drinking water

@pingi68 (304)
June 16, 2009 7:01am CST
i know that water is very important for our health, so everyday i try to drink more than 2 liters of water expecially in this hot period! do you drink too? and how much per day?
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6 responses
@colydf (913)
• China
5 Jul 09
When I was very young, I do not like to drink water at all, and I remember my mother always forth me to do so and tell me that is really beneficial to my health. And now, I know that we need to drink water and it is essential to our body. I have a bolttl of 500ml, and every day, I drink about five bottles water, I think maybe that is enough for my body.
• Singapore
16 Jun 09
i drink a lot of water , i think more than 8 glasses a day . beside water , i also drink cold drinks like coke or some fruits juice ,due to the hot weather .
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
Knowing the importance of drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day wasn't enough to make me do so. I don't really drink a lot. I can even last a day with only 1 glass of any fluid. Usually, I only get to drink water when I ate something really sweet or something really salty or bitter or sour. But, just because I need to, no. This caused my thirst to shut, which is so bad. Just recently, I started to discipline myself to drink enough fluid if not water per day. Still struggling to drink at least a bottle of mineral water each meal. But, I have been drinking orange juice regularly.
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
16 Jun 09
I try to drink a lot of water a day, but there are times that I don't pay much attention about drinking water, especially when I'm too busy in front of the computer. I think, I drink about 1 litre a day, sometimes more.
• India
16 Jun 09
Drinking water daily about 6 glass of water what doctor suggest is good for our health, i think not many of us follow this many just drink when they feel thirsty and not just for drinking itself. For i am trying to get that quota daily
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
16 Jun 09
Oh! gosh! i drink a lot of water. But not the cold one. Well, i think more than 8 glasses a day..^_^