Do you pray? Do you believe in some sort of God?
By momiecat
@momiecat (997)
United States
June 20, 2009 2:46am CST
This may be too touchy of a subject and too personal for some. If so, I apologize. I have always wanted to believe there is a "God" who watches over all of us. However, even though I have the strong desire to believe, I find myself doubting. I am not sure if prayer works. I think sometimes you pray for someone to get well and they don't. I prayed for my 4-year-old cat to survive cancer and he did not. That especially is when I started to doubt my faith. I still talk to "God" from time to time but I am not sure if He is there to hear me. Sometimes things happen and I feel they are gifts from "God" but other times bad things happen and I wonder why God? They say that faith is believing just because and I hope if there is a God he will forgive my doubt. May be I am being selfish to expect some sort of proof? I don't know. It still remains a mystery to me as to if He really exists and/or why do people want to believe that a God exists? I sometimes feel it is a way for people to rationalize death as we can all see how permanent, at least in body, that death is.
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50 responses
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
hello momiecat,
Of course I pray a lot of times of the day and before sleeping. And I strongly believe in GOD. Whatever your doubts to him, it's only you who can clear that out. Maybe your belief and faith to HIM is not that strong yet that you still have doubt.
Don't blame HIM for all the negative or bad things that have happened. Hope you're thanking HIM for every blessings that you've received. Every thing in this world is not permanent. Take that in the positive manner and a challenge to be a better person.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
This is a saying that I have heard a lot, God only gives us what we can handle. Yes each of us may think that our lives are way to tough, but looking back at a past situation in your personal life, do you see what you did to get through that rough patch.. and what lessons you learned.. which can help you in a future situation that will occur or has a occurred?
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@momiecat (997)
• United States
20 Jun 09
I appreciate your thoughts. I feel my belief used to be stronger. I thought I was a "born-again" Christian. I do thank Him for the blessings I receive but I don't thank Him for my sorrows. I have heard the saying "He does not give us any more than we can handle". Many times I have felt that He is pushing my limit on this one. To love something and then have it die before its time is a tough one for me to swallow. I know that I should be more positive but sometimes I just cannot seem to pick myself up out of that pit of doubt.
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
God ways are really hard to fathom. The best we can do is to honor Him in all we do.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Jun 09
Yes I believe in God, he is my heavenly father.. I pray to him, I talk to him each and every day.. I believe that He does answer some of my prayers... But some are not suppose to happen.. Not sure if you listen to music but the song that is sung by Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers. I believe this is very true.. We are human and it is in our nature to ask for everything.. And God is our heavenly parent, and in his own way he is saying no that is not what is going to happen or you do not need that at this time.. Another way to look at it is; a parent and a child.. A child does not know any better so they ask for everything.. And its the job of the parent to sit there and make the decision for them.. Aren't we all God's children? So he is just being the parent and when we ask for something and we do not receive it, could it be he has good reason for it?
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
22 Jun 09
[b]Dear, God isn't a giant wishing well, but a Being, Who cares more for us than anyone else possibly CAN. And He is our Father, Who knows what we need even before we know we need it. Remember, sometimes He answers "No." A good example might be asking God to let such & so marry us, when GOD knows he'd be a terrible husband, or a worse father, & when we don't get the answer we want or expect, what we have to do is trust Him. HE knows everything, remember.
Sometimes suffering, even that of a little animal, is good for the soul (not the animals'--their souls are blameless--but our own). Much can be learned through suffering. But don't stop believing in God.
Over the years, I've asked God many questions, & I've learned to look for His answers, & to trust Him, even when I can't immediately understand. He always...I mean ALWAYS...answers. And it always turns out He was right. (Surprise! LOL!).
Don't lose faith, hun. Go & talk to your religious counselor. In my case, being Eastern Orthodox, it would be my priest. And continue to pray. It may surprise you to learn this, but there are many saints who have experienced what is called "the dark night of the soul," when it SEEMED as though God wasn't listening. You might want to read some of their writings, & see how their faith kept them through these times, until they reached enlightenment from God.
God is with you, always. Never forget that.
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Yes I do pray and I also believe in some form of God. I don't like calling it God, Buddha, Krishna, or Mohammed though because I have never really seen the supreme being and I'm not going to call it by something that someone else has named it. I believe more in a Divine Consciousness that we descended from to get to this planet and I know that some day we well reascend to the divine and become more of a part of it then we already are.
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@bluerlyn (139)
• Philippines
20 Jun 09
yes i do believe in God. The universe itself is a proof that someone bigger and more powerful came up with this grand design. I know my God and He is an awesome God. He is the Divine Trinity.
God gave me a burden to pray for a friend's father who is in a coma for 2 months, the day after we prayed for his healing, he woke up. When you know who you're praying to, there will be no doubt in your heart. So open your heart to the Lord and ask Him to reveal himself to you.
@Videogeezer (654)
20 Jun 09
I do not believe in god as such, for all I know it could exist. I just can't believe in something nobody will ever have proof of, in this life at least. I am certainly a unbeliever when it comes to religion, I am not sure how people can follow something like that seriously when it is all based off faith.
@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
21 Jun 09
I know one thing for sure, I'll keep praying for you. I've gone through phases of disbelief, but a lot has changed within me. Nobody can force another person to believe. It just has to happen.
@momiecat (997)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Gosh everyone, big apologies on not getting back to everyone in a timely fashion. There are just so many responses to my post. It is so overwhelming! Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and opinions. I will read all the posts and respond when I can.
@momiecat (997)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Cute name Trixy. You are right, no one can force you to believe, you have to come to that point on your own. I do not condemn anyone who believes in God. In fact, I embrace the idea. However, for some of us, it is just very hard to deal with the idea that God can allow bad things to happen. The world is in great turmoil right now. Many people are suffering. I do not know how to justify that there is a God who would allow such bad things to happen. I know it is a sometimes a question of evil and satan but still, I find all of it a hard pill to swallow. Keep praying for us all!
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
21 Jun 09
I pray many times a day. I also light candles and use incense for offering. I do believe that most people pray in one way or another.
It was said one time that a man prayed to God to have this one girl and get to marry her. He did not do this, he married someone else. He ran into this first girl that he wanted so badly 10 or 15 years down the road.
The girl had changed so much, just the way she acted to the way she looked. He then knew that God had his reasons for not granting his prayer year ago. He then thanked God for not granting his prayer those many years ago. Also he had a very good wife that had stuck by him all of those years. He thanked God for her.
The moral is, God can see what is to happen...we can not. We don't now what is best for us at any one given moment in time, but he does.
If something you wanted or asked for is not granted then there is a reason for it, you may not know it but there is.
I have had many times in my life that proves there is a God that helps when we really need him. But the bible even says that God helps those that help themselves.
Welcome to the lot, enjoy posting.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Yes I do, all the time! I believe in God and am a Christian so I believe Jesus is our savior. There is a prayer that has never been known to fail and I finally found it which is the St. Jude Prayer. Which is as follows:
St. Jude's Novena
"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved
through-out the world, now & forever.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.
Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us."
Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days.
It has never been known to fail.
@maidangela7349 (1191)
21 Jun 09
There is of course no "god" sitting up above somewhere listening to prays however pray will work if the person it is about believes it is going to work. It is a psycological effect which can be helpful.
Some people have a need to believe that there is some god so they do but that does not make it real.
@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
21 Jun 09
You know, if you look around you, you can plainly see that nothing..just appears, unless it was intended to. In history, there is so much that has happened, and .. yep, it's all right there in the Bible. All you have to do, is have an open heart, and a willing spirit, and you can find so much in the Bible. Even future events are in the Bible. I am so sorry that you are lost. May God be with you.
@maidangela7349 (1191)
21 Jun 09
We live in an amazing, wonerful and very coplex universe of which our earth and even our galaxy is only a tiny tiny fraction. Things appear and happen all the time and nobody (and I do mean nobody) can say why most of them happen or appear or who or what intended them if they did.
Of course there is a lot of history in the bible. It is based on historic events used or distorted by writers for their own reasons or political ends. The Exodus is a typical exmaple. The Eqyptians do not record it. There was at about that time a volcanic eruption in the northern Mediterranean with a subsiquent tsunami which caused some dramtic events in Eqgypt. The Isralite historian have used these evnts to hang their account on with of course their own interpretations.
Yes there are predictions in the bible which and be interpreted at foretelling events that have happened in the present days but only by the gulible. There are of course other persons in history who have foretold events and who appear to have a better record that the bible. So it is not such a good guide to the futrre as would first appear
I assure you I am not lost. I have had a satisfactory life despite losing a leg some 60 years ago and I am still going strong by determination, hard work and the avoidance as far as possible any contact with any form of religon whatsoever
I have no idea at all who or what set in motion the events that have to date resulted in life and humans evolving on this wonderful and beautiful planet but I rest content knowing for abolute certain the nobody alive or who as ever lived knows any better than I do.
Please pleased do carry on putting your faith in the bible. If it keeps you content and happy then it has fullfilled its purpose at least as far as you are concerned
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
15 Jul 09
Yes i pray daily
.Yes i believe there is a God above watching all of us.I pray in the night for God to protect me from all insects and evil attacks while sleeping.I also pray to God before the exam so that my paper goes easy.I also pray to God for all the people in the world who are sick and suffering.I also pray to God for people who are traveling to give them safe journey.I believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth for us to live in.

@sweetbabyjane (1929)
• United States
16 Jul 09
Yes, I pray every day, every night, off and on all day. Sometimes I don't feel like I am as close to God as say my mother or some other people that I know. I try though to do as right as I can and I don't lie or steal and I haven't killed anybody. Great discussion. Have a great day.
@rickiely (257)
• Australia
20 Jun 09
I seem to find myself in the same position, I sometimes doubt the existence of God at times due little unfortunate things occuring to me. I feel for your loss, i can't imagine how it is to lose a child nor do i want to. I guess believing in God is believing in faith. Faith is knowing that doesn't need proof, in other words, believing.
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@vinslounge (1295)
• India
20 Jun 09
Yes I pray regularly. I believe in God. According to me God is one and we call him in different way. Hindus call him as Eashwar, Christians call him as Jesus, Muslims call him as Allah and sikhs call him as Guru. They all are same. We take different ways in the name of religion to meet him. Without God, nothing exists in this universe.
@momiecat (997)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I hope you are blessed for your faith. Yes, different people and different cultures have different names for Him. He is the same to all who believe. How do you pray when bad things happen? How do you justify that God had his eyes on the situation and allowed it anyway. These are the questions that constantly come back to me and make me have doubt.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
I feel for you Momiecat. I am a cat lover and I felt your sadness over the lost of your cat, just last Sunday I lost 2 of my dear loving kittens and that is sad but I am not questioning God. Maybe that is the way it use to be. I still believe there is a God eventhough sometimes I got really mad about life. I used to think that God did not love me because he just allow me to make mistakes. I also question him that if there is a God why are there so many victims of a crime, why are there stabbing, kidnapping, killing but this events are history and the proof that we are only human, never permanent. This is life is not ours, we are given chances to live so we should live our life for everyday. I pray to God, I even thank him. I surpassed that event that I keep on asking why to him. There are questions left unanswered and I really don't know why. But after all of this I still believe there is a God.
@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
22 Jun 09
There is a God and every one believes on this only the way the get connected to God is different from one to other but there is Single One God who has the whole power and when our all efforts comes to an end then we all pray from God to help us and God himself tell us look you have limited power and limited sources.
My friend about your doubts all i want to give you an example that if you are assigned to organize a group of peoples the you will experience that you can never keep everyone happy at the same time. To keep things moving and to make them in a regular manner some will be highly happy with you and some will be dishearten from your attitude so in this context God has to look for whole world. I hope this will help you to strengthen your faith.
The last thing is that if our God is giving us happiness and wealth we are happy and having faith on him otherwise we dont. God judges us by giving us troubles and hardships as well that how much we are believing on him. I always says good or bad whatever is from my God and if my God wants to keep me in some bad condition i am ready for it.
@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
I believe in God and I pray always. Dont believe in God if he only give things that you asked for and dont believe on him if he dont give on what you asked for. I havent seen the real God but I strongly believe he is everywhere. Th air we breathe, the water the animals we are all living and where shall we be getting it from, only from God.
@strawberrybaby39 (2086)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Sorry about your cat. Yes I believe in God and yes he is very real to me. I have also been healed by him before. Some people do believe there is a God and some believe in other fake Gods. Satan has all the right in the world to test our faith and to see if we stand out ground in Gods word. God hears your every word,sees yours tears. Satan wants you to doubt that there isn't a God so he can try to get his grubby paws on there. I send a prayer for God to answer you in a way you would understand but keep your heart open to listen to him. And just remember he loves you.
@minniemadz (499)
• Philippines
22 Jun 09
I don't wanna create an argument here, but I just wanted to say that I do believe in God. Sorry if I am wrong, but based from what you had posted. When something good happens to you, you thank God, but if something ain't going right, you seem to question Him. I guess that should not be the case.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Yes I believe in the G-d of the Bible, and his son Jesus the Christ. I believe it because I've seen G-d work, and because the prophecies have come true. Because of the history of Jews. Because it is very obvious to me, that all this world did not come about because of an explosion.
When bad things happen and you wonder "why?", remember that Jesus himself said in John 16:33
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world"
There was never a promise of a bed of roses. In fact the very opposite. He promised we'll have problems and issues, and bad things. We live in a sin cursed world, and bad things happen. We have to look to G-d for salvation from our sin, and the hope of eternity.