Well Slap my Wrist and Call me Pagan!
By Sparks
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
Regina, Saskatchewan
June 23, 2009 12:31pm CST
Several years ago when I first got online for more than "Hi, how are ya?" I signed up to a website because I liked their E-cards. I hardly used them though and frankly forgot all about them.
Several days ago I received an email from them, the thrust of their message being:
"We want to show the world how important it is to be able to share the Christian faith and that starts with publicly declaring 'I am a Christian'. Sign the declaration today, and enjoy the freedom we have to call ourselves Christians.
Make your declaration now!"
Well I politely declined. I told them that as much as I enjoyed their E-cards, as a now practicing Wiccan, I couldn't participate in their 'public declaration' which entailed adding my name to their online mailing list and having it go who knows where all over the net.
I thought that was the end of it..............
The other day a friend sent me an E-card. And I thought........oh, cool, I'll send one back from the website I have bookmarked.
Well slap my wrist and call me Pagen, because I have now been BANNED from that E-card site! I couldn't get access. So I emailed the admin and this morning I received a terse reply:
"We regretfully inform you that we believe you joined our Christian site under false pretences. May God forgive you for your pagan ways. We can not."
Well needless to say, I've thinned out my bookmarks and made an offering to the Goddess that these 'Christians' one day understand that love and tolerance and understanding comes in many guises...........and not all of them through "Christian Soldiers"!
What's the last website you got banned from (besides mylot! lol)?
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51 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
Their 'product' is free. They are more about their Christian message, and when I admitted to being Wiccan, that's when I got banned.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
LOL Dawn, ................. dancing with the devil! ROFL
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
23 Jun 09
That's not very Christian of them is it! This is what disturbs me about the faith, it's a beautiful faith with wonderful teachings, but so few actually follow those teachings. My final communications paper was on Spirituality in the Workplace and this was something we talked about because it's still a very touchy issue and controversial one. As a Pagan I've run into several problems, especially at my first teaching post where it was a literal witch hunt. I used to walk on egg shells, not tell anyone what I believed, and now I've changed that. I pray as well that the Godddess in her wisdom will do what is right and what is needed.
I don't personally think that I've ever joined a group under false guises, but I do still read certain Christian items because of the teaching themselves, yet no member has ever asked me to leave. In fact I belong to an online Gnostic group that has been very welcoming.
I did get banned from one group for modified people, and after having my name removed, banned from signing on, I actually received an email a few weeks ago giving me updates on their latest expansion. I personally do not support their work anymore and don't actively encourage anyone to go participate. Oh, I was banned because I encouraged safe body modification practices. Go figure!
All I can say is there are lots of websites with beautiful Pagan e-cards so let that site have theirs and enjoy the sites that don't care if you are Pagan or the what not.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
I joined the site years ago after receiving a card from there from a friend of mine. I was new to the net and bookmarked the page link because I thought e-cards were so cool! lol Never occured to me I could be banned! As for signing up under false pretences, that's a hoot because I hadn't started down my Wiccan path yet.
Some people just carry the 'intention' too far and get lost themselves....and that failing is not confined to just Christians these days unfortunately.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Jun 09
As my friend Lyn once said when she got locked over on Yuwie, "I've been kicked out of better joints." So much for tolerance.
Last October I got banned from MoraChat (aka MoronChat) after getting in an argument with the Admin, who had, rather rudely, also falsely, told me that I had been warned several times about posting replies that were too short (I had been warned once that one and two word replies were not allowed) and that if I continued, I would be banned.
Heaven forbid, I told him that it was not true that I had been warned more than once, that I had been specifically warned about one and two word replies and that the ones he was complaining about were one and two sentences, and that calling me "childish" and accusing me of having an attitude were out of line. It went downhill from there. lol
You should have seen my discussion here on it, myklj and loudnproud and some other people had some hilarious replies and one of their moderators came on over and started attacking people. Unfortunately myLot decided to delete it because they didn't want people "dissing other sites".
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
I do believe I know of whom you speak at MoraChat! LOL
Sorry I missed your discussion about it. Sounds like something right up my alley! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
LOL, I can just imagine.
I miss Loud........
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
23 Jun 09
These "Christians" have obviously not followed the teachings of Christ who says that we are to forgive and that those who do NOT forgive will NOT be forgiven themselves! Therefore, they are sorry excuses for Christianity. Regardless of whether or not you believe as they do, they are supposed to live up to what they are declaring - and then in an email to you, they openly admit that they are NOT living examples of that which they claim to hold true. You are better off without anyone like that around you. True Christians would have never said that to you. You never joined under false pretenses. I sincerely doubt joining entailed "I join this site because I believe Jesus is the Messiah", so joining only meant you enjoyed their cards. They are very very VERY poor examples of their claimed beliefs and I am ashamed to be even remotely associated with them.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
I'm just as sure, should I have entered into a debate with them, that they would have all kinds of quotes to back up their lack of forgiveness. Paganism being an anthema to their belief system. All faiths have their more fanatical factions. That's a given, especially in today's world. Do I condemn them all regardless of the degree of their belief? No. Do I worry about their condemnation of me? No. They are human. They do not have the final word no matter how many quotes they throw at me to convince me they are righteous. Only God has that right, and He and I get along just fine! Hugs to you jerz!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
I came to your response from email, so missed your second post. Great idea jerz.
I think Helium is about to get a shock1 lol
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Jun 09
welcome to my world! LOL
I am not in the least bit surprised by this
I have been treated like crap by many Christians for most of my life
and they wonder why so many people are leaving the church?
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
Wonttakelong...............lol, yep, welcome to 'our' world! I used to get picked on by the Protestants for being Catholic, now I get picked on by the Christians for being Wiccan! Too funny actually. Everyone needs something to biotch about when their tiny little minds can't fathom greater ideas........
Texicon (did I get that right?), you sound like my kind of person! I would have done the same thing in your shoes! lol
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Jun 09
oh I love when they do crap like that
they really hate when you throw bible versus up at them LOL
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@Toxicon (163)
• United States
23 Jun 09
A christian friend of mine asked me to go to church with her once, I sat there through the long drawn out service, then when it ended and everyone met in the lobby on the way out the door, some woman walked up to me and exclaimed I was evil and the devil, it's like somehow she senced I wasnt one of them. I of course did what any sane person in that position would have done... I laughed at her and started quoting things from her own bible, mostly passages refering to "being a good christian" and "do unto others" , it nearly started a riot with everyone close by but I found it amusing. I dont consider myself evil in any way, shape, or form, but to be called the devil, in a church, I couldnt help myself from having a little fun.
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@Toxicon (163)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Please pm me the url of this website so i can join them under false pretences.... I have to admit I have never seen anything so rediculous in my life, they cant honestly think every visitor to thier site is going to be christian. The really need to rethink their policies, for every non-christian they ban, they could be losing who knows how many christian friends that one person might refer to the site. Not only is it bad religous practice to do it the way they did, but it's also bad bussiness. I dont see how a persons faith has anything to do with the products or services offered on any website, I have relatives of various faiths and with the myriad of different holidays I have to get wrapping paper and such for their beliefs even if I dont agree with it, and where would I go to get it, some store or site that specialised in that particular religion.
But anyway, before I go off on a tangent here about their obvious stupidity in many social, religeous, and bussiness areas I think I'll stop, add tags, and post.
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
As more and more people get computers, the internet has become a powerful tool for ANYONE to get their message out. More and more Christian, Muslim, and other religious sites are coming online. And they all have the same purpose........spread the word of their belief system and change the world.
I say let them. I don't have to 'go there'. Because the number of people online who will avoid them will always out number the people who won't. Fanatics attract fanatics and the weak of belief. These sites can have them. Stronger and more balanced minds will prevail in the end I believe.............
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@Toxicon (163)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I have to agree with you there, I think those of us that are comfortable in our beliefs arent as concerned about everyone following our lead so we dont become fanatics trying to convert everyone. It's sad that it happens that way and if more people would research thier religion, and actualy follow it, they would probably lead a happier and more fullfilling life. I really like that one quote you made, "one can educate an open mind. one can't illuminate a closed one." , that is so true in so many ways.
I have a very open mind and because of it, I am sort of a theologist. I have studied many of the worlds religions, and strangely, most of them have the same messages, just different names for thier "god(s)", and different stories.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
I studied World Religions in Uni and came to the same conclusion.........same message, just different names. It's MAN who complicates and in so many cases, (excuse the noun, but it fits) bastardizes the message, not God.
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
23 Jun 09
That website must be based out of the county I live in here in Tennessee :) Sounds just like the people that live around here. If you don't believe what they believe, or go to their church, then you're going to hell-but they'll of course pray for you along the way. I don't even talk to anyone here anymore, I get so tired of listening to the hippocritical hatred that spews out of their mouths.
Nope, can't recall ever being banned from a site. Just threatened with suspension for voicing my opinion :)
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
I"ll bet my bottom dollar it's based in the Bible Belt! LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Oh for crying out loud how unbelievable and narrow minded...mmm...Maybe you should have emailed them back and said something on the lines of "May God Forgive you for being so narrow-minded, intolerant and not following the ways of Christ who loved and tolerated all people. May God forgive you for not being true Christians."
Well here's a twist...I was actually banned from a...get this ...Pagan website group-it was rather an "exclusive" one as the head honcho was a rather famous Wiccan author and it seemed her "fans" really AK'd her. We could start discussions there and I did many a good one, but then she'd chime in starting a discussion BASED on my very same idea...like huh?
I was going through a rough time at the time and often asked fellow members for "prayers" and was quite open and honest and frank what was going on in my life..well head honcho lady twisted my meanings all wrong and called me self-centered in my problems..huh? Anyway, long story short I was banned from there--anyway...may she get warts up her azz...LOL

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
Spiritual beliefs are practiced by people. And God knows how flawed we all are.
So there are always going to be those who don't practice what they preach and give their 'religious belief system' a bad name, be they Wiccan, Christian, Muslim or whatever. My personal conviction is, KNOW what you preach and practice what you know. Simple.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
25 Jun 09
Prejudice and bigotry come in many guises, too. A lot of people seem to think that being a Christian puts them somewhere above simple humanity!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
27 Jun 09
Hi Cobrateacher,
I believe I wrote about that in my Blog 'The Evolution of Religion' quite an interesting point where the foundation of the Church, Temple, Mosque, Synagogue all crumble. That leaves a personal spiritual belief unique to each individual.
See the pages of the texts all fly about overhead, landing in a new order, absent the bias.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
26 Jun 09
Maybe religion has to go back to being a private affair to get people oit of other people's business!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Jun 09
"somewhere above humanity".........and some think they are 'somewhere above God' too.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
24 Jun 09
Hi sparky,
How dare they bann you!!! still its their lost, I once had a bible basher come to my doorand told them I am a Pagan, they looked at me and told me to REPENT and it was the devil's work, OMG! exscuse the pun, they told me I was evil, so I told them if i am so evil why are they taking a chance standing on my doorstep? and showd them my witches Bible and they leged it down the pathway. Yes I have been banned from a site too recently. Love and hugs.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
Tamara you are a woman after my own heart! LOL I would have paid money to see them leg it down the pathway! Priceless!
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
am a Roman Catholic Christian! but what those people are doing is unacceptable. I want to know their site so that i could teach them a few. they're completely delusional..
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
23 Jun 09
SLAPPP...you freaking pagan!!! Why you going around riling up the Christian Coalition??? Anyway, you've been kicked out of better places than that!!!

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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
You made me laugh out loud LadyM. Perfect response in my book! ROFL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
..you may rise my loyal and oh so hilarious subject......
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
24 Jun 09
Thank you my High Priestess!!! (curtsies)
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@BeccaM1989 (59)
• United States
24 Jun 09
How christian of them.... As a former christian. It doesnt surprise me... they may preach tolerance but, they can sure dole out "god's " punishment. so sorry about that outrageous behavior. it sickens me.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
Hello Becca and welcome to the lot. All former Christians more than welcome, LOL
Don't let what happened distress you. It takes all kinds of people to make up a world, and the best we can do is be the best we can be, and let the devil take the hindmost, as my gran used to say.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Jun 09
JUst as there are many types of pagans and many beliefs within the pagan community....there are differing types of Christians too.
I have also met some people who say they are pagans but knew very little of the actual teachings and played at being all bad, you know the kind....thinking its all about the devil and evil.
So why are you judging all Christians by this one type you came across? I try real hard not to judge all pagans by the few nut cases that I come across. :)
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
Woah! Back up to sixty! I didn't judge anyone. I simply reported what happened and my reaction to it. And if you'd read any of my responses to the comments left, you'd realize that I am very aware that there are all types of Christians and frankly I don't have a problem with them, but I do object to their problem with paganism, as it's based on their LACK of real knowledge, which makes THEM judgmental, not me! I suggest you read ALL the responses here before you get all self righteous.............
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
26 Jun 09
No you didn't make yourself clear. To say "so why are you judging all Christians by this one type..." tells me you didn't read all the responses (mine especially) properly. But I'm not going to argue with you. I've certainly made MYSELF clear.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I wasn't getting all self righteous...just pointing out that we all fall short sometimes.
And Yes, I did read all the posts.
I'm not denying they judged you either. Guess I didn't make myself clear.
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@darkstormy1 (264)
• United States
24 Jun 09
The things people claim to do in the name of god pretty ironic if one asks me. Myself speaking I am not religious although I am spiritual and believe the two things are completely separate one may be religious but this does not mean they will be spiritual the ones that are not true they do not seem to realize it is people such as these who do the most damage to any chance of people believing in anything the only thing I have to say is If there is a day of judgement I would like to be there for that to see some of their faces when they really see how it is for I can not believe in anyone anything to be filled with as much hatred and judgementals views as they claim but then that is just me
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
I do believe that Judgment Day is going to be very interesting indeed! lol
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Jun 09
Merry meet good Spaks...that gave me a good chuckle. It seems you offended them and probably shocked them too....you, you PAGAN you. I hope you wished them love and light and brightest blessings just to show them there were no hard feelings from your end.

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
5 Jul 09
Hey MsT.........I didn't bother writing back again, but I did light a candle for them and offer up a wish for their enlightenment! lol
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I thought Christians were supposed to have such open hearts and all. They are supposed to welcome everyone into the fold. Well, at least that is what I was taught when I attended Catholic school for 8 years. It is okay. Pagan, Wiccan or whatever....you are still my friend. I will not ban you from my heart.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
Oh hells bells Royal, if you did ban my from your heart, you'd break mine! Seriously!
And you know, it's been my experience that Catholics (since Vatican Council II anyway), are much more accepting of all people's whatever their belief system was, into their fold than most Christian sects. So you learned well grasshopper! lol
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Oh Daffy,
Another banned site? You really must quit making people angry!! Personally Daffy, it seems like no great loss!! Who needs to be part of a site that insists on rules that control your life? Bless your little Pagan heart!!
Sorry, I've never been banned so far from any site. Hugsssss Little Sister,

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
You're a little lacking in sanity aren't you Louie? ROFL Good for you!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
Hey Louie, hang around me long enough and you'll be surprised where you'll get banned from! ROFL
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@FitCoachJess (278)
• United States
23 Jun 09
What happened to all that 'love and tolerance' that so many Christians talk about. Just by them saying that they cannot forgive you they are judging you, as well as being unforgiving (not that you need it...). I could be wrong, but I have often heard that Christianity was all about forgiveness. Hmmmmmmmmm.....
Paganism and most related practices were around long before Christianity. I would not, and could not, sign such a declaration...as I am not Christian. I do, however, have respect for what others choose to believe or practice. I do what is right for me, do my best to harm none, and live my life according to my own beliefs. So far, I have never been banned from a website...LOL, but I have come across some very mean, closed-minded "Christians" in my day... I do know they are not all that way, but I have experiences so many who are what I call "Sunday Christians" (Im pretty sure that needs no further explanation...)
I think I will make an offering to the Goddess for the same :)
Namaste & much love :)
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Jun 09
Namaste to you too sweets. There are so many 'splinter' groups today that call themselves Christian, and they are the ones that drive me up the wall too. But like you I believe in the three fold law, so I leave them and theirs up to God.
One can educate an open mind. One can't illuminate a closed one.........
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Forgive me for laughing, I tend to find humor in the wrong places, but I can't believe they responded in that way! I don't know what else to say, except I'm shocked...wow!
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
There is never a wrong place to find humor. So laugh away. I did!
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@baldypriest (337)
• United States
23 Jun 09
My first thought upon reading this? "Wow." My second thought? "Why am I surprised?"
I go to a Catholic college that, while many people are fairly relaxed with their views on other religions, there are always those people who go "OMG, it's a pagan/wiccan/atheist/agnostic/etc.! RUN AWAY!" I think many religious constructs get in the way of attempting to understand that everyone is going to do their own thing, whether we like it or not. I think it's quite sad and ridiculous that people are willing to toss out other people just because of their beliefs. I've never been banned from anything for my religious (or lack thereof) beliefs, but I've endured and seen other people endure some really harsh, unfair criticism and other types of rejection.
Hmmm... I haven't been banned from any site, but I've had accounts hacked on other sites.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jun 09
They say ignorance is bliss. It's not. It's just ignorance. And those that run from the opportunity to be educated, are the most ignorant of all. So good on you for recognizing that sweets.
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