Buffy and...?

@x_Jo_x (1040)
June 5, 2009 8:10am CST
Which one of Buffy's love interest do we like the most? I think she is cute with Spike, but thats mainly cos i think Spike is cute =p Angel and her where good too, she really loved him. Any thoughts?
6 responses
6 Jun 09
Not sure! Riley was just a bit of a non-event really wasn't he?! Spike was funnier than Angel but not as good looking lol, but Angel used to annoy me cause he was just like this lost pityful puppy all the time. I think I actually prefered him without a soul! lol. Don't think she ever loved any of them though. She was always too preocupied with the whole chosen one thing to let anyone get that close to her.
@x_Jo_x (1040)
6 Jun 09
Yeah i think Riley was just her wanting someone and a bit of a faze... I dont like him much. Yeah Angel was just a little bit boring i think in some ways i think. She might be better off just "Being friends" with all of them lol
10 Jan 12
Yeah,that's right!! Spike was more funnier than Angel .
• United States
8 Jun 09
My favorite was when she was with Spike. I guess because he changed the most for her, and it was the most love-hate relationship in the series pretty much. When they give into each other it's just so hot. Riley was pointless. I hated him. Angel... it was hot for a while...but I don't know... too cliche maybe? And too many restraints.
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@x_Jo_x (1040)
9 Jun 09
Yep you are so right! lol. Yeah i think it is so sweet what spike does for her, i wish someone would do that for me. Exept not being a vampire obviously
@sissy15 (12354)
• United States
7 Feb 10
I'm not completely sure I really liked her with Spike, although she never loved Spike like she loved Angel. I know in the series finale she told Spike she loved him, but he didn't believe her, plus him loving Buffy was somewhat controversial because many people think she ruined Spike because he used to be so bad and people thought that was what made Spike so great, but I don't care I really liked them . I was one of the few people who actually liked her with Riley, but I never saw it working out although they were cute while they lasted. Angel was definitely the biggest Buffy love and if they could have been together without him going evil that would have probably been the best Buffy relationship. So I guess I would have to say Angel just because that was probably her biggest relationship, and the one guy she truly loved. Although I liked all of the Buffy men, Angel being the brooding mysterious man that he was really made his character all the more attractive, and more interesting to watch, and made his and Buffy's relationship more interesting especially since they stayed together for awhile even knowing they couldn't sleep together now that's love lol.
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
11 Aug 10
As much as I like the whole Buffy and Angel relationship, I found the Buffy and Spike relationship more fun and interesting. The loved and hated each other all at the same time. Her relationship with Angel did not get interesting until he went bad.
• Brazil
23 Aug 09
I love Buffy and Angel, and Buffy and Spike, and it's really really hard to choose. Both cases have very different "energy", but there's no way to deny that Buffy and Angel were a epic tragic love story, Shakespeare-esque. I also like Buffy with Riley but they didn't have much fire. She loved him, though. She said it herself. Oh, and Buffy/Satsu, in season 8, is reaaally cute, even though didn't really worked out.
• United States
20 Oct 09
I haven't kept up with the comics but is Satsu the girl that Buffy is involved with? The reason I ask.....I watched a thing on youtube (anniversary get together or something)and they asked Sarah who was better....Angel or Spike. She never really answered their question (ever the diplomat) but Nick was sitting next to her and brought up the girl. Sarah said the first she heard about her being involved with a girl was when they were waiting backstage before the whole thing started and someone asked her what she thought about Buffy being with a girl. She asked if the girl was Willow. lol. Anyway, she kept asking who the girl was and no one answered her. Finally Nick said she looked like Willow and her name was Pillow. Everyone laughed and that ended the discussion so that's why I was wondering about Satsu.
@Jaluke (676)
• United States
25 May 10
I was always a true Buffy and Angel sort of guy. I loved that romance. It was the ultimate forbidden love in my eyes and was just an incredible story. I hated whenever they two broke apart to their own shows though because whenever Angel was on Buffy after that, they made him overbearing and whenever Buffy was on Angel after that, they made her kind of stubborn and judgmental.