurt from human.but it seems it is hard to focus on power together and make it we should just do by oneself first.remember alwaya what you do is right in daily?yes,we are human,we have duty to do better for our another home,it names Earth.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Cindy! I am very much here, probably you did not notice me...........LOL! You have rightly pointed out that we should keep our duties sincerily and honesty and should do our best to preserve our enviornment. BTW, What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@mimimeow (295)
• Hong Kong
6 Jun 09
Continuous production of waste gases....Why human beings are afraid of cold and afraid of hot? In the old days, there no air-conditioners, right? Poor Earth. We sure treat you better. I am trying my best to save energy and preserve nature. Avoid using air-conditioners. Walk more. Admire but don't destroy the nature.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
Hi Mimi! You have rightly pointed out that air conditioners are causing much hotness and air pollution and are adding to global warming. We should be concerned about our environment in general. It is great to know that you are making great efforts to conserve energy. I am happy to read your response and to know about your sincere efforts. Many thanks for sharing your dynamic views.
@clutterbug (1051)
• United States
5 Jun 09
Hi dpk, I have heard on the radio that with all the babies being born (a good thing), that millions of plastic diapers are clogging the landfills, and the diapers take many years to deteriorate (a bad thing). So the solution was to go back to using cloth diapers. These were used back in the olden days from what I hear. It would be a big benefit if cloth diapers returned so that the landfills could be smaller. That would be my contribution to World Environment Day. Thanks for listening.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 09
You have rightly pointed out that plastic and its products could be pretty hazardous for our life and environment in general. However, people continue to use plastic material and goods made up of plastic and do not think about replace it with biodegradable material. Water pollution is other big issue, which is the cause of concern. Many thanks for sharing your dynamic views.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
5 Jun 09
Thanks for reminding and bringing th importance of this day Deepak. I am very concerned about all the negative contributions towards the deterioration of the enviornment. Be it deforestation, pollution in all its forms-air, noise and visual, disposal of plastics, toxic contamination, pollution of our waters and the increasing carbon footprint. We all should mindfully contribute in ways to make this a better world for us and for our future generations.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Alok! You have rightly mentioned the evils, which effect eath and we are party to it either say directly or indirectly. We brazenly keep exploiting the earth for our own benefits and keep making it more polluted. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@balasri (26537)
• India
5 Jun 09
Seeing the careless and unconcerned attitude towards the environment by our people always made me sad and wonder what kind of world we are going to leave behind for our children.This concern for the environment is the priority number one in our country and the awareness should be started with the top most priority by the government and the schools.Will our politicians have time for this?
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Bala! You have rightly pointed out that we should keep our environment pollution free. and should do our best to preserve our enviornment. BTW, What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@mayka123 (16905)
• India
5 Jun 09
Happy World Enrivonment Day. Thanks a lot for reminding me about this. I think we need to remind ourselves everyday that we should not be wasting all the natural resources provided to us. Else there will be nothing left for the future generations!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Mayka! We brazenly keep exploiting the earth for our own benefits and keep making it more polluted. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
5 Jun 09
Hi Dpk.....Thanks for reminding its world environment day today.....Well that explains many things.......Today I went out in the morning for some shopping and for doing some other errands...And guess what I was soon in a foul mood because the weather today is horrible........Well it was at first, warm and sunny,but suddenly it started drizzling a bit......I had no umbrella,and borrowed an umbrella from a salesgirl in one shop (since I am a regular customer there)to go to another shop down the road,and by the time I walked back to my car sun was again shinning mercilessly,and I was hot and sweating with my clothes wet first from the rain,and later from sweating.........I did not complete my shopping and drove back home,since the weather was making me hot and tired...... So its clear dpk that this odd weather chsnges are due to our excessive tampering with the natural resources,and its high time each one of us resolve to do what we can to save the earth and its natural resources ,and to preserve and protect the earth for our future generation......
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi Rose! You have rightly pointed out that we keeping exploiting mother earth for own benefits and it causing global warming and other such strange affects on the climatic conditions. Weather has now a days has become erratic and unpredictable. It is pretty hot and humid here in Delhi. It is really bad that you had get drenched and had to face hot sun and you could not complete your shopping due to bad weather. What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
5 Jun 09
This is a real good on e then, it should be a day to sensitize the people and create awareness on reasons why we need to make our environments better, in africa here, most cities are dirty and people don't care about the environment anymore what they want to take away from the environment without giving anything back, they remove trees at will and kill animals anyhow, i hope people will learn and change one day
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
Hi tund! You have rightly pointed out that we should keep our environment pollution free. and should do our best to preserve our enviornment. People kill animals and destroy forests for their own benefits. BTW, What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.
• India
5 Jun 09
hi friends this is kishan and very very thanks for remembering that today i.e.5th June 2009 is the environment day. we are protecting our environment some what carefully but in some other ways we are destroying our environment by polluting air, water, etc..... we must protect our environment by redusing the contents that are responsible for causing pollution and growing trees will help to keep the environment safe and hygienic.......
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 09
You have rightly pointed out that we should keep our environment pollution free. and should do our best to preserve our enviornment. BTW, What do you propose or suggest to save 'earth' on this day? Would like you to share your some more ideas with us. Thanks for joining us.