How did I get hooked on Twitter?

United States
June 14, 2009 12:23pm CST
In the beginning when I first registered to Twitter I didn't like it. I thought it was boring at first. So then I didn't think of using it in a time being. Then all of a sudden weeks past by it has been talked about a lot on TV, the news, on the radio and other commercial ads. It got hooked for even celebrities that you might even know. So then last week I thought of going back to Twitter to check it out. So I searched for friends that I do know and notice they been using it a lot. Then I started figuring how to use the site and all of a sudden I just got hooked with it. It's like keeping up to date with what you do, have a simple question you want answered. Kind of like one that uses Mylot to post a new discussion to get a response. Do you use Twitter? Do you find yourself hooked on it? Like it or dislike it?
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19 responses
@SinfulFox (135)
• United States
14 Jun 09
Haha, I know what you mean! I thought it was kind of pointless, especially because on sites like MySpace and Facebook, they have status updates, so a website JUST for status updates seemed silly and boring. But I got one a couple weeks ago and found some friends and now I'm hooked, too! I got it on my phone too so I can even text in an update on the go. =P I actually really like it, and I think it's fun, but my profile is still new so I'm only following like 3 people and I don't have any followers yet.. XD Only one or two of my friends from school use it, but I like it and think it's fun and addicting.
• United States
14 Jun 09
Cool! So far I have 3 peopled added on there that I'm following. Then I'm wondering what the following method means, but oh well it's fun for the most part. Thanks for sharing
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@Glow1971 (354)
• Spain
14 Jun 09
At first I didn't like it but now I do. There are so many people you can chat with and learn from. My twitter name is Glow1971 and if you spend alot of time on twitter, there is a way to earn some money by shortening your URL's on twitter. The link is on my profile. Let us know what your twitter name is so that we can follow you. Have a good day!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Jun 09
My twitter name is darkangel_30 and yeah I'm on there from time to time. So yeah add me up on there. Thanks!
• United States
15 Jun 09
No worries I added you by putting in -- Yeah I tried searching for me through the Find People by using my username and lastname. I changed my username to darkange079 but that didn't help. So my twitter is now Quick resolution on my part LOL. See you there!
@Glow1971 (354)
• Spain
14 Jun 09
i'm not able to find you on twitter..I know this has happened to me a couple of times and to some other people as well. see if you can find me. it's glow1971
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• United States
15 Jun 09
People who love Twitter are devoid of life. There is nothing special about Twitter. Okay, so you tell people how you feel and they can see what is going on in your life. Who cares? I don't. I don't have time for that meaningless stuff. People who love Twitter have no lives.
• United States
15 Jun 09
Most people I know who use Twitter are addicted to Twitter. It is okay to keep up with friends, but I know people who will take it to the extremes.
• United States
15 Jun 09
I use Twitter, but doesn't mean I don't have a life or devoid by it. I work, have fun, hang out with my friends so you'd have to be a bit more detail on what you mean. More of like to say verses those who don't do nothing else in their life but Twitter, don't work, don't have friends, is lazy then yeah I can say those people are devoid to life. If people have friends they know to keep contact with then so be it. Same thing with people who use Myspace or Facebook, or even here in Mylot.
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• United States
15 Jun 09
Good point Rogue some people do take it to extreme on that site. That I can say are people with no lives. What even annoys me at times is when there are people that try to follow me or what not then they just start to blurt out blah at times like I don't even want to know about. Then there are just people who just keep spamming the same crap all the time. However it's just a lot more fun when keeping in contact with people you know well.
@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
14 Jun 09
Ive been using twitter for about 6 months, I think, and use it every day. I follow the likes of John Cleese, Stephen Fry and Tony Robbins and find I get great snippets of advice, funnies and great news stories I wouldnt otherwise have known about. Not addicted so much as just love to connect with people, and with the right tools it doesnt take up that much of my time.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Hello friend. Last couple of weeks ago I've been referred to joined Twitter. I don't really know what's really the real score about this site. I don't know what to do. Is this an income earner socialite site? I feel like going back again after I read your discussion about this Twitter. Could you please tell me just the basic thing to do on this site.. thanks a lot..
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• United States
18 Jun 09
It's an ok site, but it's no big hype to tell you the truth. I'm only on there sometimes. It's just a site where people up to date what they're doing. However, with most of people that follow you or you follow it will reveal a lot of what people has been up to, kind of like lack of privacy and you can see what everyone is saying. Therefore, there isn't much on there to do. There are also some people that join to just post their links of their favorite websites.
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@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
Oh yes..thanks for the info..I'll check it out...thanks again I appreciate it really
@Dreajk20 (28)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I never went on twitter cause it seems to me to be a boring site. Just updating your status whats the point to that? So I guess I will never have a twitter simply because I don't find it interesting. But I guess it's right for some people.
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• United States
18 Jun 09
Come to think of it you're right. At first I thought it would've been something cool. But then I'm like "Uuughhh!" at times it can be downright boring. But can't go wrong with Myspace though. They like did the same thing on there using something similar to Twitter and then some. Yeah I checked your myspace beans! 420 blazin' all day.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
15 Jun 09
i'm not a member of twitter yet and i don't know what the site is all about... but based on your post, i can guess that this site is similar to facebook, friendster, etc... i will give it a try... but for the time being, i am happy being here and i don't plan to move to another site yet... take care and have a nice day...
15 Jun 09
I have a twitter account on which I follow people of interest, but I do not tweet messages myself. I do not have anything of interest to say really so I am happy with being a silent member. There has been a huge amount of talk about it recently in all media outlets. For the most part it is hype, but there are plenty of interesting people to follow. With what is going on in Iran at the moment it is a good example of why twitter is a valuable tool.
• United States
15 Jun 09
I'm such a Twitter addict! I have to avoid the place like the plague if I want to get any work done online. Once I was so wrapped up in Twitter that I forgot to cook dinner and had to end up ordering pizza. Needless to say, my Twitter obsession abruptly halted after that $20 fiasco! But I do still use Twitter to promote my paid articles and such. I think it helps. I have no solid proof, but you never. Add me on Twitter if you want and I'll do the same for you. Twitter username: beautyqueen26 Later
@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
15 Jun 09
I just joined twitter for a few days and was wondering what to do with it so I started with a few stupid post and then again don't know what to do about it. (my user name : mysoftbox)
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
19 Jun 09
I don't use Twitter. I am curious about it. Starting hearing about when the stars seemed to be using it. I may check it out at some point. I need to keep up on the more popular sites because it helps my writing to have information about it on such sites. That old networking thing ya know. I will probably check it out at some point. Just haven't yet.
• Singapore
15 Jun 09
i just join twitter not long ago , i really find it quite boring there and don't know what to do , just need to post what are you doing.... , what is your twitter user name , i add you as a follower ,ok ?
• Netherlands
15 Jun 09
Hahaha yes thats the main thing about twitter, you can respond to celebrities tweets and when they reply, you feel like you have a special bond with them. I tired that as well, with the Kutchers but I got bored with it after a while. So what I did is just follow my friends and chat with them through twitter. Its fun because its like a big chatroom where everyone can respond to your post. Unlike YM which you should be in the conference, twitter makes it more accessible for friend to talk. I actually forget to update my facbook because im twittering so much/
@Toxicon (163)
• United States
19 Jun 09
I tried twitter and like you became very bored with it. It seems the majority of followers I was getting were actualy automated systems trying to get me to buy into thier affiliate system or their product. I followed a few celbrities and they dont tweet often enough for it be of any real intrest to me. Maybe I'll go check it out again one day but for now I'm just not interested in twitter enough to bother.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I have never been to Twitter. I have heard alot about it though. I like to spend most of my time at Mylot. I just have not ewanted to join any other social networking sites. I just do not have the time for it.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
15 Jun 09
I'm not fond of Twitter although I actually have an account there. I prefer Plurk over twitter and I think it's so much better. It has a better layout that is very much more manageable than the messy layout of Twitter and the micro-blog conversations are easier to sort out. Thanks for the response on my discussion :)
• United States
14 Jun 09
I haven't really tried twitter since i got a virus on my computer and had to restore the whole thing. Was not happy at all. I have noticed though alot of my friends says its more addicting then myspace. I know for awhile I was so addicted to myspace that I went on there before I went to bed, when I woke up, while I was eating, doing my daily activities and even at work. My husband got to the point where he was like are you cheating. Is he on myspace? LOL I never want to be like that again, but it was so much fun while it lasted. I haven't closed my opinion on Twitter I might try it again one day but not right now.
• Canada
15 Jun 09
I use twitter and only slightly hooked. What I like about it is that it's a real-time search engine. If there's a fire in the region, lots of people will be tweeting about it right away, so it's immediate, in terms of news. They also say you can get a second education on twitter. All these top 10 lists can help, ie. 10 ways to stop procrastination, how-to do things, etc. You do learn things.
• United States
14 Jun 09
I signed up for it and just really did not like it. I just don't like the idea or knowing what everyone is doing and vice versaat all times. I would have an extremely boring twitter anyways lol. I do have a myspace though and post my status on it. I definately prefer that. I always find fun things to do on myspace and talk to friends. They even have IM now when you sign on.