How do you store your photos?

@lulu1220 (1006)
United States
June 24, 2009 8:07am CST
I was wondering how everyone stores their digital photos? Online? On an external hard drive? on CD's? What about your prints? In archival boxes? In photo albums? Have you scanned in old prints so you have them in digital format? I store my photos on Picassa and Flickr. I also have them on my hard drive. I need to back them up on CD's though. I have my prints either in picture frames or in archival boxes. I have scanned in quite a few old photos but I still have many to do.
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7 responses
• United States
25 Jun 09
I have pictures everywhere right now. On CD, external drive, hard drive, photo albums, and you name it. Of course, i take a lot of pictures, and then i don't always have the time to sort them out into their categories, so after my move, i simply have not had the time to get them all into their proper order, or into one spot.
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
7 Jul 09
Yes mine are scattered everywhere too. I am trying to get them more organized.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Jun 09
Previously, I used to store my photos on Yahoo photos. But after they closed down, I switched to snapfish and Picasa. Both are good. Snapfish even offers free printouts. That's cool!
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
24 Jun 09
I haev never used Snapfish but have heard good things about them. I will have to check them out.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
cds and print is where is store photos. i dont usually trust hd's because they usually die out in a few years or get errors in it.
• China
24 Jun 09
for the old photos,i scanned them and stored them in the laptop,and also in the mobile harddisk. for the new photos,taken by digital camera, i not only store them in my laptop,but also in the mobile harddisk too.and i even plan to choose some good to be printed,and then i can put them in the album. i think current photos will become sweet memory in the future,so i do my best to store them well.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
24 Jun 09
there are lot of ways for restoring photos...but nothing compares with printing it and arranged in an album decorated with handmade accessories...comments events and dates in it...disk/cd and back up HD were good ones too.
28 Jun 09
I stored all of my photos in my computer archive where i can scan it anytime I wanted it. Also i have it back up on my external hard drive in case that my computer might be corrupted or may have a virus on it. Some of my fave photos are stored in my facebook and friendster sites. Somehow, one day i wanted it to be printed as a hard copy for me to secure it and for the next generations also to enjoy scanning it.
• United States
24 Jun 09
I store all my photos on disk. I have taken all my other photos and put them in a photo box. Me and my children are going to be starting scrap books this year. They will be getting all the photos of them and their sisters.