How Young Is Too Young For Facebook?

United States
June 16, 2009 10:41pm CST
Tonight I was chatting with my ex online. My 8 year old daughter lives primarily with him. Both of us have a Facebook and he was telling me that our daughter was sitting there and she wanted one too. I told him that she was too young for a facebook. Then a couple minutes later he told me to add her as a friend on Facebook. I guess what I thought didn't really matter. I added her as a friend and she chatted with me while she was on it. I know that I will be looking in on her Facebook very often to see what is going on with it. But how old do you think a child/teen should be before they are old enough for a Facebook?
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36 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
17 Jun 09
Umm, are they allowed to have one that young? I think 13 or 14 is the age on MySpace but then again I see so many kids on there and know them and know they are only 14-15 and it shows them being 18 when they are not. You have to be careful. I think it is not a good idea that she has one and her so young. My sister is 8 and no way would I want her to have a facebook or myspace account. To many perverts out there to try to take advantage.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Yeah that is all true but some parents might not monitor it or have time to if they did but occasionally. It is so easy to make a account and appear younger or older then a person really is. Having it set to private is the best bet so that they can only add friends that they really know.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I don't think it's an issue if the PARENT screens it and puts the privacy on. I've seen some kids that have pages that their parents make and update. I don't do that but why, I post up pics of my daughter on mine, and she's only five. She has no desire to do anything like that... yet.
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• Canada
17 Jun 09
I was 16 years old when I got onto the internet (1998) long before Facebook, MySpace, etc. However, had these things existed at the time, I would have been ready for them. I was mature and responsible at that age. Mind you, a lot of 16 year olds are not responsible. I think "too young" depends on the person.
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@Ruby722 (796)
• China
17 Jun 09
Yeah,you are right .'too young' depends on the different person.if your daughter can take the resonsible .eight year old maybe she can have one.
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• United States
22 Jun 09
I was around 16 as well when I got into the internet and all the online things . They didnt have many social networks then at all . It is nice that there is a facebook , and well a myspace . I think at a younger age you can be a target , and also maybe get yourself into a mess of trouble . I think it depends on how mature you are as well . 8 years old to me just seems so young . Maybe in jr hs .
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
18 Jun 09
As long as they are monitored, then I think it's ok as soon as they can type and read. It's just like anything else with kids, you have to monitor them. When they want to call a friend, do you let them? Sure, but you ask who they're calling, and usually keep an ear pointed their way to monitor them a bit. As they get older, you monitor less because you have a comfort level. It's kinda the same thing. When my kids were younger - I had my first computer with internet when they were like 10 and 12 - I had rules and monitored what they did all the time. Since you're on your daughter's friends list, you should be able to monitor her pretty well. You can check her profile and see who she's talking to and all that. If you and your x feel she's not using it well, then you can have it taken away. Just keep an eye on it.
17 Jun 09
Hi singlemommy, I would let any youngsters get on Facebook as you don't know what dangers it will lead to, you can't get into her private messages to check so I think it was wrong of her dad to let her, I would strongley talk to your ex about it. Tamara
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Jun 09
You can get into all the private settings and messages if you have the user information and pw. With an 8 year old, obviously that can be a stipulation so you can monitor everything. I did that for awhile with my daughter when she was 13 and 14. If for some reason, the login info didn't work, then she wasn't allowed on the computer for a week. I only had a login problem TWICE in 5 years.
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@reichiru (748)
• Canada
17 Jun 09
It really depends on the person. Some children are just more mature at a younger age than others, but Facebook does try and limit the amount of younger users by putting an age restriction of 13 on there (although it doesn't really help cause all the younger kids just lie about their age anyways). Still, they're quite right to put a restriction, because honestly a child doesn't really need a Facebook account before high school, since he or she wouldn't really know that many people then anyways. High school is when you really start meeting new people, so it's more of a right time to get a Facebook. I was 16 when Facebook first became really popular and I signed up for one after a couple of friends sent me invites, and I find it very useful to keep in touch with some old friends and the like.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I actually disagree with you and think that 12 or 13 (when most kids are in middle school or junior high) is fine for them to have a parental-watched social network page. I actually ONLY created a myspace originally because my daughter wanted one when she was 13. She's almost 20 now so it no longer matters, but when she was a young teen, I went through that thing all the time. I know she didn't like that but my alternative was to delete it, and kids who know their parents are monitoring things tend to make wiser decisions, at least publically lol. Would I have let her have it when she was 8? Probably not. Even at 13 she was kind of crazy. My son has one and he was never as into it as his sister, and as a result I don't have to sit there and look at everything he put on it either.
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@jeneias (608)
• United States
19 Jun 09
Well, I was around 12 when I started using Myspace. 15 when I finally decided to try out Facebook. I now use both and am 16 years old. I guess it depends on the teen. Now, I do think 8 is too young. What does an 8 year old need FB for? Anyway, I began using Myspace at 12 to chat with my friends because my mother wouldn't let me have a cell phone. Nowadays I use Facebook and Myspace for that same reason, and also to discover new music (I LOVE music), learning, reading Bible devotions, etc. I have a purpose for using FB/MS. I'm not sure an 8 yr old does.But hey, nowadays 8 yr olds are making more money than their parents! So I'm not really surprised by long as the parent is supervising, go for it, I guess! Maybe your ex wants to teach her how to be safe online. I know that I'd do that with my child before they discover the internet on their own. Ya know, kinda like the birds and the bees and driving lessons. You gotta do it nowadays. Idk, just my $0.02! :)
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jun 09
I am not sure what age is appropriate for that site. I am joined there but do not visit it often at all. I think a child needs to be monitored when joining any site. She may be a bit too young though.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
18 Jun 09
I personally think that is to young. My son still doesnt have anything like that and he just turned 14. I allow them at 15 and then I oversee it alot! There are just so many weirdos out there that you just never know. I hope that he will watch over what she does and who contacts her too.
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• United States
22 Jun 09
That is far too young. Too many pervs hang out there. I do hope he keeps that computer of hers out of her bedroom? I hope she doesn't have a webcam....
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 Jun 09
I don't think children should be allowed on social networks at all! It's too dangerous, there are too many perverts out there. A person should be at least 18 before being allowed to join Face Book or My Space or anything else like that. Kids should be communicating with each other face to face or on the telephone, not online where all the world can see. Although it's nice that you can chat with your daughter, I don't think she's old enough to have an account. She can't understand the dangers no matter how much you explain them because an 8 year old just doesn't have the capacity to imagine such horrible adult things.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Herein lies the problem. You make everything taboo... put up age restrictions. Then it becomes even more NECESSARY for kids to have access... to get access in false ways, to lie about their ages, who they are, where they live. I don't think THAT is good either. Being afraid of everything isn't the answer, and hiding under a rock isn't the answer either. I do know some people choose that path but it's not going to solve anything in the long run. Kids communicate with everybody online, on cell phones, texting, instant messenger. While there are definite threats out there, aren't the benefits better? I think so. When I was 14 or 15, I couldn't get a cheap prepaid phone with a small text plan so I could let my mom know my class ran late or my friend's mom got a flat tire. However, now I could get a kid-friendly phone for my daughter that only allowed her to call my cell phone, my hubby's cell phone, our home phone, and my best friend. She could even text with presets. I can tell you it's extreme peace of mind to KNOW you can reach your child or they can reach you any time, even if they aren't right with you.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Mommyboo, if it is your child with a parent like you I would not prohibit the child from Facebook. You are watching your child, you take the time to keep your child safe. But so many parents don't, they are too busy and that's when the child is in danger. Parents like you are rare nowadays. I let my sons surf the net and even talk to some people in chat but I was always there and they were safe. You are the exception, not the rule. The rule is, parents want their kids to grow up quickly so they don't have to spend the time to watch them and keep them safe. That's why I say that nobody under 18 should have access to social communities. If we had more parents like you, we wouldn't have to worry.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Jun 09
Well, it depends on the maturity of your daughter, doesn't it? I am a parent too and I have to say I'm very careful not to use just AGE to determine what is appropriate and what isn't. There are 6 year olds who can be trusted with things that other 16 year olds CANNOT be trusted with. It all depends. What do you think? I see that you're a little irked about your ex not caring about your opinion, but do you trust your daughter? Just make it private to prevent anybody else from exploiting her and discuss internet safety with her - not sharing private things like addresses, phone numbers, etc.
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@shamzy18 (2316)
18 Jun 09
well my sister is 9 and she wanted one but i definately did not think she should have one so i said no. She doesnt need it its not like her friends have email addresses and stuff! she does use the net mainly for games though i dont think she needs a facebook. facebook i would think is ok for people who are 12-13 and over. Though for me i think i would have got it at age of 13 thats if it existed.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
18 Jun 09
hmmm 8 is too young, around 14 or 15 maybe they could have facebook already or other social networking sites given it is monitored by the parents. i am glad my daughter is still 4 years old and she is still learning to read! lol. and she wont bug me of having an fb sites!
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@pxm204192 (160)
• China
18 Jun 09
what is the facebook, what kind do you let your children read? these more detail need you know further more. as far as i see, the eariler do you let your children know the face book,the more opportunity to let your children know the world,get from ways to feel the world,because the out information what the children have contact with is vision systemes,although,the children can not read completely,you can let know them,spell,read,voice,all sides let them to know them in their feeling to get these slow is it,it is necessary process to go over.i can know that the conceive ability of the children is very strong,depending on our leding.
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
18 Jun 09
I think that an 8 year old is way to young for facebook. My kids are 8 and 11 and neither one is on facebook or msn or any of that. They do have their own email addresses, but I know their passwords and they just use it to email their grandma and uncle that live far away. My kids re only allowed on pre approved sites as well. The internet is a scary place. I do know that some girls in my daughters class have facebook accounts, but these are also the 10 year olds that have cell phones, dye their hair and wear make up. My kids are kids plain and simple and I dont allow them to do things intended for teens and adults. Kids grow up so fast, no need to speed it up. Once they are in high school I think that they would be old enough to have an account as long as they follow household rules. Some people use facebook as a popularity contest accepting every single friends request even from strangers. I think the should only add people they know . After all is it really necessary to have 438 facebook friends? If it were my child I would not let her use the account. If you do decide I highly recommend that you make sure you know her password so you have the ultimate authority over what happens on her account and what information she is sharing. I would also have a long talk with her about internet safety and also to your ex about boundaries for her. I don't know if you and your ex get along, but even if you don't you need to present a united front on these issues. I know how it can be with one parent allowing things the other does not and in the end the kid is the one dealing with they confusion and anger when things are taken away. Even if he does have primary custody you are her mother and should have a say in her upbringing. Sorry to go off on a rant. I just have issues with kids growing up so fast now days. People need to just let their kids be kids and not mini adults.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
17 Jun 09
I think she is too young. You can not control what she is doing and it may be dangerous. I don't know how she was able to sign in when they require people to be at least 13....
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
17 Jun 09
in my own personal opinion, an 8 year old should not be allowed to have an account or even allowed to get into the internet without supervision. remember, the internet is a very dangerous ground for youngsters. you never know who they might get in touch with. youngsters, 1 to 18 years of age, are still very curious about so many things and they easily believe everything they see and read or even hear. the internet is a very powerful tool to persuade anyone about so many things. even adults get scammed by common obvious things, what more for a child. please, be very careful.
• United States
20 Jun 09
I'd make her take it down, and not only because I would be pi$$ed at her father for asking, then putting it up anyway. I don't know that I can put an age on this, but I do know that a child should know about the dangers of talking to a stranger online and in person before they get any kind of online profile. When I read this, the first thing that crossed my mind was all the online predators that she is now exposed to.
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@glords (2614)
• United States
17 Jun 09
I really don't know... I would have thought facebook would have made an age limit for its clients that would prevent children from using their service. I think however that its good to introduce your children to technology, and have an active role in their use of online communities. Children don't understand the consequences of their actions online and they need your guidance. Hopefully you help her understand that the things she puts in writing or pictures is very dangerous, and could have damaging effects on her life. I used to work in the juvenile courts, and I can't tell you how many times facebook and myspaces pages were used against kids in the court of law. Even if they didn't post anything related to the particular crime facebook and myspace pages are used as evidence to indicate poor character and bad judgment. This often landed the children with stiffer penalties then their counterparts who participated in the same crime. I think dateline NBC has shown people enough of online predators, so I wont go into that. Another risk is that your daughter might post something personal. Some people have posted blogs from their family vacations, only to return home to a burglarized house. So risky. I'm glad your ex is helping her explore this risky new world.
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• Malaysia
17 Jun 09
Want to know how young? Take me for example. My two kids age 7 and 8 are on Facebook. I am on Facebook, but only has 3 friends. Guess what, these 2 kids especially my 7 year old boy has almost 50 to 100 requests everyday from all over the world wanting to be his friend. They range from 8 year olds to almost 30 year olds. Many are girls and I mean GORGEOUS GIRLS ( from their photos)! Who wouldn't want to know a guy called "Cool Robo James" and a cute picture of a dog!! He knows a thing or two, and he's only 7 YEARS OLD, lol.