Annoying things neighbours have said or done. Past and present.

@jarael (665)
June 14, 2009 3:06am CST
You either love them or hate them. Mentioning no names or street addresses . What do your neighbours do or what have they ever done to piss you off or annoy you. here are a few of my experiences. i was once told that i needed to pick up and throw away every single snails out of my garden because the neighbour didnt want them crawling into her garden and eating her potatoes she was growing. Ha ha ha. Another one is calling the police cus my alarm clock was too loud and was not switched off straight away. Well thats the whole point the alarm clock was there to wake me up and i cant switch it off if im not awake yet lol. Other things i have been told is that if they are in their garden i have to stay inside. complaints to council about daughter coughing at nite. And shouting at my kids.
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16 responses
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
14 Jun 09
oh my, if I had anyone tell me that I had to stay inside if they were out, I'd be out there just to spite them and if she was complaining about the snails, she'd've been invited over to get rid of them, under your watchful eye and what happened when they complained about your alarm - that wouldn't be a problem for me, I am easily awaken, but I've had roomies who could sleep thru the trumpet of doom
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
14 Jun 09
did they move? what happened?
@jarael (665)
20 Jun 09
I wish lol i was stating that thats what they need. Still stuck with them.
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@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
lol you have the same attitude as me, i think they just needed to live isolated from anyone else before they could be happy.
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• United States
14 Jun 09
Oh my, My neighbours are noise as can be. My friend had came by because she had just got back in town and the guy neighbour yell at her talking about "why are you here" and Im like excuse me frist of all mind your own business secondly its none of your business why shes here so instead of worrying about my business take care of your own. This neighbourhood is more elderly people and im jsut about the only young one. Well i have 2 children which are 1 and 3 years old they always run threw the house screaming and carryin on about something LOL but one day needless to say we was on the back porch and next thing i know i had 2 cops and a Social worker at my door and of course i knew who called them. But she was like we have a problem i was like yeah and i know who made the complate and it was the old heffer next to me and i said so what did they complain about and she said that the children was beatin and i said beatin? i said okay if running into things left and right as they are accident prown to anything then okay i guess the table and dorrways beat them up. Mind you they are both boys LOL. But my oldest boy he has a mouth on him at 3 years old and he told the lady in his words was " that damn neighbour just dont like us so you make me him mad" and i couldnt do nothing but laugh about it because it was funny. He said i think that you ned to leave and he took off runnin and ran into the door LOL as normal. And i said see thats what she talked to my oldest boy because my 1 year old cant really talk. So they didnt do anything but needless to say they are fixing to moveLOL
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@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
lol thats funny as i have young kids too and they are always running around , or singing or just doing whatever it is that kids do and neighbours used to moan about it all th etime, even complained to the council abou tthem making too much noise in the mornings. the council just replied, well there kids lol. was bad of ur neighbours to ring social services though. hopefully u will get someone young nect to u when they move lol.
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I live in a neighborhood that has a pooper scooper law. Your dog poops, you scoop it up. Plain and simple. My lazy neighbors let their dog out and he poops in my yard on the side of the house. They do not clean it up. He is a little pocket dog, true enough, but I don't have a dog and I don't want to scoop up dog poop. I only caught them doing it once, but I see the signs all of the time. I hate them for that. Anything I put in the yard will punish the dog. It's not his fault. I would like to punish the adults who are so callous and insensitive.
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@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
i dont like having to avoid dog poo all the time either, people who own dogs need to understabd its part of the responsibility to clean up after it.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
14 Jun 09
you got one too? my will complain if i have company parked long way in front of my driveway even if they arent blocking her driveway she's to lazy to drive around thier car. i even had to get the repair man stopped working on my thing to move his van. then one day i was out back she was like what are you going to do about this branch? i looked over well concering it's not from my tree not a damn thing since you couldnt be more polite about it. so now i dont say anything to her, just waiting for her to complain about something stuipd again so i can tell her off
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@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
some people are so petty arent they. i have a big tree in my garden and once they told me that i had to go pick up allthe leaves from their garden as it came from my tree, pmsl, i told her that the tree didnt belong to me, it belonged to the council, that i didnt park it there lol.
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
14 Jun 09
Years ago, we lived next door to a Methodist minister and his wife. They were always borrowing things, but when they returned them, they'd used most of it. Once, they borrowed a full pack of aspirin and returned it with about 4 left. One day, the minister came around and asked, 'Have you got a dustbin?' My dad snapped back, 'Why, do you want to borrow that as well?' The minister replied, 'No, but the bin men have left two at my house, and I wondered if one of them was yours.' Mum told dad off for being so rude, but it did the trick; they never asked to borrow anything else!
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@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
hahaha, at least it solved the problem lol, i dont think its rude at all, if someone kept borrowing things off me all the time i think id snap too.
@JamieRose (168)
• Philippines
14 Jun 09
Hello. I live in a village wherein almost everyone knows everyone. The thing I don't like about these kinds of places is that rumors are very rampant. They try to meddle with other families' business and lives. Some people try to care about others, but I think its better that they do so, at the right way and with the right manner. :)
@jarael (665)
14 Jun 09
i think where ever you live there are always people that love to talk about everyone and everything. some peopl eare naturally gossipy i guess but some probably do it with mean intention which really isnt nice. would be nice if people minded their business and dealt with their own lives but dont think tht will ever happen lol.
• United States
14 Jun 09
Our past neighbors were the nosy neighbors. Very annoying to say the least. We couldn't take a step outside or have company pull up and they would be staring out their window. They have even gone as far as coming over after the company had left and say things like "oh I saw u had some visitors who were they?" We have since moved and can't even see our nearest neighbors house now...!!
@jarael (665)
20 Jun 09
Oh my god how nosy. Some people have no respect.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I don't have any stories as bad as yours, but I do have a neighbor who hates being home alone, so he'll invite himself over to my place and try to hang out here. He also calls me a lot. I was on the phone the other day when he came over. I made the mistake of answering the door and he just let himself in even though I told him I was on the phone. I find this rude! I should have stayed on the phone and ignored him. I'm not one who enjoys having guests, so I really hate it when people just show up unannounced.
@amanda08 (647)
• United States
15 Jun 09
well... there is one neighbor who let their do run around in everyone's yard and it poops all over the place... very unpleasant to walk out and step in dog poop especially when it is nto even from you dog!! Also there is one older woman who lives around the block but she walks her dog all the time and you will be outside at your house and she will be in her robe letting the dog stop and take a crap in your yard right in front of you, all of our neighbors complain about her....other than that I guess everyone around us is very nice and we like everybody else!!!
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
That is why Loving your neighbor as thy self becomes the more difficult commandment. Neighbors by nature are nosy. People by frailty are envious. They don't want you happy nor successful because they themselves lack these. Hold your head up high and let them be.
@wisdomt (99)
• United States
15 Jun 09
OH I can tell you all about my neighbors and the pain that they are. I have to get up at four thirty every morning and should be in bed right now. But my neighbors think that they have to blast their music from about 11 pm to 1 or 2 am. I have turned them in and all the manager did was send out a copy of the rules. I have tried everything! Thank goodness I am trying to move into a house next month. I can't believe how inconsiderate some people can be.
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
Im a homebody. We dont usually go out and hang around with them almost the whole day like the others do. But we have this friendly relationship with them still. Well, sometimes im a bit pissed off when they are noisy. Its a bit annoying. But i dont do anything to it. I just let it go.
• South Korea
15 Jun 09
mine is these neighbors of ours who like to spend saturday nights at home, they are friends of our boarder, spending their time till the wee hours of the nights singing, drinking and everything to keep us awake till dawn....don't know what to do.
• United States
15 Jun 09
although i usually don't mind, i certainly have reason to complain because i live literally on the edge of a college campus. my neighbors, therefore, include rowdy college kids that love to party at 3 in the morning when i'm trying to sleep or get some work done. sometimes i feel like they are in my house they are so loud! the dorm next door has balconies and when they're drunk or just being noisy, i can sometimes actually hear word for word what they're saying haha. so yea... it can get annoying.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
My neighbor, who lives right next to my house, consistently honks his horn every single morning. I know he is waiting for his wife to get out of their house and it's his way of telling her to hurry up, but he does this everyday at 7AM. I would not mind if he only honks his horn once or twice, but it's not like that. It's a series of really annoying honks that wake me up every freakin' day.
@Ammudoll (549)
• India
14 Jun 09
I visited My sisters place in Portland and had similar experience like yours. I should not talk over the phone on that builing balcony area when the neighbours are sitting outside in the garden. Though I don't speak loudly my brother-in-law repeatedly used to tell me that I have to talk inside the house or in my room only and not allowed outside. I felt why like that?? Later he said tey will complain saying that we are disturbing them..