What is your pet peeve?
By trinee
@trinee (514)
Trinidad And Tobago
June 22, 2009 12:57pm CST
I hate when people are late for a meeting and have me waiting especially after they decided on the time for us to meet. They don't call to say that they will be late and give some flimsy excuse for their tardiness but you can just sense that is not an issue to them that you were there waiting for a long time for them to show up. Now.. I know that things happen and cannot be avoided. I don't have a problem with that but call to say you are going to be late or at least show some remorse. I try to be patient but some people can really over-do things. So...what is your pet peeve? Let's really talk about them.
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22 responses
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I have a lot of pet peeves
..but someone running late is on top of my list. I hate it when I am picking up someone, and they make me wait in the car for 10-15 minutes, because they're not ready. I have actually driven away before, to teach someone a lesson. I told them that if they want me to use my car, and pick them up, then they better be ready when I get there. I have an aunt that used to do it all the time to us. Now, she knows to never do it anymore. I usually call her about 10 minutes before I leave my house, and tell her I am on my way, to make sure that she is outside waiting. So, far it has worked.
Another pet peeve that is the next on my list, is when someone takes my parking space or blocks me in where I live. I go thru the roof. To me, they have no common sense, or have no courtesy for others.

@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
22 Jun 09
That upsets me to when I am there to pick someone up to take them somewhere and they are not ready. I am wasting my time and my gas to do a favor for someone and then they treat me like that. Also they want me to take them 1 place but then when they get into the car they want me to go to 3 or 4 more places for them. Sopmetimes I say yes and sometimes no.
@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Jun 09
I made a decision to leave after waiting for 15 minutes and no phone call to let me know that they would be late. There was this one time a guy blocked this other person in the parking lot. The guy who was blocked got in his car and reversed pushing the car that was blocking him out into the street. I cannot tell you how much of a cussing the guy got whose car ended up in the street! It was too funny....
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Yes! That drives me crazy, too, that they don't tell you where else they want you to take them! Or how about it when they tell you, as they get in the car, if you don't mind picking up someone else, "oh, I told them you wouldn't mind picking them up too." After not saying anything several times they pulled this on me, I finally said, "Yes, I mind...and the next time someone tells you that they want to come with us, you need to call me and ask me if I don't mind picking them up." When we stop allowing people to take advantage of us, is when we get some respect.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I have alot of pet peeves! People who have no common sense! I hate people who run stop lights and stop signs! I hate people who believe every rumor they hear is true! I hate when some couples divorce and the kids are put in the middle! I hate reality tv! I hate being called a hypocrite! I hate huge gas prices! I hate opinionated,closed minded people! I hate hot and humid days! I hate when I can't spell certin words! Last but not least; I wish I could figure out how to put photo's I have on my computer on Facebook! These are just a few of my pet peeves!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Believe me that was JUST A FEW! I could of continued and gone on forever on pet peeves!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Jun 09
I think that what I hate is bad manners - and not being on time for an appointment is in my books, very bad manners. Other examples would be shoputinga conversationnon a cell phone in a public place or worse, exhibiting bullyism att he work place. I just dislike intenslye bad mannered people. Good manners will take a young person very far in life.
@South_Americano (45)
• Switzerland
22 Jun 09
One thing that irritates me very much is when people cannot tell the difference between "they're", "there" and "their". I can't really explain why but it just irritates me so much. I also don't like it when people are wrong but they just can't admit it and they refuse to listen to reason. Even if they know you're right, they still won't admit it.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
23 Jun 09
What bugs me more than the "there", "they're", "their" thing is not only not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're", but when people type out "would of" instead of "would've" or "would have". It makes me want to grab them, shake them, and yell, "THAT MAKES NO SENSE!" *sigh*
@mukboh (43)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I have many pet peeves. Tell me if there is something wrong with me
1) Waiting for people (when they say that they will be ready/be out in 10 mins and i have to wait 40 mins [kinda exaggerated])
2) People eating my food without asking (Before i cook, i ask if he/she wants some, and he/she says no, then once im done cooking for one person, they start stealing food)
3) Using my stuff without asking... actually using my stuff period.
4) changing lane without putting on blinker
... those are my top 4
tell me if its me that's just weird.
@standbymeforever (887)
• Australia
17 Aug 09
Oh I HATE when people use my stuff too!!! I HATE when they just touch my stuff AHHH it annoys me...I know im probably really weird for that..But I will yell at people if they touch something lol
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I have way too many. I do not like it when people make excuses for everything. I do not like it when people use poor grammar. I do not like dirty bathrooms.
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
23 Jun 09
That bugs me, too. But I have a bunch of pet peeves and not just one. What can I say? I'm an irritable person. Anyway, a few of my top pet peeves are chewing with the mouth open. This includes food AND gum. I just can't STAND hearing people smacking on their food and/or gum. It's also disgusting. I also hate when people drag their feet when they walk. Are they really THAT lazy that they simply can't pick up their feet when they walk? I just HATE the sound it makes! And this is more of a health issue than anything, but I find it completely and totally disgusting when people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom... and then they go around touching everything!! EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!! OMG OMG OMG!! That's the most disgusting thing ever!
@tanjam420 (228)
• United States
23 Jun 09
There are a few things that bother me in the house. First of all everyone in my house knows that when the dang toilet paper is gone put a new roll on. It seems everytime I go into the bathroom for some reason or another there is a empty roll on the holder and a new roll sitting on top of it. How difficult is it to put a new one on?? Then there is the cloths that the boys of the house (my husband included) take them off in the bathroom and leave them on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper that sits right there not even a foot away from where they lay. I dont kow haw many times that this happens and I come out just complaining you think after 5 years of complaining they would get the hint.
@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 09
Tanjam, I hate to break it to you, especially if you are the only female in the house; in their eyes you are there to take care of them! You can complain all you want but all they will see is your mouth moving and hear nothing at all! Time to teach them a little lesson! LOL Make sure it is good too. Would love to hear what you came up with and if it straightened them out! Take care..
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
23 Jun 09
i think i have to agree with you on this being a major pet peeve of mine. i am always on time, in fact a few minutes ahead. now i am not saying i deserve a medal or anything but it is common courtesy to be on time. and if you are going to be late, for goodness sake call and let the person know so they can get on with their day and do something else in the meantime. this recently happened to me as i babysit everyday for my great niece and when my niece did not drop her off at the usual time i got concerned and called her home. my nephew answered and i asked where the baby and my niece were and he said, "oh i am not dropping her off until 11." now, that is 2 hours later than usual and i was sitting her waiting when i could have been getting a long list of chores done. so i told him if he is going to do that he has to call me and let me know. wouldn't you think a grown man should know that and not have to be told?? anyway that is annoying to say the least.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
23 Jun 09
lord i have a few, waiting on someone then dont show up at all. or they borrow something and take forever to return it back to me.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
23 Jun 09
I absolutely hate persons who talk during a movie especially ifits a movie that I really want to see.I have a cousin who comes to my house and he keeps on asking me questions about the movie even when I am my laptop doing other things and it absolutely annoys me
@Redhornet117 (1248)
• Philippines
23 Jun 09
Hit trinee. My pet peeves all the time all over the place. LOL. Just kidding. Wanna know what ticks me off? Well, only here in mylot. Those that post a discussion and when someone responds to them with a different opinion other than what they think is right, they react violently. Or worse, they think that you're offensive without even understanding or analyzing what you have said. I've encountered people like this. They think that the whole people of the world think the same. It's just absurd man. Just thinking about it makes my nerves tingle. LOL Cheers trinee. I like your discussion. - Red
@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 09
Hey Red,
If we all had the same opinion, how would we learn? But then again, that is just my opinion :) People are allowed to have opinions and why do we sometimes feel that if an opinion is different it is wrong? See... the violent reaction is just not working at all; I would lock that off one time! I hear you on that peeve but sometimes you just have a sigh and say...patience LOL It works for me - sometimes.. Cheers Red and have a great day.
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
23 Jun 09
yeah i do so hate tardiness, to me it is saying, your time is not valuable and you are not worth the bother and i have no respect for you. the only time that i will forgive this transgression is if the person in question calls me and gives me updates and lets me know that they are running late or will be late, in advance, not when the time is like 5 minutes away.
i also hate rudeness and discrimination, there is not reason in this day and age for any of those things! yes the world seems to have become more rude and forgotten its manners.
@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I have alot of pet peeves but I guess my biggest one would be when people pull apart bananas from the bunch. I work in produce and alot of people are doing that. I guess I just dont understand why people cant eat that extra banana. If they want a certain number of banana then they should look for a bunch that has the # they want. I also dont like people whio talk when I am trying to listen to either a teacher or someone giving a lecture or talk about something. That is really annoying to me and I wish they would stop it.

@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Jun 09
I see the vendors here at the local market get pissed off for that! Hmmm.. it's like they see a nice bunch of bananas and ask the vendor to cut a few from that big bunch and sometimes I see the vendor look at them like "you have to be kidding right?" But they do it anyway to please the client. Why not get the whole thing or as you said buy a smaller bunch. Gees...
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Oh my goodness, trinee. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know what it is with people that they cannot pick up the phone and make a call. Most people even have cell phones now a days, and even if they don't, there is probably somewhere nearby that does have one and will let them borrow it.
The other thing, which is my pet peeve, doesn't bother me quite as much, but does irritate me. I do not like it when someone leaves the windshield wipers going and scrape across the windshield because it is too dry. They have relay options on most all cars now. So just set the wipers to come on gradually, especially if it is just barely sprinkling. LOL
Interesting discussion, I hope no one is late and manages to irritate you today!
@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Jun 09
See.. I knew I was not the only person who was irritated by this. Now...I know that things happen and people can be late but if I am going to be late I make sure I call in advance to advise the person. Sometimes I call before the person makes the journey to our meeting place and inform them and let decide what they want to do. About the windshield thing.... I don't have a car but while traveling I have heard the sound it can make when it is dry and it can be irritating LOL No one was late today so all is good :) Have a great day yourself and thanks for posting!
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
22 Jun 09
I absolutely HATE it when I am in a restaurant or other similar public setting and someone's cell phone rings. The only thing I hate worse is when they actually ANSWER the damn thing and start holding a conversation...Here is a little lesson in cell phone etiquette...If you are in a restaurant or theater or any other public setting...PUT YOUR DAMN PHONE ON VIBRATE! I am pretty certain that EVERY cell phone today is made with a vibrate mode. USE IT! And if you do decide to answer your phone, whether it is on vibrate mode or not, TELL THE CALLER TO HOLD FOR A MOMENT while you excuse yourself to the restroom or the nearest exit to take the call!
Neither myself, nor most of the other people in the room, give a rusty F-word about what is going on in your life, so spare us the agony of having to listen to you talk about it...
@trinee (514)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Jun 09
Oh yea... I am with you on that one, especially when they decide to answer the phone and proceed to speak so loud that the whole restaurant can hear what is going on. That is embarrassing! Other carry on a lengthy conversation while you are sitting there waiting for them to come off the phone. That one is really irritating. Thanks for the post and have a great day.
@persona_touch (1701)
• United States
22 Jun 09
OMG me 2 i cant stand that i can be home and one of my friends can me to go to school with them i don't have school on that day so i went with them we both don't have cars but take that bus she lives closer to the school then i do she can walk there if she wanted to, i live realy far from it i have to take three buses to get there and i got there b4 her and she was 30 mints late i was mad cus i have an date with my bf. so when she finaly came i only had 5mins to stay and she got mad at me i was like wtf. i told her its not my fanlit u take so long i told u i had a date not my proble, she tryed to make me late to see him yet right i'm not punsioning him so she can get her way so i just left.
@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
22 Jun 09
Just thought of another one of my pet peeves...getting tickets to see a concert or show that I've wanted to see in a long time, and ending up sitting behind someone that is two feet taller than I am, and I end up cranking my neck around his darn head the whole night. Tall people should be forced to sit in the back...lol.