Do you know someone who is always late ? How do you handle their lateness?
By venshida
@venshida (4836)
United States
June 8, 2009 4:19pm CST
My BF is always late. If he says, I am coming over at 9. It's going to be 10 or 11 before I see him. I use to get really upset about it, and leave the house after about 45 mins. Now, If I am not busy I just know he means an hour or two later. If I have something to do I just tell him I am busy and can't wait. It is one of the most aggravating thing he does. Have you experience this with someone, and how do you handle it.
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36 responses
@sharon1102 (5)
• United States
9 Jun 09
yes i have my cousin is never ever on time she was even late to my wedding and she expected us to wait for her she helps me with my aunt who is 87 and i dont have a car so she comes to take us to doctors appointments and we are late every time a few times we were so late we had to reschedule for another appointment finally i had enough and politely told her about it i said we would take taxis or a bus she was fine for a few months and then it started all over again so needless to say we now either take a bus or cab that was the only way we could get there on time but afew times we left without her even knowing i guess some people are just born to be late so we forgive them and do keep waiting
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
9 Jun 09
To be honest, I would try to find another boyfriend LOL. I am punctual to an obssessive degree, and I just don’t deal with people who can’t or don’t want to respect other people’s time. For me it’s a fundamental question of respect, keeping somebody wait means that you show him/her that you think that his/her time is not valuable, but yours is. You basicall show a total disregard for that person. Now, can you imagine, I somehow ended up living in a latin american country, where it’s considerate to be rude to show up on time for social occasion, let’s talk about the weirdness of life!
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
9 Jun 09
My soon to be ex husband is the worst person I have ever known when it comes to being late. He was never just 10 or 20 minutes late, it was almost always an hour or more. I was brought up to show courtesy to others that if I was going to be late you would call and let whoever was waiting for you know you were going to be late. My grandma always said it was rude for people to be late and not let anyone know. She said to her it meant that the person who was late and holding other people up thought whatever they were doing was more important than the people waiting for them. I completely agree with that concept. I used to get really mad when he would hold up my family if we were sitting down to a dinner that we were invited to or if we had friends that were waiting for us because a lot of times that made me late too because I was with him. I would call and let the people know we wouldn't be there on time.
When I wasn't with him and was waiting along with other people eventually people got so tired of it that they would just go ahead and keep their plans on time and if he wasn't there or didn't have the courtesy to call we wouldn't wait for him.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
My bestfriend is always late. We have known each other for like more than 20 years and all those years, I could just count with my fingers the number of times when she was not late for anything. It's a chronic thing with her and no matter what I say or do, she will still be late so I made up my mind a long, long time ago that I will not try to change her. She just won't change. Now, when she's late, I just call her cellphone, tell her that I am going and she can find me at this place if she wants to see me. She would eventually show up after a while. LOL
@georginaswift86 (111)
9 Jun 09
I am in the same boat as you Venshida, my boyfriend is terrible. When he leaves his house, he says 'be 10 minutes' but evenI know he lives almost 20 minutes away from my house. In addition, he'll ask me whether I want anything from the shop or the garae so I know he's stopping off somewhere. So, it is only ever 20 minutes late that he is at these times but when we make plans to meet at 7 on wednesday, wednesday will come and he'll say he's got things to do, will 8 be okay. But he asks as if we haven't already made plans, it drives me mental.
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
lol. I also experience this to now my husband. He was always late for all our commitments. So what I do is that I always advance the time. Let say we have a party to attend to and I know it will start at 9pm, I will tell him that we have to be their at 8pm. At first, I became irate but since I am so used to it and had found a better way to handle it. Hope you can handle the situation as well.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
9 Jun 09
I'd guess with that kind of time keeping he does not have a job, because A, he never turns up on time for the interview and so gets eliminated by default. Or B, he has by some miracle got a job, but fails to hold it down because he never got into work on time... Or if he does have a job and actually gets to work on time every day, but leaves you standing waiting for him every time, what does that say about his regard for you?
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
While touring East Asia in 05 I realized that not all people go by chronological time. Perhaps we in North America are missing out on something, because we are so stuck on, "what time it is." Our Friends in Loas would tell us to be ready to go out by 8:am, and then pick us up at 9:30am. This happened every day, until the day we were flying out. Then they were right on time. I realized later that Our friends were not stuck to Time, as we were. Anytime was Ok with them, and they were very happy people.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
8 Jun 09
I have been in a similar situation, because one of my ex-boyfriends was always late. If I asked him to meet me at 8 o'clock, he usually showed up around 9 or half past 9. I found his behaviour really annoying, and I was especially angry if we had made plans about meeting in town, because I just sat there and waited and waited. I tried to talk to him about it, and I told him how frustrating it was for me that he was always late, he apologized and agreed to change his behaviour, but after a few days things were back to normal and he was constantly late. Then I made it a habit to ask him to meet me at 7, if I really wanted to meet him at 8, and that worked 

@katsalot1 (1618)
8 Jun 09
My partner of 21 years is the same, and I used to have to automatically add on an hour or two to whatever time he said. After all these years he is better trained now, but still has lapses! He's usually okay if it's urgent, and I have given him a watch which helps.
@jellymonty (2352)
8 Jun 09
I think I know over a dozen people who fit that description! I totally cannot stand late comers. It annoys me badly. My ex too was like that in the beginning of our relationship and I told him that if he ever was late again its over.. He was never late after that!
The entire African continent fits that description.. When you say let's meet at 9.00 to them they hear it like 12.00 and they don't even care that they are late and they still manage to make ridiculous excuses.. I hate that.
So I was lay down the law here. If you're a minute late, don't ever talk to me or that's it I'm no longer interested in you and just shove off and don't waste my time as I am never late. I always arrive bang on time.

@Honeywest (60)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
Im usally 10 minutes early and wondering why everyone is late lol. I have to admit that when someone is late it irritates the heck out of me. When you set a time, stick to it or at least have the curtosy to let that person know you are running late. We used to let tell our friends that dinner would be at 6pm, when in reality it would be 7pm. They still would show up late! We finally got wise and said, oh we are so sorry, but everyone else was here and we ate. They would get whatever leftovers were there. They started showing up alot closer to dinner time after that lol.
@werdsalad (8)
• United States
8 Jun 09
Ugh I hate that. Have you ever talked to him about it?
Lots of people are just kind of oblivious when it comes to time. But that doesn't make it your responsibility to deal with it.
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
9 Jun 09
I think I'd let them know how aggravating it is that he is an hour or more late without letting you know. And I'd make sure there were consistent consequences. For instance, if he is more than 45 min. late without calling you you will not be available to him. If he means an hour or two later he should not tell you an earlier time. That is irresponsible.
I know there are some personalities that perceive time differently. But an hour or more tardiness is more than a perception of time. And if he is running late he should call and give you the choice to wait or not. You don't need to feel guilty about not waiting.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 Jun 09
Hello, venshida!
Yes, there are some people who sure are late to everything. Arriving late to your appointments is not a good thing, it is a really, really bad habit. I know people who are always arriving late, for different reasons: "I had problems at home. The bus was late. It was raining. It was too sun. It was too cold.".
Well, how do you handle that? I don't mind waiting. Sometimes, I like waiting. I'm an extremely patient person, which means I could wait for two hours if I'm okay. Sometimes I don't like waiting, but, still, I do not complain.
But, since you know your boyfriend, set up an appointment at 09:00 and do not appear. When he asks you why haven't you been there, say that he was late. Do this a second time. And, in the third, appear.
If it doesn't work, just set an appointment at, let's say, 10:00, and appear at 12:00.
@ronacruz2007 (650)
• Philippines
9 Jun 09
I hate people who's late maybe because i am always on time and i give respect for the people also who value their precious time . In my entire being i guess i or believe that i never been late for whatever appointment i had in my life thats how i value time
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Yes. I used to have a female friend, she is always late, no matter how many times I tell her to be on time, she is still late, even I tell her like if I meet her at 12:00, I tell her to be there at 11:45, she is still late so I had no faith in her about being on time, so everytime when we went out, I wouldn't expect to her her on time, I was pretty mad about it actually because it didn't only happen once or twice, it was every single time... I did tell her I was mad, my friend was like "Oh let me buy you lunch, drink etc..."
@rebelmel (1386)
• United States
9 Jun 09
Okay, I admit it. I am always late. I have only been on time maybe 5 times in my life; total. I feel like a huge jerk. I wish I could be on time, but there is always something preventing me.
Usually, it's the morning. I hate getting out of bed. Either the house is too cold, or my head hurts - something. This morning, I was supposed to be at work a little early, 830. This is a huge change from the 9am where I am supposed to be in, which I actually stroll in at 930. So I was up at 730. It takes ten minutes to get ready and ten minutes to walk there.
Obviously when I get to work I realized I left my keys home. So I was actually late. When I got back home, I couldn't find my keys, and knew I locked them inside. I had to call our maintenence guy and have him let me in. He didnt come until 10am.
Something like this always happens to me! I have the worst luck!