Are you planning on going to see The Hobbit when it is released in theatres?

@jedopi (401)
June 15, 2009 10:16am CST
The Lord of the Rings is my absolute favourite movie(s) of all time and I cannot wait for the prequel, The Hobbit, to come out. It won't be out in theatres until the end of next year so I still have a LONG wait, but I am sure it will be worth it. Are any of you looking forward to this movie also?
7 responses
@mithrril (73)
• United States
15 Jun 09
I'll definitely be seeing it, hopefully opening night. I've been a huge fan of Tolkien since 1st grade when my mother read the books to me. I love the books and I love the movies. I haven't really heard much about The Hobbit movie but I'm sure it'll be great. If I can, I'd like to go for a midnight showing.
@jedopi (401)
• Canada
15 Jun 09
I agree with you on Tolkien. He is (or I should say "was") an amazing author. Have you ever read The Silmarillion by him? It tells all about how Middle Earth came to be. It is also a fantastic read.
• United States
15 Jun 09
I haven't read that one yet. I have a copy of it but it's very old and I'm afraid to read it. I don't want it to fall apart and it's not in the best shape. Eventually I intend to buy a new copy or check it out from the library and actually read it.
@jedopi (401)
• Canada
17 Jun 09
You can always get a copy from your local library. I have also read it online. There is an illustrated version as well. It is definitely worth taking the time to find and read. I have read it twice because I was a little confused the first time. It tells of the creation of Middle Earth, where the elves, dwarves, and men came from and how. It also tells you about who and what Sauron is and about the beginnings of the giant spiders like Shelob. The story of Beren and Luthien and who Elrond and Galadrial really are. It is an amazing story. In fact I am planning on reading it again soon.
@tomjoad (551)
• Philippines
14 Jul 09
wow! there's a movie of the hobbit? and it's coming out next year? man, that's really great! i can't wait to see that movie. when i read the book, i really had a good feeling that it would make a really good movie. now i'm very excited about that news! for sure, i'll go watch it. i hope they will have a good interpretation of the book. sometimes, usually the book is better to read than watching the movie. i hope it would do better than the LOTR trilogy. i'm pretty confident that it will.
@jedopi (401)
• Canada
14 Jul 09
Does your comment mean that you did not like the LOTR movies? They are my absolute favourite movies of all time.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jul 09
Wow, I think I am going to wait till next year to see if I want to go and see the movie or not. I am thinking there is a couple of movies in the theaters now that I will love to see, the new Harry Potter Movie, Angels and Demons and my Sister's Keeper, I am sure my Sister's Keeper will win.
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
I am sooo looking forward to this! I've been waiting for this for so long, so I am definitely watching it when it comes out! My only hope is that their interpretation stays close to the book.
@sirknight (118)
4 Feb 10
the hobbit should be worth watching but do not expect to much from this movie because peter jackson is not making it so it might be a disapointing film but i will keep my ear to the ground when it come out ,i hope it is good because if it is not i will wait for it to come out on dvd
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
29 Jan 10
I will most certainly see it. I might go to London to it with my friends there, I've made some online friend through Tolkien discussions and seeing it with them would be great. Really looking forward to them, I hope both'll be good.
• Brazil
16 Jun 09
Yes, for sure I will go to watch it. I really liked to read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, not to mention the movies. The only problem about this movie is just when they will arrive on theatres, just next year like you said.