Silly Silly Me!

@Bytemi (1553)
United States
June 23, 2009 12:50pm CST
As many of you know I have been doing the Wii Active 30 day Challenge this whole month. So far I have lost 6" in my chest and waist and 5" in my thighs, but honestly I have been a little down about the whole experience because obviouslly I am toning, but my stomach just kept on getting bigger and bigger and I was gaining weight instead of losing it. Yesterday I woke up with the worst sore throat. I could barely breath it hurt so bad, I just couldn't figure out what was wrong. When I went home from work, I did my active excerises and it made my throat worse. I was sitting down at dinner talking to my husband and I told him how much it hurt and he asked if I dehydrated. Well I didn't know so I sent one of the kids to get me a propel from the fridge (I drink Diet Pepsi all day, nothing else just Diet Pepsi). I drank the Propel and my throat stopped hurting for about 15 minutes and then it just came back. So I drank another one, throat stopped hurting for about an hour, so I drank another one. Got up this morning the swelling in my stomach is gone, got on the scale, lost 5 pounds. So on my way out I grabbed a Propel and a Diet Pepsi. Guess when you are excerising you require more water and Diet Pepsi just doesn't do it. Have you ever done something so silly and just didn't realize it?
1 response
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
23 Jun 09
WOW that is awesome that you have lost that many inches. Even though I exercise you know I thought diet sprite was good but I would only hold my weight, but when I do nothing but drink water all day I have been losing about 1.5 lbs a day. I am down 12lbs since the beginning of this month. I am soooo excited. Go US!
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@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
23 Jun 09
Congradulations that is great! I have to drink Diet Pepsi (well caffine) it fights the MS fatigue, but now I am supplementing with Propel and I will see how the rest of the 30 Day Challenge goes. I feel so much better now that I can see the change rather than having to measure to see it. :D Good luck with your weight loss.