I will not give a rating to a sentence with only 1 or 2 words..
@littlefranciscan (18327)
United States
November 12, 2006 4:49am CST
I am seeing so many answers lately with just one or two words..I love all the mylot members but; will not push the plus button on anyone not taking the time to write something of substance..Surely, all of us have some knowledge of adjectives, nouns and verbs?
A sentence should have at least a noun and a verb ..and a good sentence should have a noun, a verb, an adjective and an adverb..
A noun is: a person, place, or thing
a verb: an action word
an adjective describes a noun
an adverb describes the verb or tells how, when or why+
40 responses
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I completely agree! Especially when the discussion asks for more input than "yes" or "no" or "I don't know". That is so frustrating when I see that. I tend to say more than I should...LMAO!!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Better to say more than not enough;)+ I love to see people who make longer answers..but then again..those who obviously copy and paste from a page and make it a half a page long ..I find hard to read to..lol +
@apalachee (490)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
Dont you just hate that?? :p Im sick of creating a discussion, and before i even get a chance to have people view them, someone else has posted the exact same discussion word for word. It drives me nuts.. lol .. oh well.. some people just have no imagination, so i guess they have to copy the creative peoples work to get by .. lol
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
12 Nov 06
LoL!! And oh my gosh, I just had someone copy and paste one of my answers yesterday!! I was so mad because not only is it cheating, but they did it right after I posted mine!!!

@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Nov 06
You are quite right. A question which only requires a one word answer is not a 'discussion' - it is a 'poll'. If someone answers with very few words, it hardly increases the sum of human knowledge greatly!I like your 10 second introduction to grammar! Some guidelines on 'creating a discussion' are needed as well, I think.
I know that we have people here who struggle with English and so short answers are, to an extent, understandable but people should, at the same time, understand that the 'complicated formula' evolved by the MyLot mathematicians gives credit for longer answers! +
(PS ... have you noticed that it is again not 'remembering' ratings? I can rate answers and then go to another page in the same discussion, then come back only to find that everything has gone back to 'unrated'. I don't know how much it is worth rating things until they have rectified the problem!)
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Thanks..for your imput, and I have also noticed that my referrals have told me they are posting..but it's not updating on my visual end of what they are doing; and I am not being credited or thei work..as is promised by mylot..
What is this deal concerning the mathematicians..how does this affect our pay..can you tell me a tad about this? Is it that the more words you write ..the more you will earn for your posting?
Sincerely and grateful for helping me out here;)+
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Nov 06
What I was referring to was the second to last point in the list of Don'ts:
Don't "Post anything that inaccurately explains the myLot earnings algorithm. Our myLot mathematicians have worked long and hard on our elaborate payment system and we wouldn’t want any of our users to make them feel inadequate by breaking their algorithm in minutes."
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Nov 06
... So I am being naughty by making that claim! Yes, I do think that, since we are encouraged to be as descriptive as possible, it is a factor in the complicated algorithm. I am in no danger of breaking the 'code', however!

@tusharprabhu (638)
• India
12 Nov 06
Well said !
I agree, most people are posting to just earn money. Not to have a discussion, not to express a view if they have one. Doesn't make sense. And I completely agree that responses like that take away from the discussion. Sad.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I think mylot shoud put some kind of program in the page that automatically deletes the one or two word responses;)+ but they wont do that;(+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I have to disagree..There has never been a question that I could not answer with at least a 5 or 6 word sentence. I am a writer, though, so what people normally say in three or four words, I can extend to double that..It's all in your description of things.
Right beside the box here where I write ..mylot has put "please be as descriptive as possible"
@tusharprabhu (638)
• India
12 Nov 06
I agree. Many times, people even ask questions that demand a one-word answer. So how do you filter that out? What makes no sense to me is the meaningless replies and discussions that go around. They should at least let people delete junk replies. That way, there would at least be some sanity left.

@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
it's not the required answered..it's the required effort..Mylot is very clear as to what an answer should be like..I know you can "yes" as an answer but you can also say "yes, because ......"+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Good for you..I think you icon can make someone think they have a stigmatism..and I do..lol..thanks for your input and another plus for you;)+

@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
12 Nov 06
but that is ok, no one is perfect. we can still get the idea of what you are trying to say.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
This is not a spelling contest..I think most of us make errors..and we have spoken English all our lives..What's beautiful about a discussion is that it allows us to be ourselves..and if you are not english speaking we understand; at least most of us who are not English Teachers :)=
@apalachee (490)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
It really doesnt matter about the spelling, we are all aware that many people here come from different countries and speak different languages. we admire you for your effort.. I personally make alot of mistakes and english is my first language.. i just call them typos... (my fingers sometimes get ahead of me and want to type something completely different to what im trying to type. lol)

@supersach (1523)
• India
12 Nov 06
What would you say about people who just give one response and move on to the next discussion instead of contonuing. It just makes me tear my hair out when people do that.
This a is a discussion site and not a question & answer site where you put your answer and move on to the next question.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Well I say, at least they gave a good response..I know for mself I have quite a challenge keeping up responses..I post a topic..I get replies..then I respond to replies..what about you?+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I agree..there is always room for debate..but it should be done with taste and not with disrespect..Many there are who debate not for the sake of enlightening but for pushing their own egos..:)+
@supersach (1523)
• India
12 Nov 06
Well, all I am saying is that people just give responses but don't stay on discussion and argue about why they think that way. They deny others the opportunity to be heard and to make their point. I think Mylot wants us to discuss, debate and argue(all in good spirit) and carry on with the discussions so that the new opinions and point of views come forward making the discussion more informative.

@zubair439 (3183)
• India
12 Nov 06
yes,i completely agreed with you,it truely correct,members of mylot thinking that only giving short response is enough ,they didn't think of quality response,as everybody aware of grammar ,parts of speech.,but they are not using it,lot of my discussions have the same problem,but i can't do anything,the response should be quantity +quality,not blah blah....,"yes" or "no" doesn't make any difference,and these should be known by every member of mylot.. thanks :)

@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Your welcome again..have a great day..It's Sunday here:)+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Thanks for responding and in such a quality matter..that is what makes a discussion a discussion..It enables room for further comments..and allows people to express themselves..
I am sure that these folks writing just a "yes" "no" are much more talkative in real life..they just need a push in the righ direction here on mylot..;)+plus for you:)

@annieroos (1845)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I totally agree i don't think that anyone that just puts one or two word answers deserve a rating.. I admit that i have given ratings for that.. but have learned since.. Thanks for your ratings..+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I understand that we should use the minus sign ..and though I have been reluctant..I have begun considering using it... It hurts me to be negative..but sometimes you help someone by pointing out that they are not giving quality responses.
Thanks for your support and your comment here on this topic..hope you have a nice day;)+
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Nov 06
You are quite right. A question which only requires a one word answer is not a 'discussion' - it is a 'poll'. If someone answers with very few words, it hardly increases the sum of human knowledge greatly!
I like your 10 second introduction to grammar! Some guidelines on 'creating a discussion' are needed as well, I think.
I know that we have people here who struggle with English and so short answers are, to an extent, understandable but people should, at the same time, understand that the 'complicated formula' evolved by the MyLot mathematicians gives credit for longer answers! +
(PS ... have you noticed that it is again not 'remembering' ratings? I can rate answers and then go to another page in the same discussion, then come back only to find that everything has gone back to 'unrated'. I don't know how much it is worth rating things until they have rectified the problem!)
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
12 Nov 06
No, I am not on a multiple posting jag! This is a result of the blooming white screen phenomenon! I didn't back up enough to see whether it had actually posted! Sorry!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
Thanks again..There was one topic where you mentioned that you sent a message to mylot ..and hadn't gotten a resonse...remember? Anyone that must have appeared 5 times with different headings;)+
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
12 Nov 06
Thanks for posting this. I have noticed alot of questions with one word answers. Sometimes I wonder if some of them are becasue you supposedly get more money to be the first to answer a post (I don't know if it's true) so they rush in and give ne word answers. If I can only respond to a question with a few words I ususally just don't bother.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
No you get a point if it's your first time on a topic..It doesn't matter that you are the first person..so I understand.
Your welcome and I hope you continue to bless mylot with your perception;)+
@Thewishlady (1057)
• Netherlands
13 Nov 06
You are absolutly right... I have had discussions of me that where answered with just no... These answers do not get a + from me too.. A little explanations with the answer would be nice :)
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
For every answer you give there can always be added a explanation..the explanation always extends a yes or no answer..There is simply no excuse..
Thanks for sharing;)+
@euniceeleanor (5966)
• Singapore
13 Nov 06
at last! someone posted this discussion! Thank you thank you thank you! my guess on why people answer with 'yes/no/maybe/never try that', would be because the discussion dont really need us to answer a lot (for example : you like coffee or tea? coffee (1 word) ...it's very hard to go into very in depth about coffee (if u get what i mean!) To avoid that problem, i posted my discussion that require people to provide longer answers (cheated online? can a woman do the proposing? what do you think of your partner?) you will be suprised that there are yes/no answers too! and if i asked have u been cheated, the answer is no, then dont respond!!! i used to comment on every respond, saying thank you, but now, i dont even bother with those 1/2 words replies. thank you for voicing this out!

@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I always say..You can say .. I love you ..or you can say I love you so much because you have a beautiful way of acting..
Which sentence is more beautiful and comlete?
The second one, of course!!:+

@karan_verma (427)
• India
13 Nov 06
so if we have to get ratings from you,we have to type an eassy or paragraph then send it to you.i think no one has enough timeand also you have to ask some meaningful questions in which we can type an eassy.well i can type this much.bye
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I didn't say that either..You are twisting my words and making a mountain out of a mole hill. I said one or two word responses. If you don't have time to answer more than one or two words, you shouldn't be on the discussion..Wait till you have time..I don't answer my replies during the weekdays until break since I must work. Work before pleasure:)+
@UndercoverNess (134)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Ahhh I totally agree with you! I'm not thrilled with the one/two/three word questions/posts/responses. I can understand that alot of the questions asked on here require a "one word" response, but I actually would like a "reason" for that response.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Yes..that is the secret..a yes or no with a reason lengthens the sentence into someting of more quality value.. Thanks so much for sharing;)+
@dedeeaf (115)
• Romania
12 Nov 06
I believe you are perfectly right. actually, in cases like this, it's the reason that is more interesting than the answer itself because it gives you a short glimpse into the mind of the person and see how they think. you can find out a lot of interesting things about someone just by looking at the reasons they give for some answers :)
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Usually if I ask a question that requires "yes" or "no" I try to include in the question "why or why not" but still for some that part is never answered.
Thanks for sharing;)+
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
12 Nov 06
I totally agree with you. There are so many answers that only consist of one or two words, and some even only exist of a 'yes', 'no' or 'ok'.
The fact that people respond to you is appreciated, but it would be nice if it adds something to the discussion. It can hardly ever be that such a short sentence (or hardly a sentence) really adds up to a discussion.
When I teach children I allways try to make them enthousiastic about longer and better sentences, other then: "Uhhm, ok then". Simple things as "I'm doing fine, thank you. How do you do?" seem to be outruled by: "ok, you?".
So basicly I applaud your topic, I do love the fact that people get active and (try to) participate, but messages with more substance are more higly appreciated in the long run; also by mylot itsself :)
Take care, good to see you around.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
thanks..it's harder to get active during the week ..as I work during the day time..and look at the computer all day..but I am a firm believer of making meaningful sentences..as you say .teaching little ones we expect more ..than when we get older we ourselves slack off;)+
@starr4all (2863)
13 Nov 06
I think you make a valid point about answers. But what about the topics? Some of them are pick answer a or answer b. Sometimes it's hard to stretch out a yes or no.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
In all my posts, I have always been able to stretch the answer..It seems we can stretch things pretty well..like adding on to an answer a few adjectives etc.:)+
@morsh8888 (633)
• Indonesia
12 Nov 06
Well I think you're right, I used to give positive rate for every person that respond to my discussion.I must look forward then.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
If you give the same credit to those who simply say "yes" "no" "I don't know" etc. .as you do to those who really take time to express themselves understandably ...then you are not being fair to those of us who really want to "discuss" instead of answer..
Would you think it fair to pay someone the same wage who simply sits down on a lounge chair and watches everyone work? Surely not..so it is with the ratings of plus, minus and !
I am very slow to give the minus..as I don't wish harm to anyone but am free heared with the plus sign..
@exchange (947)
• Australia
13 Nov 06
i give a + for good posts only
i give a - to all stupid and single/short posts
the rest i dont rate
the more people that give a - will teach those that are only here to make a quick dollar that it does not pay just to say yes/no or me too or even just i agree
lets all make this forum a better place
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
It says right in the guidelines that such responders will be eliminated..but I see so many of them yet. I simply don't acknowledge their post..
I guess I should start posting the minus sign and then going on to the next substantial comment;)+
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 06
I do teach..but not grammar..I just teach little ones their bible lessons..lol..+
@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I so agree!! I'd love to have the questions to have more to them then they do now too. Answers can be sometimes hard when they are asking simple questions like the year you were born or the number of profile views...etc
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Nov 06
You can add extra words regardless..Like I was born in 1964 but why are you asking this sentence? etc.+