Who's fault is it?
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
United States
June 8, 2009 12:09pm CST
My hubby left his lil mini lap top on the kitchen table. He was cooking and asked me to put our son in the highchair, so I did. He left the lap top next to the highchair. Well being that our son is 20 mo's old and likes to fling things he knocks it down. SO is it my fault for putting him in the highchair (& not moving it for him, though he didn't mention it) or hubby's for not putting his toy in a proper place?
I feel he was within 4ft of ds & all he had to do is turn around to monitor him OR move it aside. I figure if I can multi task why can't he? I'm supposed to have eyes in the back of my head 24/7 GRRRRRR......
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22 responses
@saw2207 (1359)
• United States
8 Jun 09
3SnuggleBunnies. ..
all I can say is that
a mans work is from sun to sun
but a mothers work
sorry to tell you that even if you are right (and 9.999999 times you will be right) it will be always be your fault . .
Try to think of it this way . our brain is a house . .and in this house a female goes from the laundry room to the kitchen to the bedroom and then to the kids room and then back again to the kitchen and so on ..
while a man only knows how to find the den!
Smile, be happy and count your blessing . . all of you are healthy . .a computer can always be fixed or replaced:)
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
You are right as women we are used to going from room to room multi-tasking ect during the day and it's never ending either.
The moaping and the complaints about getting a replacement is what I don't want to hear. As he's only had this one maybe a month or two and he'll just be a PITA til it gets replaced with money we don't have. GRRRRRRR.... As a Mom I do w/o so often I feel guilty buying anything for myself skipping mom's day & b-day gifts ect so everyone else can have things... BUT I'm not buying a new tool or gadget every other week even though what we have is fine, he is. But that's a whole other argument.
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@werdsalad (8)
• United States
8 Jun 09
It's no one's fault. Things like this happen when you have a 20 mo's old around the house. It's both your responsibility and your husband's to learn from incidences such as these in order to prevent them in the future. Sorry about the lap top though. That really sucks :(
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
well it still works and that's what counts thankfully.... as I've said I don't want to hear him pouting til he gets a new one *sigh* MEN!
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
8 Jun 09
HI, it is hard to blame one of you. As you being a mom and a wife is hard cuz you do many works at the same times. For this point, I could blame both of you; why? Because,
1. you put your son in the high chair then you have to be careful with anything around him, such as lap top or other stuff that close to his hands.
2. your husband should put it a side or where is secure to put.
3. you can't wait your husband to tell you what to take or what to put away. as you a housewife, you should be aware it all the time.
4. You husband is also busy, and lap top should not be in the kitchen either.
Sorry if I give some negative advice. I have been in that situation and my husband can't blame me cuz of that either. If I accident broke his laptop then I feel sorry for that but if he put it there, and that it is not support to be there then he has to accept it. Another thing, you two should not fight cuz of a little thing. You can replace a lap top but you can't replace the feeling good about each other. if it broke, get a new one (not a big deal) mini lap top is only $300 and thing will solve.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Thankfully his mini laptop isn't broken I just don't want to hear about it constantly if it was til he got a replacement.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
9 Jun 09
well, if it is not broken then he should stop blaming right? but if he still does then he is too girley ... lolz. you know!!!
Nothing happened and think like a big deal or something, I hate it so much.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Oh no! That's not good.
We all know men are the opposite of responsible!
My hubby and I sometimes talk about me going out to work and him staying home.. but I know that would never fly! He'd never be capable of doing the things I do around here.
I don't know forsure who's fault it is, but I don't think it matters now. Is the laptop broken? Do you have to replace it or fix it? If not, no harm done, just be more careful. If so, then worry about getting that done and not trying to place blame. Placing blame never solves or helps anything.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
He finally got it started after him moaning it was "broken" and why didn't I move it cause he was cooking! Yeah I answer the phone, feed kids, cook, give baths fold laundry while cooking and he does what now??? one task. Plus he's always leaving his gadgets out, even put in his desk they still mess with it so you'd think he'd find somewhere higher or in a locked room ect to put it, nope just keeps putting it wherever.
I just wasn't interested in listening to him moap and complain if I hadn't put him in his chair (per his request) it wouldn't of happened.
I'm just glad it seems to be ok. I can't afford to replace another "toy"....
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@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Think of it this way: would you have NOT moved a cup of hot coffee or a burning candle out of reach?? Would have left something of your own that was breakable within reach of your son?
Sounds like you're both at fault but neither wants to admit it. It also sounds as if you left it there on purpose just because you were annoyed that he didn't put his 'toy' away.
You both need to help each other out more without blaming one another for such petty things.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
He was acutally using it inbetween cooking and he set it there on the charger.
Like I said previously I didn't need to hear it being 100% my fault and him moan all week if it had broken as he does if one of his gadgets gets broken.
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I wasn't trying to say it was your fault. He's just as much to blame.
It's his toy, he should have put it away. I know where you're coming from, I get blamed alot of times that I don't feel are fair either... It's almost like just because you're the mom, that you are automatically responsible for EVERYTHING, even though you are only half of the team.... I guess I just automatically go into 'devil's advocate' whenever I am faced (either myself or someone else) with a 'it's your fault' situation.
It's not right, but it's just the way it is; we, as women take on the responsiblity of everything/everyone once we become a mom.... sometimes the only way you can get thru it is to go to other mom's who will be on your side... right or wrong. Best of luck.
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@AlyssaCB (68)
• Canada
8 Jun 09
You guys should stop playing the blame game, in my opinion your both at fault, he may not have put it away when im sure he knows full well your son likes to fling things, but on the other hand, I am sure you know aswell that your son likes to filing things, and when you put him in the highchair you did not move the laptop out of your childs reach.
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@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
I wasn't even thinking about it when I put him in there. It's not my "toy" and I needed to get back to what I was doing in another room.
@pree70 (525)
• India
9 Jun 09
just relax, friend. being a mother is a very exhausting job and from the looks of it, you are having a gruelling experience.
this is just one of those accidents which occur in unfortunate circumstances. but if i had to blame someone, it would be your husband because he should be taking better care of his laptop and putting it away carefully after use. i am sure you did not seat your son next to it intentionally. but do be careful next time.
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Jun 09
Sounds like everyday life.Everyone has incidents like this. You both had a momentary lack of concentration - him for leaving it lying around/cooking whilst the baby was on the loose and you for not noticing it was within baby's reach. You share responsibility for the child but not for the laptop. Anyway, it was only a laptop and not a carving knife and no harm befell the baby so there's nothing to blame anyone for. You can always buy another laptop - if you have accidental cover on your home insurance that should be covered.
@thenextnoel (396)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
It's the kids fault lol :D
Seriously, I don't think it's anyone's fault, just a lapse of judgment on both sides maybe but nothing worth fighting over.
@perowlifick (25)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Hi,It's a random event. You were both busy. You can get together and tell the baby this story when he's older. The main thing is the baby didn't fling himself to the floor as he did the mini-laptop. He's of greater value to both of you.
Do you obsess this much over every little thing? Be happy. He has food to cook and you have a safe high chair to put baby in. Chill and talk about something else.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Jun 09
If I was putting the child in the highchair once I did that I would have moved the lap top. To me its just common sense, I wouldn't wait for someone to tell me to move it, plus he was cooking. Put the baby down and move the lap top no big deal.
@Tuanshun (138)
• China
9 Jun 09
Bad luck for such thing happened to you. But it's not time to blame whoever is wrong about it. The most important things you have to do is find a way which can avoid such things alike happen again in life ahead, and never get hurt on your baby for your carelessness. I think you'll pay more attention to your child since then, cos the "toy" is a little expensive.
@anggareds (96)
• Indonesia
8 Jun 09
u better watch your lap top carefully, or stay away from children
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
8 Jun 09
It wasn't my laptop it was his & my kids can find and reach about anything they are lil monkey's programmed to "destroy" *LOL*
@CrazyMamaANJ (7)
• United States
9 Jun 09
You are both at fault. It may not have been "your job" to move it, but supervising your child IS. You should have made sure that nothing was in his reach, whether it was your hubby's plaything or not. My main concern is the fact that the child was in the high chair to begin with, being that he wasn't being watched when the laptop hit the floor. What if it was your child that had fallen while you both had your backs turned? A high chair is for supervised eating, not a place to stick your kid when you don't feel like keeping up with him!
@wildcat48 (779)
• United States
9 Jun 09
i think it is little bit of both of you guys.1.)for not putting it up before cooking,and you for not moving it a way from the baby before you put him in the high chair.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
9 Jun 09

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Jun 09
You are not going to win this argument! No matter how "enlightened" men become, women are responsible for the children and that's that. Why was the lap top in the kitchen?! I know, it's portable and supposed to go everywhere, but the kitchen is a dangerous place for something like that--liquids, grease, spills, falls, etc.
Tell him he needs to treat his toy like he would his son--assume the worst can happen and take steps to prevent it. Tell your husband you're sorry that you didn't think to move the stupid thing. I don't care what anyone says, when a woman is married she automatically has a child. Any progeny the couple produces are just extra siblings. 

@caskins (689)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Hi 3SnuggleBunnies, I think both of you are at fault, he may not have put it away when im sure he knows full well your son likes to fling things, but on the other hand, you know as well that your son likes to fling things, and when you put him in the high chair you did not move the laptop out of your childs reach.
@unicorn4154 (153)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 09
that thing most important to your hubby,and why not he himself move the lap top to others place..for me your hubby 99.9% to blame..
@whizkid08 (715)
• India
9 Jun 09
Actually, you should not blame each other arguing on whose fault it was.
Well, it was a fault more from his side. He should not have left his laptop in that place or should have moved it a bit.
What's gone is gone! Just be more careful next time and sort this with him calmly.