Oxymoron Time: Why Aren't Rich People More Generous?
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
June 22, 2009 9:39pm CST
Funny how one discussion can lead into another. I just did a discussion about the "Foreclosure Angel"---a woman who is by no means rich, not a millionaire, not a billionaire, but has a generous heart and started a foundation to help needy people whose homes are going into foreclosure and would possibly be homeless--she "buys" the foreclosed home and returns it right back to it's owner.
So it got me thinking..uh, yes, I do that from time to time
Now I'm not saying that all the billionaires and millionaires AREN'T generous and do help needy causes...many may be outright philanthropists and give money to causes without a second thought as its a drop in the bucket and maybe they understand the principle behind "what goes around, comes around"...what you give out comes back to you multiplied...but it seems to me, most people who are well off, never have to worry about money, can come and go wherever, whenever they want (in private jets) are the biggest tightwads going---WHY IS THAT? As they say, you can't take it with you and no doubt when the person dies family feuds will ensue about who gets what
Has this thought ever come across your mind? That being why the extreme wealthy aren't more giving and generous, or do you think they are just too wrapped up in their own world to give a crap? As an example....the CEOs of the car companies could have probably bailed out their own companies and secure those jobs of their own working people out on that assemblyline cranking out those cars

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34 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I believe some rich people don't like to be giving because they are cheap skates and like to be selfish! I also think some rich people are like that because they didn't struggle to get to where they are! They were born into it! They don't know what it was like to have no money and work their way to the top like some have! This is what I think!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Yes its the ones in particular that were born into wealth that are probably the biggest cheapsakes and only think about themselves...they don't have to really work at all and the only "srtuggle" they have is to pick out that new designer gown that goes for several thousand dollars...mmmmm...thinking of Paris Hilton in particular...LOL
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I was thinking of Paris Hilton when i wrote my response! She is the worsest of the worsest!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Jun 09
I guess in defence of big companies they have to answer to shareholders and such, but I have never understood rich people who keep going on doing everything to rake in more, we can only use so much for ourselves and we can't take it with us so why do they put themselves through all the stress of earning and earning. I am afraid I will never be rich, I only live on a small income myself but I love to give pressies and share what i can, there is no better feeling than sharing. Sometimes I wish we had useby dates tattooed on us so I could give everything I own to people I care about before I go, no I will never be rich....giving is wonderful....
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I've actually have heard that the very wealthy are the most stressed out people going as they are always worrying about their money and assets...afraid of losing it all...actually many of the billionaires did lose a significant amount of money when the stock markets went haywires many months ago. Ah... *sighs* I do have aspirations STILL of making it big and rich---if anything so I CAN give money away and perhaps open an animal/pet sanctuary :-)
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I agree but they figure that the money they have is there's and why should they use it for anything? They are selfish, if only they would have thought they could have loaned the company the money with stupilations like the government was doing with our money that they used. I think they also figure they earned that money and they can do as they wish with it, which is to hold on tight unless it's something that they want to buy with it.
If only they would have known that they would continue getting money if only they had used some of it to loan the company as they would also still be getting paid, twice actually...their salary and interest on the loan.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
23 Jun 09
But he did do good with that money....he spent it on something frivolous that he wanted. lol That's what they do since that was probably just pennies to him. It would have been nice if he had taken that money and did some "real" good with it. They get a tax break for what they donate for causes. And he could have gotten interest on that money had he built many houses and sold them for as little a month that he could so that people could actually afford to buy a home.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Did you hear about the story from last year?...I did a discussion about that, where this person was at an auction and won a "vanity" license plate...to the tune of $14 MILLION dollars--like huh?
He could have done so much"good" with that money instead.

@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I agree that MANY people in a position of wealth (which we must remember is also subjective and relative) DO give to charities and friends/family.
What I often see in those who are NOT generous is a basic belief system that is tied very strongly to the "American Dream" and capitalism as a (nearly religious) mentality:
These people believe their hard work and willpower provided them with their wealth and similar results are available for anyone who is willing to work hard enough. Therefore they would be doing a disservice to others by giving their money away. They would see that as encouraging the receipients to fail. It is the same mindset that despises government public assistance programs.
To them, you see, it is all very logical because they are approaching it from a different "religious" starting point and set of rules. There is no "what you give out comes back to you multiplied" in their philososphy.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Jun 09
To quote you: These people believe their hard work and willpower provided them with their wealth and similar results are available for anyone who is willing to work hard enough
I don't particularly agree with that since many people are genuinely hardworking yet never reach millionaire/billionaire status
As for the religious angle...disagree again, since many people who are wealthy and who are generous perhaps in their religious upbringing believe in the tithing concept so yes there is that what you give out comes back to you multiplied concept in their lives
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
23 Jun 09
Generosity is not a state of the pocket book (or bank account).
It is a condition of the heart, the deep motivation of a person.
True generosity cannot be forced or legislated or brought out by guilt.
Forgive, please, the scriptural reference, pye, but I thought it particularly fitting for this discussion.
Jesus sees a needy widow dropping two coins of small value into the donation container at the Jewish temple. He sees others dropping in much larger amounts. He uses this incident as an amazing object lesson. He said to them " ...this poor widow dropped in more than all those dropping in money...for they all dropped in out of their surplus, but she out of her want, dropped in all of what she had, her whole living." Mark 12:43
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Unfortunately, the more money they have, the more homes they purchase, the more toys they buy, and the more luxuries they attain. Therefore, they need their money to support all of these things.
If you ask them why they aren't generous enough, they would most likely say that they do give to numerous charities, but don't go bragging about them. I think this is an easy way out of having to give an answer on why they just can't help the simple folks they come in contact with everyday. Certainly the Charities need rich folks to give...Cancer funds, etc, however, are they willing to help the neighbor down the street who is in desperate need of help, or a homeless guy who is obviously in need of a hand. Certainly there is way for them to help those in their area without having their money go to a charity organization all the time.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I went through your "Foreclosure Angel" discussion, & watched the youtube video. I would have only been able to respond with only one or two words, something that would probably get frowned upon.
You are so right about the car company CEO's. The same for the big-time company executives. The money they get paid in those paychecks probably could have paid many of those regular employees. I'd like to think that they may have been so immersed in their work that they probably didn't think of it, but I doubt that.
All I can say is that:
It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Oopsie - did I just jump-start a song annoyingly playing in your head? 

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
23 Jun 09
The simple answer is that you cannot become rich by being generous.
Show me a millionaire... and I'll show you someone whose whole existence is driven by money.
But what is rich today? I'll talk in Australian dollars.
I would not regard you as rich unless you have 20 million dollars.
For the simple reason that if you retire at 65 with 10 millions...
Those 10 millions will be just enough to procure you with an annual salary of S100.000 through investments or interests.
$100.000 is what a millionaire makes every year while working.
So if he wants to keep the same living style in retirement... he need to have 10 millions of investments. That don't make him rich. It only provides hime with a great life style... which he is entitle to... since he has been working hard for it. Despite that... he represents barely 5 per cent of the population.
Today you can only become a millionaire if you earn $100.000 a year.
And it does not mean that you are going to make 10 millions.
To make more than 5 millions
- You need to work hard for 40 years
- Be very good at what you do
- And most importantly... have lady luck on your side.
If you get divorce by age 40 (which happens 50 per cent of the time)... you are done. She takes half of everything and it is too late to rebuild your fortune.
So... like I was saying... If you are driven by the desire of becoming a millionaire... you cannot afford to be generous.
Furthermore... those multi-millionaires who give money away... do not help single individuals. They either give the money to a hospital, a charity or for research in things like cancer. And they mostly do it anonymously so that they won't have every charity in the world knocking at their door.
When your name is Madonna... and you make 48 million a year... it is not that hard to give a few million every year to the starving people in Africa.
But there are not too many single individuals in the world who can claim to make 48 millions a year. Companies makes it. But not individuals like Madonna.
The way they look at it is... that it would be unfair to help you while not helping your next door neighbor. So instead... they give it to a charity and let the charity to decide who should have it.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
23 Jun 09
"Show me a millionaire...and I'll show you someone whose whole existence is driven by money."
Wow, one of the most honest and profound statements I've ever heard.
Your post makes me think of a Proverb.
"The valuable things of the rich are his strong town, and they are like a protective wall, in his imagination." Proverbs 18:11
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I look at the local millionaire here in Austin, the Dells. They have given loads of money to charities. And as much trouble as Dell computers is in, they still have helped many people around Austin. Dell Children's Hospital and Dell Jewish Community Center as just 2 of them.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I wasn't even aware that dell computers were in trouble--I'll have to look up about the Dells..yikes didn't even know Dell computers were named after people (family)

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@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Half my family is Jewish, the other are German. This being said, I have issues with money all the time. We all fight about it like it's air or something. I asked my Peepaw one time why is it that he is poor as dirt and can give his shirt off his back to anyone and my Aunt Reena is the richest c*nt in the world and won't even bat an eyelash at anyone who asks for help. He said that it was this simple. When you lived the poor life, you are basically at the bottom. People don't bother with you and you learn to adapt to life and make ends meet, which in return keeps the eyeballs raw and you always remember where you came from and where you have been. Aunt Reena was born into money, so she has never known what it's like to need the basic essentials. She doesn't care about you standing in front of her with rags on and living in a shack and having to drive a bike to work or wherever. Unless she has lived it she will never understand poverty. I seriously think this is what some rich folk think. I am poor financially, but rich everywhere else. Peepaw taught me that it's not what's in your pocket, yard, car, house or anything else, your riches are in the heart. Now, I am going to go cry. I loved that man!
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@celticeagle (172606)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Jun 09
People, rich or not, usually live right in the midst or above their means. They don't see themselves as rich in alot of cases. And alot of people in selling or such jobs feel they have personally made the money unlike the more blue collar worker. It is a mindset and may never be fully understood.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Hey pye! Unfortunately it seems that the rich only want to
be richer! They just don't seem to care about anyone but
themselves! Doesn't it seem to always be that way? They have
so much, yet only want more! They only think about themselves
and what THEY want, not about helping others who have less!
It seems the more they have the more they want! And it doesn't
ever seem to enter their pitiful little minds that maybe those
that have less might need their help! It makes me really sick
to hear about those that are rich and only want to be richer!
And they usually are the cheapest people on the face of the
earth! I personally, hate rich people because they are just
plain selfish! It usually is those that don't have that want
to give!
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@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I know this was while ago but I had to respond to it. This story is so beautiful! There really are good people out here willing to help people just for the sake of being part of humanity. I know you started another discussion about rich people being tightwads and I believe it is because they do not realize the true value of being generous. I have found out you cannot outgive the universe and from my own experience I have lost all of my income (Ialso lost my home a few years ago after living in it for 40 years) but decided after feeling sorry for myself to get involved in volunteer work and I tell you I do I had no idea I would in return be so well provided for. I don't get evrything I want, but my basic needs and many heart desires have been met and I have even had things and experiences I would never dream of and certainly could never afford. It truly is a blessing to give!
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I totally get what you're saying and I think you're right.
It's been my own experience that the people who have money to spare are those kinds of people who feel like "it's mine, don't touch" because they weren't born into it - they worked hard for it or married into it and by Zeus, you can do the same. I understand their feelings, but at the same time I don't understand why they wouldn't want to help someone out who's in a bad way. Makes no sense to me at all.
I love it when a big celebrity will brag about how they're donating to such and such charity and they want you to, too. They're donating a huge chunk of change that they'll never even miss that's more than my yearly salary! If they want more money for that charity, then they should stop buying expensive designer crap and stop eating at expensive restaurants.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
24 Jun 09
If you can figure it out, I'd like to know too pye for I've been wondering the same thing! The more money they get the more they want and all for what? To put in the bank and sit on just to say they have it. My uncle is the same way, he has some money saved from God knows where and he won't share any of it knowing full well that my parents, mom being his sister, the only sister he talks to, are in bad shape. Figure that one out. 

@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I just think they are too busy wondering how to make more money, and unfortunately, that's sad. They are really missing out on alot more than you think.
When they go on vacation or whatever, they probably are answering their phone more than enjoying what they have, making business decisions. It's pretty sad actually, at least to me. I wouldn't want it that way, I'm sure you wouldn't want it that way, but for some of them, this is their life. All they know is how to make more money, but it's sadly misused.
When I win the Lottery Pye, I promise, I'll remember all my family and friends and never forsake them. Everyone will have a piece of the pie, including certain charities. That's the way it should be and you'd better believe I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life knowing I did what I could, and feel comfortable knowing I helped out. I just couldn't imagine it any other way, so I actually feel sorry for these people, they missed the most important part of their life. Does that make sense to you? Sometimes I have trouble explaining myself, haha.
@littleowl (7157)
4 Jul 09
Hi Pye, it is beyond me why rich people only think of themselves and not others, though saying that I do have a friend who is a millionaire, he doesn't give to charities but if he sees or knows someone is really hard up or needs something he makes sure they get it. In that way I do see he is helping others as when he was young he came from Poland and had nothing it was in the war, so as he grew up he worked hard and was always told he would amount to nothing, instead he has proved his parents wrong but now hates to see people go without as he knew what it was like to be poor. It still begs the question though why can other millionaires or rich people be so tight..my answer is I don't know..LoLo
@tamarafireheart (15384)
23 Jun 09
Hi pye,
i do agree with you, but you know the rich people are rich because they are tight fisted, too mean and as you say people who are not very well of are generous and have a big heart, my brother who is well off is the meanest person I have ever come across as he won't even help my neice who has MS and needs special equiment and my husband had to buy it for her and we don't have much as is hour were cut at work and I and on disablity allowance, but my eldest brothe owns three large houses, a boat which he travells round with to Spain, Italy and other places, also he has onther house in Spain, like you say he can't take it with him when hes gone.
Bright Blessings,
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
27 Jun 09
There is definately a call for a change in the leadership in big businesses. I just finished a communication leadership class in the area of business and there are companies who are doing what you are speaking about. Southwest airlines, Target, Costco, etc. They are about putting their employees first before their CEO's.
I do wish we'd go across the board in giving. You don't have to be well off to help your neighbor. It goes back to the concept I mentioned on several other threads, we all need to help our neighbor. If we all did that there would not be any poverty, and so forth in the world. Though, I agree that those who are in very high income brackets need to do more then they currently do.