Are you a superstitious person?

United States
June 12, 2009 12:22am CST
I think to a small extent, I am superstitious, telling myself I'll knock on wood, etc., just in case. But for the most part, I believe more in coincidence, accidents happening, and God than I do in superstitions. What about you? Are you superstitious? What are your superstitions? Thank you... Karen
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17 responses
• United States
14 Jun 09
I'm not superstitious.. but I enjoyed watching my aunt she was really superstitious and she captured mi attention one time .. with a weird one.. I visited her at her apartment and I brought my books from the school with me and I left them over her bed... and she came quickly I picked them up and told me .. Don't put the books on the bed...they are gonna fall sleep... .. that was like my studies are gonna be stuck... or affected.. for that... so weird.. lol
• United States
14 Jun 09
That is new to me. Interesting the various things that people believe :) Karen
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• United States
16 Jun 09
I set aside an hour each day or check back now and then to reply. I do appreciate this place and love the people and interesting conversations!
• United States
15 Jun 09
Right that was weird... anyway I don't know how you have time to replay to all the comments.. I would like to have more time.. and a honest answer... but sometimes I don't know what to add.. Thank you for your time.. appreciate it
@letitia (27)
• China
13 Jun 09
I am a little superstitious.For example,when my left eye in time to jump,i think it means money,so ,maybe I'll get fortune.The other way round,when my right eye in time to jump,it means I will be unluck.It will brings me disasters```haha
• United States
13 Jun 09
These are new superstitions to me. My eyes twitch sometimes. I hope it is the one that brings a little money next time it happens LOL.
• China
13 Jun 09
HAHA```Good luck!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
16 Jun 09
On the whole I am not a superstitious person, to me things like Friday 13th is actually a lucky day, many times in the past I have had windfalls on Friday 13th so I actually welcome the day. I also purposely walk under ladders, but one thing that I am weird about is magpies, I know strange isn't it but I hate seeing just one magpie and I will salute it and say 'Aye aye captain' you know the saying, one for sorrow, two for joy etc, etc... so whenever I see one I always look for its partner, strange though that I dread seeing one! But otherwise I do not have any major superstitions or wanting to wear different coloured clothes or have anything lucky on me when I am going somewhere.
• United States
16 Jun 09
I didn't know about the magpie belief, but like most of us, you have at least one thing that is iffy :) Not strange, but quite normal. Friday the 13th doesn't bother me either, nor walking beneath ladders, etc. Thank you for adding your insights. Karen
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
13 Jun 09
I am not superstitious and I observed that some relatives are.that is why they are not doing well in life.They keep on relying on us for their living and that is very bad.
• United States
13 Jun 09
You are right to feel others should not depend on relatives to take care of their expenses, etc. That is an unfair burden if one is able to take care of self.
@divkris (1156)
• India
15 Jun 09
Hmmmm - i'm not superstitious but i have my own set of beliefs. Like i would wear a particular dress or jewellery so that it could emit luck just as it had done the first day i wore it. There are a lot f funny superstitions my people believe in and i'm a trend setter for not have followed them - LOL. :)
• United States
16 Jun 09
Yay, and up with trend setters like you : ) I think many have a lucky dress or coin or something along that line. Thank you for responding :) Karen
@veedhya (72)
• Mauritius
13 Jun 09
Hmm a bit.........but I believe that it depends on people how they gonna to take it...I think whatever that has to happen will surely happen...and we can't prevent them from happening...I think most of us are superstitious a bit....
• United States
13 Jun 09
I feel many of us are a bit superstitious, too. I do know though that yes, what happens does not depend on those superstitions. Thank you for responding.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
12 Jun 09
I'm really not superstitious. I just don't believe in the superstitions that are going on. I don't believe that there's anything wrong with walking under the ladder will bring bad luck, seeing a black cat will bring bad luck, saying "Macbeth" in a theater will bad luck, or anything like that. I understand that some people believe in these sort of things. But I'm just not one of them.
• United States
12 Jun 09
Your stance is wise, really. Those things you mentioned have no real power over us. It is more of a mindset than anything : )
• India
12 Jun 09
I am a bit superstitious person too.But I am a believer in god too..I use a same pen to write all my exams...Apart from it I always wear the same top,wgich is lucky to me, to attend the job interviews.
• United States
12 Jun 09
I know many people who believe in good luck charms, such as you with your pen and shirt. Many sports figures have those beliefs, as well as the general population. It certainly can't hurt
• Malta
12 Jun 09
Hi peaqcefulwmn9, I am somehow superstitious, but they do not rule my life. Although I do not pass under a ladder, or cross when seeing a black cat, I do not believe in all superstitions. However, I also believe in evil spells like when someone compliments me about something when in fact he wishes me bad luck. I do not know if it's juswt coincidence but it happens to me quite a lot. Last time when was when a friend made a compliment on my shoes and that same day the heel broke off.
• United States
12 Jun 09
Perhaps coincidence is one reason why superstitions came into being. The association, once made, would be held if the occurance happened routinely. And so odd about your shoe! Thank you for sharing your take on things.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
When I was younger I used to be superstitious, but I'm not anymore.
• United States
12 Jun 09
It is freeing to let go of superstitions. It seems many of us were more that way when younger. As we grow up, we tend to see the world more as it is rather than through the superstitions we picked up when young. : )
@zura80 (48)
• Singapore
12 Jun 09
I'm not a superstitious person but i have to admit that sometimes i tend to believe in some superstitions. It includes things like breaking a mirror or glass and you would get bad luck for 7yrs, singing in the kitchen while cooking and u will get an old husband/wife which really happen to me(lol). I do like to sing in the kitchen while cooking when i was a teenager and i married my husband who is 12yrs older than me. I refuse to believe that myth anyway because whatever happens in life is already fated. So to me,it's just a case of mind over matter. If you choose to believe in all this superstitions,it will keep on playing in your mind and suddenly things will start happening to you.
• United States
12 Jun 09
Mind over matter is a good way to think. Like you, I can see where if we believe heavily in superstitions, we will connect many things that happen to them, when that may not be the case at all. I believe some superstitions are mostly habit we've picked up as children from the adults around us. Thank you for your input :D Karen
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
Karen, my theology teacher said that superstitions are sins. That means you totally must not believe in it. Knocking on wood had become a body expression, like crossing your fingers. Nothing wrong if you do that. Everybody wants to prevent bad things to happen and good things to come true, right?
• United States
12 Jun 09
Different theologies do hold different things. Yes, we all do want good things to happen and we do try to avoid bad or dangerous situations. I do believe in God and feel that he is stronger than any superstition.
@xanlui (38)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
I am superstitious, but at times, I wished I wasn't. I always get some second thoughts if I should or shouldn't/
• United States
12 Jun 09
I have dropped most superstitions picked up in my childhood. Still, there is a small grain of it left. I do think people who are not superstitious have a freer mind. Thank you for responding.
• China
13 Jun 09
I am not a superstitious person.Also I am chinese,but I believe scient
• United States
13 Jun 09
That is part of the beauty of being human. We really do have a lot of choice in the beliefs we embrace. Happy day to you :) Karen
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
nope, i am not and definitely wouldn't believe in them.even some of them coincide with other events but i think they're just the consequences of one's actions. i don't believe in images too that we often see in some churches.those are also signs of being pagan and still believes in superstitious stuffs.
• United States
12 Jun 09
I think I may have become a bit superstitious from older people. They had so many sayings and beliefs. I am not nearly so as much as I used to be, though. I like your input!
@letitia (27)
• China
13 Jun 09
I think I am a little superstitious.For example,when my letf eye in time to jump,it means lunky.Maybe I will get some money by accident.or I'll do something successfully.However,when my right eye in time to jump,maybe it will brings disasters``haha
@whizkid08 (715)
• India
12 Jun 09
I do believe in superstitions strongly!! Actually, its been carried over for years in our culture and we are forced to believe in all these. Like the one you mentioned, knocking on wood, no prompting when you are leaving home.. Then, don't pass when a cat crosses your path, aur a dog crying and weeping facing towards your home...Gosh! there are so many, countless!!
• United States
12 Jun 09
You are right...culture and family can play a large role in whether or not we grow up to be superstitious. And yes, there are so many! Broken mirrors, a chair rocked when no one is in it, an itchy palm means money is coming your way, etc. I appreciate you sharing you viewpoint.